2010-05-06 08:00:00 CEST

2010-05-06 08:00:03 CEST


English Finnish
Lemminkäinen - Interim report (Q1 and Q3)

Lemminkäinen's Interim Financial Review 1 January to 31 March, 2010: Market recovery reflected in improved order book. First quarter result was a loss.

LEMMINKÄINEN OYJ		INTERIM FINANCIAL REVIEW  	6.5.2010, AT 9:00                  

Market recovery reflected in improved order book. First quarter result was a    

Summary for January-March 2010 (comparative figures 1-3/2009):                  

- Net sales fell 17% to EUR 284.4 million (343.5)                               
- Operations outside Finland accounted for 23% or EUR 64.0 million (71.7) of net
- The operating profit was EUR -28.5 million (-6.9). The operating margin was   
-10.0% (-2.0).                                                                  
- The result before taxes was EUR -33.9 million (-16.7)                         
- Earnings per share were EUR -1.52 (-0.81)                                     
- The order book rose slightly and at the end of the review period was EUR      
1,199.8 million (1,141.7)                                                       
- Operations outside Finland accounted for 23 % or EUR 272.6 million (350.0) of 
the order book.                                                                 
- Cash flow from operating activities was EUR -49.9 million (-85.4)             
- The equity ratio was 33.7% (25.5) and gearing was 114.4% (147.1)              

| Key figures, EUR million*)        |    1-3/2010 |     1-3/2009 |   1-12/2009 |
| Net sales                         |       284.4 |        343.5 |     1,965.5 |
| of which operations outside       |        64.0 |         71.7 |       527.6 |
| Finland                           |             |              |             |
| Operating profit                  |       -28.5 |         -6.9 |        23.2 |
| Operating margin, %               |       -10.0 |         -2.0 |         1.2 |
| Profit before taxes               |       -33.9 |        -16.7 |       -10.2 |
| Profit for accounting period      |       -26.4 |        -13.3 |       -23.8 |
| Order book                        |     1,199.8 |      1,141.7 |       983.6 |
| of which operations outside       |       272.6 |        350.0 |       213.5 |
| Finland                           |             |              |             |
| Equity ratio, %                   |        33.7 |         25.5 |        31.0 |
| Gearing, %                        |       114.4 |        147.1 |       110.2 |
| Liquid funds                      |        38.3 |        154.5 |        74.4 |
| Interest-bearing liabilities      |       387.3 |        605.1 |       399.1 |

*) From 1 January 2010 Lemminkäinen observes the interpretation IFRIC 15 -      
Agreements for the Construction of Real Estate in its reporting. The comparative
figures for 2009 have also been calculated in accordance with the               

Lemminkäinen's own housing production remained subdued until the summer of 2009 
owing to the economic downturn. Consequently, significantly fewer own housing   
developments than on the first quarter 2009 were completed and, because of the  
change in income recognition principle, recognised as income during the review  
period. Housing sales continued to be brisk in both Finland and Russia, and     
starts were made on 145 units in own housing developments during the first      

Exceptionally severe winter conditions prevented paving operations in Norway,   
Denmark and Lithuania, where paving work would be carried out in normal winter  
conditions. However, the infrastructure construction order book developed well, 
and at the end of the review period was higher than in the comparison period.   

The competition in technical building services increased, and the price level of
materials continued to rise. However, the order book was up by a third on the   
comparison period. Demand for technical building services is expected to rise as
new construction picks up.                        

The exceptionally long and snowy winter delayed starts on roofing and           
waterproofing contracts. With the pick-up in housing production, demand for     
pre-cast concrete staircase and façade elements rose during the review period.  

Lemminkäinen executed a directed share issue to institutional investors during  
the review period. The funds raised from the issue, a total of EUR 39.5 million,
were used during the review period for the amortisation of short-term loans.    

President & CEO Timo Kohtamäki:                                                 

”Lemminkäinen published its new strategy in November 2009, and we have now      
initiated measures needed to achieve the set goals. Last year we adjusted the   
number of our employees in response to the drop in construction volumes. This   
year we are seeking cost savings and efficiency improvements by developing our  
business operations. We are streamlining the Group's structure and continuing to
develop our businesses towards our strategic goal of one united Lemminkäinen.   

Besides improving our financial position, we are also seeking profitable growth 
in this strategy period. The main focus areas are renovation construction,      
technical building services, residential construction in Russia, and            
infrastructure construction in the Nordic countries. The directed share issue   
completed during the review period gives us more room to manoeuvre and enables  
us to carry out our next strategic projects.                                    

In April we acquired a plot of land in St. Petersburg on which we are starting  
to construct a 540-unit apartment building. This is to take advantage of        
Russia's growing housing market. Two recent acquisitions in Norway will         
strengthen our position on the country's infrastructure market. Furthermore, we 
have expanded our offering of renovation construction services with a water pipe
coating method that avoids the demolition of existing structures.               

Lemminkäinen typically records a loss in the first quarter of the year owing to 
the seasonal nature of our operations, and the severe winter conditions         
experienced in this review period amplified that seasonal effect. The housing   
production slowdown that began in the second half of 2008 continued to have an  
impact on the results of our operations, since significantly fewer housing units
in own developments were completed and recognised as income in the first quarter
than in the comparison period. However, the housing market has picked up since  
Q3 2009 and the housing production started at that time will be showing up in   
our net sales towards the end of 2010. This year Lemminkäinen has made starts on
about 145 units in own housing developments in Finland.                         

After the difficult market conditions of last year, our order book developed    
well in the review period and finished higher than its year-end level. Even     
though 2010 is expected to be a challenging year for the construction sector,   
there are indications that the general economic outlook is improving.”          

Outlook for 2010                                                                

According to economic forecasts, Finland's gross domestic production is expected
to return to growth in 2010, but the total volume of construction is still      
estimated to contract. The number of new building starts will be up on 2009, and
housing production in particular is estimated to pick up with the recovery in   
housing sales. Non-residential construction is likely to remain more subdued    
than last year. Renovation construction is estimated to continue its steady     
growth, and demand for technical building services is estimated to remain       
stable. In Russia the pick-up in the housing market continued in the first      
quarter and the volume of construction is estimated to grow during 2010.        

Most of new major transport infrastructure projects will be underway in 2011 and
2012, but projects already in progress are providing work for infrastructure    
builders. The recovery of building construction will also improve the employment
of infra builders. In Finland the government intends to make further cuts in its
investments in basic highway maintenance and it is estimated that the           
constrained finances of the municipalities may reduce the volume of             
infrastructure construction this year.                                          

The other Nordic countries have budgeted additional investments on the          
development of infrastructure construction, which is estimated to keep these    
markets at a favourable level in the years ahead. The situation in the Baltic   
states will continue to be challenging.                                         

Demand for building materials follows the building construction cycle, and      
demand is estimated to pick up with the growing recovery of residential         
construction in 2010.                                                           

Lemminkäinen estimates that net sales and the result before taxes for the 2010  
accounting period will be at the 2009 level, the infringement fine imposed by   
the SAC being excluded from the 2009 comparative figures.                       


A Finnish-language briefing for analysts and the media will be held at 10.00    
a.m. on Thursday, 6 May at Lemminkäinen's head office. The street address is    
Salmisaarenaukio 2, Helsinki, Finland. The interim financial review will be     
presented by President & CEO Timo Kohtamäki. English-language presentation      
material concerning the result for the review period will be made available on  
the Company's website at www.lemminkainen.com after the briefing.               

LEMMINKÄINEN CORPORATION                                                        
Corporate Communications                                                  

Additional information:                                                         
Timo Kohtamäki, President & CEO, tel. +358 2071 53263                           
Robert Öhman, CFO, tel. +358 2071 53515                                         
Merja Paulamäki, Investor Relations, tel. +358 2071 53367                       

Interim Financial Review 1 January to 31 March 2010                             
Tabulated Section of the Interim Financial Review                               

NASDAQ OMX Helsinki                                                             
Key media                                                                       

INTERIM FINANCIAL REVIEW 1 January to 31 March 2010                             

OPERATING ENVIRONMENT                                                           

Markets in Finland                                                              

The outlook for construction in the coming years is quite favourable. In 2010   
the volume of construction is expected to contract by 2 per cent on 2009, but a 
return to growth is expected to occur already in 2011. The decrease will be     
mainly in non-residential building and infrastructure construction, whereas the 
number of new building starts is expected to be 7 per cent higher than in 2009. 

Housing sales have picked up significantly since last year, and housing         
production is expected to grow markedly this year. The volume of privately      
financed housing production in particular is growing. Some 27,500 new housing   
starts will be made in Finland during 2010, which is about a fifth more than in 

Despite the slowdown of the real estate market, the number of new commercial and
office building starts is expected to remain at the 2009 level. There are a lot 
of non-residential building projects in the pipeline, but their start dates have
been put back. The number of starts on public service buildings is also expected
to remain at the 2009 level, but industrial construction is expected to decline.
The construction of logistics centres has remained brisk.                       

Renovation construction is expected to increase at an annual rate of about 2 per
cent over the next two years. The growth and ageing of the building stock as    
well as its upgrading to modern technical standards are increasing the demand   
for renovation construction.                                                    

The volume of infrastructure construction is expected to decrease by 2 per cent 
during 2010. New infrastructure projects are expected to start up in the coming 
years, and consequently the decline of infrastructure construction is expected  
to stop in 2011.                                                                

With the slowdown of new construction, the emphasis in the technical building   
services sector has shifted to renovation construction, and its demand is       
expected to continue growing in the coming years. Demand for technical building 
services is also expected to rise as residential construction picks up.         

Markets outside Finland                                                         

In the Nordic countries, government stimulus measures have kept the             
infrastructure markets at good levels. In Norway and Denmark demand for paving  
works has been brisk, but competition in the industry has intensified. In Sweden
significant tunnel projects in the Stockholm area provide work for              
infrastructure builders.                                                        

In the Baltic states the construction market continues to be challenging.       
However, in spite of the difficult market conditions, infrastructure            
construction in the Baltic area showed some slight signs of recovery.           

