2014-10-30 14:37:30 CET

2014-10-30 14:38:29 CET


English Lithuanian
Amber Grid - Notification on material event

Decision of the Connecting Europe Facility Coordination Committee

On 29 October 2014, the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) Coordination Committee
of Member States representatives gave a positive opinion on the draft list of
proposals selected for receiving European Union financial assistance under the
CEF in the field of energy, drawn up by the European Commission. The aforesaid
list contains, among others, also three proposals to finance investment,
projects with the involvement of AB Amber Grid, namely: 

  -- Construction of the Klaipeda-Kursenai Gas Transmission Pipeline (maximum EU
     financial assistance - 27.592,500 EUR)
  -- Preparatory works for the Gas Interconnection Poland-Lithuania (GIPL) up to
     building permission(s) obtainment (maximum EU financial assistance -
     10.595,988 EUR)
  -- Construction of the Gas Interconnection Poland-Lithuania (GIPL) including
     supporting infrastructure (maximum EU financial assistance - 295.386,600

After the European Commission adopts its decision on a list of proposals
selected for receiving European Union financial assistance, the process for the
conclusion of individual grant agreements will be started. 

For further information


The individual authorised by AB Amber Grid (the issuer) to provide additional
information on the material event: 

Danas Janulionis

Head of Strategic Planning and External Relations Division

tel. +370 5 232 7747

fax +370 5 236 0850e-mail: d.janulionis@ambergrid.lt