2013-07-22 08:00:00 CEST

2013-07-22 08:00:40 CEST


Incap - Company Announcement

Incap implements a comprehensive financing arrangement: directed share issue and restructuring of debt stabilise the company's financial position

Incap Corporation

Stock Exchange Release             22 July 2013 at 9 am


Incap Corporation has negotiated a comprehensive financing arrangement that
significantly improves the company's financial position in both the short and
the long term. The arrangement involves raising additional capital through a
directed share issue and reducing debt by rearranging loans and trade payables.

The negotiated financing arrangement permanently stabilises the company's
financial position and improves its liquidity. This enables a return to normal
business operations in areas such as materials purchasing. The company's
financial position in both the short and the long term will be improved
remarkably while the liabilities decline and the collateral arrangement
connected with the sales price of the previously announced sale of property is
released. The total impact of these amounts to EUR 9 million. The immediate cash
effect of the comprehensive arrangement is approx. EUR 6 million.

After the directed share issue the company's largest shareholder will be
Inission AB, an electronics contract manufacturer operating in the Nordic region
and specialising in electronics production in small and medium-sized production

Incap Corporation's Board of Directors used for the directed share issue and for
the restructuring of debt the authorisation given by the Annual General Meeting.
In the directed share issue and in the conversion of debt connected with it, a
total of 64,137,000 new shares were issued. Furthermore, in the conversion of
the convertible loan 2012, a total of 22,430,769 new shares were subscribed.
After the registration of all the new shares Incap has a total of 109,114,035
shares, each having one vote.

The shares issued and subscribed in the directed share issue represent 284% of
all shares and votes in the company prior to the share issue and 59% of all
shares and votes after the share issue. When besides the directed share issue
also the shares issued in the conversion of the convertible loan 2012 are taken
into consideration, all the new shares represent 384% of all shares and votes in
the company prior to the share issue and conversion and 79% of all shares and
votes after the share issue and conversion.

Directed share issue

The Board of Directors of Incap Corporation has on 17 July 2013 decided on a
directed share issue under authorisation granted by the Annual General Meeting
held on 10 April 2013. The directed share issue was conditional to the signing
of an arrangement between Incap Corporation and Inission AB. The agreement was
signed on 21 July 2013. A total of 64,137,000 new shares were issued. Deviating
from shareholders' pre-emptive subscription rights, the share issue was directed
at the company's major shareholders, an industrial investor, the company's
Finnish financiers and the company's other creditors and senior management. The
deviation from shareholders' pre-emptive subscription rights is justified by a
weighty financial reason in accordance with Chapter 9, Section 4, Paragraph 1 of
the Companies Act, as the purpose of the directed share issue was to carry out a
financing arrangement for the company.

The shares were subscribed in full based on subscription commitments given in
advance. Against cash payment, a total of 45,212,000 shares were subscribed, and
thereby the largest subscribers were Inission AB (28,500,000 shares), Etra
Invest (7,000,000 shares) and Onvest (3,500,000 shares). The rest of the
directed share issue, i.e. 18,925,000 shares  were subscribed as a conversion
against loans.

The Board members and senior management of the company subscribed a total of
1,212,000 new shares.

The subscription price per share was EUR 0.10, based on the agreement between
the company and the subscriber. The subscription price will be paid in cash or
set off against a receivable from the company. The total subscription price paid
in cash, i.e. approximately EUR 4.5 million will be recorded in full in the
reserve for invested non-restricted equity.

Loan conditions were renegotiated and debt was converted to new shares

Incap Corporation has implemented a composition arrangement concerning its
contracts and renegotiated the financing contracts of the company. In the
composition arrangement, the holders of the company's convertible loan issued in
2012, the holders of capital loans as well as the Finnish banks and Finnvera
agreed with the reduction of the debt. At the same time, the debt was converted
to the company's new shares.

