2010-11-03 07:00:00 CET

2010-11-03 07:01:44 CET


Pohjola Pankki Oyj - Interim report (Q1 and Q3)

Pohjola Bank plc Interim Report for 1 January-30 September 2010

Pohjola Bank plc
Company Release, 3 November 2010, 8.00 am
Release category: Interim report

Pohjola Bank plc Interim Report for 1 January-30 September 2010


- Year on year, consolidated earnings before tax improved to EUR 242 million
(211). Earnings include EUR 88 million (95) in impairment charges on
- Earnings before tax at fair value amounted to EUR 273 million (424) and return
on equity at fair value stood at 11.7% (21.8).
- Banking posted earnings before tax of EUR 93 million (99), with impairment
charges on receivables affecting its earnings by EUR 89 million (84).
- Non-life Insurance's operating combined ratio stood at 88.6% (86.7). Within
Non-life Insurance, return on investments at fair value was 5.2% (9.0).
- Asset Management reported earnings of EUR 18 million (11) and assets under
management increased to EUR 35.2 billion (33.1).
- Capital gains on notes and bonds improved earnings before tax posted by the
Group Functions.
- Outlook: Consolidated earnings before tax in 2010 are expected to be at the
same level as or higher than in 2009 (previous estimate: at the same level). It
is estimated that Non-life Insurance's operating combined ratio will vary
between 89 and 92% (previous estimate: 89-93%). For more detailed information on
outlook, see "Outlook towards the year end" below.


- Consolidated earnings before tax came to EUR 103 million (87). Earnings
included EUR 27 million (41) in impairment charges on receivables and EUR 7
million in one-time amortisation on intangible assets.
- Earnings before tax at fair value were 165 million (196).
- Non-life Insurance's operating combined ratio stood at 82.8% (83.1). Within
Non-life Insurance, return on investments at fair value was 2.6% (4.3).
- Pohjola Insurance Ltd and Pohjantähti Mutual Insurance Company are planning to

|Consolidated earnings before   |Q1-3/|Q1-3/|         |Q3/ | Q3/|         |    |
|tax, € million1)               |2010 |2009 |Change, %|2010|2009|Change, %|2009|
|  Banking                      |   93|   99|       -6|  38|  24|       61| 117|
|                               |     |     |         |    |    |         |    |
|  Non-life Insurance           |   84|   89|       -6|  42|  43|       -3| 102|
|                               |     |     |         |    |    |         |    |
|  Asset Management             |   18|   11|       68|   6|   4|       25|  21|
|                               |     |     |         |    |    |         |    |
|  Group Functions              |   48|   11|     320 |  18|  16|       12|  25|
|Total                          |  242|  211|       15| 103|  87|       18| 265|
|                               |     |     |         |    |    |         |    |
|Change in fair value reserve   |   31|  213|      -86|  62| 109|      -44| 243|
|Earnings before tax at fair    |     |     |         |    |    |         |    |
|value                          |  273|  424|      -36| 165| 196|      -16| 508|

|                                         |Q1-3/|Q1-3/| Q3/ | Q3/ |     |      |
|Key indicators1)                         |2010 |2009 |2010 |2009 |2009 |Target|
|Earnings before tax, € million           |  242|  211|  103|   87|  265|      |
|                                         |     |     |     |     |     |      |
|Profit for the period, € million         |  179|  155|   76|   65|  194|      |
|                                         |     |     |     |     |     |      |
|Return on equity, %                      | 11.7| 21.8| 21.1| 27.1| 19.2|  13.0|
|                                         |     |     |     |     |     |      |
|Balance sheet total, € billion           | 35.9| 34.1|     |     | 35.5|      |
|                                         |     |     |     |     |     |      |
|Shareholders' equity, € billion          |  2.4|  2.2|     |     |  2.3|      |
|                                         |     |     |     |     |     |      |
|Tier 1 ratio, %                          | 12.3| 11.3|     |     | 11.8|  >9.5|
|                                         |     |     |     |     |     |      |
|Earnings per share, €                    | 0.56| 0.54| 0.24| 0.20| 0.66|      |
|                                         |     |     |     |     |     |      |
|Earnings per share, incl. change in fair |     |     |     |     |     |      |
|value, €                                 | 0.63| 1.09| 0.38| 0.46| 1.27|      |
|                                         |     |     |     |     |     |      |
|Equity per share, €                      | 7.39| 6.90|     |     | 7.09|      |
|                                         |     |     |     |     |     |      |
|Average personnel                        |2,996|2,955|3,007|2,961|2,966|      |

1) Comparatives deriving from the income statement are based on figures reported
for the corresponding period a year ago. Unless otherwise specified, balance-
sheet and other cross-sectional figures on 31 December 2009 are used as

President and CEO Mikael Silvennoinen:

Pohjola Group's third-quarter earnings before tax were the best ever recorded,
exceeding EUR 100 million, and January-September earnings were also better than
a year ago. Our earnings before tax grew by 15%. Net interest income continued
its growth, thanks to the strong growth reported by Corporate Banking in
particular. January-September impairment charges on receivables were almost at
the same level as the year before but were markedly lower in the third quarter
than a year ago. The third quarter saw favourable developments in capital

With greater demand for corporate loans, the loan and guarantee portfolio has
begun to grow. In line with our expectations, the trend of the rising average
corporate loan margin has come to an end and tougher competition is sending the
margin on new loans down. Slightly higher impairment charges year on year and
the normalisation of the Markets division's financial performance were offset by
the strong growth in net interest income recorded by Corporate Banking in
January-September. Earnings reported by Banking in January-September were almost
at the same level as in the previous year but markedly higher in the third
quarter than the year before.

Within Non-life Insurance, the balance on technical account remained good
despite the claims filed in the aftermath of the late summer storms. Thanks to
our reinsurance cover, they did not have any major effect on the Non-life
Insurance results. Insurance premium revenue grew and its growth among private
customers in particular remained strong throughout January-September. We had set
a strategic target in 2005 of serving 450,000 loyal customer households by the
end of 2010, but reached it already in August. As early as March, we achieved
the annual level of EUR 17 million in the revenue synergies resulting from
growth in the number of loyal customer households.

In late September, we announced that Pohjola Insurance Ltd and Pohjantähti
Mutual Insurance Company were planning to merge. The extraordinary general
meetings of these insurers will decide in early December whether the merger plan
will be rejected or approved. The purpose of the merger is to strengthen the
competitiveness in the Finnish non-life insurance market of the new entity
formed by the insurance business of Pohjola Insurance and Pohjantähti. We will
provide Pohjantähti's customers with a comprehensive range of financial services
and the best loyalty benefits and offer Pohjantähti staff with new career and
development opportunities. In addition to the existing staff, we will hire at
least another 50 people for the new service centre that will be established in
Hämeenlinna. We are confident that the merger will benefit not only customers
but also employees and owners.

Within Asset Management, assets under management increased to more than EUR 35
billion and earnings before tax also showed a marked year-on-year improvement.
Pohjola Capital Partners Ltd, a private equity firm, will be bought by its
existing management by the end of this year.

As a result of our good financial performance in January-September and a more
stable operating environment, we expect to improve our full-year earnings from
their previous year's level.

Operating environment

On the whole, global economic recovery slowed down somewhat in the third
quarter. The recovery has been uneven from region to region and every region
faces its own challenges. In the US, growth is shadowed by weak housing markets
and persistently high unemployment figures. In the euro area, on the other hand,
the economic outlook is brighter, but growth is nevertheless expected to remain
slow owing, for example, to high unemployment and a stronger euro. Emerging
economies, such as China, are enjoying brisk growth.

The Finnish economy has continued on a clear upward trend in the second half of
the year and next year looks relatively good. Business confidence was relatively
high in the early autumn and consumer confidence is record-high. Growth is
supported particularly by livelier exports and higher housing investment. The
improved economic outlook is also manifested in that the number of people
employed rebounded in the third quarter.

There is no pressure in the near future to raise the main refinancing rate,
which has remained low. The European Central Bank is expected to keep its main
refinancing rate at the current level at least towards the end of 2011. Trust in
the interbank markets has improved, which has reduced the need for central bank
refinancing. This has raised short-term market rates by a fraction. The ECB aims
to ensure sufficient liquidity in the market, for example by buying government
debt instruments from countries struggling with heavy debts.

Growth in the corporate loan portfolio that began in the first half of 2010
evened out towards the autumn. Loans to households continued to grow steadily in
the third quarter, while the housing market was still lively.

Capital market jitters caused by concerns over government bonds and economic
growth eased off at the end of the report period. Corporate bond markets
operated in a positive mood. Risk premiums narrowed particularly in the banking
sector. The global decline in equity markets that started in the spring bottomed
out, with the weight capped OMX Helsinki CAP index in Finland rising by almost
14% during the third quarter.

