2007-02-19 10:05:30 CET

2007-02-19 10:05:30 CET


Anglų Suomių
Salcomp Oyj - Notice to general meeting


Salcomp Plc       Stock Exchange Release 19 February 2007 at 11.05  Finnish


The shareholders of Salcomp Plc are invited to an Annual General Meeting of     
Shareholders to be held in Marina Congress Center at Katajanokanlaituri 6,      
Helsinki, on Thursday, 29 March 2007 starting at 2.00 p.m. (Finnish time). The  
reception of those who have notified of their attendance will start at the      
meeting venue at 1.30 p.m. (Finnish time).                                      

MATTERS TO BE DEALT WITH AT THE MEETING                                         

1. Matters to be discussed at an Annual General Meeting pursuant to Article 12  
of the Articles of Association                                                  

The Company's financial statements bulletin and the Board of Directors' proposal
for profit distribution were published on 8 February 2007. The Board of         
Directors proposes that a dividend of EUR 0.06 per share be distributed, a total
of EUR 2.3 million, and the remainder be carried over to the free equity.       
Shareholders who on the record date of 3 April 2007 have been entered as        
shareholders in the company's shareholder register kept by the Finnish Central  
Securities Depository Ltd are entitled to dividend. The Board of Directors      
proposes that dividend be paid on 12 April 2007.                                

The Company has been informed that shareholders representing more than 53% of   
the shares and votes in the Company are going to propose to the General Meeting 
of Shareholders that the composition of the Board of Directors shall remain     
unchanged. Thus, the Board of Directors until the conclusion of the 2008 Annual 
General Meeting would comprise Kari Vuorialho, Jorma Terentjeff, Timo Leinilä,  
Andreas Tallberg, Panu Halonen and Petri Myllyneva. The corresponding           
shareholders are also going to propose that the remuneration for the Board of   
Directors be kept unchanged so that the Chairman would receive EUR 30,000, the  
Vice Chairman EUR 25,000 and each member EUR 20,000 per term of office, and that
expenses arising from attendance at meetings be reimbursed. According to the    
shareholders' proposal, KPMG Oy Ab, Authorised Public Accounting Firm, would    
continue as the Company's auditor.                                              

2. Amendment to the Articles of Association                                     

The Board of Directors proposes that the General Meeting of Shareholders shall  
amend the Articles of Association primarily due to the new Finnish Companies Act
(the “Companies Act”) in force as of 1 September 2006 as follows (references to 
the numbering within the currently valid Articles of Association):              

(i) § 2: The article concerning the Company's line of business shall be amended 
to better reflect its operations.                                               

(ii)§ 3: The provisions concerning the amount of share capital, number of shares
and the allowed minimums and maximums shall be repealed. It shall be noted that 
the Company's shares are included in the book-entry system.                     

(iii) 4 §: The description of the tasks of the Board of Directors shall be      
repealed as unnecessary. The tasks of the Board of Directors are determined on  
the basis of the Companies Act in force.                                        

(iv) § 6: The maximum number of ordinary Board members shall be changed from the
current six (6) to eight (8) and the provision on deputy members shall be       
(v) § 8: Authorisation to sign for the Company shall be changed into            
authorisation to represent the Company in accordance with the new Companies Act.

(vi) 9 §: The reference to the possibility to grant procurations shall be moved 
to the section concerning representation.                                       

(vii) § 10, subsection 1: This shall be amended so that the documents to be     
presented at the meeting are financial statements including consolidated        
financial statements, and an operating report that is no longer a part of the   
financial statements. Subsection 3 shall be amended so that the meeting adopts  
the financial statements, not the income statement and balance sheet.           

(viii)15 §: The current § 15 shall be repealed altogether by moving the         
reference to the book-entry system to § 3 of the Articles of Association.       

(ix) The numbering of articles shall be adjusted so that notes of the repealed  
Articles 4, 5, 9, 14 and 15 are replaced with currently valid articles.         

