2011-05-03 15:32:25 CEST

2011-05-03 15:33:24 CEST


Engelska Litauiska
Klaipedos Nafta AB - Notification on material event

AB Klaipėdos nafta transshipment results in April 2011

In April 2011 Company reloaded 623 thousand tons of oil products to the tankers
(16%   less than in April 2010) and unloaded 672 thousand tons of oil products
in to the shore tanks (12 % less than in April 2010). 

The Company‘s transhipment volumes of April was mostly affected by planned oil
refinery turnaround by one of the biggest clients - AB ORLEN Lietuva.
Nevertheless the Company managed transhipment of oil product of other companies
successfully, therefore the revenues have increased. 

Revenues of the Company for the same period accounted for LTL 12.9 million (EUR
3.7 million)   2 % increase from April 2010. 

         Chief Financier Johana Bučienė, 8 46 391636