2017-11-01 07:00:00 CET

2017-11-01 07:00:13 CET


Nokian Renkaat - Interim report (Q1 and Q3)

Nokian Tyres plc Interim Report January–September 2017: Strong performance with solid full year expectations

Nokian Tyres plc Interim Report January–September 2017, November 1, 2017, 8:00

This release is a summary of Nokian Tyres’ Interim Report January–September
2017. The complete report is attached to this release. It is also available on
the company website at www.nokiantyres.com/company/investors/.

July–September 2017

  · Net sales increased by 14.5% to EUR 363.1 million (317.2 in 7–9/2016).
Currency exchange rate changes affected net sales negatively by EUR 0.2 million
compared with the rates in 7–9/2016.
  · Operating profit increased by 21.3% to EUR 89.8 million (74.1). Operating
profit percentage was 24.7% (23.3%).
  · The profit for the period decreased by 82.8% to EUR 10.2 million (59.4) and
included additional taxes and punitive interest of EUR 59 million related to tax
year 2011.
  · Earnings per share were EUR 0.08 (0.44).
  · Cash flow from operating activities was EUR -88.1 million (-52.5).

January–September 2017

  · Net sales increased by 16.3% to EUR 1,082.0 million (930.5 in 1–9/2016).
Currency exchange rate changes affected net sales positively by EUR 32.0 million
compared with the rates in 1–9/2016.
  · Operating profit increased by 20.2% to EUR 242.8 million (202.0). Operating
profit percentage was 22.4% (21.7%).
  · The profit for the period decreased by 21.1% to EUR 126.7 million (160.6).
In Q3/2017, profit included additional taxes and punitive interest of EUR 59
million related to tax year 2011.
  · Earnings per share were EUR 0.93 (1.19).
  · Cash flow from operating activities was EUR -134.1 million (-92.5).

Financial guidance (reiterated)
In 2017, with the current exchange rates, net sales and operating profit are
expected to grow by at least 10% compared to 2016.

Key figures, EUR million

|                 |7–9  |7–9  |Change|1–9    |1–9  |Change|2016   |
|                 |/17  |/16  |%     |/17    |/16  |%     |       |
|Net sales        |363.1|317.2|14.5  |1,082.0|930.5|16.3  |1,391.2|
|Operating profit |89.8 |74.1 |21.3  |242.8  |202.0|20.2  |310.5  |
|Operating profit |24.7 |23.3 |      |22.4   |21.7 |      |22.3   |
|%                |     |     |      |       |     |      |       |
|Profit before tax|67.4 |69.2 |-2.5  |213.4  |192.4|10.9  |298.7  |
|Profit for the   |10.2 |59.4 |-82.8 |126.7  |160.6|-21.1 |251.8  |
|period           |     |     |      |       |     |      |       |
|Earnings per     |0.08 |0.44 |-83.0 |0.93   |1.19 |-21.9 |1.87   |
|share, EUR       |     |     |      |       |     |      |       |
|Equity ratio, %  |     |     |      |71.3   |71.9 |      |73.8   |
|Cash flow from   |-88.1|-52.5|      |-134.1 |-92.5|      |364.4  |
|operating        |     |     |      |       |     |      |       |
|activities       |     |     |      |       |     |      |       |
|Gearing, %       |     |     |      |8.5    |9.3  |      |-19.7  |
|Interest-bearing |     |     |      |116.6  |121.0|      |-287.4 |
|net debt         |     |     |      |       |     |      |       |
|Capital          |35.3 |30.0 |17.6  |95.3   |74.4 |28.0  |105.6  |
|expenditure      |     |     |      |       |     |      |       |

Hille Korhonen, President and CEO:
“In January–September 2017, Nokian Tyres demonstrated strong performance in all
of its main markets. Our net sales and operating profit improved.

The Passenger Car Tyres business unit showed strong growth during 1–9/2017. Net
sales increased in all markets. Operating profit increased clearly year-over
-year. In Europe, the trend of sales shifting towards the consumer season has
continued. We have been responding to the growing demand by increasing the
production volumes at both factories and by building a new production line at
the Russian factory. The new line has now been taken into use. In Q3/2017, raw
material costs decreased slightly compared with Q2/2017. We estimate that raw
material costs will increase by approximately 20% for the full year 2017
compared with 2016. We have implemented the necessary price increases in all
markets, and the effect is already visible. We have continued to build the
foundation for future growth by launching new products for all our markets.

Heavy Tyres increased its sales, operating profit and production volume. All
product segments and market areas showed growth. In particular, sales of
agricultural tyres were strong.

Vianor’s (own equity) net sales increased slightly but were affected by the
tough pricing environment. The profitability improvement program is proceeding
according to plan. Our branded distribution network, including Vianor, NAD, and
N-Tyre stores, grew by 232 stores during 1–9/2017.

