2008-02-07 08:00:00 CET

2008-02-07 08:01:31 CET


Vacon - Financial Statement Release


Vacon Plc, Stock Exchange Release, 7 February 2008 at 9.00 am:

Vacon increases market share in strong market

October-December summary:
*          Order intake totalled MEUR 62.7, growth of 11.8 % from the
  corresponding period in the previous
             year (MEUR 56.1).
*          Revenues totalled MEUR 61.4, increase of 20.4 % (MEUR
*          Operating profit was MEUR 7.5, growth of 25.0 % (MEUR
*          Cash flow from operations was MEUR 6.9 (MEUR 1.8).
*          Earnings per share were EUR 0.40 (EUR 0.26), growth from
  the previous year of 53.8 %.

January-December summary:
*          Order intake was MEUR 237.2, increase of 20.2 % from the
  corresponding period in the previous
             year (MEUR 197.4).
*          Revenues totalled MEUR 232.2, growth of 24.6 % (MEUR
*          Operating profit was MEUR 29.2, growth of 26.4 % (MEUR
*          Cash flow from operations was MEUR 21.1 (MEUR 15.1).
*          Earnings per share were EUR 1.37 (EUR 1.04), growth from
  the previous year of 31.7 %.

The clean technology market is growing strongly. The efficient use of
energy  and  renewable  energy  sources  will  play  an  increasingly
important role in the future. AC  drives are one of the key  products
in both areas.

According to market surveys, the AC drive market grew by about 9 % in
2007. High  energy  prices,  increasing automation  and  measures  to
reduce emissions  increase  the  overall  market.  Worldwide,  market
growth was fastest in Asia.  The rapid developments in the  economies
of China and  India in  particular were  reflected in  demand for  AC
drives. Europe and North America retained their position as areas  of
stable growth.  Market surveys  show that  during the  past year  the
Asian market overtook in size the South and North American markets.

Vacon's strategic goal is profitable growth, which should be  clearly
higher than  market growth.  In a  strong market  and thanks  to  the
excellent efforts of  personnel, in  2007 the  company increased  its
market share and  improved its  operating profit as  a percentage  of
revenues. The earnings per share for the year was EUR 1.37. The Board
of Directors proposes to the  Annual General Meeting that a  dividend
of EUR 0.75 per share be paid from the profit for 2007.

Market prospects for  2008 are positive.  The wide product  selection
and cost-efficiency give a competitive  edge, and the renewal of  the
product range  over the  next  few years  is expected  to  strengthen
Vacon's market  position. The  purchase  of the  TB Wood's  AC  drive
business announced  in December  2007 gives  a significant  boost  to
Vacon's  growth  potential  and   market  position.  Following   this
acquisition Vacon has sales on all continents and R&D and  production
on three continents.

October-December result
Order intake was 11.8 % higher  than in the previous year. The  final
quarter in 2006 included an  exceptionally large one-time order,  and
there was nothing similar to this in the final quarter of 2007.

Vacon's revenues by market area grew as follows: Europe, Middle  East
and Africa together  19 %,  North and South  America 20  %, and  Asia
including the Pacific  region 36  %. Revenues in  North America  were
depressed by the weakening of the US dollar against the euro.

Operating profit during the  final quarter was 25  % higher than  one
year ago and as a percentage of revenues increased from 11.8 % in the
previous year to 12.2 %. It is estimated that the weakening of the US
dollar reduced  the operating  profit  percentage by  0.8  percentage
points. The earnings  per share  rose to  EUR 0.40,  growth from  the
previous year of EUR 0.14. The cash flow from operations was EUR  6.9
million in October - December 2007.

