2010-04-06 15:39:57 CEST

2010-04-06 15:40:54 CEST


English Lithuanian
Imoniu grupe ALITA, AB - Notification on material event

Convocation of the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders

The ordinary general meeting of shareholders of the  Cpmpany Group ALITA AB
(registered at Miškininkų st. 17, LT-62200 Alytus,  enterprise code 302444238)
is convened on the initiative and decision of the Board of the Cpmpany Group
ALITA AB. The meeting will take place on 27th  April 2010 at 13:00  in the
conference hall (2 floor) of the company at Miškininkų st. 17, Alytus.
Registration of the shareholders starts at 12:00. 
The agenda of the meeting is as follows:
1. Announcement of the Annual report of the Company for the year 2009.          
2. Announcement of the Auditor's report. 
3. Approval of  the Set of the  Annual Financial Accounts of the Company for
the year 2009. 
4. The approval of the distribution of Company's profit/loss for 2009.       
5. Approval of the consolidated financial statement for the year 2009.
6. Approval of the payment conditions changes of auditor JSC ‘'KPMG Baltic”. 
The record date for participation at the annual shareholders' meeting is 20th
April 2010. Only those persons   who are shareholders on the record date with
the amount of the shares they own on the record date have rights to participate
and vote at the annual shareholders' meeting. The record date of rights is 11th
May 2010. Property rights  are possessed by persons which are shareholders at
the end of the 10th work day after the shareholders' meeting that issued
appropriate decision took place. 
The company makes no possibilities to participate and vote at the meeting using
electronic communication means. 
The shareholders, whos owned shares represent at least 1/20 of the total votes,
have a right to propose additional items to be included in the agenda of the
meeting. The shareholders, who propose to include additional items in the
agenda of the shareholders meeting, are obliged to  submit the draft resolution 
on the items that are proposed by them for  inclusion in the agenda, or
explanation on the issues where no resolution is planned to be adopted. The
proposals to include additional items must be released in written form by
sending the registered letter by post or delivering at the company's office
Miškininkų str. 17, LT-62200 Alytus. The agenda is supplemented when the
proposal is received  at least 14 days before the meeting. 
The shareholders have a right to submit in advance written requests concerning
items of the agenda of the general shareholders' meeting. Requisitions must be
submitted by sending the registered letter by post, sending by e-mail
info@alita.lt or delivering at the company's office not later than 3 working
days before the general shareholders' meeting. 
Persons who participate in General Meeting of Shareholders must submit an
identity document. A person who is not a shareholder, to this document, also
must submit a document confirming the right to vote at an Annual General
Meeting of Shareholders. Based on the procedure established by the laws, each
shareholder shall have the right by written form or electronic means to
authorize the other person (either legal or natural) to participate and vote on
behalf of him/her in the Meeting. In the Meeting, the authorized person shall
be granted with the equal rights as the shareholder he/her/it represents unless
the proxy or laws provide him/her/it with more constricted rights of
authorization. The authorized person must present the proxy certified in
accordance with the laws. The proxy issued in a foreign country shall be
translated into Lithuanian language and legalized in accordance with the
procedure established by the laws. The  proxy issued by electronic means is
undemanding for confirmation by notary. The proxy that is issued by electronic
means and the notice about the issue of this proxy the shareholder must send by
e-mail info@alita.lt not later than the 23 th of April, 2010 ( till 4.00:
On decisions, which are included into Annual General Meeting of shareholders
agenda, can be voted in writing by completing the general ballot paper. If the
person who had completed the general ballot paper is not a shareholder, the
completed general ballot paper must be accompanied by a document confirming the 
right to vote. The general ballot paper is submitted in the Company‘s website:
http://www.alita.lt. If the general ballot paper  isn‘t accesibble in the
Company‘s  website for the technical reasons, the printed form of the general
ballot paper the shareholders can get in the Company‘s  registered office by
address Miškininkų str.17, Alytus. 
Upon the request of the shareholder, the company shall send the general ballot
paper by registered post free of charge at least 10 days before the General
Meeting. Right filled general ballot paper and document certifying the right to
vote  should be sent by e-mail info@alita.lt or by registered post to the
Company's registered office address which stated above and should be received
not later than the 23th of April, 2010 (till 4.00: p.m.). The Company reserves
the right not to include in the shareholder vote, if the general ballot paper
does not meet the third and fourth parts of the 30 Article of Law on Companies
requirements or the general ballot paper is written in a way that it is
impossible to establish shareholder‘s will on a separate issue. 
Shareholders can make themselves familiar with documents of the ordinary
General Shareholder Meeting and its agenda, draft resolutions on each issue of
the agenda, document to be presented to the meeting and other information
related to execution of shareholder rights possessed by the Company on business
days, 8.00 to 15.00. 
Management Board will propose for the shareholders to accept these decision's
1. Announcement of the Annual Report of the Company for the year 2009. 
The proposed draft decision: Annual Report of the Company for the year 2009
announced. The resolution on this issue is not adopted. 
2. Announcement of the Auditor's report.     
The proposed draft decision: The auditors report announced. The resolution on
this issue is not adopted. 
3. Approval of  the Set of the  Annual Financial Accounts of the Company for
the year 2009. 
The proposed draft decision: Approve the Set of the Annual Financial Accounts
of the Company for the year 2009. 
4. The approval of the distribution of Company's profit/loss for 2009.       
The proposed draft decision: Approve the distribution of Company's profit/loss
for 2009: 
4.1. Retained profit (loss) of the previous financial year at the end of the
current year:  absent 
4.2. Adjustments due to the reorganization:
Retained profit (loss) carried forward at AB ALITA:   LTL 3,124 thous. (EUR 905
4.3. Net profit (loss) for the year under report: LTL (526) thous. (EUR (152)
4.4. Profit (loss) of the financial year under report not reconised on the
Profit & Loss Statement: absent 
4.5. Transfers from reserves: absent
4.6. Allocated profit (loss) of previous financial year total at the end of the
financial year: LTL 2,598 thous. (EUR 752 thous.)      		 
4.7. Distribution of profit: To other reserves did not allocated, dividends not
be paid. 
4.8. Retained profit (loss) at the end of the year under report, carried
forward to the following year: LTL 2,598 thous. (EUR 752 thous.) 
5. Approval of  the Set of the  Annual consolidated Financial Accounts of the
Company for the year 2009. 
The proposed draft decision: Approve the Set of the Annual consolidated
Financial Accounts of the Company for the year 2009. 
6. Approval of the payment conditions changes of auditor JSC ‘'KPMG Baltic”.  
The proposed draft decision: Approve the changes of Auditor JSC ‘'KPMG Baltic”
payment conditions and to determinate the remuneration LTL 85.0 thous. (EUR
24.6 thous.) and VAT for one financial year. 
Authorized to provide information: Paulius Kibiša, +370 315 57243

Paulius Kibiša, 
Director General, +370 315 57243