In Russia, housing sales picked up markedly towards the end of 2009 and         
continued to be brisker than last year during the first quarter. The Russian    
economy is expected to recover at the same rate as the rest of the world. The   
growth forecast for this year is about 6 per cent, and economic growth is       
expected to continue in 2011 and 2012.                                          

NET SALES                                                                       

| Net sales by business sector, EUR |    1-3/2010 |     1-3/2009 |   1-12/2009 |
| million                           |             |              |             |
| Building Construction*)           |       168.7 |        205.3 |       868.7 |
| Infrastructure Construction**)    |        51.3 |         68.0 |       768.0 |
| Technical Building Services       |        54.2 |         55.3 |       233.8 |
| Building Products**)              |        20.3 |         22.6 |       154.2 |
| Other operations and Group        |        -9.4 |         -7.1 |       -42.2 |
| eliminations                      |             |              |             |
| Business sectors, total           |       285.2 |        344.1 |     1,982.6 |
| Unallocated Items                 |        -0.8 |         -0.6 |       -17.1 |
| Group total (IFRS)                |       284.4 |        343.5 |     1,965.5 |
| of which operations outside       |        64.0 |         71.7 |       527.6 |
| Finland                           |             |              |             |

*) From 1 January 2010 Lemminkäinen observes the interpretation IFRIC 15 -      
Agreements for the Construction of Real Estate in its reporting. The comparative
figures for 2009 have also been calculated in accordance with the               
**) Forssan Betoni Oy, which formerly belonged to Lemminkäinen's Infrastructure 
Construction business sector, was transferred on 1 January 2010 to the Building 
Products business sector. The comparative figures for 2009 have also been       
prepared in accordance with the new organisation.                               

Lemminkäinen Group's first-quarter net sales were 17% down on Q1 last year at   
EUR 284.4 million (343.5). Net sales declined in all of Lemminkäinen's business 
sectors, but especially in Building Construction and Infrastructure             
Construction. Of total net sales, 77% (79) was generated in Finland, 15% (10) in
other Nordic countries, 1% (5) in Russia and 7% (6) in other countries.         

OPERATING PROFIT                                                                

| Operating profit by business      |    1-3/2010 |     1-3/2009 |   1-12/2009 |
| sector,                           |             |              |             |
| EUR million                       |             |              |             |
| Building Construction*)           |         1.2 |         11.4 |        36.4 |
| Infrastructure Construction**)    |       -24.3 |        -18.2 |        22.0 |
| Technical Building Services       |         1.1 |          2.5 |        12.2 |
| Building Products**)              |        -3.7 |         -2.1 |        10.4 |
| Other operations                  |        -3.4 |         -0.2 |       -61.7 |
| Business sectors, total           |       -29.1 |         -6.5 |        19.4 |
| Unallocated Items                 |         0.6 |         -0.4 |         3.8 |
| Group total (IFRS)                |       -28.5 |         -6.9 |        23.2 |
| Operating margin by business      |    1-3/2010 |     1-3/2009 |   1-12/2009 |
| sector, %                         |             |              |             |
| Building Construction*)           |         0.7 |          5.6 |         4.2 |
| Infrastructure Construction**)    |       -47.3 |        -26.8 |         2.9 |
| Technical Building Services       |         2.0 |          4.6 |         5.2 |
| Building Products**)              |       -18.1 |         -9.2 |         6.8 |
| Group total (IFRS)                |       -10.0 |         -2.0 |         1.2 |

*) From 1 January 2010 Lemminkäinen observes the interpretation IFRIC 15 -      
Agreements for the Construction of Real Estate in its reporting. The comparative
figures for 2009 have also been calculated in accordance with the               
**) Forssan Betoni Oy, which formerly belonged to Lemminkäinen's Infrastructure 
Construction business sector, was transferred on 1 January 2010 to the Building 
Products business sector. The comparative figures for 2009 have also been       
prepared in accordance with the new organisation.                               

Lemminkäinen's operations in the first quarter of 2010 were clearly loss-making,
and the operating result was EUR -28.5 million (-6.9). Lemminkäinen's           
first-quarter result typically shows a loss due to seasonal variations.         

ORDER BOOK                                                                      

| Order book by business sector,    |   31.3.2010 |    31.3.2009 |  31.12.2009 |
| EUR million                       |             |              |             |
| Building Construction*)           |       534.9 |        540.8 |       520.8 |
| Infrastructure Construction**)    |       515.1 |        474.8 |       319.2 |
| Technical Building Services       |       114.1 |         85.8 |       106.8 |
| Building Products**)              |        35.7 |         40.3 |        36.8 |
| Group, total                      |     1 199.8 |      1 141.7 |       983.6 |
| of which international orders     |       272.6 |        350.0 |       213.5 |

*) From 1 January 2010 Lemminkäinen observes the interpretation IFRIC 15 -      
Agreements for the Construction of Real Estate in its reporting. The comparative
figures for 2009 have also been calculated in accordance with the               
**) Forssan Betoni Oy, which formerly belonged to Lemminkäinen's Infrastructure 
Construction business sector, was transferred on 1 January 2010 to the Building 
Products business sector. The comparative figures for 2009 have also been       
prepared in accordance with the new organisation.                               

Lemminkäinen's order book was slightly higher than a year ago, and at the end of
the review period was EUR 1,199.8 million (1,141.7). Operations outside Finland 
accounted for 23 % (31) of the order book.                                      

BALANCE SHEET, CASH FLOW AND FINANCING                                          

One of Lemminkäinen's strategic goals is strengthening of the Company's         
financial position. Under an authorisation granted by the Extraordinary General 
Meeting of Lemminkäinen Corporation held on 12 November 2009, the Board of      
Directors decided on 17 March 2010 on two separate share issues. The Company    
offered 1,700,000 new shares in the Company for subscription by institutional   
investors approved by the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors also       
decided on a share issue in which the Company offered 923,514 new shares in the 
Company for subscription against receipt of consideration in the form of shares 
by the minority shareholders of Lemminkäinen Corporation's subsidiaries Tekmanni
Oy and Lemminkäinen Talo Oy. The subscription price of the shares was EUR 23.25.

The consideration received from the issuance of shares to institutional         
investors totalled EUR 39.5 million, which was booked to the Company's invested 
unrestricted equity reserve. The funds raised from the issue were used during   
the review period for the amortisation of short-term loans.                     

The consolidated balance sheet total at 31 March 2010 was EUR 1,017.0 million   
(1,318.8). The return on investment was -3.1% (0.4) and the equity ratio 33.7%  
(25.5). Gearing was 114.4% (147.1).                                             

According to the cash flow statement, the cash flow from operating activities   
was EUR -49.9 million (-85.4), the cash flow from investing activities EUR -7.6 
million (-11.1) and the cash flow from financing activities EUR 23.8 million    
(3.1). The cash flow for the review period includes the payment of dividends    
totalling EUR 1.9 million (13.9). The 2009 dividends include only dividends paid
to the minority interests of subsidiaries.                                      

Working capital declined 22% to EUR 668.3 million (857.3) and net working       
capital fell 23% to EUR 363.7 million (472.8).                                  

Liquid funds at the end of the review period were EUR 38.3 million (154.5).     

The amount of interest-bearing debt at the end of the review period was EUR     
387.3 million (605.1), of which EUR 206.4 million was short-term debt and EUR   
180.9 million long-term debt. Interest-bearing net debt was EUR 349.0 million   
(450.6). Net financing expenses were EUR 5.5 million (9.8), representing 1.9%   
(2.9) of net sales.                                                             

Lemminkäinen's interest-bearing debt comprised loans from financial institutions
35% (59), commercial paper 11% (12), project loans related to own housing       
production and non-residential construction 9% (17), TyEL (employee pensions    
premium) loans 27% (0), finance leasing liabilities 14% (9) and other           
liabilities 4% (2).                                                             

The final part of the TyEL pension premium loan allocation was drawn during the 
review period. At the end of the review period Lemminkäinen had an unused EUR   
150 million line of credit.                                                     

BUSINESS SECTORS                                                                

BUILDING CONSTRUCTION                                                           

| Key figures, EUR million*)        |    1-3/2010 |     1-3/2009 |   1-12/2009 |
| Net sales                         |       168.7 |        205.3 |       868.7 |
| Operating profit**)               |         1.2 |         11.4 |        36.4 |
| Operating margin, %               |         0.7 |          5.6 |         4.2 |
| Order book at end of period       |       534.9 |        540.8 |       520.8 |

*) From 1 January 2010 Lemminkäinen observes the interpretation IFRIC 15 -      
Agreements for the Construction of Real Estate in its reporting. The comparative
figures for 2009 have also been calculated in accordance with the               
**) From 1 January 2010 financial items are no longer reported                  
sector-specifically in segment reports delivered to management. For this reason 
sector-specific comparative figures are presented only up until the operating   
profit line..                                                                   

Starting from 1 January 2010, Lemminkäinen observes the interpretation IFRIC 15 
- Agreements for the Construction of Real Estate, which affects especially the  
income recognition practice for own housing production, the basis of which has  
changed from percentage-of-completion to full completion and delivery. IFRIC 15 
interpretation also affects the recognition of income from own non-residential  
development projects, which are now assessed project-specifically. The changes  
in income recognition principles mean that there will be more quarterly         
variation in the net sales and profitability of the Building Construction       
business sector, depending on the exact timing of project completions.          

