2016-06-22 10:53:03 CEST

2016-06-22 10:53:03 CEST


English Islandic
Lánamál ríkisins - Company Announcement

Purchase of State-guaranteed bonds in connection with the results of the Central Bank of Iceland foreign currency auction of 16 June 2016

In connection with the foreign currency auction held by the Central Bank of
Iceland on 16 June 2016, in accordance with the Terms of Auction for the
purchase of Icelandic krónur by the Central Bank of Iceland in exchange for
euros, and in accordance with the advertisement of 10 June 2016 concerning the
purchase price for State-guaranteed securities in connection with the foreign
currency auction, the Central Bank has decided to purchase the following
Treasury bill and Treasury bond series and State-guaranteed bonds offered as
financing for foreign currency purchases in the auction. 

Series        Nominal amount     Price
HFF150224        151.236.545  0,947040
HFF150434         97.878.162  1,445123
HFF150644        154.523.818  1,713563
RIKB 16 1013  1,041573
RIKB 17 0206         860.000  1,012072
RIKB 19 0226   4.089.580.382  1,087645
RIKB 20 0205     184.792.000  1,020491
RIKB 22 1026     377.626.914  1,095128
RIKB 25 0612     794.047.000  1,115026
RIKB 31 0124     313.050.000  1,043413
RIKH 18 1009     339.537.000  1,003056
RIKS 21 0414     222.027.000  1,263067
RIKV 16 0915     147.600.000  0,996090
RIKV 16 1115     116.000.000  0,993060
IBN 20 0101       12.000.000   0,56845

In connection with settlement of the transactions, the State-guaranteed
securities must be received by the Central Bank no later than 10:00 hrs. on 29
June 2016. The foreign currency will be deposited to the intermediary’s euro
account following delivery of the securities, and no later than at 16:00 hrs.
that same day. 

Queries relating to any of the foregoing may be sent by e-mail to