An increase in non-life insurance premiums written has settled at around 1%.
Claims paid out are growing at a higher rate than premiums written. The higher
claims have been caused by exceptional weather conditions, on the one hand, and
a higher number of reported losses owing to greater economic activity, on the
other hand.

Consolidated earnings

|Earnings analysis     |2010|2009|Change|2010|2009|Change|                |2009|
|                      |    |    |      |    |    |      |                |    |
|€ million             |Q1-3|Q1-3|  %   |  Q3|  Q3|  %   |Rolling 12-month|    |
|Net interest income   |    |    |      |    |    |      |                |    |
|                      |    |    |      |    |    |      |                |    |
|  Corporate Banking   | 128| 101|    26|  43|  36|    21|             165| 138|
|                      |    |    |      |    |    |      |                |    |
|  Markets             |  13|  24|   -44|   3|   2|    93|              17|  27|
|                      |    |    |      |    |    |      |                |    |
|  Other operations    |  48|  53|    -8|  16|  21|   -25|              71|  75|
|                      |    |    |      |    |    |      |                |    |
|  Total               | 189| 177|     7|  62|  58|     7|             253| 241|
|                      |    |    |      |    |    |      |                |    |
|Net commissions and   |    |    |      |    |    |      |                |    |
|fees                  | 118| 102|    15|  37|  36|     3|             159| 143|
|                      |    |    |      |    |    |      |                |    |
|Net trading income    |  34|  60|   -44|  18|  27|   -32|              45|  71|
|                      |    |    |      |    |    |      |                |    |
|Net investment income |  21|  -8|      |   6|   1|      |              17| -13|
|                      |    |    |      |    |    |      |                |    |
|Net income from Non-  |    |    |      |    |    |      |                |    |
|life Insurance        |    |    |      |    |    |      |               0|    |
|                      |    |    |      |    |    |      |                |    |
|  Insurance operations| 279| 291|    -4| 106| 107|     0|             371| 382|
|                      |    |    |      |    |    |      |                |    |
|  Investment          |    |    |      |    |    |      |                |    |
|operations            |  69|  48|    41|  26|  19|    37|              84|  64|
|                      |    |    |      |    |    |      |                |    |
|  Other items         | -34| -32|     5| -11| -11|     4|             -45| -44|
|                      |    |    |      |    |    |      |                |    |
|  Total               | 314| 307|     2| 120| 114|     5|             410| 402|
|                      |    |    |      |    |    |      |                |    |
|Other operating income|  32|  33|    -3|  11|  11|     0|              49|  50|
|                      |    |    |      |    |    |      |                |    |
|Total income          | 708| 671|     6| 255| 247|     3|             932| 895|
|                      |    |    |      |    |    |      |                |    |
|Personnel costs       | 144| 142|     1|  44|  47|    -5|             192| 190|
|                      |    |    |      |    |    |      |                |    |
|IT expenses           |  56|  56|     1|  18|  19|    -5|              76|  75|
|                      |    |    |      |    |    |      |                |    |
|Depreciation and      |    |    |      |    |    |      |                |    |
|amortisation          |  57|  50|    13|  23|  17|    35|              78|  72|
|                      |    |    |      |    |    |      |                |    |
|Other expenses        | 121| 118|     3|  40|  36|     9|             167| 164|
|                      |    |    |      |    |    |      |                |    |
|Total expenses        | 378| 366|     3| 125| 119|     5|             513| 501|
|                      |    |    |      |    |    |      |                |    |
|Earnings before       |    |    |      |    |    |      |                |    |
|impairments of        |    |    |      |    |    |      |                |    |
|receivables           | 330| 305|     8| 130| 128|     1|             419| 394|
|                      |    |    |      |    |    |      |                |    |
|Impairments of        |    |    |      |    |    |      |                |    |
|receivables           |  88|  95|    -7|  27|  41|   -35|             122| 129|
|                      |    |    |      |    |    |      |                |    |
|Earnings before tax   | 242| 211|    15| 103|  87|    18|             297| 265|
|                      |    |    |      |    |    |      |                |    |
|Change in fair value  |    |    |      |    |    |      |                |    |
|reserve               |  31| 213|      |  62| 109|      |              60| 243|
|                      |    |    |      |    |    |      |                |    |
|Earnings before tax at|    |    |      |    |    |      |                |    |
|fair value            | 273| 424|   -36| 165| 196|   -16|             357| 508|
January-September earnings

Earnings before tax amounted to EUR 242 million (211), up by 15% on a year

Earnings before impairment charges on receivables totalled EUR 330 million
(305), or 8% higher than a year ago. Impairment charges on receivables were EUR
7 million lower than a year ago, amounting to EUR 88 million (95).

With slightly more active capital markets in the third quarter, earnings before
tax at fair value came to EUR 273 million (424).

Total income increased by 6% to EUR 708 million (671) and expenses by 3% to EUR
378 million (366).

Net interest income rose to EUR 189 million (177), up by 7% year on year. Net
interest income from Corporate Banking showed strong growth, thanks to growth in
the loan portfolio and a rise in the average margin.

Net commissions and fees increased to EUR 118 million (102), up by 15% year on
year, due mainly to higher net commissions and fees reported by Asset
Management. The report period also saw an increase in net commissions and fees
from securities issuance and brokerage.

Net trading income amounted to EUR 34 million (60). Income reported a year ago
was exceptionally high because of the market situation.

Net investment income totalled EUR 21 million (-8). This figure includes
realised capital gains of EUR 22 million recognised on the notes and bonds.
Adjustments for real property acquisition costs reduced net investment income a
year ago.

Total net income from Non-life Insurance totalled EUR 314 million (307), or 2%
higher than in the previous year. Non-life Insurance showed favourable
developments in net income although it was slightly lower than a year ago.
Realised capital gains contributed to higher income from investment operations.

Expenses rose by 3% to EUR 378 million (366), due mainly to the EUR 7 million
one-time amortisation on insurance systems. Excluding this item, expenses grew
by 1%. Personnel costs rose by EUR 2 million year on year. Provisions recognised
for performance-based bonuses were down. The number of Group employees increased
by 28 from their level on 31 December 2009.

The fair value reserve before tax grew by EUR 23 million (158) from its level on
31 December 2009. On 30 September, the fair value reserve after tax stood at EUR
23 million, as against EUR 0 million on 31 December 2009.

July-September earnings

Earnings before tax amounted to EUR 103 million (87), up by 18% on a year

Earnings before impairments of receivables were at the previous year's level,
coming to EUR 130 million (128). Impairments of receivables decreased by EUR 14
million year on year to EUR 27 million (41).

Earnings before tax at fair value were EUR 165 million (196). Capital markets
perked up slightly and the fair value reserve grew markedly during the third

Total income rose by 3% to EUR 255 million (247) and expenses by 5% to EUR 125
million (119). Excluding one-time amortisation on insurance systems, expenses
were at the previous year's level.

Consolidated net interest income was slightly higher a year ago, amounting to
EUR 62 million (58). Within Corporate Banking, net interest income increased by
one-fifth on a year earlier, thanks to higher margins.

Net commissions and fees amounted to EUR 37 million (36). Asset Management
showed strong growth during the third quarter too.

Net investment income totalled EUR 6 million (1). This figure includes realised
capital gains of EUR 6 million recognised on the notes and bonds within the
liquidity buffer.

Net trading income was one-third lower than a year ago, or EUR 18 million (27).

