2015-11-06 09:00:00 CET

2015-11-06 09:00:42 CET


English Finnish
Restamax Oyj - Interim report (Q1 and Q3)

RESTAMAX PLC INTERIM REPORT FOR 1 JANUARY-30 SEPTEMBER 2015: Strong growth for turnover and profitability - company specifies its profit guidance

Restamax Plc

INTERIM REPORT 6 NOVEMBER 2015 at 10:00 am


Strong growth for turnover and profitability - company specifies its profit


The Group's income for July-September 2015

Entire Group:
The Group's turnover was MEUR 31.3 (MEUR 23.9), growth of 31.1 per cent. EBITDA
was MEUR 5.4 (MEUR 4.0), growth of 34.7 per cent. Operating profit was MEUR 3.0
(MEUR 2.4), growth of 25.3 per cent.

Restaurant business:
The turnover of the restaurant business segment was MEUR 26.6 (MEUR 22.7),
growth of 17.6 per cent. EBITDA was MEUR 4.7 (MEUR 3.8), growth of 22.0 per
cent. Operating profit was MEUR 2.5 (MEUR 2.2), growth of 13.8 per cent.

Labour hire business:
The turnover of the labour hire business was MEUR 7.8 (MEUR 2.6), growth of
195.2 per cent. EBITDA was MEUR 0.8 (MEUR 0.2), growth of 395.5 per cent.
Operating profit was MEUR 0.4 (MEUR 0.2), growth of 196.9 per cent. Labour hire
became part of the Group on 01/08/2014.

The Group's income for January-September 2015

Entire Group:
The Group's turnover was MEUR 82.1 (MEUR 60.3), growth of 36.2 per cent. EBITDA
was MEUR 11.0 (MEUR 7.5), growth of 46.7 per cent. Operating profit was MEUR
4.3 (MEUR 3.0), growth of 45.2 per cent.

Restaurant business:
The turnover of the restaurant business segment was MEUR 72.8 (MEUR 59.1),
growth of 23.2 per cent. EBITDA was MEUR 9.5 (MEUR 7.3), growth of 29.6 per
cent. Operating profit was MEUR 3.5 (MEUR 2.8), growth of 25.9 per cent.

Labour hire business:
The turnover of the labour hire business was MEUR 17.5 (MEUR 2.6), growth of
564.6 per cent. EBITDA was MEUR 1.8 (MEUR 0.2), growth of 995.8 per cent.
Operating profit was MEUR 0.8 (MEUR 0.2), growth of 403.9 per cent. Labour hire
became part of the Group on 01/08/2014.

Restamax Group's result for the January-September 2015 period is significantly
better than that of the previous year. The turnover of the entire Group
increased over 36 per cent from the previous year, EBITDA by almost 47 per cent
and operating profit by over 45 per cent. The increase in turnover was fuelled
by the investments made and corporate acquisitions completed in 2014, which have
been fully available to the company since the beginning of 2015.

Due to the seasonal nature of both the restaurant and labour hire businesses,
most of the profits are made at the end of the year.

Prospects for 2015

Restamax specified its profit guidance on 6 November 2015.

Profit guidance (as of 6 November 2015):

Restamax estimates that the Group will reach a turnover of some MEUR 110 during
the 2015 financial period, and that the EBITDA and operating profit will
increase proportionally compared to the previous financial period.

The previous profit guidance (as of 20 February 2015):

Restamax estimates that the Group will reach a turnover of over MEUR 100 during
the 2015 financial period, and that the EBITDA and operating profit will
increase proportionally compared to the previous financial period.

|KEY FIGURES                |         |         |         |         |          |
|Restamax Group in total    |         |         |         |         |          |
|(EUR thousand)             | 7-9/2015| 7-9/2014| 1-9/2015| 1-9/2014| 1-12/2014|
|SIGNIFICANT FIGURES,       |         |         |         |         |          |
|entire Group               |         |         |         |         |          |
|Turnover                   |   31,279|   23,853|   82,148|   60,295|    86,653|
|EBITDA                     |    5,360|    3,979|   10,988|    7,489|    12,008|
|EBITDA, %                  |    17.1%|    16.7%|    13.4%|    12.4%|     13.9%|
|Operating profit           |    2,995|    2,390|    4,292|    2,956|     5,265|
|Operating profit, %        |     9.6%|    10.0%|     5.2%|     4.9%|      6.1%|
|Review period result       |    2,204|    1,509|    2,760|    1,780|     3,334|
|To shareholders of the     |         |         |         |         |          |
|parent company             |    2,178|    1,537|    3,031|    1,952|     3,451|
|To minority shareholders   |       26|      -28|     -271|     -172|      -117|
|Earnings per share (euros) |         |         |         |         |          |
|to the shareholders of the |     0.13|     0.09|     0.19|     0.12|      0.22|
|parent company             |         |         |         |         |          |
|Interest-bearing net       |         |         |         |         |          |
|liabilities                |         |         |   26,869|   18,452|    18,944|
|Gearing ratio, %           |         |         |    71.3%|    49.0%|     48.1%|
|Equity ratio, %            |         |         |    43.9%|    49.8%|     47.2%|
|Return on investment, %    |         |         |         |         |          |
|(p.a.)                     |         |         |     8.8%|     6.8%|     10.5%|
|Net financial expenses     |         |         |      860|      317|       548|

