2018-01-05 17:16:12 CET

2018-01-05 17:17:13 CET


English Islandic
Íbúðalánasjóður - Changes board/management/auditors

Changes to the Board of Directors of The Housing Financing Fund

The Minister of Social Affairs and Equality has appointed Ásta Björg Pálmadóttir as  Board member of the Housing Financing Fund (HFF), to replace Ingibjörg Ólöf Vilhjálmsdóttir, former Chairman of the Board who resigned last March. Ásta Björg Pálmadóttir has an extensive experience in local government affairs and administration.

The Minister has also appointed Haukur Ingibergsson as Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Housing Financing Fund (HFF). Haukur Ingibergsson has been a member of the Board for the last 5 years.