Net income from Non-life Insurance amounted to EUR 120 million (114). Growth in
insurance premium revenue accelerated in the third quarter and insurance
profitability was excellent.

|Earnings analysis by quarter              |     2009      |   2010    |
|                                          |               |           |
|€ million                                 | Q1  Q2  Q3  Q4| Q1  Q2  Q3|
|Net interest income                       |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
|                                          |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
|  Corporate Banking                       | 32| 33| 36| 37| 40| 44| 43|
|                                          |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
|  Markets                                 | 10| 12|  2|  4|  6|  4|  3|
|                                          |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
|  Other operations                        | 10| 22| 21| 23| 14| 19| 16|
|                                          |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
|  Total                                   | 52| 67| 58| 63| 60| 67| 62|
|                                          |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
|Net commissions and fees                  | 30| 36| 36| 41| 40| 41| 37|
|                                          |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
|Net trading income                        | 25|  8| 27| 11|  7|  8| 18|
|                                          |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
|Net investment income                     | -9|  0|  1| -5| 18| -3|  6|
|                                          |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
|Net income from Non-life Insurance        |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
|                                          |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
|  Insurance operations                    | 83|101|107| 92| 74| 99|106|
|                                          |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
|  Investment operations                   | -2| 32| 19| 15| 17| 26| 26|
|                                          |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
|  Other items                             |-11|-11|-11|-11|-11|-11|-11|
|                                          |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
|  Total                                   | 70|122|114| 96| 79|114|120|
|                                          |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
|Other operating income                    | 11| 11| 11| 17| 11| 10| 11|
|                                          |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
|Total income                              |179|245|247|224|215|239|255|
|                                          |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
|Personnel costs                           | 45| 50| 47| 48| 47| 52| 44|
|                                          |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
|IT expenses                               | 19| 18| 19| 20| 19| 19| 18|
|                                          |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
|Depreciation and amortisation             | 17| 17| 17| 21| 18| 16| 23|
|                                          |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
|Other expenses                            | 41| 40| 36| 45| 39| 43| 40|
|                                          |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
|Total expenses                            |122|125|119|135|123|130|125|
|                                          |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
|Earnings before impairments of receivables| 57|119|128| 89| 92|109|130|
|                                          |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
|Impairments of receivables                | 21| 33| 41| 34| 33| 29| 27|
|                                          |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
|Earnings before tax                       | 36| 87| 87| 55| 59| 80|103|
|                                          |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
|Change in fair value reserve              |  4|100|109| 30| 61|-92| 62|
|                                          |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
|Earnings/loss before tax at fair value    | 41|186|196| 84|119|-11|165|

Group risk exposure

The Group's risk exposure remained favourable as impairment charges continued to
decrease and investment-grade exposures remained high. The improved economic
situation was reflected in higher creditworthiness among corporate customers
although some corporate customers continued to feel the effects of the economic
crisis. Doubtful receivables decreased further and remained low relative to the
loan and guarantee portfolio.

The financial and liquidity position remained strong. Both short-term and long-
term funding performed well.
Pohjola strengthened its financial position by issuing in early September senior
bonds with a maturity of seven years and worth EUR 750 million.

Pohjola Bank plc maintains OP-Pohjola Group's liquidity portfolio, which mainly
consists of notes and bonds eligible as collateral for central bank refinancing.
The liquidity portfolio totalled EUR 9.7 billion (11.7) on 30 September 2010.
This liquidity portfolio plus other items included in OP-Pohjola Group's balance
sheet and eligible for central bank refinancing constitute the total liquidity
buffer, which can be used to cover OP-Pohjola Group's wholesale funding
maturities for some 24 months.

Determining the value of the available-for-sale financial assets at fair value
through profit or loss and included in the liquidity portfolio is based on mark-
to-market valuations. Pohjola did not recognise any impairment charges on the
liquidity portfolio during the period. Pohjola kept market risks moderate during
the period.

Net loan losses and impairment losses recognised for January-September reduced
earnings by EUR 88 million (95), accounting for 0.63% (0.68) of the loan and
guarantee portfolio. Final loan losses recognised for the period totalled EUR
41 million (15) and impairment charges EUR 98 million (111). Loan loss
recoveries and allowances for impairments totalled EUR 51 million (32). The
majority of the impairments were those recognised on an individual basis.

Doubtful receivables fell by EUR 9 million to EUR 29 million in the third
quarter and were at a low level, accounting for 0.21% (0.32) of the loan and
guarantee portfolio. Past due payments came to EUR 20 million (70), representing
0.14% (0.51) of the loan and guarantee portfolio.

Despite the economic recovery and lower impairment charges and doubtful
receivables, some of our corporate customers still face a challenging operating

Capital adequacy

Capital adequacy under the Act on Credit Institutions showed a marked
improvement. The capital adequacy ratio stood at 13.9% (13.5) as against the
statutory minimum requirement of 8%. Tier 1 ratio was 12.3% (11.8). Pohjola
Group's Tier 1 target ratio stands at a minimum 9.5% over the economic cycle.
Excluding hybrid capital, Tier 1 ratio stood at 10.2% (9.7).

Tier 1 capital came to EUR 1,601 million (1,541) and the total capital base
amounted to EUR 1,806 million
(1,753). Hybrid capital accounted for EUR 274 million of Tier 1 capital. The
minimum regulatory capital requirement to cover credit risk amounted to EUR 942
million (957), that to cover market risk EUR 34 million (36) and that to cover
operational risks EUR 61 million (49).

On 30 September 2010, risk-weighted assets totalled EUR 12,960 million, as
against EUR 13,024 million on 31 December 2009.

Pohjola Group belongs to OP-Pohjola Group whose capital adequacy is supervised
in accordance with the Act on the Supervision of Financial and Insurance
Conglomerates. Pohjola Group's capital adequacy ratio under the Act, measured
using the consolidation method, stood at 1.84 (1.73). Accordingly, the capital
base totalled EUR 2,230 million (2,103) and the minimum capital requirement EUR
1,213 million (1,213), i.e. the total capital base exceeded the minimum
regulatory requirement by EUR 1,017 million (890).

As a result of the financial crisis, the regulatory framework for banks' capital
requirements is becoming more rigorous in an effort to improve the quality of
their capital base, to reduce the cyclic nature of capital requirements and to
set quantitative limits to liquidity risk. These changes are still under
preparation, due to be effective between 2012 and 2018, and it is too early to
predict precisely what their effects will be. From Pohjola Group's viewpoint,
the most significant changes in the new regulations are related to allowances
for insurance company holdings and liquidity risk requirements whose treatment
will most likely be finalised only in national legislation.

Credit ratings

Pohjola Bank plc's credit ratings remained unchanged, as follows:

Rating agency     Short-term debt Long-term debt

Standard & Poor's A-1+            AA-

Moody's           P-1             Aa2

Fitch             F1+             AA-

Pohjola's credit rating outlook issued by Standard & Poor's is stable. Moody's
Investor Service has affirmed negative outlook on Pohjola's credit rating. Fitch
Rating has issued a negative outlook for the long-term debt ratings of Pohjola
but the outlook for the short-term debt ratings is stable. The main reason for
the negative outlook is the rapid deterioration of the Finnish economy last year
and its potential effects on Pohjola and OP-Pohjola Group mainly operating in

Financial targets and actuals

|                                                      |Q1-3/|Q1-3/|    |      |
|Financial targets                                     |2010 |2009 |2009|Target|
|Group                                                 |     |     |    |      |
|                                                      |     |     |    |      |
|  Return on equity, %                                 | 11.7| 21.8|19.2|    13|
|                                                      |     |     |    |      |
|  Tier 1 ratio, %                                     | 12.3| 11.3|11.8|  >9.5|
|                                                      |     |     |    |      |
|Banking                                               |     |     |    |      |
|                                                      |     |     |    |      |
|  Operating cost/income ratio, %                      |   35|   34|  35|   <40|
|                                                      |     |     |    |      |
|Non-life Insurance                                    |     |     |    |      |
|                                                      |     |     |    |      |
|  Operating combined ratio, %                         | 88.6| 86.7|87.7|    92|
|                                                      |     |     |    |      |
|  Operating expense ratio, %                          | 21.3| 21.7|22.2|   <20|
|                                                      |     |     |    |      |
|  Solvency ratio, %                                   |   99|   89|  88|    70|
|                                                      |     |     |    |      |
|Asset Management                                      |     |     |    |      |
|                                                      |     |     |    |      |
|  Operating cost/income ratio, %                      |   52|   60|  53|   <50|
|                                                      |     |     |    |      |
|Rating                                                |     |     |    |      |
|                                                      |     |     |    |      |
|  AA rating affirmed by at least two credit rating    |     |     |    |      |
|agencies                                              |    3|    3|   3|    ≥2|
|                                                      |     |     |    |      |
|Dividend policy                                       |     |     |    |      |
|                                                      |     |     |    |      |
|  Dividend payout ratio a minimum of 50%, provided    |     |     |    |      |
|that Tier 1 a minimum of 9.5%.                        |     |     |  51|   >50|

The financial targets are set over the economic cycle.
Performance by business line


- Earnings before tax amounted to EUR 93 million (99), affected by EUR 89
million (84) in impairment charges on receivables. Earnings before these
impairments were at the level reported a year ago.
- The average corporate loan margin was 17 basis points higher than the year
before but this upward trend came to an end after the first quarter.
- Thanks to higher margins, Corporate Banking net interest income rose by 26%.
The loan portfolio grew by 6% from the level of 30 December 2009 and by 4% in
the year to September.
- The Markets division's financial performance remained good although it
weakened from the exceptionally good level posted a year ago.
- Operating cost/income ratio stood at 34% (34).