Result for 2007 and equity structure

MEUR              10-12/ 10-12/ 1-12/ 1-12/ Change,
                    2007   2006  2007  2006       %
Revenues            61.4   51.0 232.2 186.4    24.6
EBITDA               8.8    7.1  34.0  27.3    24.5
Depreciation        -1.3   -1.1  -4.8  -4.2    14.3
Operating profit     7.5    6.0  29.2  23.1    26.4
Profit before tax    7.6    5.8  28.8  22.7    26.9
Profit for period    6.1    4.0  21.4  16.1    32.9

Revenues in 2007 totalled EUR 232.2 million and operating profit  was
EUR 29.2 million. The  operating profit as  a percentage of  revenues
rose to 12.6 % compared to 12.4 % in the previous year. Profitability
improved slightly compared to the previous year in consequence of the
growth in revenues.

The balance sheet total was EUR 123.2 (86.9) million. The loan  taken
at the end of  December to finance the  TB Wood's acquisition had  an
impact on  the balance  sheet total,  since it  was included  in  the
Group's cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year. The  equity
ratio  was  52.9  %.  The  Group's  cash  flow  from  operations  for
January-December was  EUR  21.1  (15.1)  million.  Total  receivables
increased EUR 8.0 million from the beginning of the year.

The  Group's  equity   structure  and   liquidity  remained   strong.
Interest-bearing net debt at the end of the period totalled EUR -11.0
(-8.8) million  and gearing  was -17.1  % (-16.6  %). The  return  on
equity rose to 36.5 % (33.7 %) and the return on investment was  41.2
% (45.1 %).

The Group's order book  stood at EUR 34.8  (29.7) million. The  order
book grew by EUR 5.1 million from the beginning of the year.

Market position

Vacon Group revenues by market area were as follows:

MEUR                10-12/     % 10-12/     % 1-12/     % 1-12/     %
                      2007         2006        2007        2006
Europe, Middle
East, Africa          43.0  70.0   36.2  71.0 172.6  74.3 133.5  71.6
North and South
America               13.1  21.4   10.9  21.4  42.1  18.1  38.9  20.9
Asia and Pacific       5.3   8.6    3.9   7.6  17.5   7.6  14.0   7.5
Total                 61.4 100.0   51.0 100.0 232.2 100.0 186.4 100.0

Vacon strengthened  its position  in all  major market  areas  during
2007. Based  on market  surveys, the  company estimates  that it  has
about four per cent of the global market.

Revenues by  region increased  as follows  during the  year:  Europe,
Middle East, Africa in total 29 %,  North and South America 8 %,  and
Asia including the Pacific region 25  %. Growth in revenues in  North
America was slowed down in particular by the weakening of the  dollar
during the year. In Europe, growth in revenues was distinctly  faster
than market  growth.  Growth in  revenues  in Asia  and  Pacific  was
satisfactory but fell slightly short of expectations.

Vacon Group revenues by distribution channel

MEUR          10-12/     % 10-12/     % 1-12/     % 1-12/     %
                2007         2006        2007        2006

Direct sales    27.2  44.3   20.8  40.8  99.0  42.6  76.4  41.0
Distri-butors    8.3  13.5    6.8  13.3  31.3  13.5  24.8  13.3
OEM             12.7  20.7   11.9  23.3  56.4  24.3  43.9  23.6
Brand label     13.2  21.5   11.5  22.6  45.5  19.6  41.4  22.2
Total           61.4 100.0   51.0 100.0 232.2 100.0 186.4 100.0

The Group's  revenues by  distribution channel  increased as  follows
during the year: OEM 28 %, direct  sales 30 %, distributors 26 %  and
brand label customers 10 %. Vacon's biggest brand label customers are
located in North  America and the  weak exchange rate  of the  dollar
against the  euro  had  an  impact on  growth  in  this  distribution

Vacon announced in October that it  had signed a major contract  with
Finnish  system  integrator  The  Switch.  The  contract  strengthens
Vacon's position in the rapidly growing  wind power market and has  a
value of several million euros. The wind power market currently has a
value of about EUR 15 billion, and this is expected to almost  double
during the next two years.  Worldwide, investments of USD 45  billion
were made in different forms of renewable energy last year.