The net sales of the Building Construction business sector were EUR 168.7       
million (205.3). The business sector generated 76% (80) of its net sales in     
Finland, 13% (4) in other Nordic countries, 2% (7) in Russia, and 9% (9) in     
other countries. The operating profit was EUR 1.2 million (11.4). As            
Lemminkäinen's own housing production remained subdued until the summer of 2009,
significantly fewer own housing developments than in the comparison period were 
completed and, because of the change in income recognition principle, recognised
as income during the review period. Also the decline in construction volumes    
reduced the net sales and operating profit for the review period. In addition,  
non-recurring items stemming from restructuring and personnel adjustment        
measures were recognised during the review period.                              

As a consequence of the new income recognition principle, this year's net sales 
and operating profit will be skewed towards the end of the year, when the       
Company's own housing developments started in the second half of 2009 will be   

The business sector's order book remained at the level of the comparison period 
and was EUR 534.9 million (540.8). Orders from outside Finland contributed EUR  
81.3 million (112.3) to the order book.                                         

Operations in Finland                                                           

| Lemminkäinen's private-sector     |    1-3/2010 |     1-3/2009 |   1-12/2009 |
| housing production, Finland       |             |              |             |
| Housing starts	            |         145 |            0 |         351 |
| Housing units sold                |         169 |          123 |         771 |
| Unsold completed units            |          54 |          230 |         533 |
| Completed                         |         496 |          357 |         405 |
| Under construction at end of      |         205 |          193 |         193 |
| period                            |             |              |             |
| of which unsold                   |         227 |          560 |         263 |

Lemminkäinen made 135 contracted housing starts in the review period. The total 
number of housing starts made in Finland during the review period was 280.      

At the end of the review period Lemminkäinen owned a total of 882,000 m2 of   
unused building rights in Finland, of which approx. 379,000 m2 were residential 
building rights. The Company also had binding or conditional co-operation and   
zoning agreements for about 801,000 m², of which about 318,000 m² were          
residential building rights. The balance sheet value of the building plots was  
EUR 90.5 million (87.0).                                                        

Non-residential building construction remained subdued in the review period, and
demand for office construction in particular was minimal. Demand for commercial 
and logistics buildings remained at a reasonable level. Lemminkäinen is building
a logistics centre for Inex Partners Oy in Sipoo. In addition to project        
management contracting, Lemminkäinen is responsible for the excavation and      
crushing contract for the foundation works as well as the electrical            
installations. The total value of the works is approx. EUR 26 million, and they 
will be completed in March 2012. During the review period Lemminkäinen also     
agreed to build a logistics centre for Etola Group's Etra Oy in Hämeenlinna. The
building will have a floor area of 20,000 m² and will be completed in April     

Real estate developments by public-sector organisations remained at a reasonable
level in the review period. Lemminkäinen is building a new ecological office    
building that will be used by the City of Helsinki Environment Centre and the   
Department of Environmental Sciences of the University of Helsinki. The building
will be completed in summer 2011. The contract is representative of advanced    
environmentally friendly construction, and it is worth approx. EUR 10.5 million.

The renovation construction market remained stable during the review period.    
Renovation construction accounted for about 22% (15) of Lemminkäinen's building 
construction business in the review period.                                     

Operations outside Finland:                                                     

Housing sales in Russia continued to be brisker than in the previous year. The  
number of housing units sold in Lemminkäinen's own developments in Russia during
the first quarter was 54 (22). At the end of the review period the Company had  
498 (313) housing units under construction, of which 339 were unsold. The number
of unsold completed units at the end of the review period was 5 (0). The value  
of the inventories that Lemminkäinen had tied up in Russia at the end of the    
review period was EUR 47.9 million (34.0).                                      

After the review period Lemminkäinen acquired a building plot in St. Petersburg 
for a new apartment building. The 540-unit building is expected to be completed 
in autumn 2013.                                                                 

In Sweden the number of unsold completed housing units was 11 (2).              

The main focus of Lemminkäinen's other operations outside Finland is on         
industrial construction in countries such as China, India and Poland.           

INFRASTRUCTURE CONSTRUCTION                                                     

| Key figures, EUR million*)        |    1-3/2010 |     1-3/2009 |   1-12/2009 |
| Net sales                         |        51.3 |         68.0 |       768.0 |
| Operating profit**)               |       -24.3 |        -18.2 |        22.0 |
| Operating margin, %               |       -47.3 |        -26.8 |         2.9 |
| Order book at end of period       |       515.1 |        474.8 |       319.2 |

*) Forssan Betoni Oy, which formerly belonged to Lemminkäinen's Infrastructure  
Construction business sector, was transferred on 1 January 2010 to the Building 
Products business sector. The comparative figures for 2009 have also been       
prepared in accordance with the new organisation.                               
**) From 1 January 2010 financial items are no longer reported                  
sector-specifically in segment reports delivered to management. For this reason 
sector-specific comparative figures are presented only up until the operating   
profit line.                                                                    

The net sales of the Infrastructure Construction business sector were EUR 51.3  
million (68.0). The business sector generated 56% (58) of its net sales in      
Finland, 41% (36) in the other Nordic countries and 3% (6) in the Baltic states.
The operating result was EUR -24.3 million. The business sector typically makes 
a loss in the first quarter due to seasonal variations. Exceptionally severe    
winter conditions prevented paving operations in Norway, Denmark and Lithuania, 
where paving work would be carried out in normal winter conditions. This        
weakened the net sales and operating profit on the first quarter. In Finland the
new rock engineering contracts were not started up in full during the review    

The business sector's order book developed well in the first quarter and at the 
end of the review period it was 8% higher than on the comparison period. The    
order book at the end of the review period was EUR 515.1 million (474.8).       

Operations in Finland                                                           

The exceptional winter increased the need for infrastructure maintenance works, 
and the anticipated constraints on municipal finances has not had a significant 
impact on demand for paving works.  

The employment situation in rock engineering improved with the start-up of new  
contracts during the review period. Demand for transport infrastructure         
construction picked up and Lemminkäinen won a number of road and railway        

Demand for mineral aggregates and crushing contracting was weak in the winter   
season, but the business order book at the end of the review period was good,   
partly as a result of the pick-up in building construction.                     

Operations outside Finland                                                      

The exceptional winter during the review period prevented almost all paving     
operations in Norway and Denmark. In spite of tougher competition, the order    
books in these countries at the end of the review period were at the level of   
the comparison period.                                                          

In Sweden the emphasis in Lemminkäinen's infrastructure construction in the     
review period was on foundation reinforcement and rock engineering works. In the
review period Lemminkäinen won an excavation contract for LKAB's Kiiruna iron   
ore mine. The contract is worth approx. EUR 5 million and it expands            
Lemminkäinen's scope of operations to the Swedish mine excavation market.       

In spite of the difficult economic situation, the Baltic infrastructure market  
showed slight signs of recovery, and demand for infra works was at a reasonable 
level. The order books of the Baltic states developed favourably in the review  

After the review period Lemminkäinen acquired a 75 % majority interest in Asfalt
Remix AS, a Norwegian company specialising in the cold milling of asphalt       
pavement. In 2009 the acquired company generated net sales of approx. EUR 8     
million and employed about 25 people. The acquisition broadens the service      
offering of Lemminkäinen's paving business in the Norwegian infrastructure      

After the review period Lemminkäinen also acquired a 90.1 % majority interest in
Risa Rock AS, a Norwegian company specialising in tunnel excavation. Risa Rock  
AS's net sales in 2009 were EUR 16 million and it employed 20 people. The       
acquisition broadens the service offering of Lemminkäinen's Norwegian           
infrastructure construction business to the rock engineering market.            

TECHNICAL BUILDING SERVICES                                                     

| Key figures, EUR million          |    1-3/2010 |     1-3/2009 |   1-12/2009 |
| Net sales                         |        54.2 |         55.3 |       233.8 |
| Operating profit*)                |         1.1 |          2.5 |        12.2 |
| Operating margin, %               |         2.0 |          4.6 |         5.2 |
| Order book at end of period       |       114.1 |         85.8 |       106.8 |

*) From 1 January 2010 financial items are no longer reported                   
sector-specifically in segment reports delivered to management. For this reason 
sector-specific comparative figures are presented only up until the operating   
profit line.                                                                    

The net sales of the Technical Building Services business sector remained at the
level of the comparison period and were EUR 54.2 million (55.3). The operating  
profit was EUR 1.1 million (2.5).  Stiffening competition and higher material   
prices weakened the review period's result.                                     

The business sector's order book was up by a third on the Q1 in 2009 at EUR     
114.1 million (85.8)                                                            

The emphasis in technical building services has shifted to renovation           
construction and servicing and maintenance work. After the review period        
Lemminkäinen announced that it was broadening its offering in pipe renovation by
introducing a pipe coating method that avoids the demolition of existing        
structures. The coating technology selected was developed by LSE-System AG of   
Switzerland, which patented and introduced the technique in 1987.               

Demand for the business sector's industrial services in the review period was   
minimal after industry had cut back on its investments and maintenance          

BUILDING PRODUCTS                                                               

| Key figures, EUR million*)        |    1-3/2010 |     1-3/2009 |   1-12/2009 |
| Net sales                         |        20.3 |         22.6 |       154.2 |
| Operating profit**)               |        -3.7 |         -2.1 |        10.4 |
| Operating margin, %               |       -18.1 |         -9.2 |         6.8 |
| Order book at end of period       |        35.7 |         40.3 |        36.8 |

*) Forssan Betoni Oy, which formerly belonged to Lemminkäinen's Infrastructure  
Construction business sector, was transferred on 1 January 2010 to the Building 
Products business sector. The comparative figures for 2009 have also been       
prepared in accordance with the new organisation.                               
**) From 1 January 2010 financial items are no longer reported                  
sector-specifically in segment reports delivered to management. For this reason 
sector-specific comparative figures are presented only up until the operating   
profit line.                                                                    

The net sales of the Building Products business sector were EUR 20.3 million    
(22.6) and the operating profit EUR   -3.7 million (-2.1). The business sector  
typically makes a loss in the first quarter due to seasonal variations. The     
exceptionally snowy winter coupled with tougher competition and higher raw      
material prices weakened profitability on the comparison period.                

