2007-08-02 08:00:00 CEST

2007-08-02 08:00:00 CEST


English Finnish
Scanfil - Quarterly report


SCANFIL PLC              STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE        2 AUGUST 2007  9.00 a.m. 

SCANFIL PLC'S INTERIM REPORT 1 JANUARY - 30 JUNE 2007                           

January - June                                                                  
- Turnover for the first six months of 2007 totalled EUR 111.1 million          
  (122.5 in the corresponding period 2006)                                      
- Operating profit was EUR 7.5 (1.7) million, which is 6.8 (1.4) % of           
- Profit for the review period was EUR 6.3 (- 0.9) million                      
- Earnings per share were EUR 0.11 (- 0.01)                                     

April - June                                                                    
- Turnover for the second quarter totalled EUR 58.9 million (62.4 in the        
  corresponding period in 2006)                                                 
- Operating profit was EUR 4.0 (5.1) million representing 6.7 (8.2)% of         
- Earnings per share amounted EUR 0.05 (0.06)                                   

DEVELOPMENT OF OPERATIONS                                                       

The major restructurings in the telecommunications sector that affected the     
markets for telecommunications network products in late 2006 and early 2007 were
completed during the period under review. Markets are beginning to normalise,   
and demand increased slightly towards the end of the period under review.       
Increase in demand is the strongest in the growing markets of Asia and India.   
Due to a tough price competition in these lower-cost countries and a less       
expensive cost structure of new products, the average prices of                 
telecommunications network products have continued to decrease.                 

The demand for industrial electronics products has developed favourably in the  
period under review, and the production volume was higher than in the           
corresponding period in 2006.                                                   

Scanfil's operations in Asia continue to grow. The Chinese plants' sales,       
including deliveries to the Group's other plants, represented 41% of the Group's
total sales in the period under review (32% in 2006 and 28% in the corresponding
period in 2006). The Chinese subsidiaries employ half of the Group's personnel, 
and a total of 73% of the Group's personnel worked in the international         
subsidiaries on 30 June 2007.                                                   

The transfer of the remaining manufacturing operations of the Oulu and Äänekoski
plants to the Group's other units advanced according to schedule. Production in 
both locations will cease by the end of the third quarter.                      

Mr Harri Takanen, MSc(Eng), assumed his position as the President of Scanfil plc
on 15 May 2007, as announced earlier.                                           

CPS Elektroniikka Oy, a subsidiary of the Scanfil Group, was dissolved on       
15 June 2007 in accordance with the decision of the Annual General Meeting. The 
company has not engaged in any production activities since 30 April 2005. The   
dissolution does not affect the Group's financial performance.                  

FINANCIAL DEVELOPMENT                                                           

The Group's turnover in January - June was EUR 111.1 (122.5) million, showing a 
decrease of 9% over the previous year. Distribution of turnover based on the    
location of customers was as follows: Finland 42 (44)%, rest of Europe 26 (29)%,
Asia 30 (24)%, USA 1 (2)% and the others 1 (1)%.                                

Scanfil aims to continuously develop its manufacturing operations and improve   
cost-efficiency at all levels. In the challenging and competitive operating     
environment, the company has managed to retain its profitability at a           
satisfactory level.  Operating profit was EUR 7.5 (1.7) million, representing   
6.8 (1.4)% of turnover. Earnings for the review period amounted to EUR 6.3      
(-0.9) million. Earnings per share were EUR 0.11 (-0.01) and return on          
investment was 11.9 (2.4)%.  EUR 1.0 million of capital gains from sale of fixed
assets were recorded for 2007. The Group's result for 2006 is weakened by the   
non-recurring expense item of EUR 7.6 million related to the discontinuation of 
the Belgian subsidiary's production activities.                                 

Turnover in April - June was EUR 58.9 (62.4) million. Operating profit in the   
second quarter totalled EUR 4.0 (5.1) million, representing 6.7 (8.2)% of       
turnover. Earnings per share were EUR 0.05 (0.06). For products being           
discontinued, the Group recorded a write-down of EUR 1.0 million in the second  
quarter, calculated on material and product inventories.                        