3. Authorising the Board of Directors to decide on a share issue                

The Board of Directors propose that it would be authorised to decide on offering
new shares for subscription through a share issue pursuant to Chapter 9, Section
2(2) of the Companies Act or by granting options or other special rights        
referred to in Chapter 10 of the Companies Act entitling for shares. On the     
basis of the authorisation, the number of the Company's shares may increase by a
maximum of 8,000,000 through one or more issues. The Board of Directors would be
authorised to decide on the grounds for determining the subscription price or to
determine the subscription price for new shares. The authorisation would not    
rule out the Board of Directors' right to decide on a private offering. The     
authorisation would be valid until 30 June 2008.                                

4. Reducing the share premium account                                           

The Board of Directors proposes that the share premium account according to the 
Company's balance sheet 31 December 2006 be reduced by the total amount of the  
share premium account, EUR 23,690,992.21, by transferring said amount to the    
company's invested free equity fund. After the reduction, the share premium     
account would amount to zero.                                                   

5. Incentive programme                                                          

The Board of Directors proposes to the General Meeting of Shareholders that a   
stock option scheme be introduced as the Company's incentive programme.         

The Board of Directors proposes that stock options pursuant to Chapter 10 of the
Companies Act be issued by the General Meeting of Shareholders to key personnel 
of the Company and its subsidiaries determined by the Board of Directors, as    
well as a fully owned subsidiary of the Company, as part of an incentive and    
commitment programme. The Company has a weighty financial reason for the issue  
of stock options, since the stock options are intended to form part of the      
incentive and commitment programme for key personnel.                           

The maximum total number of stock options issued would be 2,047,500, and they   
would entitle their holders to subscribe for a maximum total of 2,047,500 new   
shares in the Company on preconditions determined in more detail in the terms   
and conditions of the options. Of the stock options, 657,500 would be marked    
with the symbol 2007A, 682,500 would be marked with the symbol 2007B and 707,500
would be marked with the symbol 2007C. The share subscription period for stock  
options 2007A would be 1 April 2010 - 31 March 2012, while the subscription     
period for stock options 2007B would commence and end exactly one year later and
the subscription period for stock options 2007C correspondingly two years later.
The stock options would be granted free of charge.                              

MEETING DOCUMENTS                                                               

The 2006 financial statement documents, Board of Directors' proposals and other 
documents called for by the Companies Act shall be kept available for viewing by
shareholders for one week before the meeting at the Company's head office:      
Salcomp Plc, Salorantie 10, 24100 Salo, Finland, and on the Company's Web site  
at www.salcomp.com. Copies of the documents will be sent to shareholders on     

RIGHT AND NOTIFICATION OF ATTENDANCE                                            
Shareholders who on 19 March 2007 have been entered in the Company's shareholder
register kept by the Finnish Central Securities Depository Ltd have the right to
attend the General Meeting of Shareholders. Shareholders registered in the name 
of a nominee must contact their account operator in order to have themselves    
temporarily entered in the Company's shareholder register on 19 March 2007 for  
the purpose of attending the meeting.                                           

Shareholders who wish to attend the Annual General Meeting are requested to     
notify the Company of their attendance no later than on 23 March 2007 at 4 p.m. 
(Finnish time). Notification can be made by telephone +358 44 939 4669, by fax  
+358 201 875 450, by email to agm2007@salcomp.com or by mail to Salcomp         
Plc/AGM/Päivi Luoti, P.O. Box 95, FI-24101 Salo, Finland.  Attendees are        
requested to indicate if they are attending by proxy and to submit any proxies  
to the above address before the end of the registration period.                 

Helsinki, 19 February 2007                                                      

SALCOMP PLC                                                                     

Board of Directors                                                              

Further information:                                                            
Markku Hangasjärvi, President and CEO, Tel. +358 40 7310 114                    
Antti Salminen, CFO, tel. +358 40 5351 216                                      

Helsinki Stock Exchange                                                         
The main media                                                                  


1. Payment of dividend                                                          
The Board of Directors proposes to the General Meeting of Shareholders that a   
dividend of EUR 0.06 be paid to Salcomp Plc's shareholders for the financial    
period that ended on 31 December 2006. Shareholders who on the record date of 3 
April 2007 have been entered as shareholders in the company's shareholder       
register kept by the Finnish Central Securities Depository Ltd are entitled to  
receive a dividend. The Board of Directors proposes that the dividends be paid  
on 12 April 2007.                                                               

