2010-04-02 11:51:31 CEST

2010-04-02 11:52:28 CEST


English Lithuanian
Utenos Trikotazas AB - Notification on material event

Convocation of an ordinary general meeting of Utenos trikotažas shareholders

By the initiative and decision of the Company Board Nr.5 ,02.04.2010,, an
ordinary general meeting of AB „Utenos trikotažas“, registered at
J.Basanavičiaus g. 122, LT28214 Utena, company number 183709468, shareholders
is being convoked at J.Basanavičiaus g. 122, Utena, on 28 April 2010 at 11:00
am. Shareholders' registration starts at 10:00 am. 
     Only the persons who were shareholders of the company at the end of the
general shareholders' meeting accounting day shall have the right to attend and
vote at the general shareholders' meeting. The meeting accounting day is 21
April 2010. 
      The accounting day of shareholders rights is 12 May 2010. The property
rights established in Law on Companies (Article 15, Section 1, Items 1-4) shall
have persons who shall be the shareholders of the company at the end of the
shareholders rights accounting day. 
 Proposed Agenda:
1.	Report of the Company's auditor.
2.	Approval of the annual financial statements of the Company and consolidated
and Group annual financial statements for the year 2009. 
3.	Presentation of the Company annual report for the year 2009.
4.	Allocation of the profit (loss) of the Company of 2009.
5.	Election of the Company's auditor.

     The general shareholders' meeting is convened on the initiative and by the
resolution of the Board of the Company. 
     The Company shall not provide the possibility to attend and vote in the
general shareholders' meeting through electronic communication channels. 
     Each shareholder holding shares that grant at least 1/20 of all votes
shall have the right of proposing to supplement the agenda of the general
shareholders' meeting. Draft decisions on the proposed issues shall be
submitted together with the proposal or, if the decisions are not needed to be
approved, explanations on each proposed issue of the general shareholders'
meeting shall be presented. Proposal to supplement the agenda must be presented
in writing sending it by a registered mail at the above-specified head-office
address of the Company. The agenda shall be supplemented if the proposal will
be received not later than 14 days before the general shareholders' meeting. 
     Each shareholder holding shares that grant at least 1/20 of all votes
shall have the right of proposing draft resolutions on the issues already
included or to be included in the agenda of the general shareholders' meeting, 
to nominate additional candidates for members of the Company's managerial body,
the audit company. The proposed draft decisions must be presented in writing
sending them by a registered mail at the above-specified head-office address of
the Company The shareholders shall also be entitled to propose draft
resolutions on the general shareholders' meeting agenda issues in writing
during the meeting. 
     The shareholders shall have the right to present questions related to the
general shareholders' meeting agenda issues to the Company in advance in
writing, by stating the shareholder's personal ID number in the letter and
sending by a registered mail. The Company undertakes to respond if the
questions are received not later 3 working days before the general
shareholders' meeting. 
     A shareholder or a person authorised by him attending the general
shareholders' meeting and entitled to vote shall submit an identity document. 
     Each shareholder shall also have the right to authorise another person
(natural or legal), in the manner prescribed by law, to attend and vote at the
general shareholders' meeting on his behalf. At the meeting the authorised
person shall enjoy the same rights as the shareholder represented by him would
have unless the authorized person's rights are limited by the power of attorney
or by the laws. The authorised person must produce a power of attorney
certified in the manner prescribed by law. A power of attorney issued in a
foreign state must be translated into Lithuanian and legalised in the manner
prescribed by law. 
    Shareholders own the right to authorize by electronic means natural or
legal person to attend and vote on behalf of them at general shareholders
meeting. Power of attorney that is issued by the shareholder must be reported
to the company by sending it by e-mail utenos.trikotazas@ut.lt not later than
the 27nd of May, 2010 (16:00 p.m.) 
     A shareholder or a person authorised by him shall have the right to vote
in writing in advance by filling in the general ballot paper. On shareholder's
request, the Company shall, not later than 10 days before the meeting, send the
general ballot paper by registered mail free of charge. The filled in general
ballot paper and the document confirming the voting right (if any) must be
submitted to the Company in writing not later than on the last working day
before the general shareholders' meeting sending it by registered mail at the
above-specified head-office address of the Company. 
     The documents related to the convening and the agenda of general
shareholders' meeting, draft decisions on each agenda item, documents that must
be submitted to the meeting, the form of the general ballot paper and other
information related to the implementation of the shareholder rights will be
available for the shareholders during working hours at AB Utenos trikotažas
head-office in J.Basanavičiaus  str. 122, Utena and partly on the Company's
website http://www.ut.lt. 
For more information please contact Mr. Nerijus Vilūnas, Managing Director of
AB Utenos trikotažas, tel. No. 8 389 51445 I, the undersigned, confirm that the above information is complete and true.

Managing Director  AB Utenos trikotažas	Nerijus Vilūnas