Banking: financial results and key figures and ratios

|Financial results, € million   |Q1-3/|Q1-3/|Change, %|Q3/ |Q3/ |Change, %|2009|
|                               |2010 |2009 |         |2010|2009|         |    |
|Net interest income            |     |     |         |    |    |         |    |
|                               |     |     |         |    |    |         |    |
|  Corporate Banking            |  128|  101|       26|  43|  36|       21| 138|
|                               |     |     |         |    |    |         |    |
|  Markets                      |   13|   24|      -44|   3|   2|       95|  27|
|                               |     |     |         |    |    |         |    |
|  Total                        |  141|  125|       13|  46|  37|       24| 165|
|                               |     |     |         |    |    |         |    |
|Net commissions and fees       |   69|   65|        5|  21|  22|       -1|  85|
|                               |     |     |         |    |    |         |    |
|Net trading income             |   45|   64|      -29|  21|  27|      -22|  78|
|                               |     |     |         |    |    |         |    |
|Other income                   |   22|   22|       -1|   8|   8|        9|  30|
|Total income                   |  277|  276|        0|  97|  93|        4| 358|
|                               |     |     |         |    |    |         |    |
|Expenses                       |     |     |         |    |    |         |    |
|                               |     |     |         |    |    |         |    |
|  Personnel costs              |   39|   39|        0|  12|  13|       -4|  50|
|                               |     |     |         |    |    |         |    |
|  IT expenses                  |   17|   16|       11|   5|   5|        9|  21|
|                               |     |     |         |    |    |         |    |
|  Depreciation and amortisation|   19|   20|       -6|   6|   7|       -5|  28|
|                               |     |     |         |    |    |         |    |
|  Other expenses               |   20|   19|        6|   7|   6|       29|  25|
|                               |     |     |         |    |    |         |    |
|Total expenses                 |   95|   94|        2|  31|  30|        4| 125|
|                               |     |     |         |    |    |         |    |
|Earnings before impairments of |     |     |         |    |    |         |    |
|receivables                    |  182|  183|        0|  65|  63|        4| 234|
|                               |     |     |         |    |    |         |    |
|Impairments of receivables     |   89|   84|        7|  28|  39|      -30| 117|
|Earnings before tax            |   93|   99|       -6|  38|  24|       61| 117|
|Earnings before tax at fair    |     |     |         |    |    |         |    |
|value                          |   92|  101|       -8|  38|  25|       54| 120|
|Loan and guarantee portfolio, €|     |     |         |    |    |         |    |
|billion                        | 14.0| 13.6|        3|    |    |         |13.3|
|                               |     |     |         |    |    |         |    |
|Margin on corporate loan       |     |     |         |    |    |         |    |
|portfolio, %                   | 1.38| 1.21|         |    |    |         |1.33|
|                               |     |     |         |    |    |         |    |
|Ratio of doubtful receivables  |     |     |         |    |    |         |    |
|to                             |     |     |         |    |    |         |    |
|                               |     |     |         |    |    |         |    |
|loan and guarantee portfolio, %| 0.21| 0.37|         |    |    |         |0.32|
|                               |     |     |         |    |    |         |    |
|Ratio of impairments of        |     |     |         |    |    |         |    |
|receivables to                 |     |     |         |    |    |         |    |
|                               |     |     |         |    |    |         |    |
|loan and guarantee portfolio, %| 0.64| 0.62|         |    |    |         |0.88|
|                               |     |     |         |    |    |         |    |
|Operating cost/income          |     |     |         |    |    |         |    |
|                               |     |     |         |    |    |         |    |
|ratio, %                       |   34|   34|         |  33|  32|         |  35|
|                               |     |     |         |    |    |         |    |
|Personnel                      |  654|  607|        8|    |    |         | 607|

January-September earnings

Earnings before tax amounted to EUR 93 million (99), affected by EUR 89 million
(84) in impairment charges on receivables. Earnings before these impairments
were at the same level as a year ago.

Lending took off, with the loan portfolio growing by 6% from its year-end level
to over EUR 11.3 billion. The loan portfolio grew by 4% in the year to
September. The market share of corporate loans in late September was at the same
level as at the beginning of 2010. The guarantee portfolio decreased by less
than EUR 0.1 billion to EUR 2.6 billion from its year-end level, being EUR 0.2
billion lower than a year earlier.

The average corporate loan margin of 1.38% was 17 basis points higher on 30
September than the year before and rose by 5 basis points from its level on 31
December 2009. Thanks to the higher average margin, Corporate Banking net
interest income improved by 26%. Due to fiercer competition, margins stopped

Net commissions and fees were 5% higher than a year ago. Pohjola holds a strong
position as an arranger of new issues and a securities broker. Net commissions
from securities issuance and securities brokerage rose by a total of EUR 7
million. Tougher price competition was reflected in lower commission income from

The Markets division's earnings performance normalised from its exceptionally
high level a year ago. Companies increased their hedging measures due to jittery
markets and customer trading volumes grew over the previous year in fixed-income
and foreign exchange products.

The cost/income ratio remained good, standing at 34%. Total expenses were on a
par with those in the previous year.

July-September earnings

Earnings before tax were EUR 38 million, or EUR 14 million higher than the year
before. Income increased by EUR 4 million and expenses by EUR 2 million.
Impairment charges on receivables were EUR 11 million lower than a year ago. On
30 September, the loan and guarantee portfolio was at the same level as on 30

As a result of higher margins, Corporate Banking net interest income was a fifth
higher than a year ago. The average margin on loans remained at the same level
as in the previous quarter.

Risk exposure by Banking

Within Banking, key risks are associated with credit risk arising from customer
business, and market risks.

During January-September, total exposure grew by EUR 0.5 billion to EUR 21.6
billion. The ratio of investment-grade exposure - i.e. ratings 1-5 - to total
exposure, excluding households, remained at a healthy level, standing at 67%
(64). The share of ratings 11-12 was 1.8% (1.6) and that of non-rated exposure
0.8% (0.8).

Corporate exposure (including housing corporations) accounted for 75% (78) of
total exposure within Banking. Of corporate exposure, the share of investment-
grade exposure stood at 60% (57) and the exposure of the lowest two rating
categories amounted to EUR 368 million (321), accounting for 2.3% (2.0) of the
total corporate exposure.

Significant corporate customer exposure totalled EUR 3.1 billion (2.9). The
distribution of corporate exposure by industry remained highly diversified. The
most significant industries included Letting and Operation of Dwelling
representing 11.9% (11.2), Trade 9.6% (10.9) and Manufacture of Machinery and
Equipment 8.7% (9.7).

January-September net loan losses and impairment losses within Banking came to
EUR 89 million (84), accounting for 0.64% (0.61) of the loan and guarantee

On 30 September, Baltic Banking exposures totalled EUR 110 million (89),
accounting for less than 1% of the loan and guarantee portfolio. The Baltic
Banking net loan losses and impairment losses for January-September amounted to
EUR 1.5 million (4.7).

Third-quarter interest rate risk exposure averaged EUR 4.5 million (6.6), based
on the 1-percentage-point change in the interest rate.

Non-life Insurance

- Earnings before tax amounted to EUR 84 million (89).
- Non-life Insurance recorded very good profitability. The operating combined
ratio stood at 88.6% (86.7).
- Insurance premium revenue grew at a higher rate, increasing by 2% in January-
September and by 4% in July-September.
- The period saw the achievement of the strategic target of 450,000 loyal
customer households.
- Return on investments at fair value was 5.2% (9.0).

Non-life Insurance: financial results and key figures and ratios

|Financial results, € million  |Q1-3/|Q1-3/|Change, %|Q3/ |Q3/ |Change, %|2009 |
|                              |2010 |2009 |         |2010|2009|         |     |
|Insurance premium revenue     |  723|  712|        2| 250| 241|        4|  943|
|                              |     |     |         |    |    |         |     |
|Claims incurred               | -486| -463|        5|-157|-149|        5| -617|
|                              |     |     |         |    |    |         |     |
|Operating expenses            | -154| -154|        0| -50| -51|       -3| -210|
|                              |     |     |         |    |    |         |     |
|Amortisation adjustment of    |     |     |       34|    |    |         |  -28|
|intangible assets             |  -25|  -19|         | -12|  -6|      102|     |
|Balance on technical account  |   58|   76|      -24|  30|  34|      -12|   88|
|Net investment income         |   65|   48|       34|  23|  19|       22|   61|
|                              |     |     |         |    |    |         |     |
|Other income and expenses     |  -38|  -35|       10| -11| -10|       15|  -46|
|Earnings before tax           |   84|   89|       -6|  42|  43|       -3|  102|
|Earnings before tax at fair   |     |     |         |    |    |         |     |
|value                         |  164|  247|     -33 |  94| 126|      -26|  291|
|Operating combined ratio, %   | 88.6| 86.7|         |82.8|83.1|         | 87.7|
|                              |     |     |         |    |    |         |     |
|Operating expense ratio, %    | 21.3| 21.7|         |20.0|21.3|         | 22.2|
|                              |     |     |         |    |    |         |     |
|Return on investments at fair |     |     |         |    |    |         |     |
|value, %                      |  5.2|  9.0|         | 2.6| 4.3|         | 10.7|
|                              |     |     |         |    |    |         |     |
|Solvency ratio , %            |   99|   89|         |    |    |         |   88|
|                              |     |     |         |    |    |         |     |
|Personnel                     |2,059|2,059|         |    |    |         |2,070|

January-September earnings

Earnings before tax amounted to EUR 84 million (89).