2. Board of Directors' proposal to authorise the Board of Directors to decide on
a share issue and the granting of special rights entitling to shares            
The Board of Directors proposes that the General Meeting of Shareholders        
authorise the Board of Directors to decide on the issuance of a maximum of      
8,000,000 new shares through a share issue or by granting special rights        
referred to in Chapter 10, Section 1 of the Companies Act (excluding personnel  
stock options) in one or more issues. The proposed maximum authorisation        
corresponds to approximately 20.5% of the total number of shares on the date of 
submitting the Board's proposal. The authorisation is proposed to be valid until
30 June 2008.                                                                   

The Board of Directors proposes that it be authorised to issue shares through a 
directed offering - that is, to deviate from the shareholders' pre-emptive      
subscription right. It is proposed that the authorisation be used for financing 
or carrying out arrangements important to the company, such as mergers,         
acquisitions or investments, or for other purposes subject to the Board of      
Directors' decision.                                                            

The Board of Directors proposes that the Board be authorised to decide on all   
other terms and conditions of carrying out a share issue or granting special    
rights referred to in Chapter 10, Section 1 of the Companies Act, including the 
recipients of shares or special rights entitling thereto, the amount of         
consideration payable, or the condition that the subscription price may be fully
or partially paid in other assets besides cash.                                 

3. Board of Directors' proposal for granting stock options                      
The Board of Directors proposes that stock options be issued by the General     
Meeting of Shareholders to the key personnel of the Salcomp Group, as well as to
a wholly owned subsidiary of Salcomp Plc, on the terms and conditions attached  
hereto (Appendix 1).                                                            

The Company has a weighty financial reason for the issue of stock options, since
the stock options are intended to form part of the incentive and commitment     
programme for key personnel. The purpose of the stock options is to encourage   
the key personnel to work on a long-term basis to increase shareholder value.   
The purpose of the stock options is also to commit the key personnel to the     

The maximum total number of stock options issued will be 2,047,500. The stock   
options entitle their holders to subscribe for a maximum total of 2,047,500 new 
shares in the Company.  The stock options proposed for issue can be exchanged   
for shares constituting a maximum total of 5.0% of the Company's shares and     
votes of the shares, after the potential share subscription.                    

The share subscription price would be:                                          
(a) for stock option 2007A, the trade volume weighted average quotation of the  
Company share on the Helsinki Stock Exchange during twenty (20) trading days    
preceding the 2007 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company        
(b) for stock option 2007B, the trade volume weighted average quotation of the  
Company share on the Helsinki Stock Exchange during twenty (20) trading days    
after the publishing of the Company's financial statements for the financial    
year 2007                                                                       
(c) for stock option 2007C, the trade volume weighted average quotation of the  
Company share on the Helsinki Stock Exchange during twenty (20) trading days    
after the publishing of the Company's financial statements for the financial    
year 2008.                                                                      

The share subscription period for stock options 2007A will be 1 April 2010—31   
March 2012, for stock options 2007B, 1 April 2011—31 March 2013 and for stock   
options 2007C, 1 April 2012—31 March 2014.                                      

The share subscription period will, however, begin only if certain prerequisites
for the Company's total shareholder return, separately determined by the Board  
of Directors, have been fulfilled. For stock options 2007A, this total          
shareholder return (value increase + dividends) is 8% per annum.                

