2012-09-05 09:09:33 CEST

2012-09-05 09:10:34 CEST


Þessi tilkynning hefur verið leiðrétt. Smelltu hér til að skoða leiðrétta tilkynningu

SEB Bankas AB - Total number of voting rights and capital

Regarding registration of issues of non-equities

Vilnius, Lithuania, 2012-09-05 09:09 CEST (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- August 5, 2012
Central Securities Depository of Lithuania opened general securities account
for one SEB Bank issue of non-equities. The notes were issued under Base
prospectus which was approved by the Lithuanian Securities Commission on
September 1, 2011, the Addendum to the Base Prospectus which was approved by
the Bank of Lithuania on May 9, 2012, and Final terms No 20110901/020. 

The subscription results are disclosed in the placement report attached below.

         Evaldas Čepulis
         Deputy Director
         Trading and Capital Markets
         (8 5) 268 2375