Insurance profitability was excellent, although the high volume of traffic
accidents and vehicle damage in the winter and storm damage in late summer
increased claims. Growth remained strong within Private Customers and the
decline in insurance premium revenue from Corporate Customers levelled off. The
balance on technical account before amortisation on intangible assets stood at
EUR 83 million (95).

This year has been volatile for capital markets. Net investment income amounted
to EUR 65 million (48) and net investment income at fair value reached EUR 145
million (205).

When the non-life insurance business was acquired, Pohjola set a strategic
target to have 450,000 loyal customer households by the end of 2010. This target
was already reached in August. By 30 September, Pohjola's loyal insurance
customer households numbered 454,651.

Up to 57% of these loyal customer households also use OP-Pohjola Group member
cooperative banks as their main bank. OP-Pohjola Group member banks' and
Helsinki OP Bank's customers can use their OP bonuses earned through banking
transactions to pay Pohjola non-life insurance premiums. During January-
September, OP bonuses were used to pay 801,300 insurance premiums, with 142,250
paid in full using bonuses. Insurance premiums paid using bonuses totalled
EUR 40 million. In 2005, Pohjola set a target of achieving annual revenue
synergies of EUR 17 million by the end of 2010, resulting from growth in the
number of loyal customer households, which Pohjola already achieved in March.

Insurance business

Profitability was excellent and the operating combined ratio, excluding
amortisation on intangible assets arising from the corporate acquisition, stood
at 88.6% (86.7%).

Insurance premium revenue increased by 2% to EUR 723 million (712).

Insurance premium revenue from Private Customers improved by 11% to EUR 355
million (320). The number of loyal customer households grew by 29,937 (22,782)
during January-September. Insurance policies sold well both in OP-Pohjola Group
member banks and at car dealerships. Private Customers strengthened its position
as the largest division within Non-life Insurance.

Insurance premium revenue from Corporate Customers dropped by 5% to EUR 331
million (347). The recession affected the corporate sector, reducing insurance
premiums based on companies' payroll bills, net sales and operating profit.
Statutory workers' compensation insurance was affected the most, with the level
of premiums being lowered for 2010. Premium revenue continued to fall but at a
slower rate as the year progressed. The impact of the recession on premium
revenue was not properly felt until the second quarter onwards.

In the Baltic States, insurance premium revenue decreased by 16% to EUR 37
million (44). The economic recession has strongly affected the insurance market
in the Baltic region with the result that the total market in the region shrank
by almost one fifth during January-September.

Claims incurred increased to EUR 486 million (463), or by 5%, owing to growth in
the private customer insurance portfolio, the large number of losses reported
within motor liability and motor vehicle insurance in the winter and storm
damage in late summer. The loss ratio deteriorated to 67.2% (65.1) and the risk
ratio (excl. loss adjustment expenses) stood at 61.3% (59.2). The reported
number of major or medium-sized losses (in excess of EUR 0.1 million and over
EUR 0.5 million in pension liabilities) came to 157 (141) in January-September,
with their claims incurred retained for own account totalling EUR 79 million

Operating expenses amounted to EUR 154 million (154). The expense ratio was
21.3% (21.7). The cost ratio (incl. loss adjustment expenses) stood at 27.2%

The operating balance on technical account within Private Customers improved to
EUR 62 million (42) because growth in claims incurred was lower than that in
insurance premium revenue. The operating balance on technical account within
Corporate Customers fell to EUR 22 million (49) as a result of lower insurance
premium revenue and the normalisation of claims developments with respect to the
exceptionally favourable developments a year ago. The balance on technical
account recorded by the Baltic States stood at EUR -1 million (3).


Return on investments at fair value was 5.2% (9.0). Net investment income
recognised in the income statement amounted to EUR 65 million (48) and net
investment income at fair value was EUR 145 million (205). Impairment charges
recognised in the income statement totalled EUR 29 million.

On 30 September, the investment portfolio totalled EUR 2,971 million (2,851),
bonds and bond funds accounting for 77% (76) and listed equities for 7% (10).
Unlisted equity investments plus the aforementioned equities represented a total
of 10% (13). The fixed-income portfolio by credit rating remained healthy,
considering that investments under "investment-grade" represented 89% (94) and
75% of the investments were rated at least A-. The average residual term to
maturity of the fixed-income portfolio was 5.1 years and the duration 3.9 years

July-September earnings

Earnings before tax amounted to EUR 42 million (43).

The balance on technical account before amortisation on intangible assets stood
at EUR 43 million (41). Favourable developments in the capital market during the
third quarter were reflected in investment performance. Net investment income
amounted to EUR 23 million (18) and net investment income at fair value came to
EUR 75 million (102). Earnings were eroded by the EUR 7 million one-time
amortisation performed on insurance systems purchased in connection with the
Pohjola acquisition.

Insurance business

Third-quarter profitability was excellent and the operating combined ratio,
excluding amortisation on intangible assets arising from the corporate
acquisition, stood at 82.8% (83.1%).

Growth in insurance premium revenue accelerated in the third quarter, increasing
by 4% to EUR 250 million (241).

Growth in insurance premium revenue continued to remain strong among Private
Customers, rising by 11% to EUR 125 million (113). The growth rate of the number
of loyal customer households accelerated, their number increasing by 12,070
(8,730) in July-September.

The decline in insurance premium revenue from Corporate Customers decelerated
and insurance premium revenue decreased by 2% to EUR 111 million (113). With the
exception of statutory workers' compensation insurance, all lines of insurance
recorded premium revenue that was already at the level reported a year ago.

In the Baltic States, insurance premium revenue decreased by 11% to EUR 13
million (14).

Claims incurred rose by 5% to EUR 157 million (149). The loss ratio stood at
62.8% (61.8) and the risk ratio (excl. loss adjustment expenses) was 58.3%
(57.2). Excess of loss reinsurance protecting from loss accumulation reduced
claims incurred retained for own account resulting from storm damage and other
major losses in the third quarter. The reported number of major or medium-sized
losses (in excess of EUR 0.1 million and over EUR 0.5 million in pension
liabilities) came to 54 (54) in July-September, with their claims incurred
retained for own account totalling EUR 28 million (23).

Operating expenses amounted to EUR 50 million (51). The expense ratio was 20.0%
(21.3). The cost ratio (incl. loss adjustment expenses) stood at 26.6% (28.5).

The operating balance on technical account within Private Customers improved to
EUR 30 million (16) because claims incurred were lower than a year ago. The
operating balance on technical account within Corporate Customers decreased to
EUR 15 million (25) as a result of the normalisation of claims developments with
respect to the exceptionally favourable developments a year ago. This fall
combined with lower premium income weakened the balance on technical account. In
the Baltic States, the balance on technical account was EUR -3 million (0), this
fall being due to a single large claim.


Return on investments at fair value was 2.6% (4.3). Net investment income
recognised in the income statement amounted to EUR 23 million (19) and net
investment income at fair value was EUR 75 million (102). Impairment charges
recognised in the income statement totalled EUR 2 million.

Risk exposure by Non-life Insurance

Major risks within Non-life Insurance include underwriting risks associated with
claims developments and market risks associated with investment portfolios
covering technical provisions.

In their joint actuarial project, the Federation of Accident Insurance
Institutions and the Finnish Motor Insurers' Centre assess whether the mortality
model applied to motor liability insurance and statutory workers' compensation
insurance is up to date considering that the average life expectancy has
increased. This project is due for completion by the summer of 2011. A one-year
increase in the average life expectancy would increase technical provisions by
EUR 31 million.

On 30 September, Non-life Insurance solvency capital came to EUR 943 million
(827) and the ratio of solvency capital to insurance premium revenue (solvency
ratio) stood at 99% (88). Equalisation provisions rose to EUR 443 million (417).

Pohjola Insurance Ltd's credit ratings have remained unchanged: A2 by Moody's
and A+ by Standard & Poor's.

No major changes occurred in investment risk exposure. Pohjola reduced equity
risk and interest rate risk increased slightly.

Asset Management

- Earnings before tax improved by 68% to EUR 18 million (11).
- Assets under management increased by 6% to EUR 35.2 billion (33.1) from their
end-2009 level.
- Operating cost/income ratio improved to 52% (63).