Owing to the structure of the company's operations, the effects of change in    
exchange rates on the result were minimal. As growth shifts to the Asian        
operations, the impact of fluctuations in the dollar exchange rate on company's 
operations may increase.                                                        

FINANCING AND CAPITAL EXPENDITURE                                               

The Group enjoys a strong financial position. Liabilities amounted to EUR 50.7  
(72.9) million, EUR 43.2 (55.4) million of which were non-interest-bearing and  
EUR 7.5 (17.5) million interest-bearing.                                        
Liquid cash assets totalled EUR 36.0 (48.9) million. The equity ration was 71.6 
(62.3)% and gearing -22.2 (-26.1)%.                                             

Cash flow from operating activities in the review period was positive at EUR 6.3
(19.6) million, and the change in working capital was EUR -1.2 (11.3) million.  

Gross investments in fixed assets totalled EUR 0.9 (2.8) million, which is 0.9  
(2.3)% of turnover. Depreciations were EUR 3.8 (4.5) million.                   

BOARD OF DIRECTORS' AUTHORISATION                                               

On 12 April 2007, the Annual General Meeting authorised the Board of Directors  
to decide on the repurchase of a maximum of 4,000,000 company shares, using     
non-restricted equity, and on the disposal of a maximum of 5,998,449 company    

The Board of Directors has no existing share issue authorisations or            
authorisations to issue convertible bonds with warrants.                        

OWN SHARES                                                                      

On 30 June 2007, the company owned a total of 1,998,449 of its own shares, the  
counter-book value of which totalled EUR 499,612 and which represented 3.3% of  
the company's share capital and votes.                                          
During the review period, the company disposed of 1,551 of its own shares in    
conjunction with the share-based profit-sharing scheme of the Group's Management

SHARE TRADING AND SHARE PERFORMANCE                                             

The highest trading price during the review period was EUR 2.49 and the lowest  
EUR 2.13, the closing price for the period standing at EUR 2.31. A total of     
4,835,850 shares were traded during the period, corresponding to 8.0% of the    
total number of shares. The market value of the shares on 30 June 2007 was EUR  
140,2 million.                                                                  


Scanfil Group's personnel averaged 2,105 (2,187) employees during the review    
period and the company employed 2,116 (2,173) employees at the end of the review
period, of whom 1,537 (1,402) were employed in the company's foreign plants.    

FUTURE PROSPECTS                                                                

The markets for telecommunications networks are expected to grow only slightly  
in 2007. Tough price competition, growth of demand shifting more and more to    
developing markets, and the replacement of current high-volume products with    
simpler and more inexpensive telecommunications network products will intensify 
in late 2007, due to which the turnover in this product group is expected to    
decrease in 2007.                                                               

The favourable development in the demand for industrial electronics products is 
expected to continue in the second half of 2007.                                

Based on available forecasts, Scanfil plc's sales for 2007 are expected to fall 
short of the 2006 level. Profitability for the full year is estimated to be at a
satisfactory level.                                                             
Scanfil plc's primary goals for 2007 are improving efficiency and maintaining   
profitability as well as developing operations, taking into account changes in  
the market and changing customer needs. In addition to actions directed at      
profitability, the Company's good financial standing provides an opportunity to 
actively seek various means and arrangements that will put Scanfil's operations 
back on a growth track.                                                         

OPERATIONAL RISKS AND UNCERTAINTIES                                             

Uncertainty in the market will continue and predictability is extremely poor.   
Due to product changes and industry restructurings, the production of certain   
high-volume products will end during the ongoing year, and there is, as yet, no 
certainty of the production of substitute products. Key operational risks in    
contract manufacturing include tough price competition, availability of         
materials, and rapid and significant fluctuations in market demand.             


