2010-03-26 08:15:00 CET

2010-03-26 08:15:02 CET


Anglų Suomių
Cramo Oyj - Major shareholder announcements

Notification pursuant to Chapter 2, Section 9 of the Securities Markets Act

Cramo Plc    Stock Exchange Release 26 March 2010, at 9.15 am Finnish time      

Notification pursuant to Chapter 2, Section 9 of the Securities Markets Act  
Cramo Plc has on 25 March 2010 received the following notification pursuant to  
Chapter 2, Section 9 of the Securities Markets Act from the shareholders        
specified further below regarding an agreement concerning the voting rights of  
the shares of Cramo Plc.                                                        

1. Name of the target company: Cramo Plc                                        

2. Grounds for the flagging notification: The flagging notification is made due 
to a voting agreement entered between the below mentioned companies and private 
persons according to which Hartwall Capital Oy Ab shall have right to decide of 
the use of the parties voting rights.                                           

3. Date of voting rights agreement: 25 March 2010                               

4. Exact proportion of share capital and voting rights of the company held by   
the announcer directly and indirectly:                                          

Hartwall Capital Oy holds directly a total of 4.794.687 shares representing a   
total 15,64% of the share capital and 15,64% of the voting rights in Cramo Plc. 
The other announcers hold a total of 2,962,985 shares representing a total 9.66%
of the share capital and 9.66% of the voting rights in Cramo Plc.               

The total amount of the above mentioned parties' share capital and voting       

7.775.672 shares, 25,30% of the share capital and 25,30% of the voting rights.  

5. Shareholder's complete name and business identity code:                      

Hartwall Capital Oy, Business identity code 0711984-8                           

The complete names and business identity codes of other announcers:             

K. Hartwall Invest Oy, Business identity code 2104476-6                         
Kusinkapital Ab, Business identity code 1932160-5                               
Pinewood Invest OÜ, a company registered in Estonia with code 11560162          
Pallas Capital Oy, Business identity code 0906719-9                             
Fyrklöver-Invest Oy Ab, Business identity code 2104480-3                        
Gustav Tallqvist                                                                
Christel Hartwall                                                               
Gulle Therman                                                                   

6. Description of allocation of voting rights between the parties presented     
above in Section 4:                                                             

Hartwall Capital Oy: 4.794.687 shares, 15,64% of the share capital and 15,64% of
the voting rights.                                                              

K.Hartwall Invest Oy: 2.432.000 shares, 7,93% of the share capital and 7,93% of 
the voting rights.                                                              

Kusinkapital Ab: 141.000 shares, 0,46% of the share capital and 0,46% of the    
voting rights.                                                                  

Pinewood Invest OÜ: 125.000 shares, 0,41% of the share capital and 0,41% of the 
voting rights.                                                                  

Gustav Tallqvist: 100.000 shares, 0,33% of the share capital and 0,33 of the    
voting rights.                                                                  

Christel Hartwall: 70.000 shares, 0,23% of the share capital and 0,23% of the   
voting rights.                                                                  

Pallas Capital Oy: 40.000 shraes, 0,13% of the share capital and 0,13% of the   
voting rights.                                                                  

Fyrklöver-Invest Oy Ab: 36.985 shares, 0,12% of the share capital and 0,12% of  
the voting rights.                                                              

Gulle Therman: 18.000 shares, 0,06% of the share capital and 0,06% of the voting

7. Details of the arrangements regarding the use of the voting rights           

The above mentioned companies and private persons have entered into a voting    
agreement according to which Hartwall Capital Oy Ab decides of the use of the   
parties voting rights. The agreement is binding for as long as the shares are in
the parties' possession.                                                        

CRAMO PLC                                                                       

Vesa Koivula                                                                    
President and CEO                                                               

Further information                                                             
Vesa Koivula, President and CEO, tel. +358 40 510 5710                          

NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Ltd.                  
Major media                                                                     

Cramo is a service company specialising in construction machinery and equipment 
rental and rental-related services, as well as the rental and sale of modular   
space. As one of the industry's leading service providers in the Nordic         
countries and Central and Eastern Europe, Cramo operates in eleven countries    
with 284 depots. With a group staff of 2.000, Cramo's consolidated sales for    
2009 was EUR 450 million and Cramo shares are listed on the NASDAQ OMX Helsinki 
Ltd. For further information, please visit www.cramo.com.