Asset Management: financial results and key figures and ratios

|Financial results, € million   |Q1-3/|Q1-3/|Change, %|Q3/ |Q3/ |Change, %|2009|
|                               |2010 |2009 |         |2010|2009|         |    |
|Net commissions and fees       |   39|   29|       34|  12|  11|       14|  50|
|                               |     |     |         |    |    |         |    |
|Other income                   |    2|    2|      -14|   1|   1|       15|   2|
|                               |     |     |         |    |    |         |    |
|Total income                   |   41|   32|       30|  13|  11|       14|  52|
|                               |     |     |         |    |    |         |    |
|  Personnel costs              |   14|   12|       18|   4|   4|       11|  17|
|                               |     |     |         |    |    |         |    |
|  Other expenses               |   10|   10|        5|   3|   3|        2|  13|
|                               |     |     |         |    |    |         |    |
|Total expenses                 |   24|   21|       12|   7|   7|        7|  30|
|Earnings before tax            |   18|   11|       68|   6|   4|       25|  21|
|Earnings before tax at fair    |     |     |         |    |    |         |    |
|value                          |   18|   11|       68|   6|   4|       25|  21|
|Assets under management, €     |     |     |         |    |    |         |    |
|billion                        | 35.2| 31.4|       12|    |    |         |33.1|
|Operating cost/income ratio, % |   52|   60|         |  51|  54|       -6|  53|
|Personnel                      |  168|  160|        5|    |    |         | 162|

January-September earnings

Earnings before tax increased by 68% to EUR 18 million (11) year on year and the
operating cost/income ratio stood at 52% (60).

Year on year, assets under management increased by 12%, standing at EUR 35.2
billion (33.1) at the end of the reporting period. A good net assets inflow and
favourable market developments contributed to this increase. Of the assets under
management, institutional clients accounted for EUR 20.1 billion (19.2), OP
mutual funds for EUR 11.8 billion (11.4) and Pohjola Private for EUR 3.2 billion

Of the assets under management, money-market investments represented 14% (11),
bonds 40% (42), equities 27% (27) and other investments 20% (20).

July-September earnings

Earnings before tax amounted to EUR 6 million (4). Year on year, net commissions
and fees increased by 14% and earnings improved by 25%. The operating
cost/income ratio improved to 51% (60).

Assets under management increased by around 5%.

All of the share capital of Pohjola Capital Partners Ltd within Asset Management
was bought by the existing management. The transaction should be finalised in
December 2010. This management buyout will have no major effect on Asset
Management's financial results.

Group Functions

- Earnings before tax totalled EUR 48 million (11). Capital gains on notes and
bonds and lower impairment charges year on year contributed to this improvement.
- Earnings before tax at fair value fell by EUR 67 million year on year.
- Liquidity and the availability of funding remained good.
- Long-term funding increased by EUR 2.3 billion aimed at strengthening the
financial position.

Group Functions: financial results and key figures and ratios

|Financial results, € million   |Q1-3/|Q1-3/|Change, %|Q3/ |Q3/ |Change, %|2009|
|                               |2010 |2009 |         |2010|2009|         |    |
|Net interest income            |   51|   51|        0|  17|  21|      -17|  75|
|                               |     |     |         |    |    |         |    |
|Net trading income             |   -9|   -4|         |   0|   0|         |  -7|
|                               |     |     |         |    |    |         |    |
|Net investment income          |   21|   -8|         |   6|   1|         | -13|
|                               |     |     |         |    |    |         |    |
|Other income                   |    9|   10|      -14|   2|   3|      -41|  17|
|Total income                   |   72|   49|      46 |  25|  25|        0|  72|
|                               |     |     |         |    |    |         |    |
|  Personnel costs              |   10|   10|        7|   4|   3|       16|  13|
|                               |     |     |         |    |    |         |    |
|  Other expenses               |   15|   17|      -15|   4|   4|        2|  23|
|                               |     |     |         |    |    |         |    |
|Total expenses                 |   25|   27|       -7|   8|   7|        8|  36|
|                               |     |     |         |    |    |         |    |
|Earnings before impairments of |   47|   22|      109|  17|  18|       -3|  36|
|receivables                    |     |     |         |    |    |         |    |
|                               |     |     |         |    |    |         |    |
|Impairments of receivables     |   -1|   11|         |  -1|   2|         |  12|
|Earnings before tax            |   48|   11|     320 |  18|  16|      12 |  25|
|Earnings/loss before tax at    |   -1|   66|         |  28|  41|      -31|  76|
|fair value                     |     |     |         |    |    |         |    |
|Liquidity portfolio, € billion |  9.7|  9.5|        3|    |    |         |11.7|
|                               |     |     |         |    |    |         |    |
|Receivables and liabilities    |     |     |         |    |    |         |    |
|from/to OP-Pohjola Group       |     |     |         |    |    |         |    |
|entities, net position, €      |     |     |         |    |    |         |    |
|billion                        |  3.7|  3.8|     -2.6|    |    |         | 2.9|
|                               |     |     |         |    |    |         |    |
|Personnel                      |  121|  137|      -12|    |    |         | 136|

January-September earnings

Earnings before tax rose by EUR 37 million year on year. Net interest income
from the liquidity portfolio has continued its strong upward trend during the
current year too. Net investment income included EUR 22 million in capital gains
on notes and bonds. Impairments recognised on shares and participations included
in available-for-sale financial assets totalled EUR 4 million (4). Impairments
recognised on bonds amounted to EUR -1 million (11), or EUR 12 million lower
than a year ago.

The availability of funding remained good. During the period, Pohjola increased
its long-term funding by issuing bonds totalling EUR 2.3 million in
international capital markets. Debt instruments issued to the public totalled
EUR 17 billion on September 30, equalling the amount at the end of 2009.

Average funding costs will rise when maturing long-term debt is renewed at
higher market rates. At the end of the reporting period, the average wholesale
funding margin was 17 basis points (14).

Pohjola Bank plc's net receivables from OP-Pohjola Group retail banks and
entities increased to EUR 3.7 billion. On 31 December 2009, the net position
amounted to EUR 2.9 billion.

Earnings before tax at fair value fell by EUR 67 million year on year from their
exceptionally good level reported a year ago.

July-September earnings

Earnings before tax were EUR 18 million, or EUR 2 million higher than the year
before. Net investment income included EUR 6 million in capital gains on notes
and bonds within the liquidity buffer. Year on year, impairment charges went
down by EUR 3 million.
Uncertainty over the euro-area economic development was reflected in widening
credit spreads and shrinking market liquidity. As a result, the fair value of
bonds and notes fell year on year and earnings before tax at fair value declined
to EUR 28 million (41) over the previous year.

Risk exposure by Group Functions

Major risks within the Group Functions include those associated with the fair
value change of assets included in the liquidity portfolio, and liquidity risks.

The Group Functions exposure totalled EUR 17.4 billion (18.3), consisting of
assets held in the liquidity portfolio to secure OP-Pohjola Group's liquidity
and of receivables from OP-Pohjola Group member banks. The liquidity portfolio
amounted to EUR 9.7 billion (11.7), comprising primarily investments in notes
and bonds issued by governments, municipalities, financial institutions and
companies all showing good credit ratings, and in securitised assets.

Interest rate risk exposure averaged EUR 10.3 million (11.9) in the third
quarter, based on the 1-percentage-point change in the interest rate.

Shares and shareholders

On 30 December 2010, the number of Pohjola Bank plc shares totalled 319,551,415
and votes conferred by the shares 593,077,995. On the same date, the number of
Series A shares listed on NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Ltd totalled 251,169,770,
representing 78.6% of all Pohjola shares and 42.4% of all votes. The number of
unlisted Series K shares totalled 68,381,645.

On 30 September, one Series A share closed at EUR 8.93, as against EUR 7.55 on
31 December 2009. In January-September, the share price reached a high of EUR
9.79 (3 August 2010) and a low of EUR 6.97 (7 May 2010).

In January-September, trading in Pohjola shares in euro terms increased by 16%
year on year, from EUR 885 million a year ago to EUR 1,028 million. In volume
terms, share trading decreased from 138 million shares reported a year ago to
123 million.

On 30 September, Pohjola Bank plc had 35,270 shareholders, down by 1,730 from
the beginning of the year, private individuals accounting for 95% of all
shareholders. The largest shareholder was OP-Pohjola Group Central Cooperative,
representing 29.98% of all shares and 57.05% of all votes. The number of
nominee-registered shares increased by 11.5 million and they accounted for
20.2% of Series A shares on 30 September (15.6% on 31 December 2009). On 23
August 2010, the proportion of Pohjola shares held by Suomi Mutual Life
Assurance Company fell below one-tenth and that of the votes conferred by all
shares fell below one twentieth.