Appendix 1: Consolidated profit and loss statements and balance sheet           
Appendix 2: Consolidated cash flow statement                                    
Appendix 3: Key indicators                                                      
Appendix 4: Calculation of changes in shareholders' equity                      
Appendix 5: Segment information                                                 
Appendix 6: Consolidated contingent liabilities                                 
Appendix 7: Key indicators quarterly                                            

This interim report has been prepared in accordance with the recognition and    
measurement principles of the IFRS, but all of the requirements of the IAS 34   
standard have not been followed.                                                
The accounting policies and methods for calculating key indicators are the same 
as those published in the financial statements for 2006.                        
Individual figures and grand totals have been rounded to the nearest million    
euros, so they will not always add up. The figures are unaudited.               

                                                                     APPENDIX 1 

CONSOLIDATED PROFIT AND LOSS STATEMENT                                          
EUR million                                                                     
                                    2007     2006      2007      2006      2006 
                                   4 - 6    4 - 6     1 - 6     1 - 6    1 - 12 

NET SALES                           58.9     62.4     111.1     122.5     241.4 
Increase or decrease of                                                         
Inventory of finished products    -  1.0      0.7   -   1.6    -  2.3   -   0.4 
Manufacturing for own use                     0.0                 0.0       0.0 
Other operating income               0.6      0.3       1.6       0.3       2.1 
Expenses                          - 52.7  -  56.1   -  99.7    -114.4   - 223.5 
Depreciation                      -  1.8  -   2.2   -   3.8    -  4.5   -   8.3 
OPERATING PROFIT                     4.0      5.1       7.5       1.7      11.4 
Financial income and expenses        0.0  -   0.2       0.3    -  0.3       0.7 
PROFIT BEFORE TAXES                  4.0      4.9       7.8       1.3      12.1 
Direct tax                        -  0.8  -   1.3   -   1.5    -  2.2   -   3.8 

NET PROFIT FOR THE PERIOD            3.2      3.7       6.3    -  0.9       8.2 
Attributable to:                                                                
  Equity holders of the Company      3.2      3.7       6.3    -  0.9       8.2 

Earnings/share (EPS), EUR           0.05     0.06      0.11    - 0.01      0.14 

CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET                                                      
EUR million                                           30.6.    30.6.     31.12  
                                                      2007     2006       2006  

Long-term assets                                                                
 Tangible current assets                               40.3     48.9       43.1 
 Goodwill                                               2.6      2.3        2.5 
 Other intangible assets                                1.2      1.0        1.0 
 Sellable investments                                   0.2      0.3        0.3 
 Receivables                                            0.2      0.3        0.2 
 Deferred tax receivables                               0.2      0.2        0.2 
Long-term assets total                                 44.6     52.9       47.4 

Short-term assets                                                               
 Inventories                                           35.3     36.2       41.4 
 Sales and other receivables                           56.3     51.3       43.0 
 Prepayments                                            0.1      0.5        0.0 
 Financing assets with result                                                   
 impact entered at current value                       11.9     15.8        8.9 
 Cash and cash equivalents                             24.1     33.1       22.9 
Short-term assets total                               127,7    136.9      116.2 

Non-current assets held for sale                        6.5      3.4       10.0 

ASSETS TOTAL                                          178.8    193.3      173.6 

SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY AND LIABILITIES                                            

Shareholders' equity that belongs to                                            
the owners of the parent company                                                
 Share capital                                         15.2     15.2       15.2 
 Premium fund                                          16.1     16.1       16.1 
 Own shares                                         -   6.9  -   4.1    -   6.9 
 Other funds                                            2.5      1.9        1.9 
 Translation differences                            -   0.4  -   1.4    -   0.7 
 Value change fund                                      0.1      0.1        0.1 
 Profits accrued                                      101.4     92.6      101.7 
Shareholders' equity that belongs to                                            
the owners of the parent company total                128.0    120.3      127.4 