The order book at the end of the review period was EUR 35.7 million (40.3).     

With the recovery of housing construction, demand for pre-cast concrete         
staircase and façade elements picked up in the review period.                   

SHARES AND SHARE CAPITAL                                                        

The listed price of Lemminkäinen Corporation's share was EUR 24.20 (13.05) at   
the beginning of the review period and EUR 28.12 (15.80) at the end of the      
review period. The market capitalisation at the end of the review period was EUR
552.4 million (268.9). Altogether 1,769,613 shares (433,063) were traded during 
the review period. The total value of the turnover was EUR 43.1 million (6.6).  
At the end of the review period the Company had 5,156 (4,667) shareholders.     

The Extraordinary General Meeting of Lemminkäinen Corporation, held on 12       
November 2009, decided in accordance with the proposal of the Board of          
Directors, to authorise the Board of Directors to resolve on a share issue      
and/or an issue of special rights entitling to shares referred to in Chapter 10,
Section 1 of the Finnish Limited Liability Companies Act, in one or several     
instalments, either against payment or without payment. The General Meeting also
authorised the Board of Directors to resolve on the acquisition of the Company's
own shares.                                                                     

On 17 March 2010 the Board of Directors decided on two separate share issues.   
The Company offered 1,700,000 new shares in the Company for subscription by     
private and institutional investors approved by the Board of Directors. The     
Board of Directors also decided on a share issue in which the Company offered   
923,514 new shares in the Company for subscription against receipt of           
consideration in the form of shares by the minority shareholders of Lemminkäinen
Corporation's subsidiaries Tekmanni Oy and Lemminkäinen Talo Oy. The            
subscription price of the shares was EUR 23.25. The new shares were recorded in 
the Trade Registry and listed on NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Ltd on 23 March 2010.      

After the share issues the Board of Directors was still authorised to issue     
1,576,486 shares and/or special rights entitling to shares. The authorisation   
will remain in force for five (5) years from the date on which it was granted.  
Moreover, the authority granted to the Board of Directors by the Extraordinary  
General Meeting on 12 November 2009 to acquire the Company's own shares has not 
been used, and it will remain in force for 18 months from the date of the       
General Meeting's decision.                                                     

Lemminkäinen's share capital is EUR 34,042,500. The Company has one share series
and after the share issue the total number of issued shares is 19,644,764.      


Investments made during the review period amounted to EUR 7.5 million (10.3).   
The investments were mainly replacement investments for infrastructure          


The average number of employees in the Group during the review period was 7,339 
(8,098), down 9% on the comparison period. 72% (69) of the personnel worked in  
Finland, 11% (11) in other Nordic countries, 11% (12) in the Baltic states and  
6% (8) in other countries.                                                      

In 2009 Lemminkäinen adjusted its number of personnel to the prevailing market  
situation. The biggest personnel reductions were made in the Building           
Construction and Building Products business sectors.                            

| Personnel, average                |    1-3/2010 |     1-3/2009 |   1-12/2009 |
| Hourly paid employees             |       4,466 |        4,918 |       5,559 |
| Salaried staff                    |       2,873 |        3,180 |       3,067 |
| Personnel, total                  |       7,339 |        8,098 |       8,626 |
| of whom working outside Finland   |       2,094 |        2,517 |       2,607 |
| Personnel at the end of the       |       7,398 |        7,998 |       7,759 |
| review period                     |             |              |             |
| Personnel by business sector,     |    1-3/2010 |     1-3/2009 |   1-12/2009 |
| average                           |             |              |             |
| Building Construction             |       2,147 |        2,526 |       2,356 |
| Infrastructure Construction*)     |       2,498 |        2,815 |       3,395 |
| Technical Building Services       |       1,865 |        1,940 |       1,941 |
| Building Products*)               |         714 |          707 |         820 |
| Parent company                    |         115 |          110 |         114 |
| Total                             |       7,339 |        8,098 |       8,626 |

*) Forssan Betoni Oy, which formerly belonged to Lemminkäinen's Infrastructure  
Construction business sector, was transferred on 1 January 2010 to the Building 
Products business sector. The comparative figures for 2009 have also been       
prepared in accordance with the new organisation.                               

ORGANISATIONAL CHANGES                                                          

A goal in the strategy is to move towards one united Lemminkäinen. This         
involves, among other things, streamlining the organisation of the Group. About 
20 of the Group's subsidiaries in Finland will be merged during 2010. The       
changes are biggest in the Building Construction and Technical Building Services
business sectors.                                                               

LEGAL PROCEEDINGS                                                               

In 2009 the Supreme Administrative Court (SAC) fined a number of Finnish asphalt
industry companies for violations of the Act on Competition Restrictions.       

At present, 22 municipalities and the Finnish Road Administration have brought  
actions for the recovery of damages from Lemminkäinen and other asphalt         
companies in the District Court of Helsinki. The claimants contend that         
restrictions of competition have caused them damages. The capital amount of the 
claims presented against Lemminkäinen is about EUR 67 million. The claims       
presented in the statements of claim differ from each other as regards their    
amounts and grounds.                                                            

The decision rendered by the SAC as it stands does not mean that Lemminkäinen or
the other asphalt industry companies actually caused the parties ordering       
asphalt works any damages. The SAC's decision does not concern the individual   
contracts that the claimants are citing in support of their claims. Neither does
the decision concern the pricing of individual contracts, nor has the SAC       
considered the claim that pricing deviating from the market price had been used 
in the contracts.                                                               

Lemminkäinen's initial position is that the claims are without foundation.      

The claims will be brought separately before the District Court of Helsinki and 
heard in the order determined by the court. It is likely that district court    
proceedings will continue into 2011.                                            

No provision for future expense has been made in respect of the statements of   
claims submitted so far to the district court by the municipalities and the     
Finnish Road Administration.                                                    

THE ENVIRONMENT                                                                 

Lemminkäinen Group takes life-cycle and environmental perspectives into account 
when developing its operations, products and services. The management of        
environmental affairs and the effects of the Group's operations on the          
environment are continuously monitored by means of internal monitoring and      
control programmes.                                                             

The Company's Annual Report and website provide more information on             
Lemminkäinen's environmental issues.                                            

RISKS AND UNCERTAINTIES                                                         

Lemminkäinen's business risks are divided into six categories: market risks,    
project risks, financing risks, credit loss risks, environmental risks, and     
accidents and damage. The measures necessary to manage the most significant     
identified risks have been specified.                                           

In the near future, market risk poses the most significant threat to            
Lemminkäinen. The international financial crisis and economic downturn are      
creating uncertainty in key sectors of Lemminkäinen's operating environment and 
making it more difficult to foresee future changes. As a consequence of this,   
Lemminkäinen adjusted its business operations to the new market demand at the   
end of 2008 and in 2009.                                                        
Although housing sales have developed favourably, the general economic situation
is still unstable. For this reason new housing starts are being made only if a  
sufficiently high percentage of the units are reserved by buyers in advance.

Another risk are the aforementioned statements of claim submitted to the        
District Court of Helsinki by certain municipalities and the Finnish Road       

Operating in a number of business sectors with differing cyclical behaviours is 
a cornerstone of Lemminkäinen's strategy. Fluctuating demand for new            
construction in Finland is counterbalanced by infrastructure construction. The  
building repair and maintenance businesses account for a third of the Group's   

The Company's Annual Report and website provide more information on             
Lemminkäinen's risk management.                                                 

OUTLOOK FOR 2010                                                                

According to economic forecasts, Finland's gross domestic production is expected
to return to growth in 2010, but the total volume of construction is still      
estimated to contract. The number of new building starts will be up on 2009, and
housing production in particular is estimated to pick up with the recovery in   
housing sales. Non-residential construction is likely to remain more subdued    
than last year. Renovation construction is estimated to continue its steady     
growth, and demand for technical building services is estimated to remain       
stable. In Russia the pick-up in the housing market continued in the first      
quarter and the volume of construction is estimated to grow during 2010.        

Most of new major transport infrastructure projects will be underway in 2011 and
2012, but projects already in progress are providing work for infrastructure    
builders. The recovery of building construction will also improve the employment
of infra builders. In Finland the government intends to make further cuts in its
investments in basic highway maintenance and it is estimated that the           
constrained finances of the municipalities may reduce the volume of             
infrastructure construction this year.                                          

The other Nordic countries have budgeted additional investments on the          
development of infrastructure construction, which is estimated to keep these    
markets at a favourable level in the years ahead. The situation in the Baltic   
states will continue to be challenging.                                         

Demand for building materials follows the building construction cycle, and      
demand is estimated to pick up with the growing recovery of residential         
construction in 2010.                                                           

Lemminkäinen estimates that net sales and the result before taxes for the 2010  
accounting period will be at the 2009 level, the infringement fine imposed by   
the SAC being excluded from the 2009 comparative figures.                       

EVENTS AFTER THE REVIEW PERIOD                                                  

AGM decisions and governance                                                    

On 16 April 2010 Lemminkäinen Corporation's Annual General Meeting approved the 
Company's final accounts and consolidated financial statements for 2009 and     
granted the members of the Board of Directors and the President & CEO discharge 
from liability. The Annual General Meeting decided in accordance with the Board 
of Directors' proposal that no dividend would be paid for the 2009 accounting   

The following persons were re-elected to serve on the Board of Directors: Berndt
Brunow, Juhani Mäkinen, Mikael Mäkinen, Kristina Pentti-von Walzel, Heikki Räty 
and Teppo Taberman. PricewaterhouseCoopers Oy, a firm of authorised public      
accountants, was re-elected to serve as the Company's auditors, with Jan        
Holmberg, APA, acting as chief auditor.                                         

Lemminkäinen Corporation's Board of Directors held an organising meeting on 16  
April 2010. Berndt Brunow continues as the Chairman of the Board of Directors,  
and Juhani Mäkinen as the Vice Chairman.                                        

Other events                                                                    

Lemminkäinen acquired a building plot in St. Petersburg to construct a new      
apartment building. The 540-unit building is expected to be completed in autumn 

Lemminkäinen acquired a 75 % majority interest in Asfalt Remix AS, a Norwegian  
company specialising in the cold milling of asphalt pavement. In 2009 the       
acquired company generated net sales of approx. EUR 8 million and employed about
25 people. The acquisition broadens the service offering of Lemminkäinen's      
paving business to the Norwegian infrastructure market.                         