In November Vacon signed a contract  worth almost EUR 2 million  with
Talvivaara Projekti Oy. Vacon will supply more than 300 AC drives  to
the nickel mine under construction in Sotkamo to control pumps,  fans
and conveyors. The  use of  AC drives provides  process control,  and
especially  when   controlling  pumps   and  fans   AC  drives   give
considerable energy savings.

Vacon Group structure
In December  Vacon announced  that it  was purchasing  the AC  drives
business of  TB Wood's,  part of  US-based Altra  Holdings Inc..  The
transaction included  factories  in  the  USA  and  Italy  and  sales
companies in  India  and  Germany.  The sale  was  completed  at  the
beginning of January 2008.

To integrate the AC  drives business of TB  Wood's, a new  subsidiary
was established in the USA in December. The new subsidiary Vacon Inc.
is responsible for  the North  American AC drives  business of  Vacon
Group  and  TB  Wood's.  Dan  Isaksson,  Vice  President,   Corporate
Development  at  Vacon   Group,  was  appointed   president  of   the

After  these  changes   Vacon's  own  sales   network  comprises   18
subsidiaries and branch offices in  Brazil, the United Arab  Emirates
and Thailand.

Research & development
R&D expenditure during the year totalled EUR 14.3 (12.6) million, and
EUR 1.9 (0.6) million of  this was capitalized as development  costs.
R&D costs accounted for 6.2 % (6.7 %) of Group revenues. Amortization
of capitalized development costs totalled EUR 0.5 million in 2007.

In November Vacon launched the new Vacon 10 micro drive family, which
is among the smallest drives on the market, is particularly  suitable
for OEMs  and is  competitively priced.  Consulting company  Frost  &
Sullivan named the new Vacon 10 micro drive as the 2008 Global  Micro
Drives Product of the Year for OEMs in the under 5.5 kW series.

Work on  developing new  products continues  in accordance  with  the
company's plans.

Gross investments by  the Group  during 2007 totalled  EUR 9.1  (8.5)
million. Expenditure focused on increasing and maintaining production
capacity and on information systems.

The expansion of the factory in China was completed in 2007. Work  on
enlarging the Vaasa factory got underway during the final quarter  of
2007. During 2008  some 9,000  square metres  of production  premises
will be completed to increase capacity.

Organization and personnel
The number of Vacon personnel grew by 194 persons from the  beginning
of the year.  At the  end of December  the Group  employed 869  (675)
people, of whom  555 (447)  were in Finland  and 314  (228) in  other
countries.  The  table  below  shows  the  average  number  of  Vacon
personnel during the review period:

                  1-12/2007 1-12/2006

Office personnel        512       424
Factory personnel       260       194
TOTAL                   772       618

Shares and shareholders
Vacon had a market capitalization at the end of December of EUR 426.5
million. The closing share price on  31 December 2007 was EUR  28.00.
The lowest share  price during  the January-December  period was  EUR
24.60 and the highest  EUR 38.00. A total  of 8,241,357 Vacon  shares
were traded in  the January-December  period, in  monetary terms  EUR
245.1 million.

Vacon's main shareholders on 31 December 2007:

                                          Number of shares Holding, %

Ahlström Capital Oy                              2 297 996       15.0
Tapiola Mutual Pension Insurance Company           584 500        3.8
Vaasa Engineering Oy                               424 433        2.8
Koskinen Jari                                      358 590        2.3
Holma Mauri                                        347 171        2.3
Ehrnrooth Martti                                   328 500        2.2
Tapiola Group companies                            325 300        2.1
Niemelä Harri                                      309 840        2.0
Karppinen Veijo                                    209 349        1.4
Mutual Insurance Company Pension
Fennia                                             185 000        1.2
Nominee registered and in foreign
ownership                                        4 903 419       32.1
Others                                           5 020 902       32.8
Total                                           15 295 000      100.0
Vacon Plc's own shares                             -62 812
Shares outstanding                              15 232 188

