2010-05-28 15:06:35 CEST

2010-05-28 15:07:34 CEST


Snaige AB - Interim information

I quarter of AB „Snaigė“ - the first signs of recovery

According to unaudited consolidated financial results of I quarter of 2010, AB
„Snaigė“ has received revenues of 17.6 m.LTL and incurred net loss of 0.7
m.LTL. This is the best financial result since year 2008. 

According to general director Gediminas Čeika, the company managed to survive
the harshest years of economic downturn. „The manufacturing and managerial
optimization, mobilization of company‘s capacities allowed not only to survive,
but also to work stably, to maintain majority of market share and product
demand. Although the forecasts for of large household compliance manufacturers
and retailers for year 2010 are not very optimistic, we believe that the
hardest period of AB „Snaigė“ is already in the past.“ 

Consolidated unaudited EBITDA profit of the company in the first quarter of
2010 totaled 2.8 m.LTL which is 12.9 m.LTL larger than in the same period
previous year. According to Gediminas Čeika, this is certainly a positive
indicator while evaluating company‘s operations. 

The company presents consolidated non-audited interim financial report for 3
months of 2010 together with confirmation by responsible persons regarding
accuracy of the report.