In September, we held a groundbreaking ceremony in Dayton (Tennessee, USA) to
celebrate the beginning of the building work of our third factory. The new
factory will be our first manufacturing facility in North America. The site will
also house a distribution facility with a storage capacity of 600,000 tyres.
Construction is scheduled to begin in early 2018, and production is planned to
begin in 2020. Our ambition is to double our sales within North America in the
next five years. Our goal is to lead the tyre industry in sustainable
manufacturing as well as to make sure that our company is the employer of choice
within the greater communities it serves.

In October, we received a tax reassessment decision from the Tax Administration
regarding tax year 2011. We consider the reassessment decision of the Tax
Administration to be unfounded and we are going to appeal to the Board of
Adjustment and, if necessary, continue the appeal process in the Administrative

Our employees have done a great job in improving all aspects of sustainability
in our company. Our determination to be a sustainability pioneer in the tyre
industry is demonstrated by our safe and eco-friendly products, as well as our
inclusion in DJSI World. We are definitely on the right track, and the
conditions are great for further improving our operations.”


Passenger Car Tyres

|                 |7–9  |7–9  |Change|1–9  |1–9  |Change|2016 |
|                 |/17  |/16  |%     |/17  |/16  |%     |     |
|Net sales, M€    |276.2|234.6|17.7  |800.6|667.1|20.0  |981.1|
|Operating profit,|98.3 |84.4 |16.5  |259.0|211.4|22.5  |305.8|
|M€               |     |     |      |     |     |      |     |
|Operating profit,|35.6 |36.0 |      |32.4 |31.7 |      |31.2 |
|%                |     |     |      |     |     |      |     |

Heavy Tyres

|                 |7–9 |7–9 |Change|1–9  |1–9  |Change|2016 |
|                 |/17 |/16 |%     |/17  |/16  |%     |     |
|Net sales, M€    |42.1|37.3|12.9  |125.9|113.6|10.8  |155.3|
|Operating profit,|7.9 |6.0 |31.3  |22.8 |21.0 |8.1   |28.2 |
|M€               |    |    |      |     |     |      |     |
|Operating profit,|18.8|16.2|      |18.1 |18.5 |      |18.2 |
|%                |    |    |      |     |     |      |     |


Equity operations

|                  |7–9  |7–9    |Change|1–9   |1–9     |Change|2016 |
|                  |/17  |/16    |%     |/17   |/16     |%     |     |
|Net sales, M€     |68.7 |66.7   |2.9   |214.7 |209.9   |2.3   |334.8|
|Operating profit, |-7.0 |-6.7** |-5.5  |-18.9*|-15.9***|-19.1 |-8.1 |
|M€                |     |       |      |      |        |      |     |
|Operating profit, |-10.3|-10.0**|      |-8.8* |-7.6*** |      |-2.4 |
|%                 |     |       |      |      |        |      |     |
|Equity stores, pcs|     |       |      |196   |206     |      |212  |

* Excluding non-recurring items: Operating profit EUR -17.2 million, operating
profit percentage -8.0%.
** Excluding non-recurring items: Operating profit EUR -5.7 million, operating
profit percentage -8.5%.
*** Excluding non-recurring items: Operating profit EUR -14.9 million, operating
profit percentage -7.1%.

Press and analyst meetings

Nokian Tyres published its Interim Report for January–September 2017 on November
1, 2017 at 8.00 a.m. Finnish time.

The result presentation for analysts and media will be held on November 1, 2017
at 10.00 a.m. Finnish time at Hotel Kämp (address Pohjoisesplanadi 29,
Helsinki). President and CEO Hille Korhonen will present the interim report and
answer questions from the audience.

The presentation can be listened to as an audiocast over the Internet at
www.nokiantyres.com/resultinfo-Q3-2017 starting at 10 a.m.

The event can also be attended via conference call. Please dial in 5-10 minutes
before the beginning of the event:

FI: +358981710495
UK: +442031940552
SE: +46856642702
US: +18557161597

An audio file of the event will be available on the company’s website later same

Reporting schedule

The Financial Statement Bulletin 2017 will be published on February 2, 2018.
Releases and company information will be available at:

Further information:
Hille Korhonen, President and CEO, tel: +358 10 401 7733

Nokian Tyres plc

Antti-Jussi Tähtinen, Vice President, Marketing and Communications

Distribution: Nasdaq Helsinki, media, www.nokiantyres.com

Attachment: Nokian Tyres’ Interim Report January–September 2017
Nokian Tyres is the world’s northernmost tyre manufacturer. The company promotes
and facilitates safe driving in demanding conditions. It supplies innovative
tyres for cars, trucks and special heavy machinery mainly in areas with special
challenges on tyre performance: snow, forests and harsh driving conditions in
different seasons. Nokian Tyres’ product development is consistently aiming
for sustainable solutions for safety and the environment, taking into account
the whole life cycle of the tyre. A part of the Nokian Tyres group, the tyre
chain Vianor has approximately 1,500 stores in 27 countries. In 2016 Nokian
Tyres had approximately 4,400 employees and net sales of approximately 1,4
billion euros. Nokian Tyres’ share is listed on the Nasdaq Helsinki. Further
information: www.nokiantyres.com