On 31  December  2007 members  of  Vacon's Board  of  Directors,  the
President and CEO, and the Deputy to the CEO held directly a total of
568,296 shares, or 3.7 % of Vacon's share stock.
Own shares
On 31 December  2007 Vacon  Plc held  a total  of 62,812  of its  own
shares which it had acquired at  an average price of EUR 12.46.  This
is 0.4 % of the share capital  and voting rights, so it has no  major
impact on  the distribution  of  ownership or  voting rights  in  the

Dividend proposal
At the end  of the  financial year  the distributable  equity of  the
parent company stands  at EUR  44.2 million. The  Board of  Directors
proposes to the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders to be held  on
26 March 2008 that a dividend of EUR 0.75 per share be paid from  the
parent company's  profit for  the  financial year  2007 of  EUR  16.4
million and the remainder of the  profit for the year be  transferred
to retained earnings. According to this proposal, a total of EUR 11.4
million would be paid in dividend.

AC drives are a  key product in increasing  energy efficiency and  in
utilizing renewable energy  sources. This  creates a  solid base  for
long-term growth in the AC  drives business. By focusing one  hundred
per cent on AC drives, Vacon aims to grow profitably and much  faster
than the average growth rate in the sector.

The cornerstones of  Vacon's strategy are  systematic development  of
product leadership and international expansion to ensure growth.  One
of the broadest range of products on the market, heavy investment  in
R&D, and  flexible  and  cost-effective  production  support  product
leadership. The acquisition of  the AC drives  business of TB  Wood's
will enable Vacon to support its  customers in all main market  areas
and with a broader product portfolio.

The company's  financial  goal is  to  achieve revenues  of  EUR  500
million and an  operating profit (EBIT)  of more than  14 % by  2012.
Vacon has set  an annual target  for return on  equity (ROE) of  more
than 30 %. Most of  this growth will be  organic, but Vacon does  not
exclude the possibility of further acquisitions. Organic growth  will
be financed by cash flow from  operations and in the case of  further
acquisitions the gearing target  is a maximum of  60 %. Factors  that
will help  improve the  operating profit  are expanding  the  product
selection  into  higher  power  drives,  launching  the  new  product
generation, transferring  production of  the  components used  in  AC
drives to countries with even lower  costs, and the reduction in  the
US dollar risk as  a result of  the acquisition of  the TB Wood's  AC
drives business.

Vacon's success  now  and  in  the future  is  based  on  outstanding
products and  services,  quality,  a  brand  with  a  growing  global
presence, cost-efficiency and logistic speed, a customer-oriented way
of working,  and  a  passionate attitude.  Vacon  will  continue  its
international expansion in 2008 in the areas of product  development,
sales, services and production.

It is  the  policy of  Vacon's  Board  of Directors  to  propose  for
approval by the Annual General Meeting a dividend consistent with the
company's financial performance.  The goal  is to pay  a dividend  of
about 50 % of the profit for the period. The level of dividend  takes
into account the financing required to expand operations.

Prospects for 2008
No significant changes have taken place in Vacon's market  prospects.
The state of the market is expected to remain favourable in 2008. The
AC drive is one of the most important tools in enhancing energy usage
and an important  component in  renewable energy  power plants.  High
energy prices, increasing automation and measures to reduce emissions
increase the  market for  AC drives.  Based on  market surveys  Vacon
estimates that the AC  drive market is growing  at an annual rate  of
about 9 %.

AC drive demand is forecast  to increase in Europe  by about 9 %,  in
North America by more than  6 % and in Asia  by much more than 10  %,
with China  and  India the  engines  of growth.  Investments  in  the
growing markets  in North  America, Asia  and Russia  will  reinforce
Vacon's global market position.