4. Board of Directors' proposal to reduce the share premium account             
The Board of Directors proposes that the General Meeting of Shareholders make a 
decision to the effect that the share premium account according to the Company's
balance sheet 31 December 2006 be reduced by the total amount of the share      
premium account indicated on the balance sheet, EUR 23,690,992.21, by           
transferring all funds recorded in the share premium account to the company's   
invested free equity fund. After the reduction, the share premium account would 
amount to EUR 0.                                                                

According to the new Companies Act that entered into force on 1 September 2006, 
the subscription price for shares shall be recorded either in share capital or  
in the invested free equity fund. According to the Companies Act valid prior to 
this, any portion of share subscription price exceeding the nominal value was   
recorded in the share premium account. For this reason, Salcomp Plc's share     
premium account has a balance of EUR 23,690,992.21 on the date of this proposal.
Funds in the share premium account are restricted shareholders' equity. If the  
share premium account was reduced, the funds would be moved to the Company's    
unrestricted equity. Any reduction of the share premium account shall be        
notified to the Company's creditors pursuant to Chapter 14 of the Companies Act.

5. Board of Directors' proposal to amend the Articles of Association            
The Board of Directors proposes that the Articles of Association be amended to  
better reflect the provisions of the new Companies Act in force as of 1         
September 2006. Furthermore, the Board of Directors proposes that the article   
concerning the Company's line of business be amended to better reflect the      
Company's current business operations. The Board of Directors proposes the      
following amendments to the Articles of Association:                            

(a) The article concerning the line of business shall be amended to better      
reflect the Company's current operations (§ 2).                                 
(b) The provisions concerning the amount of share capital, number of shares and 
the allowed minimums and maximums shall be repealed. It shall be noted that the 
Company's shares are included in the book-entry system (§ 3).                   
(c) The description of the tasks of the Board of Directors shall be repealed as 
unnecessary. The tasks of the Board of Directors shall be determined on the     
basis of the Companies Act valid from time to time (§ 4).                       
(d) The maximum number of ordinary Board members shall be changed from the      
current six (6) to eight (8) and the provision on deputy members shall be       
repealed (§ 6).                                                                 
(e) Authorisation to sign for the Company shall be changed into authorisation to
represent the Company in accordance with the new Companies Act (§ 8).           
(f) The reference to the possibility to grant procurations shall be moved to the
section concerning representation (§ 9).                                        
(g) The section concerning the presentation of financial statements at an Annual
General Meeting shall be amended so that the documents to be presented at the   
meeting are financial statements including consolidated financial statements,   
and an operating report that is no longer a part of the financial statements (§ 
(h) The wording of the section concerning the adoption of the financial         
statements shall be amended so that the General Meeting shall adopt the         
financial statements, not the income statement and balance sheet (§ 12).        
(i) The current § 15 shall be repealed altogether by moving the reference to the
book-entry system to § 3 of the Articles of Association, which concerns the     
Company's shares (§ 15).                                                        
(j) The numbering of articles shall be adjusted so that notes of the repealed   
Articles 4, 5, 9, 14 and 15 are replaced with currently valid articles. This    
makes the numbers of the articles run in sequence and eliminates gaps at        
repealed articles.                                                              

The proposed new Articles of Association are enclosed to the proposal (Appendix 

Helsinki, 19 February 2007                                                      

Board of Directors                                                              

APPENDIX 1                                                                      

SALCOMP PLC STOCK OPTIONS 2007                                                  

The Board of Directors of Salcomp Plc (Board of Directors) has resolved to      
propose to the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of Salcomp Plc (Company)  
to be held on 29 March 2007 that stock options be issued to the key personnel of
the Company and its subsidiaries (Group) and to a wholly owned subsidiary of the
Company, on the following terms and conditions:                                 

I STOCK OPTION TERMS AND CONDITIONS                                             

1. Number of Stock Options                                                      

The maximum total number of stock options issued shall be 2,047,500, and they   
entitle their owners to subscribe for a maximum total of 2,047,500 new shares in
the Company.                                                                    

2. Stock Options                                                                

Of the stock options, 657,500 shall be marked with the symbol 2007A, 682,500    
shall be marked with the symbol 2007B and 707,500 shall be marked with the      
symbol 2007C.                                                                   

The people, to whom stock options are issued, shall be notified in writing by   
the Board of Directors about the offer of stock options. The stock options shall
be delivered to the recipient when he or she has accepted the offer of the Board
of Directors.                                                                   

3. Right to Stock Options                                                       

The stock options shall be issued gratuitously to the Group key personnel and to
Salcomp Manufacturing Oy (Subsidiary), a wholly owned subsidiary of the Company.
The Company has a weighty financial reason for the issue of stock options, since
the stock options are intended to form part of the Group's incentive and        
commitment program for the Group key personnel.                                 