Lemminkäinen acquired a 90.1 % majority interest in Risa Rock AS, a Norwegian   
company specialising in tunnel excavation. Risa Rock AS's net sales in 2009 were
EUR 16 million and it employed 20 people. The acquisition broadens the service  
offering of Lemminkäinen's Norwegian infrastructure construction business to the
rock engineering market.                                                        

Lemminkäinen announced that it was broadening its offering in pipe renovation   
methods by introducing a pipe coating method that avoids the demolition of      
existing structures. The coating technology selected was developed by LSE-System
AG of Switzerland, which patented and introduced the technique in 1987.         

Helsinki, 6 May 2010                                                            

LEMMINKÄINEN CORPORATION                                                        
Board of Directors                                                              


ACCOUNTING PRINCIPLES                                                           

This interim financial review has been prepared in accordance with the same IFRS
recognition and measurement principles as those applied in the annual financial 
statements for 2009 with the below-mentioned changes. As the tabulated section  
is presented in abridged format, not all of the requirements of the IAS 34      
Interim Financial Reporting Standard have been observed in the preparation of   
the review.                                                                     

The information contained in the interim financial review has not been audited. 

The interpretation IFRIC 15 - Agreements for the Construction of Real Estate was
adopted from the beginning of 2010. The comparative figures starting  from      
1.1.2009 have also been calculated in accordance with the provisions of the new 
interpretation. IFRIC 15 affected not only the figures of Lemminkäinen Group but
also those of the Building Construction business sector. Furthermore, Forssan   
Betoni Oy, which formerly belonged to the Infrastructure Construction business  
sector, was transferred at the beginning of January 2010 to the Building        
Products business sector. The Group and business sector-specific figures given  
in this bulletin are pro forma figures.                                         

Standards and interpretations adopted from the beginning of 2010                

- IFRIC 15. Agreements for the Construction of Real Estate. The interpretation  
clarifies whether an agreement for the construction of real estate falls within 
the scope of IAS 11 Construction Contracts or IAS 18 Revenue, and when income   
from such construction projects can be recognised on the basis of percentage of 
completion. In Lemminkäinen Group the new interpretation affects especially the 
income recognition practice for own housing production, the basis of which      
changed on 1 January 2010 from percentage-of-completion to full completion and  

- IFRIC 12 Service Concession Arrangements. The interpretation applies to       
contractual arrangements whereby a private-sector operator participates in the  
development, financing, operation of public services or the maintenance of      

- IFRS 3 (Revised), Business combinations. The revised standard continues to    
apply the acquisition method to business combinations, with some significant    
changes. For example, all costs directly associated with the transaction are to 
be expensed as incurred. Contingent consideration is to be recorded at fair     
value even if its realisation may be presumed unlikely at the transaction date. 
Subsequent changes in contingent liabilities are recorded at fair value through 
income, and not as an adjustment to goodwill, as was the practice before the    
adoption of the interpretation. In a step acquisition, previously acquired      
equity interests are recorded at fair value at the acquisition date. Goodwill   
may be calculated based on the parent company's share of net assets or it may   
include goodwill related to the non-controlling interest. The revision does not 
have any essential bearing on the figures presented in the Interim Financial    

- IAS 27 (Revised), Consolidated and separate financial statements. The revised 
standard requires the effects of all transactions with non-controlling interests
to be recorded in equity if there is no change in control. Thus, transactions   
with non-controlling interests will no longer result in goodwill or the         
recognition of gains or losses through profit or loss. The standard also        
specifies the accounting when control is lost. Any remaining interest in the    
entity is remeasured to fair value and a gain or loss is recognised through     
profit or loss.                                    

- IAS 17 (Revised), Leases. The revised standard requires the classification of 
land areas as finance leasing or some other leasing agreements in accordance    
with the general classification criteria  of IAS 17. The revision does not have 
any essential bearing on the figures presented in the Interim Financial Review. 

An assessment indicates that the following interpretations and standards have no
essential bearing on Lemminkäinen Group's Interim Financial Review: IAS 1       
(Revised), IAS 18 (Revised), IAS 38 (Revised), IAS 39 (Revised), IFRS 2         
(Revised), IFRS 5 (Revised), IFRS 8 (Revised), IFRIC 9, IFRIC 16, IFRIC 17 and  
IFRIC 18.                                                                       

Effects of new interpretations of IFRS standards in the future                  

The standards and interpretations published by IASB and listed below will come  
into force in 2011 or thereafter. The Group has decided against their early     
adoption and will apply them in future accounting periods.                      

An assessment indicates that the following interpretations and standards have no
essential bearing on Lemminkäinen Group's financial statements: IAS 24          
(Revised), IFRIC 14, IFRIC 19.                                                  


1) Consolidated income statement                                                
2) Consolidated statement of comprehensive income                               
3) Consolidated balance sheet                                                   
4) Consolidated cash flow statement                                             
5) Consolidated statement of changes in equity                                  
6) Consolidated income statement, quarterly                                     
7) Segment information                                                          
8) Economic trends and financial indicators                   
9) Share-specific indicators                                                    
10) Guarantees and contingent liabilities                                       
11) Legal proceedings                                                           

1) CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENT                                                

|                                                 |   1-3/ |    1-3/ |   1-12/ |
| EUR mill.                                       |   2010 |    2009 |    2009 |
| Net sales                                       |  284.4 |   343.5 | 1 965.5 |
| Operating income and expenses                   | -308.0 |  -345.4 |      -1 |
|                                                 |        |         |   909.6 |
| Depreciation                                    |    4.7 |     4.7 |    34.3 |
| Share of the results of affiliated companies    |   -0.2 |    -0.2 |     1.5 |
| Operating profit/loss                           |  -28.5 |    -6.9 |    23.2 |
| Financial expenses                              |   12.1 |    20.1 |    54.1 |
| Financial income                                |    6.7 |    10.3 |    20.7 |
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Profit/loss before taxes                        |  -33.9 |   -16.7 |   -10.2 |
| Income taxes                                    |    7.6 |     3.4 |   -13.6 |
| Profit/loss for the accounting period           |  -26.4 |   -13.3 |   -23.8 |
| Distribution of the profit/loss for the         |        |         |         |
| accounting period                               |        |         |         |
| To shareholders of the parent company           |  -26.7 |   -13.9 |   -26.2 |
| To minority interests                           |    0.3 |     0.5 |     2.4 |
| EPS calculated from profit/loss attributable to parent   |         |         |
| company shareholders                                     |         |         |
| Earnings per share, diluted and undiluted, EUR  |  -1.52 |   -0.81 |   -1.54 |


|                                                 |   1-3/ |    1-3/ |   1-12/ |
| EUR mill.                                       |   2010 |    2009 |    2009 |
| Profit/loss for the accounting period           |  -26.4 |   -13.3 |   -23.8 |
| Translation difference                          |    2.0 |     1.5 |     3.4 |
| Hedging of net investment in foreign subsidiary |        |    -1.1 |    -0.4 |
| Cash flow hedge                                 |   -0.1 |    -0.6 |    -0.2 |
| Change in fair value                            |    0.1 |         |         |
| Other comprehensive income, total               |    1.9 |    -0.1 |     2.8 |
| Comprehensive income for the accounting period  |  -24.5 |   -13.4 |   -21.0 |
| Distribution of comprehensive income for the    |        |         |         |
| accounting period                               |        |         |         |
| To shareholders of  the parent company          |  -24.7 |   -14.0 |   -23.4 |
| To minority interests                           |    0.3 |     0.5 |     2.4 |

3) CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET                                                   

| EUR mill.                                   | 03/2010 |  03/2009 |   12/2009 |
| Non-current assets                          |         |          |           |
| Tangible assets                             |   184.4 |    194.2 |     184.6 |
| Goodwill                                    |    78.6 |     76.2 |      78.3 |
| Other intangible assets                     |     4.5 |      2.5 |       2.7 |
| Investments                                 |    12.9 |     11.1 |      12.8 |
| Deferred tax asset                          |    22.6 |     16.3 |      14.3 |
| Other non-current receivables               |     7.4 |      6.8 |       7.5 |
| Total                                       |   310.4 |    307.0 |     300.1 |
| Current assets                              |         |          |           |
| Inventories                                 |   387.2 |    438.5 |     374.7 |
| Trade and other receivables                 |   281.1 |    418.7 |     305.1 |
| Cash funds                                  |    38.3 |    154.5 |      74.4 |
| Total                                       |   706.6 |  1,011.7 |     754.3 |
| Assets, total                               | 1,017.0 |  1,318.8 |   1,054.4 |
| Shareholders' equity and liabilities        |         |          |           |
| Equity attributable to shareholders of the  |         |          |           |
| parent company                              |         |          |           |
| Share capital                               |    34.0 |     34.0 |      34.0 |
| Share premium account                       |     5.8 |      5.8 |       5.8 |
| Hedging reserve                             |    -2.1 |     -2.3 |      -2.0 |
| Fair value reserve                          |     0.1 |          |           |
| Invested unrestricted equity reserve        |    63.5 |          |           |
| Translation differences                     |     0.3 |     -4.2 |      -1.7 |
| Retained earnings                           |   225.5 |    261.6 |     261.6 |
| Profit/loss for the period                  |   -26.7 |    -13.9 |     -26.2 |
| Shareholders' equity before minority        |   300.4 |    281.0 |     271.5 |
| interest                                    |         |          |           |
| Minority interest                           |     4.6 |     25.4 |      23.2 |
| Shareholders' equity, total                 |   305.0 |    306.4 |     294.8 |
| Non-current liabilities                     |         |          |           |
| Deferred tax liabilities                    |    14.9 |     18.5 |      19.0 |
| Pension liabilities                         |     0.5 |      0.2 |       0.7 |
| Provisions                                  |     2.6 |      2.3 |       1.8 |
| Financial liabilities                       |   180.9 |    118.4 |     290.7 |
| Other liabilities                           |     2.2 |      1.9 |       2.4 |
| Total                                       |   201.1 |    141.2 |     314.6 |
| Current liabilities                         |         |          |           |
| Accounts payable and other liabilities      |   297.9 |    377.5 |     328.4 |
| Provisions                                  |     6.7 |      7.0 |       8.3 |
| Financial liabilities                       |   206.4 |    486.7 |     108.4 |
| Total                                       |   511.0 |    871.2 |     445.0 |
| Shareholders' equity and                    |         |          |           |
| liabilities, total                          | 1,017.0 |  1,318.8 |   1,054.4 |

4) CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT                                             

|                                                 |   1-3/ |    1-3/ |   1-12/ |
| EUR mill.                                       |   2010 |    2009 |    2009 |
| Profit/loss before taxes                        |  -33.9 |   -16.7 |   -10.2 |
| Depreciation                                    |    4.7 |     4.7 |    34.3 |
| Other adjustments                               |    4.0 |     8.3 |    33.9 |
| Cash flow before change in working capital      |  -25.2 |    -3.6 |    58.0 |
| Change in working capital                       |  -12.6 |   -66.3 |    52.4 |
| Financial items                                 |   -6.1 |    -9.3 |   -30.2 |
| Direct taxes paid                               |   -6.0 |    -6.2 |   -16.0 |
| Cash flow from operating activities             |  -49.9 |   -85.4 |    64.2 |
| Cash flow provided by investing activities      |    2.4 |     0.2 |    11.9 |
| Cash flow used in investing activities          |  -10.1 |   -11.3 |   -30.5 |
| Share issue for cash consideration              |   39.5 |         |         |
| Change in non-current receivables               |    0.1 |    -0.4 |     0.0 |
| Drawings of loans                               |   88.1 |    89.3 |   562.3 |
| Repayments of loans                             | -102.1 |   -71.8 |  -764.6 |
| Dividends paid                                  |   -1.9 |   -13.9 |   -18.0 |
| Cash flow from financing activities             |   23.8 |     3.1 |  -220.2 |
| Change in cash funds                            |  -33.7 |   -93.5 |  -174.6 |
| Cash funds at beginning of period               |   74.4 |   250.1 |   250.1 |
| Translation difference of cash funds            |   -2.3 |    -2.2 |    -1.1 |
| Cash funds at end of period                     |   38.3 |   154.5 |    74.4 |

5) CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY                                  

A = Share capital                                                               
B = Share premium account                                                       
C = Hedging reserve                                                             
D = Fair value reserve                                                          
E = Invested unrestricted equity reserve                                        
F = Translation difference                                                      
G = Retained earnings                                                           
H = Minority interest                                                           
I = Shareholders' equity total                                                  

| EUR mill.  |    A |    B |    C |    D |    E |     F |     G |     H |    I |
| Shareholde |      |      |      |      |      |       |       |       |      |
| rs' equity |      |      |      |      |      |       |       |       |      |
| 1.1.2009   | 34.0 |  5.8 | -1.7 |      |      |  -4.7 | 276.9 |  27.3 | 337. |
|            |      |      |      |      |      |       |       |       |    6 |
| Profit/los |      |      |      |      |      |       |       |       |      |
| s for the  |      |      |      |      |      |       |       |       |      |
| accounting |      |      |      |      |      |       | -13.9 |   0.5 | -13. |
| period     |      |      |      |      |      |       |       |       |    3 |
| Translatio |      |      |      |      |      |   1.5 |       |       |  1.5 |
| n          |      |      |      |      |      |       |       |       |      |
| difference |      |      |      |      |      |       |       |       |      |
| Hedging of net    |      |      |      |      |       |       |       |      |
| investment        |      |      |      |      |       |       |       |      |
| in foreign |      |      |      |      |      |  -1.1 |       |       | -1.1 |
| subsidiary |      |      |      |      |      |       |       |       |      |
| Cash flow  |      |      | -0.6 |      |      |       |       |       | -0.6 |
| hedge      |      |      |      |      |      |       |       |       |      |
| Comprehensive     |      | -0.6 |      |      |   0.5 | -13.9 |   0.5 | -13. |
| income, total     |      |      |      |      |       |       |       |    4 |
| Dividend   |      |      |      |      |      |       | -15.3 |  -1.9 | -17. |
| distributi |      |      |      |      |      |       |       |       |    2 |
| on         |      |      |      |      |      |       |       |       |      |
| Change in  |      |      |      |      |      |       |       |       |      |
| minority   |      |      |      |      |      |       |       |  -0.6 | -0.6 |
| interest   |      |      |      |      |      |       |       |       |      |
| Transactio |      |      |      |      |      |       |       |       |      |
| ns with    |      |      |      |      |      |       |       |       |      |
| owners,    |      |      |      |      |      |       | -15.3 |  -2.5 | -17. |
| total      |      |      |      |      |      |       |       |       |    8 |
| Shareholde |      |      |      |      |      |       |       |       |      |
| rs' equity |      |      |      |      |      |       |       |       |      |
| 31.3.2009  | 34.0 |  5.8 | -2.3 |      |      |  -4.2 | 247.7 |  25.4 | 306. |
|            |      |      |      |      |      |       |       |       |    4 |

| EUR mill.  |    A |    B |    C |    D |    E |     F |     G |     H |    I |
| Shareholde |      |      |      |      |      |       |       |       |      |
| rs' equity |      |      |      |      |      |       |       |       |      |
| 1.1.2009   | 34.0 |  5.8 | -1.7 |      |      |  -4.7 | 276.9 |  27.3 | 337. |
|            |      |      |      |      |      |       |       |       |    6 |
| Profit/los |      |      |      |      |      |       |       |       |      |
| s for the  |      |      |      |      |      |       |       |       |      |
| accounting |      |      |      |      |      |       | -26.2 |   2.4 | -23. |
| period     |      |      |      |      |      |       |       |       |    8 |
| Translatio |      |      |      |      |      |   3.4 |       |       |  3.4 |
| n          |      |      |      |      |      |       |       |       |      |
| difference |      |      |      |      |      |       |       |       |      |
| Hedging of net    |      |      |      |      |       |       |       |      |
| investment        |      |      |      |      |       |       |       |      |
| in foreign |      |      |      |      |      |  -0.4 |       |       | -0.4 |
| subsidiary |      |      |      |      |      |       |       |       |      |
| Cash flow  |      |      | -0.2 |      |      |       |       |       | -0.2 |
| hedge      |      |      |      |      |      |       |       |       |      |
| Comprehensive     |      | -0.2 |      |      |   3.0 | -26.2 |   2.4 | -21. |
| income, total     |      |      |      |      |       |       |       |    0 |
| Dividend   |      |      |      |      |      |       | -15.3 |  -2.0 | -17. |
| distributi |      |      |      |      |      |       |       |       |    3 |
| on         |      |      |      |      |      |       |       |       |      |
| Change in  |      |      |      |      |      |       |       |       |      |
| minority   |      |      |      |      |      |       |       |  -4.5 | -4.5 |
| interest   |      |      |      |      |      |       |       |       |      |
| Transactio |      |      |      |      |      |       |       |       |      |
| ns with    |      |      |      |      |      |       |       |       |      |
| owners,    |      |      |      |      |      |       | -15.3 |  -6.5 | -21. |
| total      |      |      |      |      |      |       |       |       |    8 |
| Shareholde |      |      |      |      |      |       |       |       |      |
| rs' equity |      |      |      |      |      |       |       |       |      |
| 31.12.2009 | 34.0 |  5.8 | -2.0 |      |      |  -1.7 | 235.4 |  23.2 | 294. |
|            |      |      |      |      |      |       |       |       |    8 |

