2008-02-29 13:15:00 CET

2008-02-29 13:15:52 CET


Alma Media - Company Announcement

Alma Media: Announcement pursuant to the Securities Act, Chapter 2, Section 10

Alma Media Oyj  Stock Exchange Announcement   29 February 2008 at


Alma Media Corporation has been informed that the forward contracts
held by Helsingin Mekaanikontalo Oy (trade register number 1076761-9)
have been extended, and the company holds currently 95,565 forward
contracts that mature in March 2008. If these forward contracts will
be converted into Alma Media shares, Helsingin Mekaanikontalo Oy
would hold 12.81% of Alma Media shares. Alma Media announced on 26
November 2007 that Helsingin Mekaanikontalo Oy holds 821 forward
contracts that mature on January 2008 and 54 229 forward contracts
that mature on February 2008.

According to the information received by Alma Media Corporation,
Procomex SA (business register number R.C. Luxembourg B 57.877) has
terminated all its Alma Media forward contracts. Currently, Procomex
SA holds directly 24,881 Alma Media shares, representing 0.03% of
voting rights and share capital of the company.

Pursuant to the Securities Act, Chapter 2, Section 10 we inform that
the holdings of Procomex SA and Helsingin Mekaanikontalo Oy in Alma
Media Corporation are as follows (subject to the conversion of the
forward contracts into Alma Media shares):

|                                   | Number of | Maturity date for |
|                                   | shares    | forward contracts |
| Procomex SA                       |           |                   |
| Holdings of Procomex SA           | 24,881    |                   |
| Forward contracts of Procomex SA  | 0         | -                 |
| Helsingin Mekaanikontalo Oy       |           |                   |
| Holdings of Helsingin             | 300       |                   |
| Mekaanikontalo Oy                 |           |                   |
| Forward contracts of Helsingin    | 9,556,500 | March 2008        |
| Mekaanikontalo Oy                 |           |                   |

Procomex SA and Helsingin Mekaanikontalo Oy are companies controlled
by Ahti Vilppula, a member of Alma Media's Board of Directors. In
addition to the holdings presented above, Mr. Ahti Vilppula holds
directly 798 Alma Media shares. Subject to the conversion of the
forward contracts into Alma Media shares, the combined holding of
Procomex SA, Helsingin Mekaanikontalo Oy and Ahti Vilppula in Alma
Media Corporation is 9,582,479 shares, representing 12.84%.

Alma Media Corporation's (business ID 1944757-4) share capital is EUR
44,767,513.80 and it is divided into 74,612,523 shares. The company
has one series of shares. Each share entitles to one voting right.
The total number of voting rights is 74,612,523.


Rauno Heinonen
Vice President, Corporate Communications and IR

Helsinki Exchanges
Principal media
Alma Media is a profitably growing and internationally expanding
company that invests in the future of newspapers and the online
media. Its best known products are Aamulehti, Iltalehti, Kauppalehti
and Etuovi.com.

Net sales in 2007 totalled EUR 329 million and the operating margin
was above 19 %. The company's share is listed in the Mid Cap segment
of the OMX Nordic Exchange's Nordic List, trading code ALN1V. More
information at www.almamedia.fi