Jouko Pölönen, CFO of Pohjola Group, has been appointed a new President of
Pohjola Insurance Ltd, a Pohjola Bank plc subsidiary. He will succeed Tomi Yli-
Kyyny who announced on 8 September 2010 that he would leave the company. Jouko
Pölönen will take up his duties on 1 January 2011. Until that date, Tomi Yli-
Kyyny will act as the President.

Group restructuring

Pohjola Insurance Ltd and Pohjantähti Mutual Insurance Company are planning to

At the meeting of 28 September 2010, the Board of Directors of both companies
have approved a merger plan whereby Pohjantähti Mutual Insurance Company will
merge into Pohjola Insurance. If both companies' extraordinary general meetings
adopt the merger plan, the companies will merge according to the proposal to be
submitted to the general meetings.

The merger plan specifies the amount of the merger consideration offered to
Pohjantähti's shareholders, its distribution and other terms and conditions
governing the merger. The aggregate amount of the merger consideration comes to
EUR 80 million, comprising the amount payable to the policyholder/shareholders
and the owner of the guarantee capital. The consideration will be paid in cash
in its entirety.

In the merger, Pohjantähti's insurance portfolio and agreements as such would
transfer to Pohjola and Pohjantähti's customers would become those of Pohjola

Pohjola was the initiator of the merger. According to Pohjantähti's Board of
Directors, the merger bid is financially justified and its terms and conditions
are in the interests of both customers and personnel.

The extraordinary general meetings of both companies will decide whether the
merger plan will be rejected or approved. In addition to approval by the general
meetings, the merger will require regulatory approval from relevant authorities.
Policyholder/shareholders and Ilmarinen Mutual Pension Insurance Company, the
owner of the guarantee capital, exercise voting rights at the general meeting of
Pohjantähti. The extraordinary general meeting will be held on 8 December 2010.

The purpose of the merger is to strengthen the competitiveness in the Finnish
non-life insurance market of the new entity formed by the insurance business of
Pohjola Insurance and Pohjantähti. The merger is aimed at enhancing growth
potential and profitability of the combined insurance businesses. The new entity
will be able to more efficiently manage product and service development, ICT
development, staff recruitment and training, and capital, given the increasingly
demanding operating and regulatory environment.

Pohjantähti is currently headquartered in Hämeenlinna. Pohjola aims to increase
the number of insurance experts in Hämeenlinna and establish a Pohjola Insurance
service centre in the town. According to the merger plan, the merger should be
executed in the spring of 2011. Post-merger business development measures are
now only under preparation. However, based on a decision already made, further
plans will not involve any redundancies, changing full-time employment contracts
to part-time contracts or layoffs.

If implemented, the merger will have no major effect on Pohjola Group's
financial results.

Management buyout of Pohjola Capital Partners Ltd

The existing management of Pohjola Capital Partners Ltd and its present majority
shareholder, Pohjola Bank plc, have agreed on a management buyout whereby the
existing management acquires all of the company's shares.

Pohjola Capital Partners Ltd will continue its investments as before but it will
be renamed Vaaka Partners after the transaction. The transaction should be
finalised in December 2010.

The management buyout will have no major effect on Pohjola Bank plc's financial

Events after the balance sheet date

Pohjola Bank plc to redeem Lower Tier 2 subordinated notes of EUR 70 million

Pohjola Bank plc will redeem Lower Tier 2 subordinated notes of EUR 70 million
which it issued in November 2004. According to the terms and conditions, the
notes will mature in 2015 but with the Finnish Financial Supervisory Authority's
permission the issuer has the right to call in the notes prematurely in November
2010. The notes are quoted on the London Stock Exchange. This redemption will
have no effect on Pohjola's Tier 1 ratio but will reduce the capital adequacy
ratio by 0.5 percentage points.

Removing a provision for the guarantee scheme under statutory workers'
compensation insurance and motor liability insurance

The joint guarantee scheme for statutory accident insurance was introduced in
1997. In accordance with the Insurance Companies Act, insurers providing
statutory insurance policies are jointly liable for claims paid out under these
lines of insurance which would remain unpaid to claimants as a result of an
insurer's liquidation or bankruptcy. Insurers have prepared for this by
including a provision for the guarantee scheme in their balance sheet. A
Government bill to amend the Insurance Companies Act was presented before
Parliament on 1 October 2010. Accordingly, insurers will not need to make such a
provision in their balance sheet. The amended Act will should come into force on
31 December 2010. Removing this provision will improve Pohjola Group's earnings
by EUR 16 million on a non-recurring basis and the amount is expected to be
recognised in the fourth quarter income statement.

Life expectancy in accounting for technical provisions

In their joint actuarial project launched in the spring of 2010, the Federation
of Accident Insurance Institutions and the Finnish Motor Insurers' Centre
examine whether the mortality model commonly used by Finnish insurers and
applied to motor liability insurance and statutory workers' compensation
insurance is up to date. The preliminary findings based on the first stage of
the project reveals that life expectancy has increased in Finland and the
commonly used mortality model needs some update. This project is due for
completion by the summer of 2011. A one-year increase in the average life
expectancy would increase Pohjola's technical provisions by EUR 31 million. The
effect on Pohjola's technical provisions will be specified in the spring of
2011, but Pohjola is prepared to recognise a non-recurring increase of EUR
30-40 million in its technical provisions as early as the fourth quarter.

Outlook towards the year end

The economic recovery underway has been reflected in demand for corporate loans,
with the result that the corporate loan portfolio has begun to grow. The trend
of the rising average corporate loan margin has come to an end and tougher
competition is sending the margin on new loans down. Given that the business
environment is still challenging for companies, it is estimated that impairment
charges will remain higher than usual. Enabled by the economic recovery,
impairment charges are, however, expected to remain lower than a year ago. The
greatest uncertainties related to Banking's financial performance in 2010 are
associated with impairment charges on the loan portfolio.

Insurance premium revenue is expected to continue to increase at an above-the-
market-average rate among private customers. The downward trend in insurance
premium revenue from corporate customers is expected to come to a halt during
the rest of the year. In Non-life Insurance, the operating combined ratio is
estimated to vary between 89% and 92% (previous estimate: 89-93%) in 2010 if the
number of large claims is not much higher than in 2009. Expected long-term
returns on investment within Non-life Insurance stand at 5.4%. Returns will
largely depend on developments in the investment environment. The most
significant uncertainties related to Non-life Insurance's financial performance
in 2010 pertain to the investment environment and the effect of large claims on
claims expenditure as well as the non-recurring items arising from changes in
the joint guarantee provision and the mortality model. These non-recurring items
will have no impact on the operating combined ratio.

Within Asset Management, the upward trend in assets under management is expected
to continue, their amounts being affected by market developments and the net
inflow of assets. The greatest uncertainties related to Asset Management's
financial performance in 2010 are associated with the actual performance-based
fees tied to the success of investments and the amount of assets under

The key determinants affecting the Group Functions' result include net interest
income arising from assets in the liquidity portfolio and impairment charges
recognised on notes and bonds in the income statement.

Pohjola estimates that it will recognise non-recurring items in its fourth
quarter income statement resulting from the removal of the joint guarantee
provision and the effects of increased life expectancy. Despite these non-
recurring items, consolidated earnings before tax in 2010 are expected to be at
the same level as or higher than (previous estimate: at the same level) in 2009.

There is still great uncertainty about future economic development and the
overall operating environment, and these factors are beyond the Group
management's control.

All forward-looking statements in this report expressing the management's
expectations, beliefs, estimates, forecasts, projections and assumptions are
based on the current view of the future development in the operating environment
and the future financial performance of Pohjola Group and its various functions,
and actual results may differ materially from those expressed in the forward-
looking statements.


