2008-04-03 14:45:14 CEST

2008-04-03 14:45:23 CEST


Straumur-Burðarás Fjárfestingabanki hf. - Notice to general meeting

AGM Agenda

The AGM of Straumur-Burdaras Investment Bank hf. will be held on
Tuesday, 15 April 2008,
at 4 p.m., at Hotel Hilton Reykjavik Nordica, Sudurlandsbraut 2, 108
Reykjavík, Rm A+B.


1. The report of the Board of Directors on the activities of the
Company during the preceding year

2. Submission of the annual accounts of the Company, together with
the auditor's report, for approval

3. Decision on the disposal of the Company's earnings in the
accounting year

4. Decision on remuneration to the members of the Board of Directors
for the next year of operation
and of the Auditor for the preceding year of operation

5. Proposal on the Company's remuneration policy

6. Elections to the Board of Directors

7. Election of an auditor or auditing firm

8. Proposals on the following amendments of the Articles of
Association of the Company:

(A) The second sentence of Article 3 to be amended by substituting
the word "banks" for the words "investment banks";

(B) A new article, Article 15(a), to be inserted, as follows: "Each
shareholder has the right to speak at shareholders' meetings. In the
event that the Board of Directors has made a decision to hold a
meeting partially by electronic means, shareholders so participating
in the meeting should submit questions concerning the agenda or
submitted documents etc. in connection with the meeting no later than
five days prior to the meeting."

(C) A new paragraph to be inserted following paragraph 2 of Article
18, as follows: "The Board of Directors may resolve that shareholders
should be permitted to participate by electronic means in the
proceedings of shareholders' meeting, including voting, without being
present at the venue of the meeting. However, shareholders must be
permitted to vote on items of business on the agendas of
shareholders' meetings by mail or electronically."

(D) The word "working" in the third sentence of paragraph 1 of
Article 19 to be deleted.

9. Proposal for renewed authorisation for the Company to buy shares
in itself

10. Any other business

The Agenda of the AGM, including the Company's annual accounts and
finalised motions will be laid open at the Bank's headquarters at
Borgartún 25, 6th floor, for inspection by shareholders as of 8 April

If any shareholder wishes to have a specific item of business
included for discussion at the meeting a written request to such
effect should be submitted at the Bank's office at Borgartún 25 at
the latest on 7 April 2008.

The deadline for declaring candidacy for election to the Board of
Directors expires on Tuesday, 8 April at 4:00 p.m. Declarations of
candidacy shall be submitted in writing to the Bank's office at
Borgartún 25 before that time. Declarations of candidacy shall
include, in addition to the name of the candidate, the candidate's ID
number and address, information on principal occupation, other
directorships, education, experience and shareholdings in the
Company. Declarations should also include information on any
relations with the Company's principal business partners and
competitors and with shareholders owning more than a 10% share in the
Company. Information on candidates to the Board of Directors will be
laid open for inspection by shareholders at the office of the Company
no later than two days before the shareholders' meeting.

For shareholders to be permitted to exercise their rights at the
meeting their names must have been recorded in the Company's register
of shares on the day of the AGM or they must provide adequate proof
of their title to shares by other adequate means.

Documents of the meeting and ballots will be made available to
shareholders or their proxies at the site of the meeting as of 2:00
p.m. on the day of the AGM. Shareholders may vote electronically on
items on the agenda of the meeting. Shareholders intending to vote by
such means need to have access to the Internet through ADSL or
similar connection.

Proposed electronic participation must be notified no later than at
4:00 p.m. on 14 April 2008. Further information on procedure for
electronic participation in the meeting and notification of such
participation is available on the Company website, www.straumur.net.

The meeting will be conducted in English.

Board of Directors of Straumur-Burdaras Investment Bank hf.