Long-term liabilities                                                           
 Deferred tax liabilities                               1.3      1.5        1.4 
 Reserves                                               7.3     11.6        8.5 
 Interest-bearing liabilities                           7.5     17.5        7.5 
Long-term liabilities total                            16.1     30.6       17.4 

Short-term liabilties                                                           
 Procurement and other liabilities                     34.3     41.7       28.2 
 Current income tax liabilities                         0.3      0.6        0.6 
Short-term liabilities total                           34.6     42.4       28.8 

Liabilities total                                      50.7     72.9       46.2 

SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY AND                                                        
LIABILITIES TOTAL                                     178.8    193.3      173.6 
                                                                     APPENDIX 2 

CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT                     2007        2006      2006 
EUR million                                         1 - 6       1 - 6    1 - 12 
Cash flow from operations                                                       
Net profit                                           6.3       -  0.9       8.2 
  Adjustment for the net profit of the period        2.9         13.2      13.6 
  Change in net working capital                    - 1.2         11.3       2.9 
  Interests paid and other financial expenses      - 0.2       -  0.3    -  0.7 
  Interests received                                 0.3          0.3       0.8 
  Taxes paid                                       - 1.8       -  3.9    -  6.1 
Net cash flow from operations                        6.3         19.6      18.8 

Cash flow from investments                                                      
  Investments in tangible and                                                   
  intangible assets                                - 0.8       -  2.3    -  7.8 
  Proceeds from sale of tangible                                                
  and intangible assets                              4.3          1.0       2.8 
Net cash flow from investments                       3.5      -   1.3    -  5.0 
Cash flow from funding                                                          
  Acquiring of own shares                                                -  2.8 
  Repayment of long-term loans                                -   0.4    - 10.4 
  Dividends paid                                   - 5.9      -   6.0    -  6.0 
Net cash flow from funding                         - 5.9      -   6.3    - 19.1 

Change in assets                                     3.9         12.0     - 5.3 

Liquid assets at the beginning                                                  
of the period                                       31.8         37.8      37.8 
Effect of changes in currency exchange rates         0.1        - 1.1     - 0.9 
Effect of changes in the fair value of investments   0.2          0.2       0.1 
Liquid assets at the end of the period              36.0         48.9      31.8 

                                                                     APPENDIX 3 
KEY INDICATORS                                      2007         2006       2006
                                                   1 - 6        1 - 6     1 - 12

Return on equity, %                                  9.8       -  1.4        6.4
Return on investment, %                             11.9          2.4        9.0
Interest-bearing liabilities,                                                   
EUR million                                          7.5         17.5        7.5
Gearing, %                                        - 22.2       - 26.1     - 19.1
Equity ratio, %                                     71.6         62.3       73.6
Gross investments in fixed                                                      
assets, EUR million                                  0.9          2.8        8.5
% of net turnover                                    0.9          2.3        3.5
Personnel, average                                 2 105        2 187      2 213
Earnings per share, EUR                             0.11       - 0.01       0.14
Shareholders' equity per share, EUR                 2.18         2.01       2.17
Number of shares at                                                             
the end of period, 000's                          60 714       60 714     60 714
- not counting own shares                         58 716       59 714     58 714
- weighted average                                58 716       59 714     59 557
The company does not have any liabilities resulting from derivative instruments.
Owing to the nature of the sector, the company's order book covers only a short 
period of time and does not give an accurate picture of future development.     

