2013-09-30 15:01:00 CEST

2013-09-30 15:01:01 CEST


LESTO AB - Notification on material event

Decisions adopted in Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of LESTO AB on 30th of September, 2013

LESTO AB, identification code 302577612, registered office placed at Žvejų str.
14, Vilnius, Republic of Lithuania. The total number of registered ordinary
shares issued by company is 603 944 593; ISIN code LT0000128449. 

The Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of LESTO AB, held on 30th of
September, 2013, adopted the following decisions: 

1. Item of agenda “Regarding election of the independent member of the
Supervisory Board of LESTO AB”. 

1.1. To elect Mr. Petras Povilas Čėsna (personal code and place of residence
must not be published), as independent member of the Supervisory Board of LESTO
AB from the adoption of this decision until the end of the term of office of
the current Supervisory Board. 

1.2. To determine that the member of the Supervisory Board indicated above in
paragraph 1.1 complies and shall comply with the independence requirements
during the entire term of office. 

1.3. To authorize the Managing Director of LESTO AB to sign the contract on
protection of confidential information of the company and the contract for the
working conditions of an independent member of Supervisory Board of LESTO AB
with the independent member of the Supervisory Board indicated above in
paragraph 1.1 according to the working conditions of an independent member of
Supervisory Board that was set on General Meeting of Shareholders of 26th July,

Information about aforementioned decisions is also available on the website of
LESTO AB at http://www.lesto.lt as well as at the headquarters of LESTO AB
(Žvejų str. 14, Vilnius) during business hours (7.30-11.30 a.m. and 12.15-4.30
p.m.; 7.30-11.30 a.m. and 12.15-3.15 p.m. on Fridays). 

Information is not confidential.

         Person for contacts: Representative for Public Relations Ernestas
Naprys, Tel. No (+370~5) 251 4516.