2017-09-11 16:15:04 CEST

2017-09-11 16:15:04 CEST


Pihlajalinna Oyj - Changes board/management/auditors

Composition of Pihlajalinna’s Shareholders' Nomination Board

Pihlajalinna Plc         Stock Exchange Release              11 September 2017
at 17:15

Composition of Pihlajalinna’s Shareholders' Nomination Board

Pihlajalinna’s four largest shareholders, according to company's shareholders'
register held by Euroclear Finland Ltd and dated September 1, 2017, have
nominated the following members to the Shareholders' Nomination Board:

  · Erkki Moisander, Chairman of the Board, CEO, LocalTapiola General Mutual
Insurance Company
  · Mikko Wirén, Managing Director, MWW Yhtiö Oy
  · Minna Kohmo, Managing Director, LocalTapiola Mutual Life Insurance Company
  · Hanna Hiidenpalo, Director, Chief Investment Officer, Elo Mutual Pension
Insurance Company

The Nomination Board shall elect a chairman from amongst its members.

Pihlajalinna’s Annual General Meeting decided on 4 April 2017 to establish a
Shareholders' Nomination Board. The Nomination Board is responsible for
preparing proposals regarding the election and remuneration of the members of
the Board of Directors to the next Annual General Meeting.
Further information:
Aarne Aktan, CEO, +358 40 342 4440

Nasdaq Helsinki
Major media
Pihlajalinna in brief
Pihlajalinna is one of the leading private social and healthcare services
providers in Finland. The Company provides social and healthcare services for
households, companies, insurance companies and public sector entities in private
clinics, health centres, dental clinics and hospitals around Finland.
Pihlajalinna provides general practitioner and specialised care services,
including emergency and on-call services, a wide range of surgical services,
occupational healthcare and dental care services, in private clinics and
hospitals operating under the Dextra brand. Under the Pihlajalinna brand the
Company, in cooperation with the public sector, offers social and healthcare
service provision models to public sector entities with the aim of providing
high quality services for public pay healthcare customers.