2008-04-03 13:50:00 CEST

2008-04-03 13:50:01 CEST


English Finnish
Amanda Capital - Company Announcement


AMANDA CAPITAL PLC				STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE                                    

Amanda Capital Plc has updated its investment strategy so that the company can  
in the future also invest in listed private equity companies and funds. The new 
investment strategy is as follows:                                              

Amanda Capital Plc may make investments in private equity funds on the primary  
market, carry out secondary transactions and make direct investments in unlisted
companies and listed private equity companies and funds.                        

The objective is to build a diversified portfolio by investing in different     
private equity funds in different geographical areas taking into account the    
following restrictions:                                                         

(i)	Amanda's primary geographical focus is Europe, which means that more than   
half of the investment commitments have to be invested in Europe.               

(ii)	Amanda may invest at most 25 % of the investment commitments in so called  
emerging markets.                                                               

(iii)	Amanda may invest at most 25 % of the investment commitments in venture   
capital funds.                                                                  

(iv)	The share of an individual buy-out fund may not exceed 15 % of the         
investment commitments.                                                       

(v)	The share of an individual venture capital fund may not exceed 10 % of      
Amanda's portfolio of investment commitments.                                   

(vi)	An investment made in one company may not exceed 5 % of Amanda's Equity.   

(vii)	Amanda may take short-term credit to make investments for an amount       
corresponding at most to 20 % of the Equity. The purpose of the credit is to    
guarantee Amanda's liquidity towards the target funds in all situations.        

(viii)The share of Amanda's investment commitments may be at maximum 20 % of the
    total commitments of any target fund.                                       

Direct investments made in unlisted companies may not exceed in aggregate 20 %  
of the Equity.                                                                  

Investments in listed private equity companies and funds shall be made          
diversified and mainly through mutual funds. The value of the listed investments
may not exceed 25 % of Amanda's equity.                                         

The objective of Amanda is to make investments with the so-called over          
commitment strategy. The goal is that 100 per cent of the balance sheet is      
invested in private equity.                                                     

AMANDA CAPITAL PLC                                                              
Board of Directors                                                              

Additional Information: CEO Petteri Änkilä, tel. +358 9 6829 6011               

Distribution: OMX Nordic Exchange in Helsinki, www.amandacapital.fi             

The Amanda Group is a private equity management company. Its parent company is  
the first publicly listed private equity fund of funds in Scandinavia. Amanda   
has investments in 24 private equity funds and in four funds of funds under     
Amanda's own management.                                                        

Amanda Group is one of Finland's largest management companies of private equity fund investments. It manages several private equity fund portfolios under       
consultancy agreements and six private equity funds of funds with several       
domestic and international institutions as investors. Amanda Group currently has
EUR 2.3 billion of assets under management (original investment commitments)    
with which it has made investments in more than 100 private equity funds in     
Europe, the US, Asia, and Russia.