The purchase of the TB Wood's AC drive business announced in December
2007 gives a significant boost to Vacon's growth potential and market
position. The broad range and cost-efficiency of the combined product
portfolio give a  competitive edge,  and the renewal  of the  product
range over  the next  few  years is  expected to  strengthen  Vacon's
market position.

Vacon considers that potential risks to its financial performance  in
2008 are problems  that material  suppliers may  have with  capacity,
increasing problems  with  the  availability of  key  components  and
increases in their prices, and the weakening of the US dollar.

Revenues in 2008 are forecast to rise by more than 25 % (by more than
15 % on comparable figures) and profitability to weaken slightly from
2007 in consequence of  integrating the TB  Wood's AC drive  business
during the year. This is not, however, expected to have any  material
impact on  Vacon Group's  earnings per  share in  2008. Earnings  per
share are forecast to exceed EUR 1.50 in 2008.

Events after end of year
Vacon completed  the acquisition  of  the AC  drives business  of  TB
Wood's. Vacon paid USD 29 million for the business. The  calculations
for allocating  the  purchasing  price and  goodwill  have  not  been
completed yet.  The loan  and  cash funds  for the  acquisition  were
included in the balance sheet at the end of the year.

The  purchased   drives  business   will  be   included  in   Vacon's
consolidated financial statements  as from the  beginning of  January
2008. The acquisition is not expected to have a significant impact on
Vacon Group's earnings per share in 2008.

Financial reports in 2008
Vacon is publishing three interim reports in 2008 as follows:
- January-March Thursday, 24 April 2008 at 9.00 am
- January-June Thursday, 7 August 2008 at 9.00 am
- January-September Thursday, 23 October 2008 at 9.00 am

The 2007 Annual Report  will be published in  week 11 (10-14  March).
The Annual General Meeting of  Vacon Plc will be  held at 3.00 pm  on
Wednesday, 26 March 2008 at the company's head office at  Runsorintie
7, Vaasa, Finland.

Formal statement
This release contains certain forward-looking statements that reflect
the current views of the company's  management. Due to the nature  of
these statements,  they  contain  risks  and  uncertainties  and  are
subject to  changes in  the  general economic  situation and  in  the
company's business sector.

Vacon in brief
Vacon was established in 1993 from  a passion to create, develop  and
produce unique AC drives for demanding needs, globally. We are driven
by a burning desire to serve our customers as they look for ever more
efficient, reliable and easy to use options to save energy and costs.
Vacon provides AC drives in the power range 0.25 kW - 5 MW.

Vaasa, 7 February 2008


Board of Directors

For more information please contact:
*          Mr Vesa Laisi, President & CEO, phone: +358 (0)40 8371 510
*          Mr Mika Leppänen, Vice President, Finance & Control,
  phone: +358 (0)40 8371 235

Conference for media and analysts
Vacon will hold a briefing for analysts and the media at 11.30 am  on
7 February  2007 in  the Vivaldi  meeting room  at the  Radisson  SASPlazaHotel, Mikonkatu 23, Helsinki.

Dial-in conference for investors and investment analysts
A dial-in conference in English for investors and investment analysts
will be held at 3.00  pm on 7 February  2007. President and CEO  Vesa
Laisi and Mika  Leppänen, Vice President,  Finance and Control,  will
participate in the conference. Lines can be booked ten minutes before
the conference by calling  the service number +44  207 162 0025.  The
conference ID  code  is "Vacon  Oyj".  To  hear a  recording  of  the
conference, available for two working days, call +44 207 031 4064, ID
code 782084.

Conference link:

Helsinki Exchanges
Financial Supervision Authority
Main media

Accounting principles
The 2007 financial statement release has been prepared in accordance
with IFRS recognition and measurement principles. Vacon has prepared
this release applying the same IFRS accounting principles as in its
2006 consolidated financial statements. The figures presented in the
financial statement release are audited.