|Restaurant business|         |         |         |         |          |
|(EUR thousand)     | 7-9/2015| 7-9/2014| 1-9/2015| 1-9/2014| 1-12/2014|
|Turnover           |   26,648|   22,659|   72,799|   59,101|    83,666|
|EBITDA             |    4,651|    3,813|    9,490|    7,322|    11,444|
|EBITDA, %          |    17.5%|    16.8%|    13.0%|    12.4%|     13.7%|
|Operating profit   |    2,547|    2,239|    3,531|    2,805|     4,957|
|Operating profit, %|     9.6%|     9.9%|     4.9%|     4.7%|      5.9%|
|                   |         |         |         |         |          |
|KEY FIGURES        |         |         |         |         |          |
|Material margin, % |    73.3%|    73.6%|    73.6%|    73.8%|     74.0%|
|Staff expenses, %  |    27.5%|    28.5%|    29.2%|    29.7%|     29.6%|

|Labour hire business|         |         |         |         |          |
|(EUR thousand)      | 7-9/2015| 7-9/2014| 1-9/2015| 1-9/2014| 1-12/2014|
|Turnover            |    7,775|    2,634|   17,504|    2,634|     6,833|
|EBITDA              |      822|      166|    1,819|      166|       696|
|EBITDA, %           |    10.6%|     6.3%|    10.4%|     6.3%|     10.2%|
|Operating profit    |      448|      151|      761|      151|       308|
|Operating profit, % |     5.8%|     5.7%|     4.3%|     5.7%|      4.5%|
|                    |         |         |         |         |          |
|KEY FIGURES         |         |         |         |         |          |
|Staff expenses, %   |    83.9%|    83.7%|    84.9%|    83.5%|     84.0%|


A strong result for January-September

In comparison to the January-September period the previous year, the turnover of
our Group increased by more than 36 per cent, EBITDA by almost 47 per cent and
operating profit by over 45 per cent. Our EBITDA percentage and level of
turnover have clearly improved in relation to the corresponding period last
year. Our result in the third quarter of 2015  indicates strong and powerful

We are especially satisfied with our result in July. In spite of challenging
weather conditions, July showed that brisk domestic tourism and plenty of summer
events got Finns using restaurant services to a creditable degree, which had a
positive effect on our result. Our company's broad and diverse restaurant
portfolio from summer restaurants to gaming and entertainment centres supported
our operations in the late summer, offering consumers a wide choice. Events also
significantly employed our workers on the labour hire side.

Openings, revamps and active loyal-customer marketing

During the period under review, we opened the new Escape nightclub in Jyväskylä,
the brand new kind of amusement centre Crazy Golf in Tampere and revamped some
existing restaurant concepts.
I have been very happy with the flexible work of our staff. The new employees
who joined us during the summer have adapted excellently to our operations and
the integration of new restaurant businesses into our Group has been very

By virtue of the updated and newly-opened restaurants, we want to provide our
loyal customers with a wide selection of services and added opportunities for
utilising benefits in many locations. Through our loyal customer system, we are
not only creating a diverse range of restaurant experiences for our customers
but are also aiming to commit them to us. Our Ravintola.fi loyal customer system
contains dozens of restaurants all over Finland, and our growing group of loyal
customers already has more than 100,000 members. The loyal customer system is
being constantly developed and, during the review period, it was updated with a
new mobile application. We believe that the system's strong role as a marketing
channel will strengthen even more in the future.

Growth and profitability despite a weak market situation

The current year is the fourth consecutive challenging one for the tourism and
restaurant sector. The beginning of 2015, however, was slightly better than
expected for companies in the sector. According to Statistics Finland, the
turnover for the whole tourism and restaurant industry increased in the January-
July period 2015 by 2.2 per cent in comparison with the previous year. The
turnover of restaurants in particular would seem to be rising slightly with
growth of 2.6 per cent. Although the sector's expectations regarding economic
trends have improved slightly, they still remain very cautious.