                                                                     APPENDIX 4 

CALCULATION OF CHANGES IN SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY                                  
EUR million                                                                     

A = Share capital                                                               
B = Premium fund                                                                
C = Own shares                                                                  
D = Other reserves                                                              
E = Translation differences                                                     
F = Fair value reserve                                                          
G = Retained earnings                                                           
H = Total                                                                       
I = Shareholder's equity total                                                  
SHAREHODER'S               A     B      C    D     E     F      G      H      I 
1.1.2006                15.2  16.1   -4.1  1.3   2.5   0.1  100.0  131.1  131.1 

Translation difference                         - 3.9               - 3.9  - 3.9 
NET INCOME RECOGNIZED                                                           
DIRECTLY IN EQUITY                             - 3.9               - 3.9  - 3.9 

Net profit for the period                                   - 0.9  - 0.9   -0.9 
TOTAL RECOGNIZED INCOME                                                         
AND EXPENCE                                    - 3.9        - 0.9  - 4.8  - 4.8 

Payment of dividend                                         - 6.0  - 6.0  - 6.0 
Transfer to funds                          0.6              - 0.6               

SHAREHOLDER'S EQUITY                                                            
30.6.2006               15.2  16.1  - 4.1  1.9 - 1.4   0.1   92.6  120.3  120.3 

SHAREHOLDER'S EQUITY       A     B      C    D     E     F      G      H      I 
1.1.2007                15.2  16.1  - 6.9  1.9 - 0.7   0.1  101.7  127.4  127.4 

Translation difference                           0.3                 0.3    0.3 
NET INCOME RECOGNIZED                                                           
DIRECTLY IN EQUITY                               0.3                 0.3    0.3 

Net profit for the period                                     6.3    6.3    6.3 
TOTAL RECOGNIZED INCOME                                                         
AND EXPENCE                                      0.3          6.3    6.5    6.5 

Payment of dividend                                        -  5.9  - 5.9  - 5.9 
Transfers to funds                         0.7             -  0.7               
Transfer of own shares                0.0                            0.0    0.0 

SHAREHOLDER'S EQUITY                                                            
30.6.2007               15.2  16.1  - 6.9  2.5 - 0.4   0.1  101.4  128.0  128.0 

                                                                     APPENDIX 5 


EUR million                                         2007        2006       2006 
                                                   1 - 6       1 - 6     1 - 12 
Europe                                              75.2        97.8      188.1 
Asia                                                44.3        32.8       72.5 
Turnover between segments                         -  8.5      -  8.1     - 19.1 
Total                                              111.1       122.5      241.4 
OPERATING PROFIT                                                                
Europe                                               3.7      -  1.5        4.9 
Asia                                                 3.9         3.2        6.5 
Total                                                7.5         1.7       11.4 

The Group operates in single sector.                                            

                                                                      APPENDIX 6

CONSOLIDATED CONTINGENT LIABILITIES                                             
EUR million                                         2007        2006       2006 
                                                   1 - 6       1 - 6     1 - 12 

Real estate mortgages                                2.5         6.2        6.2 
Business mortgages                                  16.4        16.4       16.4 
Guarantees pledged                                   0.7         0.7        0.7 
Rental liabilities                                   0.9         0.3        0.5 

The parent company has given a EUR 8.2 million bank guarantee to secure the     
payment of contributions related to Scanfil NV's restructuring. Scanfil NV's    
balance sheet includes a corresponding provision.                               

                                                                     APPENDIX 7 
KEY INDICATORS QUARTERLY                                                        
EUR million                                                                     
                    Q2/07   Q1/07   Q4/06  Q3/06  Q2/06   Q1/06   Q4/05  Q3/05  
Turnover, MEUR       58.9    52.2    51.5   67.5   62,4    60,1    76,8   83,4  
profit, MEUR          4.0     3.6     2.7    7.0    5.1  -  3.4     6.2    7.8  
Operating profit, %   6.7     6.8     5.2   10.4    8.2  -  5.7     8.1    9.3  
Net income, MEUR      3.2     3.1     3.0    6.1    3.7  -  4.5     5.3    6.2  
EPS, EUR             0.05    0.05    0.05   0.10   0.06  - 0.08    0.09   0.10  

SCANFIL PLC                                                                     

Harri Takanen                                                                   

Additional information:                                                         
President Harri Takanen                                                         
Tel +358 8 4882 111                                                             

Distribution         Helsinki Exchanges                                         
                     Major Media                                                

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