Consolidated income statement, MEUR

                                 10-12/ 10-12/ 1-12/ 1-12/
                                   2007   2006  2007  2006

Revenues                           61.4   51.0 232.2 186.4
EBITDA                              8.8    7.1  34.0  27.3
Depreciation                       -1.3   -1.1  -4.8  -4.2
Operating profit                    7.5    6.0  29.2  23.1
Financial income                    0.3    0.0   0.6   0.3
Financial expenses                 -0.2   -0.2  -1.0  -0.7
Profit before taxes                 7.6    5.8  28.8  22.7
Income taxes                       -1.4   -1.8  -7.4  -6.6
Profit for the period               6.1    4.0  21.4  16.1
Attributable to:
Equity holders of the parent        6.0    3.9  20.9  15.8
Minority interest                   0.1    0.1   0.5   0.3
Earnings per share, euro           0.40   0.26  1.37  1.04
Earnings per share diluted, euro   0.40   0.26  1.37  1.04

 Consolidated balance sheet, MEUR

                                                31.12.2007 31.12.2006

Intangible assets                                      9.6        7.8
Tangible assets                                       14.7       13.3
Investments                                            1.9        1.4
Loans receivable and other receivables                 0.4        0.8
Deferred tax assets                                    1.5        1.1
Total non-current assets                              28.2       24.3

Inventories                                           14.7       11.7
Trade and other receivables                           45.8       37.8
Cash and cash equivalents                             34.4       13.0
Total current assets                                  94.9       62.6

Total assets                                         123.2       86.9

Equity attributable to equity holders of the
parent company                                        62.9       52.0
Minority interest                                      1.1        1.0
Total equity                                          64.0       53.0

Deferred tax liabilities                               1.6        1.2
Employee benefits                                      0.8        0.7
Interest-bearing liabilities                          19.1        1.8
Total non-current liabilities                         21.6        3.7

Trade and other payables                              30.9       25.6
Income tax liabilities                                 1.6        1.5
Provisions                                             0.8        0.7
Interest-bearing liabilities                           4.3        2.4
Total current liabilities                             37.6       30.2

Total equity and liabilities                         123.2       86.9

2007 calculation of changes in shareholders' equity, MEUR

                                                             Min-   To-
Attributable to equity holders of the parent                ority   tal
                                                            inte- equi-
                                                             rest    ty

                 Sha- Sha-    Own Transla- Reva-   Re- To-
                   re   re shares     tion   lu-  tai- tal
              capital  pre         differ- ation   ned
                      mium           rence  fund earn-
31.12.2005        3.1  5.0   -1.2     -0.1  -0.1  35.6 42.3   0.5  42.8
Cash flow
allocated to
equity                                       0.1        0.1         0.1
to sales
income                                       0.1        0.1         0.1
difference                            -0.1             -0.1        -0.1
Other changes                                      0.1  0.1         0.1
Net income
directly in
equity                                -0.1   0.2   0.1  0.2         0.2
Profit for
period                                            15.8 15.8   0.3  16.1
Income and
total                                 -0.1   0.2  15.9 16.0   0.3  16.3
Dividend paid                                     -6.3 -6.3        -6.3
interest in
subsidiaries                                                  0.2   0.2
31.12.2006        3.1  5.0   -1.2     -0.1   0.1  45.2 52.0   1.0  53.0

Cash flow:
to equity                                    0.0       0.0        0.0
Transferred as
adjustment to sales
income                                      -0.1      -0.1       -0.1
Translation difference                 -0.3           -0.3      -0.3
Profit/loss from hedging
of net investment                      -0.1           -0.1      -0.1
Recognized tax                                   0.0  0.0       0.0
Other changes                                    0.3  0.3  0.0  0.3
Net income recorded
directly in equity        0.0 0.0 0.0  -0.4 0.0  0.3  -0.1 0.0  -0.1
Profit for period                                20.9 20.9 0.5  21.4
Total income and expenses
recorded for the period                -0.4 0.0  21.2 20.8 0.5  21.3
Dividend paid                                    -9.9 -9.9 -0.3 -10.2
Minority interest in  new
subsidiaries                                               0.0  0.0
Shareholders' equity
31.12.2007                3.0 5.0 -1.2 -0.5 0.0  56.5 62.9 1.1  64.0

