2010-03-30 10:30:00 CEST

2010-03-30 10:30:46 CEST


CapMan - Decisions of general meeting

Decisions adopted by CapMan Plc's Annual General Meeting

CapMan Plc Stock Exchange Release 30 March 2010 11.30 a.m.

Decisions adopted by CapMan Plc's Annual General Meeting

CapMan Plc's Annual General Meeting (AGM) was held today in Helsinki. The
meeting confirmed the 2009 financial statements and granted discharge from
liability to the Board of Directors and the CEO for the 2009 financial year. The
AGM approved the proposals of the Board of Directors to the AGM as they were.

Payment of dividend

The AGM decided that a dividend of EUR 0.04 per share will be distributed to the
shareholders from the Company's distributable assets, as proposed by the Board
of Directors. The dividend will be paid to shareholders recorded in the
shareholders' register of the Company on the record date 6 April 2010, and the
dividend will be paid on 13 April 2010.

The members of the Board of Directors

The AGM decided that the Board consists of six members. The Board's term of
office continues until the close of the General Meeting following their
election. Ms. Sari Baldauf, Mr. Tapio Hintikka, Mr. Conny Karlsson and Mr. Teuvo
Salminen were re-elected to the Board of Directors and Mr. Koen Dejonckheere,
CEO of Gimv NV, and Mr. Heikki Westerlund, CEO of CapMan Plc, were elected to
the Board as new members.

The remunerations of the members of the Board

The AGM confirmed the following monthly remuneration for the members of the
Board of Directors: for the Chairman and Vice Chairman EUR 4,500 and for the
other members EUR 4,000. In addition, if the Board establishes Board committees,
a meeting fee of EUR 1,000 per meeting shall be paid for the committee members.
In addition reasonable travel expenses will be compensated.


PricewaterhouseCoopers Oy, corporation of authorized public accountants, with
Jan Holmberg, APA (Auditor Approved by the Central Chamber of Commerce) as the
Lead Auditor, was elected as the Company's Auditors. Terja Artimo, APA, was
elected as Jan Holmberg's deputy. The AGM decided that the auditor is paid a fee
and compensation for travel expenses according to the reasonable auditor's

Amendment of the Articles of Association

The AGM resolved, as proposed by the Board of Directors, to amend article 11 of
the Articles of Association to state as follows:"11. Notice of a General Meeting of Shareholders

The notice of a General Meeting shall be delivered by publishing the notice of
meeting on the company's webpage and as stock exchange release no more than
three (3) months and no less than three (3) weeks prior to the General Meeting,
however, always at least nine (9) days prior to the record date of the General
Meeting set forth in Chapter 4, Section 2.2 of the Finnish Companies Act. The
Board of Directors may in addition decide to publish the notice in other ways."

Authorization for the Board to resolve to issue shares, stock options and other
entitlements to Company's Shares

The AGM authorised the Board of Directors to resolve to issue either newly
issued shares or reissue existing B shares in the company, as well as to issue
stock options and other entitlements to B shares referred to in the Finnish
Companies Act chapter 10, paragraph 1. The authorization is to be used to
finance and to carry out acquisitions or other business transactions and the
company's investments.

The authorization amounts to the maximum of 12,000,000 B shares in the company
and includes the right for the Board to implement directed measures, i.e., to
deviate from the shareholders' pre-emptive right to the company's shares,
provided that weighty financial reason exists pursuant to the Finnish Companies
Act. The authorization includes the right to resolve to issue shares without
payment under the condition that particularly weighty financial reason exists
pursuant to the Finnish Companies Act. The Board may also resolve to issue
shares to the Company itself without payment. Pursuant to the Finnish Companies
Act the Board of Directors may not, however, make a decision to issue shares to
the company itself so that the treasury shares in the possession of, or held as
pledges by, the company and its subsidiaries would exceed one tenth of all

The authorization includes the right for the Board to determine the terms and
conditions of the issue and re-issue of shares, share option rights and other
entitlements referred to in the Finnish Companies Act, chapter 10, paragraph 1,
as well as to determine other matters pertaining to these actions in accordance
with the Finnish Companies Act, including the right to resolve whether the
subscription price be entered wholly or partly to the fund for invested
unrestricted equity or as increase in the share capital.

The authorization is in force until 30 June 2011.

Authorization for the Board to resolve to repurchase Company's shares or accept
them as pledge

The AGM authorised the Board to purchase the company's own B shares and accept
them as pledge. The authorization amounts to the maximum of 8,000,000 B shares
in the company, provided however, that the treasury shares in the possession of,
or held as pledges by, the company and its subsidiaries shall not exceed one
tenth of all shares.

The shares may be repurchased in order to finance or carry out acquisitions or
other business transactions, in order to develop the company's capital
structure, to improve the liquidity of the company's shares, to be disposed for
other purposes, or to be cancelled. The shares may be accepted as pledge in
order to finance or carry out acquisitions or other business transactions.

The repurchase of shares will be carried out by using the company's unrestricted
shareholders equity, whereby the purchases will reduce funds available for the
distribution of profits.

The repurchases will be carried out through public trading on the Nasdaq OMX
Helsinki, whereby the shares will be purchased in another proportion than
according to the holdings of the shareholders and in accordance with the rules
and regulations of the Nasdaq OMX Helsinki and the Euroclear Finland Ltd. The
repurchase price must be based on the market price of the Company's shares in
public trading.

The authorization is in force until 30 June 2011.

For more information, please contact:
Heidi Sulin, Legal Counsel, CapMan Plc, tel. +358 207 207 517


Mari Reponen
Communications Director
Investor Services

Helsinki Stock Exchange
Principal media

CapMan is one of the leading alternative asset managers in the Nordic countries
and Russia and manages private equity funds with approximately EUR 3.6 billion
in total capital. CapMan has six investment areas (CapMan Buyout, CapMan
Technology, CapMan Life Science, CapMan Russia, CapMan Public Market and CapMan
Real Estate), and each of them has a dedicated team and funds. Altogether CapMan
employs approx. 150 people in Helsinki, Stockholm, Copenhagen, Oslo and Moscow.
CapMan was established in 1989 and its B shares are listed on the Helsinki Stock
Exchange since 2001.
