2013-01-28 15:35:25 CET

2013-01-28 15:36:24 CET


English Lithuanian
Kauno Energija AB - Notification on material event

The activity result of 12 months, 2012

 Company's unaudited activity result of 12 months of the year 2012 (December
31, 2012) according to International accounting standards is a net profit of
LTL 1.474 thousand (EUR   427 thousand), and a net profit of the Group is LTL
1.814 thousand (EUR 525 thousand). 

The net profit of the Company and the Group as compared to net profit of the
year 2011 (Company's - LTL 13.442 thousand (EUR 3.893 thousand), Group's - LTL
13.540 thousand (EUR 3.921 thousand)), decreased due to (i) bad debts, (ii)
according existing laws expenses incurred for maintenance of substations is not
accounted in heat cost structure, (iii) increased expenses for higher fuel and
purchased heat prices. 

Sales income of the Company during the period of 12 months of the year 2012 is
LTL 369.494 thousand (EUR 107.013 thousand). The income of the Group is LTL
369.756 thousand (EUR 107.089 thousand). 

The greatest influence on the increase of Group's and Company's sales income as
compared to activity results of the year 2011 (Company's - LTL 308.622 thousand
(EUR 89.383 thousand), Group's - LTL 309.345 thousand (EUR 89.593 thousand))
had a change in price of fuel and a heat purchased, which has influenced a
final price of the sold heat. 

         Head of Asset Management Department Jovita Sereikienė, +370 37 305 664