4. Distribution of Stock Options                                                

The Board of Directors shall decide upon the distribution of the stock options. 
The Subsidiary shall be granted stock options to the extent that the stock      
options are not distributed to the Group key personnel.                         

The Board of Directors shall later decide upon the further distribution of the  
stock options granted or returned later to the Subsidiary, to the key personnel 
employed by or to be recruited by the Group.                                    

Upon issue, all stock options 2007B and 2007C and those stock options 2007A that
are not distributed to the key personnel, shall be granted to the Subsidiary.   
The Subsidiary can distribute stock options 2007 to the key personnel employed  
by or to be recruited by the Group, by the resolution of the Board of Directors.

5. Transfer of Stock Options and Obligation to offer Stock Options              

The stock options are freely transferable, when the relevant share subscription 
period has begun. The Board of Directors may, however, permit the transfer of   
stock options also before such date. The Company shall hold the stock options on
behalf of the stock option owner until the beginning of the share subscription  
period. The stock option owner has the right to acquire possession of the stock 
options when the relevant share subscription period begins. Should the stock    
option owner transfer his/her stock options, such person is obliged to inform   
the Company about the transfer in writing, without delay.                       

Should a stock option owner cease to be employed by or in the service of the    
Group, for any reason other than the death or the statutory retirement of a     
stock option owner, such person shall, without delay, offer to the Company or   
its order, free of charge, the stock options for which the share subscription   
period specified in Section II.2 has not begun, on the last day of such person's
employment or service. The Board of Directors can, however, in the              
above-mentioned cases, decide that the stock option owner is entitled to keep   
such stock options, or a part of them, which are subject to the offering        

Regardless of whether the stock option owner has offered his/her stock options  
to the Company or its order or not, the Company can inform the stock option     
owner in writing that the stock option owner has lost his/her stock options on  
the basis of the above-mentioned reasons. Should the stock options be           
transferred to the book-entry securities system, the Company has the right,     
whether or not the stock options have been offered to the Company or its order, 
to request and get transferred all the stock options subject to the offering    
obligation from the stock option owner's book-entry account to the book-entry   
account appointed by the Company, without the consent of the stock option owner.
In addition, the Company is entitled to register transfer restrictions and other
respective restrictions concerning the stock options to the stock option owner's
book-entry account, without the consent of the stock option owner.              

II SHARE SUBSCRIPTION TERMS AND CONDITIONS                                      

1. Right to subscribe for new Shares                                            

Each stock option entitles its owner to subscribe for one (1) new share in the  
Company. As a result of the share subscriptions, the number of the Company's    
shares may be increased by a maximum of 2,047,500 new shares. The share         
subscription price shall be entered into the invested non-restricted equity     

The Subsidiary shall not be entitled to subscribe for shares on the basis of the
stock options.                                                                  

2. Share Subscription and Payment                                               

The share subscription period shall be                                          

- for stock option 2007A 1 April 2010—31 March 2012                             
- for stock option 2007B 1 April 2011—31 March 2013                             
- for stock option 2007C 1 April 2012—31 March 2014.                            

The share subscription period shall, however, begin only if certain             
prerequisites for the Company's total shareholder return, separately determined 
by the Board of Directors, have been fulfilled.                                 

Share subscriptions shall take place at the head office of the Company or       
possibly at another location to be determined later. In the case of the stock   
options having been transferred to the book-entry securities system, the stock  
options with which shares have been subscribed for shall be deleted from the    
subscriber's book-entry account. Upon subscription, payment for the shares      
subscribed for, shall be made to the bank account appointed by the Company. The 
Board of Directors shall decide on all measures concerning the share            

3. Share Subscription Price                                                     

The share subscription price shall be:                                          

- for stock option 2007A, the trade volume weighted average quotation of the    
Company share on the Helsinki Stock Exchange during twenty (20) trading days    
preceding the 2007 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company        
- for stock option 2007B, the trade volume weighted average quotation of the    
Company share on the Helsinki Stock Exchange during twenty (20) trading days    
after the publishing of the Company's financial statements for the financial    
year 2007                                                                       
- for stock option 2007C, the trade volume weighted average quotation of the    
Company share on the Helsinki Stock Exchange during twenty (20) trading days    
after the publishing of the Company's financial statements for the financial    
year 2008.                                                                      

The share subscription price of the stock options may be decreased in certain   
cases mentioned in Section 7 below. The share subscription price shall,         
nevertheless, always amount to at least EUR 0.01.                               