Consolidated cash flow statement, MEUR

                                                31.12.2007 31.12.2006

Profit for the period                                 21.4       16.1
Depreciation                                           4.8        4.2
Financial income and expenses                          0.5        0.4
Taxes                                                  7.4        6.6
Other adjustments                                      0.1       -0.1
Change in working capital                             -5.5       -5.7
Cash flow from financial items and tax                -7.5       -6.4

Cash flow from operating activities                   21.1       15.1

Investments in tangible and intangible assets         -8.6       -7.0
Proceeds from disposal of tangible and
intangible assets                                      0.4        0.5
Loans granted                                          0.0       -1.4
Other investments                                     -0.6       -0.5
Repayment of loan receivables                          0.2        0.0
Proceeds from disposal of other investments            0.0        0.3

Cash flow from investing activities                   -8.6       -8.1

Share issue                                            0.0        0.1
Proceeds from long-term borrowings                    21.9        0.4
Repayment of long-term loans                          -0.2       -0.2
Proceeds from short-term borrowings                    1.0        5.0
Repayment of short-term loans                         -2.2       -4.3
Financial leasing payments                            -0.3       -0.3
Dividends paid                                       -10.2       -6.3

Cash flow from financial activities                   10.0       -5.5

Change in liquid funds                                22.5        1.6

Segment information
Reporting on Vacon Group's operations is firstly by business segment
and secondly by geographical segment.

Vacon has one business segment, AC drives. The figures for the
primary segment are identical with the figures for the whole Group.
Vacon's operations are organized in the following functions: Products
and Markets, Production, Research & Development, Finance and
Administration, Human Resources, IT and Process Development. To
ensure that the organisation is customer-oriented, operations are
controlled by customer segments that are called business areas. These
business areas are: Component Customers, Solutions Customers, OEM and
Brand Label Customers, and Service and After-Market Services.

The secondary, geographical segment is divided into three sales
areas: EMEA (Europe, Middle East and Africa), Americas (North and
South America) and APAC (Asia and Pacific).

Financial ratios

Per share data

                                                 IFRS   IFRS
                           IFRS 2007 IFRS 2006   2005   2004 FAS 2003
Earnings per share, EUR         1.37      1.04   0.79   0.71     0.50
Equity per share, EUR           4.13      3.42   2.78   2.39     2.11
Dividend per share EUR*)        0.75      0.65   0.41   0.35     0.55
Dividend payout ratio, %*)     54.59     62.57  52.12  49.31   109.32
Effective dividend yield
%*)                              2.7       2.5    2.3    3.0      5.6
Price/earnings ratio            20.4      25.1   22.2   16.6     19.5
Lowest trading price, EUR      24.60     17.70  11.85   9.95     6.70
Highest trading price, EUR     38.00     26.99  17.50  11.99    10.65
Share price at year end,
EUR                            28.00     26.10  17.50  11.78     9.80
Average trading price, EUR     30.01     22.60  14.68  11.00     8.95
Market capitalization,
MEUR                          426.50    397.10 266.00 180.00   148.50
Trading volume, no. of                          5 693  3 427    4 231
shares                     8 241 357 4 439 458    881    027      544
Trading volume, %               54.1      29.2   37.5   22.6     27.9
Adjusted average number of
shares during the             15 226    15 209 15 203 15 186   15 150
financial year**)                997       303    147    805      000
Number of shares at year      15 232    15 213 15 199 15 282   15 150
end **)                          188       428    740    200      000

*) The  2007 dividend  is the  Board of  Directors' proposal  to  the
Annual General Meeting.
**) The average number of shares during the year was 15 226 997.  The
total number of shares outstanding was 15 232 188.

