2007-07-26 07:45:26 CEST

2007-07-26 07:45:26 CEST


Pöyry - Company Announcement


In its meeting on July 25, 2007 the Board of Directors of Pöyry Plc
has approved the subscriptions for 78 808 shares made between June 12
and July 13, 2007 with stock options 2004A pursuant to the stock
option programme 2004 of the company. Following these subscriptions,
the registered share capital of the company will increase by EUR
19 702 from EUR 14 545 036 to EUR 14 564 738 and the total number of
authorised shares will increase to 58 258 952.

The aim is to have the increase in share capital registered in the
Trade Register on August 1, 2007. According to the terms and
conditions of stock options 2004, the subscribed new shares entitle
to dividend and other shareholders' rights as of the date of
registration of the share capital increase into the Trade Register.
The new shares will be joined to the old shares and are expected to
be available for public trading on the main list of the Helsinki
Stock Exchange on August 2, 2007.

The subscription period for stock options 2004A started on March 1,
2007 and will end on March 31, 2010. A total of 78 808 shares have
been subscribed with stock options 2004A by July 25, 2007.

The terms and conditions of stock options 2004 and further
information on the stock option programme are available on the
company's webpage www.poyry.com.


Erkki Pehu-Lehtonen
President and CEO

Teuvo Salminen
Deputy to President and CEO

Additional information by:
Anne Viitala, Group General Counsel, Pöyry Plc
Tel. +358 10 33 22811


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