4. Registration of Shares                                                       

Shares subscribed for and fully paid shall be registered in the book-entry      
account of the subscriber.                                                      

5. Shareholder Rights                                                           

The dividend rights of the shares and other shareholder rights shall commence   
when the new shares have been entered in the Trade Register.                    

6. Share Issues, Stock Options and other special Rights entitling to Shares     
before Share Subscription                                                       

Should the Company, before the share subscription, decide on an issue of shares 
or an issue of new stock options or other special rights entitling to shares, a 
stock option owner shall have the same right as, or an equal right to, that of a
shareholder. Equality is reached in the manner determined by the Board of       
Directors by adjusting the number of shares available for subscription, the     
share subscription price or both of these.                                      

7. Rights in Certain Cases                                                      

If the Company distributes dividends or funds from the non-restricted equity    
fund, from the share subscription price of the stock options, shall be deducted 
the amount of the dividend or the amount of the distributable non-restricted    
equity decided after the beginning of the period for determination of the share 
subscription price but before share subscription, as per the dividend record    
date or the record date of the repayment of equity.                             

If the Company reduces its share capital by distributing share capital to the   
shareholders, from the share subscription price of the stock options, shall be  
deducted the amount of the distributable share capital decided after the        
beginning of the period for determination of the share subscription price but   
before share subscription, as per the record date of the repayment of share     

If the Company is placed in liquidation before the share subscription, the stock
option owner shall be given an opportunity to exercise his/her share            
subscription right before the liquidation begins, within a period of time       
determined by the Board of Directors. If the Company is deleted from the        
register, before the share subscription, the stock option owner shall have the  
same right as, or an equal right to, that of a shareholder.                     

If the Company resolves to merge into another company as the company being      
acquired or into a company to be formed in a combination merger, or if the      
Company resolves to be demerged, the stock option owners shall, before the      
merger or demerger, be given the right to subscribe for the shares with their   
stock options, within a period of time determined by the Board of Directors.    
After such period, no share subscription right shall exist. In the above        
situations, the stock option owners shall have no right to require that the     
Company redeem the stock options from them at their market value.               

Repurchase or redemption of the Company's own shares or acquisition of stock    
options or other special rights entitling to shares shall have no impact on the 
status of the stock option owner. If the Company, however, resolves to          
repurchase or redeem its own shares from all shareholders, the stock option     
owners shall be made an equivalent offer.                                       

If a redemption right and obligation to all of the Company's shares, as referred
to in Chapter 18 Section 1 of the Finnish Companies Act, arises to any of the   
shareholders, before the end of the share subscription period, on the basis that
a shareholder possesses over 90% of the shares and the votes of the shares of   
the Company, the stock option owners shall be given a possibility to use their  
right of share subscription by virtue of the stock options, within a period of  
time determined by the Board of Directors, or they shall be given an equal      
possibility to that of shareholders to sell their stock options to the redeemer,
irrespective of the transfer restriction defined in Section I.5 above. A        
shareholder who possesses over 90% of the shares and votes of the shares of the 
Company has the right to purchase the stock option owner's stock options at     
their market value.                                                             

III OTHER MATTERS                                                               

These terms and conditions shall be governed by Finnish law. Disputes arising in
relation to the stock options shall be settled by arbitration in accordance with
the Arbitration Rules of the Central Chamber of Commerce.                       