| EUR mill.   |    A |    B |    C |    D |    E |    F |     G |     H |    I |
| Shareholder |      |      |      |      |      |      |       |       |      |
| s' equity   |      |      |      |      |      |      |       |       |      |
| 1.1.2010    | 34.0 |  5.8 | -2.0 |      |      | -1.7 | 235.4 |  23.2 | 294. |
|             |      |      |      |      |      |      |       |       |    8 |
| Profit/loss |      |      |      |      |      |      |       |       |      |
| for the     |      |      |      |      |      |      |       |       |      |
| accounting  |      |      |      |      |      |      | -26.7 |   0.3 | -26. |
| period      |      |      |      |      |      |      |       |       |    4 |
| Translation |      |      |      |      |      |  2.0 |       |       |  2.0 |
| difference  |      |      |      |      |      |      |       |       |      |
| Cash flow   |      |      | -0.1 |      |      |      |       |       | -0.1 |
| hedge       |      |      |      |      |      |      |       |       |      |
| Change in   |      |      |      |  0.1 |      |      |       |       |  0.1 |
| fair value  |      |      |      |      |      |      |       |       |      |
| Comprehensive      |      | -0.1 |  0.1 |      |  2.0 | -26.7 |   0.3 | -24. |
| income, total      |      |      |      |      |      |       |       |    5 |
| Share issue |      |      |      |      |      |      |       |       |      |
| to          |      |      |      |      |      |      |       |       |      |
| investors   |      |      |      |      |      |      |       |       |      |
| for cash    |      |      |      |      | 39.5 |      |       |       | 39.5 |
| considerati |      |      |      |      |      |      |       |       |      |
| on          |      |      |      |      |      |      |       |       |      |
| Share issue |      |      |      |      |      |      |       |       |      |
| to non-     |      |      |      |      |      |      |       |       |      |
| controlling |      |      |      |      |      |      |       |       |      |
| interest    |      |      |      |      |      |      |       |       |      |
| for         |      |      |      |      |      |      |       |       |      |
| cash        |      |      |      |      | 21.5 |      |       |       | 21.5 |
| considerati |      |      |      |      |      |      |       |       |      |
| on          |      |      |      |      |      |      |       |       |      |
| Transaction |      |      |      |      |      |      |       |       |      |
| expenses    |      |      |      |      |      |      |       |       |      |
| of share    |      |      |      |      | -0.4 |      |       |       | -0.4 |
| issues      |      |      |      |      |      |      |       |       |      |
| Gains on    |      |      |      |      |      |      |       |       |      |
| share-based |      |      |      |      |      |      |       |       |      |
| payments    |      |      |      |      |      |      |   0.0 |       |  0.0 |
| Direct      |      |      |      |      |      |      |       |       |      |
| bookings,   |      |      |      |      |      |      |       |       |      |
| goodwill    |      |      |      |      |  2.9 |      | -10.0 |       | -7.2 |
| Cancellatio |      |      |      |      |      |      |       |       |      |
| n of        |      |      |      |      |      |      |       |       |      |
| dividend    |      |      |      |      |      |      |       |       |      |
| liability   |      |      |      |      |      |      |   0.1 |       |  0.1 |
| Dividend    |      |      |      |      |      |      |       |  -1.8 | -1.8 |
| distributio |      |      |      |      |      |      |       |       |      |
| n           |      |      |      |      |      |      |       |       |      |
| Change in   |      |      |      |      |      |      |       |       |      |
| minority    |      |      |      |      |      |      |       | -17.1 | -17. |
| interest    |      |      |      |      |      |      |       |       |    1 |
| Transaction |      |      |      |      |      |      |       |       |      |
| s with      |      |      |      |      |      |      |       |       |      |
| owners,     |      |      |      |      | 63.5 |      |  -9.9 | -18.9 | 34.7 |
| total       |      |      |      |      |      |      |       |       |      |
| Shareholder |      |      |      |      |      |      |       |       |      |
| s' equity   |      |      |      |      |      |      |       |       |      |
| 31.3.2010   | 34.0 |  5.8 | -2.1 |  0.1 | 63.5 |  0.3 | 198.8 |   4.6 | 305. |
|             |      |      |      |      |      |      |       |       |    0 |

6) CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENT, QUARTERLY                                     

|                               |   1-3/ | 10-12/ |   7-9/ |    4-6/ |    1-3/ |
| EUR mill.                     |   2010 |   2009 |   2009 |    2009 |    2009 |
| Net sales                     |  284.4 |  525.1 |  568.6 |   528.3 |   343.5 |
| Operating income and expenses | -308.0 | -505.9 | -567.0 |  -491.3 |  -345.4 |
| Depreciation                  |    4.7 |    7.6 |   12.5 |     9.5 |     4.7 |
| Share of the results of       |   -0.2 |    0.4 |    1.1 |     0.3 |    -0.2 |
| affiliated companies          |        |        |        |         |         |
| Operating profit/loss         |  -28.5 |   12.0 |   -9.8 |    27.8 |    -6.9 |
| Financial expenses            |   12.1 |   13.1 |   10.5 |    10.4 |    20.1 |
| Financial income              |    6.7 |    5.2 |    4.1 |     1.2 |    10.3 |
| Profit/loss before taxes      |  -33.9 |    4.0 |  -16.1 |    18.6 |   -16.7 |
| Income taxes                  |    7.6 |   -3.3 |   -8.1 |    -5.6 |     3.4 |
| Profit/loss for the           |  -26.4 |    0.7 |  -24.2 |    13.0 |   -13.3 |
| accounting period             |        |        |        |         |         |
| Distribution of the profit/loss for    |        |        |         |         |
| the accounting period                  |        |        |         |         |
| To shareholders of the parent |  -26.7 |   -0.7 |  -24.0 |    12.3 |   -13.9 |
| company                       |        |        |        |         |         |
| To minority interests         |    0.3 |    1.4 |   -0.3 |     0.7 |     0.5 |
| EPS calculated from profit/loss attributable to parent company     |         |
| shareholders                                                       |         |
| Earnings per share, diluted   |        |        |        |         |         |
| and                           |        |        |        |         |         |
| undiluted, EUR                |  -1.52 |  -0.04 |  -1.41 |    0.72 |   -0.81 |

7) SEGMENT INFORMATION                                                          

IFRS 8 Operating Segment Reporting requires that reported segment information be
based on internal segment reporting to management, which in Lemminkäinen Group  
means the President of Lemminkäinen Corporation, who is the chief operative     
decision-maker. Internal segment reporting to management covers net sales,      
depreciation, operating profit, non-current assets, inventories and trade       

The segment information reported to management is generally prepared according  
to the same principles as those applied in the consolidated financial           
statements. Imputed items are not considered in segment reporting. Such items   
include, among others, depreciation of assets acquired by finance leasing,      
interest separated from payments and warranty provisions. In segment reporting  
to management, finance leasing arrangements are treated as ordinary rental      
agreements, which deviate from the accounting principles of IFRS financial      
statements. Affiliated companies are combined in segment reporting in proportion
to ownership share using the line-by-line method. In IFRS financial statements  
affiliated companies are combined by the equity method. In segment reporting,   
intersegment sales are not allocated to segments, owing to their minimal        
magnitude, and are not reported to management.                                  

The interpretation IFRIC 15 - Agreements for the Construction of Real Estate was
adopted from the beginning of 2010. The comparative figures starting from       
1.1.2009 have also been calculated in accordance with the provisions of the new 
interpretation. IFRIC 15 affected not only the figures of Lemminkäinen Group but
also those of the Building Construction business sector. Furthermore, Forssan   
Betoni Oy, which formerly belonged to the Infrastructure Construction business  
sector, was transferred at the beginning of January 2010 to the Building        
Products business sector. The Group and business sector-specific figures given  
in this bulletin are pro forma figures                                          

BLDCO = Building Construction                                                   
INFRA = Infrastructure Construction                                             
TECBS = Technical Building Services                                             
BLDPR = Building Products                                                       
OTHER = Other operations                                                        
ELIM = Group eliminations                                                       
SEGM = Segments total                                                           
RECON = Reconciling items                                                       
TOTAL = Group total, IRFS                                                       

| EUR    |      |      |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |
| mill.  |      |      |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |
| 10     |    O |    A |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |
| Net    | 168. | 51.3 |  54.2 |  20.3 |   2.8 | -12.2 | 285.2 |  -0.8 | 284.4 |
| sales  |    7 |      |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |
| Deprec |      |      |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |
| i-     |      |      |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |
| ation  |  0.6 |  3.3 |   0.2 |   0.8 |   0.2 |       |   5.1 |  -0.4 |   4.7 |
| Operat |      |      |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |
| ing    |      |      |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |
| profit |  1.2 | -24. |   1.1 |  -3.7 |  -3.4 |       | -29.1 |   0.6 | -28.5 |
| /loss  |      |    3 |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |

The reconciling items for net sales comprise EUR -0.2 million from the equity   
share treatment of affiliated companies and the treatment difference between    
entries made to net sales and other income.                                     

The reconciling items for operating profit comprise EUR 1.0 million in personnel
expenses, EUR 0.3 million from the IFRS treatment of finance leasing, EUR 0.1   
million from the equity share treatment of affiliated companies and EUR -0.8    
million in other closing entries.                                               

| EUR    |      |      |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |
| mill.  |      |      |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |
| 09     |    O |    A |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |
| Net    | 205. | 68.0 |  55.3 |  22.6 |   2.5 |  -9.6 | 344.1 |  -0.6 | 343.5 |
| sales  |    3 |      |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |
| Deprec |      |      |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |
| i-     |      |      |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |
| ation  |  0.7 |  3.4 |   0.2 |   0.9 |   0.2 |       |   5.4 |  -0.7 |   4.7 |
| Operat |      |      |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |
| ing    |      |      |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |
| profit | 11.4 | -18. |   2.5 |  -2.1 |  -0.2 |       |  -6.5 |  -0.4 |  -6.9 |
| /loss  |      |    2 |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |

The reconciling items for net sales comprise EUR -0.2 million from the equity   
share treatment of affiliated companies and the treatment difference between    
entries made to net sales and other income.                                     