According to an economic barometer published at the beginning of November 2015
by the Confederation of Finnish Industries (EK), the economic situation for the
hospitality industry remains weaker than average, despite the positive early
part of the year. In the first part of the year, consumer confidence in economic
growth was at its highest for four years, but since then expectations have taken
a downward turn. During the autumn, sales in the sector are expected to decline
slightly, and forecasts are not expected to change during the rest of the year.
Private consumption is expected to increase historically slowly in the coming

According to forecasts by the Finnish Hospitality Association MaRa, the increase
in turnover in 2015 for restaurants licensed to serve alcohol will be about 1.4
per cent. In 2014, the turnover of restaurants licensed to serve alcohol
increased by 1.2 per cent, and in 2013 by 1.6 per cent. According to an estimate
by MaRa, during the next five years investments in the tourism and restaurant
business will reach one billion euros, which indicates strong confidence in the
recovery of the sector. Export is also expected to pick up slightly over the
course of 2015, which is anticipated to boost domestic demand at the end of the

In spite of recession and the poor market situation in the industry, we have
increased our turnover and improved our result clearly more strongly than the
sector's average level of development.

Legislative changes have a significant impact on our operations

Social discussion and issues raised in the media have indicated that the Alcohol
Act will be amended in the near future. As a result of the reform, the
prerequisites for Finnish drink and restaurant culture to become more European
will be created. This would be a significant step both for the restaurant
business and for the entire society.

The Government's abandonment of its plans to cut Sunday and overtime pay is bad
news for our industry. If the Government had stuck to its plans, that would have
increased employment in the sector and would have given the Finnish restaurant
culture better opportunities to develop and diversify.

A base for comparison for labour hire

The labour hire segment that was integrated into our Group in the 2014 financial
year is gradually beginning to become established as part of our operations, and
a base for comparison is beginning to form for its development and growth.
Labour hire is quickly becoming an increasingly significant part of our Group's

As a result of the acquisition of new customers and the conclusion of new
contracts, the number of staff in the segment is increasing. Through this
growth, the organisation and its management is being revamped and reinforced.
The business of the labour hire segment has been dominated by the restaurant
sector, but in the near future growth possibilities will be seen in many other
sectors too.

The labour hire sector is strongly developing, and it offers both employers and
employees new kinds of opportunities for operating. According to the Private
Employment Agencies' Association HPL, the overall turnover of the employment
agencies' sector is growing strongly. The demand for hired labour is increasing
and the volume of part-time employment in Finland has grown significantly during
the last decades.

The new generations are open to working flexibly in different companies, units
and sectors. Work done over short periods in different companies springing up
alongside long and permanent working careers has become an everyday thing. Sitra
estimates that these kind of 'atypical employment relationships'  are already
employing 800,000 Finns, which is about 35 per cent of the national work force.

Expectations favourable for the rest of the year

Although the general economic and social situations are setting many challenges
for our business, we have succeeded in growing. At the same time, we have been
able to maintain good profitability, which is clearly above the average
profitability within the industry. Our earnings per share have also clearly

In both the restaurant and labour hire businesses, profit is focused on the end
of the year, so our expectations until then are favourable.

Markku Virtanen, CEO

APPENDIX: Restamax Plc Interim Report Q3/2015

More information:

Markku Virtanen, CEO, Restamax Plc, tel. +358 400 836 477
Jarno Suominen, CFO, Restamax Plc, tel. +358 40 721 5655


Major media

Restamax Plc is a Finnish restaurant business group established in 1996 that
also offers labour hire services. The company, which listed on NASDAQ OMX
Helsinki Oy in 2013 and became the first Finnish listed restaurant company, has
continued to grow steadily throughout its history. The Group companies include
approximately 100 restaurants, cafes, pubs and nightclubs throughout Finland.
The Group's well-known restaurant concepts include the von Trappe restaurants,
Bodega Salud, Viihdemaailma Ilona, American Diner, Daddy's Diner, Stefan's
Steakhouse, and the Galaxie and Space Bowling & Billiards entertainment centres.
Restamax Plc employs between 900 and 1,100 people depending on the season. The
turnover for 2014 was MEUR 86.7 and the EBITDA was MEUR 12.0.

Restamax company website: www.restamax.fi, Restamax consumer website:
