2016-09-30 10:20:00 CEST

2016-09-30 10:20:00 CEST

English Lithuanian
Agrowill Group - Other information

AUGA: new organic food brand

On September 30, 2016 AB Agrowill Group introduced a new organic food brand
AUGA, which is to become available for Lithuanian consumers in October.
Agrowill Group announced the plan to change the company name to Auga Group. 

The history of AUGA started 2 years ago, when Agrowill Group took a decision to
change the culture of conventional farming and started organic production. The
company created a vision – organic food can be affordable for everyone. 

The company aimed at developing the new Lithuanian agriculture that would
change the current situation and would promote Lithuania around the world. It
raised a lot of new questions. Is it possible to grow and produce without
harming the environment? Is it possible to align organic farming with modern
technologies? Is it possible to produce clean food at fair price and make it
available to everyone? 

„The situation of agriculture in Lithuanian and globally is not acceptable. In
many cases farming results not in producing clean food, but in creating profits
for chemical industry. Lithuania is one of the cleanest countries in the world,
therefore we have a unique opportunity to use this advantage and to develop
ecological agriculture. To achieve the results we need to change conventional
farming principles and to invest in new technologies. Some individual organic
farms do it, but they lack scale in order to make organic food available for a
wider circle of consumers. Moreover, people, especially in our region, still
lack knowledge and trust that so called ecological products are really what
they are. One of our objectives is to create this trust with a brand that would
be open, transparent and would speak for itself.“ - Kęstutis Juščius, chairman
of the board of AB Agrowill Group, spoke about the issues of organic farming
during the press conference. 

The demand for organic products has been growing globally for about a decade.
Consumer expectations for clean food are increasing in Lithuania as well. The
representative survey conducted by the research company Spinter tyrimai showed
that 76 percent of population associate the consumption of organic products
with health and quality of life. Similar number 
(74 percent) of people in Lithuania would support the idea of banning the use
of any chemical fertilizers in agriculture. 

The aim to meet consumer expectations and to address the issues of agriculture
has led Agrowill Group to start the biggest investment project in company‘s
history. Now it got the name AUGA. 

AUGA is a Lithuanian verb, that means „to grow“, to strive upwards. According
to K. Juščius, AUGA is not just a word or a brand name – it is a philosophy and
vision of the company, that aims to represent Lithuania globally. 

„In cooperation with the biggest creative agencies in Lithuania we spent a long
time looking for a word that would best represent our idea and would reflect
the process of producing organic food. We were seeking this name to be short,
easily and similarly pronounced in all main languages, because our market is
global. However, the main criteria was the Lithuanian origin and meaning of the
word, because we want it to represent Lithuania.“ - spoke K. Juščius. 

AUGA brand name will be placed on a wide range of organic food products. Fresh
and preserved champignons, potatoes, carrots, beetroots will appear in retail
already this October. Next year the assortment will be extended with diary,
grain and poultry products. 

All AUGA products are marked with Lithuanian and European Union ecological
certificate signs. It means that while growing and producing AUGA products
minimal environment impact was caused, no chemical fertilizers were used, the
soil was taken care of, aiming to make use of side products in the process, and
there are no GMO or synthetic additives in the food. 

The company has taken the major and irreversible decision to engage in
ecological and sustainable framing and food production business. Special
attention was paid to product packaging. AUGA preserved champignons and
vegetables are packed in innovative doypacks that produce significantly less
CO2 emissions during the product lifecycle compared to a glass jar of the same
size. “While growing organic food we look for the best and most efficient
solutions, create and apply innovative technologies, cooperate with inventors
and engineers. We aim to create new technologies of ecological farming to be
able to share them with our fellow farmers in Lithuania and abroad.” – said K.

In the press conference Agrowill Group also announced its plans to change the
name of the company to Auga Group. According to K. Juščius, renaming the
company is a natural step reflecting the changes in the group. The process of
changing the company name is planned to finalize in November. 

         For more information:
         Kristina Karnickaitė
         UAB “Integrity PR”
         Šv. Ignoto g. 5,
         Vilnius 01144, Lithuania
         T: +370 616 89310
         F: +370 5 268 5133
         Skype: kristna1