2010-04-27 13:17:32 CEST

2010-04-27 13:18:37 CEST


English Lithuanian
Grigiskes AB - Notification on material event

Resolutions of General Meeting held on 27-04-2010

The General Meeting of shareholders of Grigiskes AB was held on 27-04-2010. The
meeting heard the annual report for the year 2009 and the Auditor's report for
the year 2009 and made following resolutions: 
•	to approve the Company's financial statements for the year 2009;
•	to approve the appropriation of Company's profit (loss) for the year 2009:
for dividends to distribute LTL 0,02 (0,006 EUR) per ordinary registered share
and to pay in total LTL 1 200 000 (374.544 EUR) of dividends and to appropriate
LTL 150.269 (43.521 EUR) to the legal reserves; 
•	to elect an audit company ERNST & YOUNG BALTIC, UAB for the financial year
2010 and 2011 audit and to fix a sum payable for the audit services not more
than 56.350 LTL (16.320 EUR) (plus VAT) for a single financial year. 

Gintautas Pangonis
General Director
(+370-5) 243 58 01