The reconciling items for operating profit comprise EUR -1.8 million in         
personnel expenses, EUR 1.2 million from the IFRS treatment of finance leasing, 
and EUR 0.2 million in other closing entries.                                   

| NET SALES                               |      1-3/ |      1-3/ |      1-12/ |
| EUR mill.                               |      2010 |      2009 |       2009 |
| Building Construction                   |     168.7 |     205.3 |      868.7 |
| Infrastructure Construction             |      51.3 |      68.0 |      768.0 |
| Technical Building Services             |      54.2 |      55.3 |      233.8 |
| Building Products                       |      20.3 |      22.6 |      154.2 |
| Other operations                        |       2.8 |       2.5 |       10.3 |
| Group eliminations                      |     -12.2 |      -9.6 |      -52.5 |
| Segments total                          |     285.2 |     344.1 |    1,982.6 |
| Reconciling items                       |      -0.8 |      -0.6 |      -17.1 |
| Group total, IFRS                       |     284.4 |     343.5 |    1,965.5 |

| OPERATING PROFIT/LOSS                    |     1-3/ |      1-3/ |      1-12/ |
| EUR mill.                                |     2010 |      2009 |       2009 |
| Building Construction                    |      1.2 |      11.4 |       36.4 |
| Infrastructure Construction              |    -24.3 |     -18.2 |       22.0 |
| Technical Building Services              |      1.1 |       2.5 |       12.2 |
| Building Products                        |     -3.7 |      -2.1 |       10.4 |
| Other operations                         |     -3.4 |      -0.2 |      -61.7 |
| Segments total                           |    -29.1 |      -6.5 |       19.4 |
| Reconciling items                        |      0.6 |      -0.4 |        3.8 |
| Group total, IFRS                        |    -28.5 |      -6.9 |       23.2 |

| NET SALES, QUARTERLY          |   1-3/ | 10-12/ |   7-9/ |    4-6/ |    1-3/ |
| EUR mill.                     |   2010 |   2009 |   2009 |    2009 |    2009 |
| Building Construction         |  168.7 |  266.3 |  180.1 |   217.0 |   205.3 |
| Infrastructure Construction   |   51.3 |  173.6 |  304.3 |   222.1 |    68.0 |
| Technical Building Services   |   54.2 |   65.2 |   52.6 |    60.6 |    55.3 |
| Building Products             |   20.3 |   38.9 |   48.8 |    44.0 |    22.6 |
| Other operations              |    2.8 |    2.1 |    2.9 |     2.9 |     2.5 |
| Group eliminations            |  -12.2 |  -19.2 |   -8.8 |   -14.9 |    -9.6 |
| Segments total                |  285.2 |  526.9 |  579.9 |   531.7 |   344.1 |
| Reconciling items             |   -0.8 |   -1.8 |  -11.3 |    -3.4 |    -0.6 |
| Group total, IFRS             |  284.4 |  525.1 |  568.6 |   528.3 |   343.5 |

| OPERATING PROFIT/LOSS,        |   1-3/ | 10-12/ |   7-9/ |    4-6/ |    1-3/ |
| QUARTERLY                     |        |        |        |         |         |
| EUR mill.                     |   2010 |   2009 |   2009 |    2009 |    2009 |
| Building Construction         |    1.2 |   14.7 |    1.2 |     9.1 |    11.4 |
| Infrastructure Construction   |  -24.3 |   -5.8 |   33.3 |    12.8 |   -18.2 |
| Technical Building Services   |    1.1 |    3.2 |    3.8 |     2.6 |     2.5 |
| Building Products             |   -3.7 |    1.8 |    6.1 |     4.6 |    -2.1 |
| Other operations              |   -3.4 |   -3.4 |  -56.0 |    -2.1 |    -0.2 |
| Segments total                |  -29.1 |   10.5 |  -11.5 |    26.9 |    -6.5 |
| Reconciling items             |    0.6 |    1.5 |    1.8 |     0.9 |    -0.4 |
| Group total, IFRS             |  -28.5 |   12.0 |   -9.8 |    27.8 |    -6.9 |

| ASSETS                                   |          |           |            |
| EUR mill.                                |   3/2010 |    3/2009 |    12/2009 |
| Building Construction                    |    373.1 |     398.3 |      357.9 |
| Infrastructure Construction              |    230.0 |     265.3 |      253.9 |
| Technical Building Services              |     28.6 |      29.2 |       30.5 |
| Building Products                        |     56.8 |      53.3 |       55.3 |
| Other operations                         |     38.1 |      42.0 |       43.6 |
| Segments total                           |    726.6 |     788.1 |      741.1 |
| Assets unallocated to segments           |          |           |            |
| and Group eliminations, total            |    290.4 |     530.7 |      313.3 |
| Group total, IFRS                        |  1,017.0 |   1,318.8 |    1,054.4 |

8) ECONOMIC TRENDS AND FINANCIAL INDICATORS                                     

|                                          |   3/2010 |    3/2009 |    12/2009 |
| Return on equity, %                      |     -8.8 |      -4.1 |       -7.5 |
| Return on investment, %                  |     -3.1 |       0.4 |        5.4 |
| Operating profit, % of net sales         |    -10.0 |      -2.0 |        1.2 |
| Equity ratio, %                          |     33.7 |      25.5 |       31.0 |
| Gearing, %                               |    114.4 |     147.1 |      110.2 |
| Interest-bearing net debt, EUR million   |    349.0 |     450.6 |      324.7 |
| Gross investments, EUR million           |          |           |            |
| (incl. leasing purchases)                |      7.5 |      10.3 |       41.5 |
| Order book, EUR mill.                    |  1,199.8 |   1,141.7 |      983.6 |
| - of which foreign orders, EUR mill.     |    272.6 |     350.0 |      213.5 |
| Average number of employees              |    7 339 |     8 098 |      8 626 |
| Employees at end of period               |    7 398 |     7 998 |      7 759 |
| Net sales, EUR mill.                     |    284.4 |     343.5 |    1,965.5 |
| - of which operations outside Finland,   |     64.0 |      71.7 |      527.6 |
| EUR mill.                                |          |           |            |
| % of net sales                           |     22.5 |      20.9 |       26.8 |

9) SHARE-SPECIFIC INDICATORS                                                    

|                                         |     3/2010 |    3/2009 |   12/2009 |
| Earnings per share, EUR                 |      -1.52 |     -0.81 |     -1.54 |
| Equity per share, EUR                   |      15.29 |     16.51 |     15.95 |
| Dividend per share, EUR                 |       0.00 |      0.00 |      0.00 |
| Dividend to earnings ratio, %           |        0.0 |       0.0 |       0.0 |
| Market capitalisation, EUR mill.        |     552.40 |    268.90 |    411.90 |
| Share price at end of period, EUR       |      28.12 |     15.80 |     24.20 |
| Trading volume during period,           |            |           |           |
| 1000 shares                             |      1 770 |       433 |     1 918 |
| Number of issued shares, 1000 shares    |     19,645 |    17,021 |    17,021 |
| Weighted average number of shares over  |     17,532 |    17,021 |    17,021 |
| the period, 1000 shares                 |            |           |           |

10) GUARANTEES AND CONTINGENT LIABILITIES                                       

| EUR mill.                                |   3/2010 |    3/2009 |    12/2009 |
| Securities for own commitments           |          |           |            |
| Property mortgages                       |     80.0 |       0.0 |       80.0 |
| Business mortgages                       |  1,220.1 |      39.9 |    1,221.3 |
| Bonds pledged as security                |      0.4 |       0.3 |        0.6 |
| Deposits                                 |      0.1 |       0.1 |        0.1 |
| Total                                    |  1,300.6 |      40.3 |    1,302.0 |
| Guarantees                               |          |           |            |
| On behalf of affiliated companies        |      0.0 |      18.8 |        0.0 |
| On behalf of others                      |     34.7 |      19.9 |       34.7 |
| Minimum lease payments of irrevocable lease agreements          |            |
| One year or less                         |     11.9 |      13.1 |       11.1 |
| Over one year but no more                |          |           |            |
| than five years                          |     25.7 |      27.5 |       24.9 |
| Over five years                          |     19.0 |      27.7 |       20.7 |
| Total                                    |     56.7 |      68.3 |       56.7 |
| Purchase commitments of investments      |     19.2 |      23.8 |       11.1 |
| Derivative contracts                     |          |           |            |
| Forward foreign exchange contracts       |          |           |            |
| Nominal value                            |     28.0 |     130.6 |       36.6 |
| Fair value                               |     -0.4 |       4.4 |       -1.7 |
| Currency options, calls purchased        |          |           |            |
| Nominal value                            |      6.4 |       6.8 |        0.0 |
| Fair value                               |      0.0 |       0.4 |        0.0 |
| Currency options, puts written           |          |           |            |
| Nominal value                            |     12.9 |       6.8 |        0.0 |
| Fair value                               |      0.0 |      -0.2 |        0.0 |
| Interest rate options, calls purchased   |          |           |            |
| Nominal value                            |      0.0 |       1.6 |        0.0 |
| Fair value                               |      0.0 |       0.0 |        0.0 |
| Interest rate options, puts written      |          |           |            |
| Nominal value                            |      0.0 |       1.6 |        0.0 |
| Fair value                               |      0.0 |       0.0 |        0.0 |
| Interest rate swap contracts             |          |           |            |
| Nominal value                            |     59.6 |      71.9 |       59.6 |
| Fair value                               |     -3.6 |      -3.9 |       -3.2 |

The fair value of contracts is the gain or loss arising from closure of the     
contract based on the market price on the accounting date.                      

11) LEGAL PROCEEDINGS                                                           

In 2009 the Supreme Administrative Court (SAC) fined a number of Finnish asphalt
industry companies for violations of the Act on Competition Restrictions.       

At present, 22 municipalities and the Finnish Road Administration have brought  
actions for the recovery of damages from Lemminkäinen and other asphalt         
companies in the District Court of Helsinki. The claimants contend that         
restrictions of competition have caused them damages. The capital amount of the 
claims presented against Lemminkäinen is about EUR 67 million. The claims       
presented in the statements of claim differ from each other as regards their    
amounts and grounds.                                                            

The decision rendered by the SAC as it stands does not mean that Lemminkäinen or
the other asphalt industry companies actually caused the parties ordering       
asphalt works any damages. The SAC's decision does not concern the individual   
contracts that the claimants are citing in support of their claims. Neither does
the decision concern the pricing of individual contracts, nor has the SAC       
considered the claim that pricing deviating from the market price had been used 
in the contracts.                                                               

Lemminkäinen's initial position is that the claims are without foundation.      

The claims will be brought separately before the District Court of Helsinki and 
heard in the order determined by the court. It is likely that district court    
proceedings will continue into 2011.                                            

No provision for future expense has been made in respect of the statements of   
claims submitted so far to the district court by the municipalities and the     
Finnish Road Administration.