The Board of Directors may decide on the transfer of the stock options to the   
book-entry securities system at a later date and on the resulting technical     
amendments to these terms and conditions, as well as on other amendments and    
specifications to these terms and conditions which are not considered essential.
Other matters related to the stock options shall be decided on by the Board of  

The Company shall be entitled to withdraw the stock options which have not been 
transferred, or with which shares have not been subscribed for, free of charge, 
if the stock option owner acts against these terms and conditions, or against   
the regulations given by the Company on the basis of these terms and conditions,
or against applicable law, or against the regulations of the authorities.       

These terms and conditions have been made in Finnish and in English. In the case
of any discrepancy between the Finnish and English terms and conditions, the    
Finnish terms and conditions shall decide.                                      

APPENDIX 2                                                                      

ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION OF SALCOMP PLC                                          

1 § Trade name and domicile of the Company                                      
The trade name of the Company is Salcomp Oyj, in English Salcomp Plc. The       
domicile of the Company is Salo.                                                

2 § Line of business of the Company                                             
The line of business of the Company is to carry on development, manufacture and 
marketing of electronic appliances and related activities. The Company may own  
and possess Finnish and foreign real estate, securities and other financial     
instruments and trade in these. The Company may engage in operations either     
directly or through subsidiaries and associates.                                

3 § Share capital and shares                                                    
The Company's shares are incorporated into the Finnish book-entry system. The   
share capital or the number of shares may be increased or decreased without     
amending the Articles of Association. The shares of the Company do not have a   
nominal value.                                                                  

4 § Board of Directors                                                          
The Board of Directors shall consist of a minimum of three and a maximum of     
eight ordinary members as resolved by the General Meeting of Shareholders.      

The term of a member of the Board of Directors shall end upon the termination of
the next Annual General Meeting of Shareholders being held after the election.  

Without convening a meeting, the Board of Directors may pass written resolutions
provided that all the members of the Board of Directors are unanimous in the    
resolution and confirm this with their signature.                               

5 § Managing Director                                                           
The Company shall have a Managing Director who shall be appointed by the Board  
of Directors.                                                                   

6 § Rights to represent the Company and procurations                            
The Managing Director and the Chairman of the Board of Directors, each alone,   
and the members of the Board of Directors, two together, are authorised to      
represent the Company. The Board of Directors shall resolve on any rights of    

7 § Auditors                                                                    
The Company shall have one ordinary auditor that shall be an audit firm         
authorised by the Central Chamber of Commerce. The term of the auditor shall end
upon the termination of the next Annual General Meeting of Shareholders being   
held after the election.                                                        

8 § Convening notice                                                            
A convening notice of the General Meeting of Shareholders shall be delivered to 
shareholders by publishing the notice at least in two (2) national newspapers   
determined by the Board of Directors or sending registered mail or by delivering
it otherwise in a verifiable way to the address of the shareholder entered in   
the share register at the earliest two (2) months prior to the final            
registration date provided in the convening notice and at the latest seventeen  
(17) days prior to the General Meeting of Shareholders.                         

9 § General Meeting of Shareholders                                             
At the Annual General Meeting, the following shall be                           

1. financial statements including the consolidated profit and loss statement, as
well as the annual report and                                                   
2. the auditor's report;                                                        

decided upon:                                                                   
3. the adoption of the financial statements and the consolidated financial      
4. the measures to be taken on the basis of the profit or loss set out in the   
adopted balance sheet,                                                          
5. the granting of discharge to the members of the Board of Directors and the   
Managing Director,                                                              
6. the remuneration payable to the members of the Board of Directors and to the 
auditors; and                                                                   
7. the number of the members of the Board of Directors,                         

8. the members of the Board of Directors, and                                   
9. the auditor.                                                                 

The General Meeting of Shareholders shall be held either in the place of        
domicile of the Company or in Helsinki, according to the preference of the      
convener of the General Meeting of Shareholders.                                

10 § Financial year                                                             
The financial year of the Company is the calendar year.                         

11 § Advance Registration                                                       
In order to participate in the General Meeting of Shareholders, a shareholder   
must register with the Company no later than on the day mentioned in the notice 
to the meeting. The registration period can be ordered to terminate at the      
earliest ten (10) days prior to the meeting.