Key figures showing the Group's financial performance

                                               IFRS  IFRS  IFRS   FAS
                                    IFRS 2007  2006  2005  2004  2003
Revenues, MEUR                          232.2 186.4 149.9 128.6 112.3
Increase in revenues, %                  24.6  24.3  16.6  14.5  15.2
Operating profit, MEUR                   29.2  23.1  18.1  15.9  11.8
Increase in operating profit, %          26.4  27.6  13.8   N/A  19.2
Operating profit, % of revenues          12.6  12.4  12.1  12.4  10.5
Profit before taxes, MEUR                28.8  22.7  17.7  15.9  11.7
Profit before taxes, % of revenues       12.4  12.2  11.8  12.4  10.4
Return on equity, %                      36.5  33.7  30.5  31.3  26.1
Return on investment, %                  41.2  45.1  40.8  38.6  31.7
Interest-bearing net liabilities,
MEUR                                    -11.0  -8.8  -7.9 -10.6  -6.2
Net gearing, %                          -17.1 -16.6 -18.3 -28.9 -19.1
Equity ratio, %                          52.9  61.7  56.8  56.2  55.8
Gross capital expenditure, MEUR           9.1   8.5   6.6   4.6   4.8
Gross capital expenditure, % of
revenues                                  3.9   4.6   4.4   3.6   4.3
R & D costs, MEUR                        14.3  12.6  10.8   9.8   8.9
R & D costs, % of revenues                6.2   6.7   7.2   7.6   7.9
Number of personnel at the end of
the period                                869   675   577   469   436
Order book, MEUR                         34.8  29.7  18.8  12.0  12.3

Commitments and contingencies. MEUR

                              31.12.2007 31.12.2006

Commitments and contingencies        1.1        1.8

Financing commitments                1.0        1.5

Currency derivatives, MEUR

                           31.12.2007 31.12.2006

Forward exchange contracts
  Fair value                      0.4        0.1
  Nominal value                  12.7       14.9

Group quarterly performance, MEUR

               10-12/   7-9/   4-6/   1-3/  1-12/   1-9/   1-6/  1-3/
                 2007   2007   2007   2007   2007   2007   2007  2007

Revenues         61.4   58.7   59.8   52.3  232.2  170.8  112.1  52.3
profit            7.5    7.8    7.7    6.3   29.2   21.7   14.0   6.3
before tax        7.6    7.5    7.5    6.2   28.8   21.2   13.7   6.2

 Calculation of financial ratios

Earnings per share =          Profit for the financial year
attributable to equity holders of the parent company

                                         Adjusted average number of

Equity per share =             Equity attributable to the equity
holders of the  parent company

                                        Adjusted average number of
shares at year end

Dividend per share =          Dividend for the financial year

number of shares at year end

Dividend payout ratio =       Dividend for the financial year x 100

                                          Profit for period
attributable to equity holders of    the parent company

Effective dividend yield =     Dividend per share x 100

                                          Adjusted closing share
price at year end

Price/earnings ratio =         Adjusted closing share price at year

                                        Earnings per share

Return on equity =              Profit for the financial year x 100

                                         Shareholders' equity (incl.
minority interest), average of the beginning and end of the year

Return on investment =       (Profit before taxes + interest and
other financial expenses) x 100

                                         Balance sheet total -
non-interest-bearing liabilities, average of the beginning
                                         and end  of  the year

Equity ratio =                    Shareholders' equity (incl.
minority interest) x 100

                                         Balance sheet total -
advances received

Net gearing =                    (Interest-bearing liabilities -
cash, bank balances and financial assets) x 100
                                         Shareholders' equity (incl.
minority interest)

R & D costs = Research and development costs recognized in income
statement (incl. costs covered with subsidies) and capitalized
development expenses

Market capitalization = Number of shares outstanding at year end x
closing share price

Trading volume-% =          Number of shares traded during the year

                                         Adjusted average number of