Concerning the convertible loan issued in 2012, the contracts were renewed in
the way that the holders of the convertible loan can - after the composition
arrangement - convert the remaining loan to a total of 22,430,769 new shares of
the company. The subscription price of these shares was calculated to be
approximately EUR 0.13 per share. All of the holders of the convertible loan
confirmed that they will convert their share of loan to new shares.

The company has further reached an agreement with holders of the convertible
loan issued in 2007 to have half of the loan paid immediately and the remaining
half on 30 June 2014.

The holders of the company's capital loan will convert their loan to new shares
in connection with the above mentioned directed share issue.

The company's Finnish financiers are also converting their loan receivables to
new shares in the above mentioned directed share issue. At the same time, loan
contracts and interest repayment schedules were renegotiated. In addition, a
bank has agreed to release a collateral arrangement connected with the sales
price of the company's property in Vuokatti.

In addition, the company's other creditors - suppliers of materials and services
- supported the financing arrangement by participating in the composition
arrangement, with a total effect of EUR 1.5 million.

On 31 March 2013, the company's interest-bearing liabilities amounted to EUR
18.3 million, and following the financing arrangement the amount of liabilities
will be reduced by approx. EUR 6.0 million.

Table: Effect of the financing arrangement on interest-bearing liabilities

|(EUR 1,000)              |31 March 2013|After the financing arrangement|
|Capital loans            |        1,050|                              0|
|Convertible loan 2012    |        2,916|                              0|
|Convertible loan 2007    |          960|                            480|
|Bank loans               |       11,395|                          9,845|
|Finance lease liabilities|           80|                             80|
|Other loans              |        1,899|                          1,899|
|Total                    |       18,300|                         12,303|

Application for admission of new shares to public trading will be filed

The shares subscribed in the share issue and in loan conversions will grant
dividend rights and other shareholders' rights as of the date the new shares are
entered in the Trade Register. The company's Board of Directors has initiated
measures to register the shares in the Trade Register and the book-entry
securities system and to apply to have the shares traded on the NASDAQ OMX
Helsinki Ltd main list at equal value to the company's other shares. For this
purpose, the company will prepare a prospectus, the financial information of
which will be based on the company's results for the second quarter of 2013.

Lassi Noponen, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Incap Corporation:"We have realised a very important and extensive financing arrangement for
Incap, and I would like to thank all our stakeholders and key persons who
contributed to the financing arrangement. The arrangement will ensure the
continuity of Incap's industrial structure and the alliance with Inission AB
will create a strong Nordic company to serve the customers globally and to
develop the industry further."

Sami Mykkänen, President and CEO of Incap Group:"This complete solution allows the company to resume normal operations
especially in materials management and production control. We are now able to
serve our customers better and ensure fluent and prompt deliveries from all our
factories. Potential merger with a company with extensive experience and knowhow
in the industry opens up entirely new opportunities also for operational
business development."

Incap Group's interim report for January-June 2013 will be published on 31 July
2013 as previously announced by the company.


Sami Mykkänen
President and CEO

Further information:
Lassi Noponen, Chairman of the Board, tel. +358 40 501 5127
Sami Mykkänen, President and CEO, tel. +358 40 559 9047 or +372 555 379 05
Kirsti Parvi, CFO, tel. +358 50 517 4569 or +372 555 620 35
Hannele Pöllä, Director, Communications and Investor Relations, tel.
+358 40 504 8296

Conditions of the directed share issue

NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Ltd
Principal media
The company's home page www.incap.fi

Incap Corporation is an internationally operating contract manufacturer whose
comprehensive services cover the entire life cycle of electromechanical products
from design and manufacture to repair and maintenance services. Incap's
customers include leading equipment suppliers in energy-efficiency and well-
being technologies, for which the company produces competitiveness as a
strategic partner. Incap has operations in Finland, Estonia, India and China.
The Group's revenue in 2012 amounted to approximately EUR 64.1 million, and the
company currently employs approximately 600 people. Incap's share has been
listed on the NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Ltd since 1997. Additional information:
