2008-01-16 12:31:35 CET

2008-01-16 12:32:06 CET


Orion - Company Announcement

Orion Corporation publishes 2007 Financial Statement release on 7 Feb 2008 at 8.30 EET

Orion Corporation will publish its 2007 Financial Statement release
on Thursday, 7 February 2008 at 8.30 Finnish time (6.30 am GMT). The
release and presentation material will be available after publishing
on the Group's homepage at www.orion.fi/investors.

Press conference in Finnish at 10.00 EET (8.00 GMT)
A press conference will be held on Thursday, 7 February 2008 starting
at 10.00 Finnish time, at the Diana Auditorium, address Erottajankatu
5, Helsinki. Orion's new CEO, Timo Lappalainen will host the event
and the language of the conference is Finnish.

We kindly ask you to notify your participation in advance by email to
corpcom@orion.fi or by phone +358 10 426 3504.

The event can be followed on-line via Orion's Finnish homepage at
www.orion.fi as well as via the Kauppalehti Live web service at

English version of the conference will be available as an on-demand
webcast recoding. The archived webcasts will be available at
www.orion.fi/investors (in English) and at www.orion.fi/sijoittajille
(in Finnish) later the same day. The English webcast can also be
accessed via Thomson's web pages at www.earnings.com and

Teleconference in English at 17.00 EET (15.00 GMT)
A teleconference in English will be hosted on Thursday, 7 February
2008 starting at 17.00 Finnish time (15.00 GMT). Directions for
participating the conference will provided at www.orion.fi/investors
during the week 5.

Silent period
The silent period preceding the publication of the result is ongoing
and continues until the disclosure.

Orion Corporation

Timo Lappalainen                               Jari Karlson
CEO                                                 CFO

For further information, kindly contact:
Susanna Siira, Investor Relations Manager, tel +358 10 426 2782

Orion Corporation

Orion is a European pharmaceutical and diagnostics company which
emphasises the development of innovative medicinal treatments and
diagnostic tests for global markets. Orion develops, manufactures and
markets pharmaceuticals for humans and animals, active pharmaceutical
ingredients as well as diagnostic tests. Orion's clientele consists
mainly of healthcare service providers and professionals. The Group's
net sales in 2006 (proforma) were EUR 641.1 million and in the end of
2006 there were 3 061 employees working for the Group. Orion's stocks
are listed in OMX Nordic Exchange Helsinki.