2016-11-08 08:00:18 CET

2016-11-08 08:00:18 CET


Finnair Oyj - Company Announcement

Finnair Traffic Performance in October 2016

Finnair Plc         Stock Exchange Release         8 November 2016 at 09:00 am

Cargo demand conditions have improved; number of passengers at last year’s level

In October, Finnair's overall capacity measured in Available Seat Kilometres
grew by 3.9 per cent and traffic measured in Revenue Passenger Kilometres grew
by 2.1 per cent year‐on‐year. The passenger load factor declined by 1.4
percentage points to 79.9 per cent. In October, Finnair began gradual transition
to its winter season traffic programme.

The capacity in Finnair’s largest traffic area, Asia, grew by 8.9 per cent in
October, boosted in particular by the Fukuoka and Guangzhou routes launched for
the summer season and the additional capacity introduced by the A350s, and
traffic grew by 5.3 per cent. Both new routes are not operated during the winter
months. Capacity in American traffic declined by 1.0 per cent, and traffic
measured in RPK decreased by 6.6 per cent largely due to the Chicago route being
stopped for the winter earlier than last year.

Changes in European traffic as a whole were minor in October: capacity grew by
0.8 per cent, and traffic measured in RPK increased by 0.3 per cent
year‐on‐year. The capacity in domestic traffic contracted by 9.5 per cent, and
traffic decreased by 1.9 per cent year‐on‐year due to more flight cancellations
than usual and the triangle routes introduced during the month. As a result of
the reduction in flights, the number of passengers in domestic traffic decreased
but the passenger load factor rose.

In October, the cargo capacity in scheduled traffic measured in Available Tonne
Kilometres grew by 1.3 per cent, and Revenue Tonne Kilometres increased by 14.0
per cent year on year. In addition, Finnair’s total freight capacity included
three weekly freighter flights between Helsinki and Brussels, operated by DHL.
Freighter flights to London were replaced by a regular A350 passenger aircraft
connection to Heathrow in the first week of October.

In October, 88.8 per cent of all Finnair flights arrived on schedule (92.9).

Traffic statistics for November 2016 will be published on Friday, 9 December

Finnair Traffic Performance October 2016

                      October 2016  %-Change  Year-to date 2016  %-Change

Total Traffic
Passengers 1000       932,5         -0,1      9 199,7            5,8
Available seat        2 898,7       3,9       28 618,6           7,1
kilometres mill
Revenue passenger     2 316,3       2,1       22 961,4           6,0
kilometres mill
Passenger load        79,9          -1,4 p    80,2               -0,9 p
factor %
Cargo tonnes total    13 358,2      5,6       123 174,0          14,0
Available tonne       433,4         7,0       4 227,9            8,7
kilometres mill
Revenue tonne         289,6         4,3       2 799,6            8,1
-kilometres mill
Overall load factor   66,8          -1,7 p    66,2               -0,4 p

Passengers 1000       595,4         0,5       5 729,0            4,7
Available seat        1 203,2       0,8       11 272,2           2,7
kilometres mill
Revenue passenger     954,3         0,3       8 926,4            3,1
kilometres mill
Passenger load        79,3          -0,4 p    79,2               0,3 p
factor %

North Atlantic
Passengers 1000       21,5          -10,9     256,0              13,4
Available seat        193,0         -1,0      2 295,8            24,8
kilometres mill
Revenue passenger     153,0         -6,6      1 840,3            18,2
kilometres mill
Passenger load        79,3          -4,8 p    80,2               -4,4 p
factor %

Passengers 1000       149,9         4,9       1 503,7            5,8
Available seat        1 388,5       8,9       13 812,2           8,4
kilometres mill
Revenue passenger     1 130,5       5,3       11 339,0           6,3
kilometres mill
Passenger load        81,4          -2,8 p    82,1               -1,6 p
factor %

Passengers 1000       165,7         -5,0      1 710,9            8,6
Available seat        114,1         -9,5      1 238,4            6,7
kilometres mill
Revenue passenger     78,6          -1,9      855,8              8,7
kilometres mill
Passenger load        68,9          5,4 p     69,1               1,3 p
factor %

Cargo Traffic
Cargo scheduled       12 104,1      10,5      108 771,7          15,2
traffic total tonnes
Europe tonnes         2 420,1       -0,9      21 737,2           22,0
North Atlantic        676,7         -9,0      7 801,8            16,9
Asia tonnes           8 870,7       16,8      77 792,1           13,6
Domestic tonnes       136,7         -23,6     1 440,6            0,7
Cargo flights,        1 254,1       -26,0     14 402,3           5,6
Cargo tonnes total    13 358,2      5,6       123 174,0          14,0
Available tonne       122,1         0,7       1233,8             6,1
kilometres* mill
Revenue tonne         82,6          10,7      745,5              14,4
kilometres mill
Available             114,6         1,3       1154,5             6,3
sched.cargo tonne
kms*, mill.
Revenue sched.cargo   75,2          14,0      671,3              14,9
tonne kms, mill.
Cargo load factor* %  67,7          6,1 p     60,4               4,4 p
- North-Atlantic      40,2          0,5 p     40,5               1,0 p
cargo load factor* %
- Asia cargo load     72,4          7,5 p     63,4               5,3 p
factor* %
Scheduled   traffic   65,6          7,3 p     58,1               4,4 p
Cargo load factor*,

* Operational calculatory capacity

** Including purchased traffic

– Change %: Change compared to the figures of the respective periods in the
previous year (p = percentage points)

– Available seat kilometres, ASK: Total number of seats available, multiplied by
the number of kilometres flown

– Revenue passenger kilometres, RPK: Number of revenue passengers carried,
multiplied by kilometres flown

– Passenger load factor: Share of revenue passenger kilometres of available seat

– Available tonne kilometres, ATK: Number of tonnes of capacity for carriage of
passengers, cargo and mail, multiplied by kilometres flown

– Revenue tonne kilometres, RTK: Total revenue load consisting of passengers,
cargo and mail, multiplied by kilometres flown

– Overall load factor: Share of revenue tonne kilometres of available tonne
Further information:
Finnair communications, 358 9 818 4020, comms@finnair.com

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