Consolidated income statement

Consolidated statement of comprehensive income

Consolidated balance sheet

Consolidated statement of changes in equityCapital base and capital adequacy

Capital adequacy under the Act on the Supervision of Financial
and Insurance Conglomerates

Consolidated cash flow statement

Segment information

Formulae for key figures and ratios


Note 1. Accounting policies

Notes to the income statement and balance sheet:

Note 2. Net interest income

Note 3. Impairments of receivables

Note 4. Net income from Non-life Insurance

Note 5. Net commissions and fees

Note 6. Net trading income

Note 7. Net investment income

Note 8. Other operating income

Note 9. Classification of financial instruments

Note 10. Non-life Insurance assets

Note 11. Intangible assets

Note 12. Non-life Insurance liabilities

Note 13. Debt securities issued to the public

Note 14. Fair value reserve after income tax

Notes to risk management:

Note 15. Risk exposure by Banking

Note 16. Risk exposure by Non-life Insurance

Note 17. Risk exposure by Group Functions

Other notes:

Note 18. Collateral given

Note 19. Off-balance-sheet commitments

Note 20. Derivative contracts

Note 21. Other contingent liabilities and commitments

Note 22. Related-party transactions

Consolidated income statement

EUR million                                  Q3/  Q3/ Q1-3/ Q1-3/

                                            2010 2009  2010  2009

Net interest income (Note 2)                  62   58   189   177

Impairments of receivables (Note 3)           27   41    88    95

Net interest income after impairments         36   17   101    83

Net income from Non-life Insurance (Note 4)  120  114   314   307

Net commissions and fees (Note 5)             37   36   118   102

Net trading income (Note 6)                   18   27    34    60

Net investment income (Note 7)                 6    1    21    -8

Other operating income (Note 8)               11   11    32    33

Total income                                 228  206   620   576

Personnel costs                               44   47   144   142

IT expenses                                   18   19    56    56

Depreciation/amortisation                     23   17    57    50

Other expenses                                40   36   121   118

Total expenses                               125  119   378   366

Share of associates' profits/losses            0    0     0     0

Earnings before tax                          103   87   242   211

Income tax expense                            27   23    63    55

Profit for the period                         76   65   179   155

Attributable to owners of the Parent          76   65   179   155

Attributable to minority interest                               0

Total                                         76   65   179   155

Earnings per share (EPS), basic, EUR

Series A                                    0.25 0.21  0.57  0.55

Series K                                    0.22 0.18  0.54  0.52

Consolidated statement of comprehensive income

EUR million

Profit for the period                       76  65 179 155

Change in fair value reserve                62 109  31 213

Translation differences                      0   0   0   0

Income tax on other comprehensive income    16  28   8  55

Total comprehensive income for the period  122 146 201 314

Total comprehensive income attributable to
owners of the Parent                       122 146 201 314

Total comprehensive income attributable to
minority interest                                        0

Total                                      122 146 201 314

Consolidated balance sheet

                                                           30 Sept 31 Dec
EUR million                                                   2010   2009

Cash and cash equivalents                                      968  3,102

Receivables from credit institutions                         7,723  7,630

Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss

  Financial assets held for trading                            971  1,224

  Financial assets at fair value through profit or
loss at inception                                               12     55

Derivative contracts                                         2,120  1,443

Receivables from customers                                  11,771 11,323

Non-life Insurance assets (Note 10)                          3,316  3,156

Investment assets                                            6,481  5,415

Investment in associates                                         2      2

Intangible assets (Note 11)                                    930    960

Property, plant and equipment (PPE)                            101    117

Other assets                                                 1,486  1,068

Tax assets                                                      31     15

Total assets                                                35,910 35,510

Liabilities to credit institutions                           4,013  4,984

Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss

  Financial assets held for trading                              0     71

Derivative contracts                                         2,483  1,456

Liabilities to customers                                     4,430  4,133

Non-life Insurance liabilities (Note 12)                     2,518  2,279

Debt securities issued to the public (Note 13)              16,598 17,295

Provisions and other liabilities                             1,723  1,291

Tax liabilities                                                468    434

Subordinated liabilities                                     1,315  1,300

Total liabilities                                           33,549 33,244

Shareholders' equity

  Capital and reserves attributable to owners
of the Parent

   Share capital                                               428    428

   Fair value reserve (Note 14)                                 23      0

   Other reserves                                            1,093  1,093

   Retained earnings                                           818    746

  Minority interest

Total shareholders' equity                                   2,361  2,267

Total liabilities and shareholders' equity                  35,910 35,510

Consolidated statement of changes in equity

EUR million

                                          Attributable to owners of
                                                Pohjola Group

                                       Share Fair value    Other Retained  Total
                                     capital    reserve reserves earnings equity

Balance at
1 January  2009                          428       -180      795      597  1,640

Rights issue                                                 308             308

Issue expenses                                               -10             -10

Transfer of reserves                                           0        0

Profit distribution                                                   -45    -45

  EUR 0.23 per Series A share*                                        -37    -37

  EUR 0.20 per Series K share*                                         -9     -9

Total comprehensive income for
the period                                          158               155    314

Equity-settled share-based
transactions                                                            0      0

Other                                                                   0      0

Balance at
30 September 2009                        428        -22    1,093      707  2,206

                                          Attributable to owners of
                                                Pohjola Group

                                       Share Fair value    Other Retained  Total
                                     capital    reserve reserves earnings equity

Balance at
1 January 2010                           428          0    1,093      746  2,267

Profit distribution                                                  -107   -107

  EUR 0.34 per Series A share                                         -85    -85

  EUR 0.31 per Series K share                                         -21    -21

Total comprehensive income for
the period                                           23               178    201

Equity-settled share-based
transactions                                                            0      0

Other                                                                   0      0

Balance at
30 September 2010                        428         23    1,093      818  2,361

*Due to Pohjola Bank plc's rights issue and new shares entered in the Trade
Register on 4 May 2009, the number of shares has been adjusted in such a way
that the adjusted dividend per share is as follows: 2009: EUR 0.19 per Series A
share and EUR 0.16 per Series K share.

Capital base and capital adequacy

                                                          30 Sept 31 Dec
EUR million                                                  2010   2009

Capital base

Equity capital                                              2,361  2,267

Elimination of insurance companies' effect in
equity capital (equity capital and Group
eliminations)                                                 -15     92

Minority interest                                                      0

Hybrid capital                                                274    274

Intangible assets                                            -145   -145

Fair value reserve, excess funding of pension
liability and change in fair value of investment property     -14    -49

Dividend distribution proposed by Board of Directors                -107

Planned dividend distribution                                 -89

Insurance company investments 50%                            -703   -715

Investments in other credit and
financial institutions 50%                                     -2

Impairments - expected losses 50%                             -66    -76

Tier 1 capital                                              1,601  1,541

Fair value reserve                                            -17     18

Subordinated liabilities included in upper Tier 2             299    299

Subordinated liabilities included in lower Tier 2             696    687

Insurance company investments 50%                            -703   -715

Investments in other credit and
financial institutions 50%                                     -2

Impairments - expected losses 50%                             -66    -76

Tier 2 capital                                                206    212

Total capital base                                          1,806  1,753

Risk-weighted assets, excl. transitional rules             12,960 13,024

Risk-weighted assets according to
transitional rules                                         12,960 13,024

Ratios, excl. transitional rules:

Capital adequacy ratio, %                                    13.9   13.5

Tier 1 ratio, %                                              12.3   11.8

Ratios according to transitional rules:

Capital adequacy ratio, %                                    13.9   13.5

Tier 1 ratio, %                                              12.3   11.8

Capital base and capital adequacy measurement is based on approaches under Basel
II. Pohjola has used the Internal Ratings Based Approach for corporate

Capital adequacy under the Act on the Supervision of Financial and Insurance

                                                        30 Sept 31 Dec
EUR million                                                2010   2009

Pohjola Group's equity capital                            2,361  2,267

Business-segment-specific items                           1,318  1,309

Goodwill and intangible assets                             -844   -869

Equalisation provision                                     -327   -309

Other items included in equity capital and
business-segment-specific items, but not
included in the conglomerate's capital resources           -277   -296

Conglomerate's capital base, total                        2,230  2,103

Regulatory capital requirement for credit institutions    1,037  1,042

Regulatory capital requirement for insurance operations     177    171

Total minimum amount of conglomerate's capital base       1,213  1,213

Conglomerate's capital adequacy                           1,017    890

Conglomerate's capital adequacy ratio (capital
resources/minimum of capital resources)                    1.84   1.73

OP-Pohjola Group's capital adequacy ratio under the Act on Credit Institutions
stood at 12.7% and Tier 1 ratio at 12.7%. OP-Pohjola Group's capital adequacy
ratio calculated using the consolidation method, under the Act on the
Supervision of Financial and Insurance Conglomerates, was 1.70.

Consolidated cash flow statement

EUR million                                                  Q1-3/   Q1-3/

                                                              2010    2009

Cash flow from operating activities

Profit for the period                                          179     155

Adjustments to profit for the period                           301     403

Increase (-) or decrease (+) in operating assets            -1,444  -2,785

Receivables from credit institutions                           206    -907

Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss          635   1,635

Derivative contracts                                           -49     -35

Receivables from customers                                    -566     688

Non-life Insurance assets                                     -154    -328

Investment assets                                           -1,100  -3,623

Other assets                                                  -416    -215

Increase (+) or decrease (-) in operating liabilities         -104   1,216

Liabilities to credit institutions                            -982     496

Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss     -71     -21

Derivative contracts                                            55     -13

Liabilities to customers                                       297     162

Non-life Insurance liabilities                                 163     169

Provisions and other liabilities                               434     423

Income tax paid                                                -54      -7

Dividends received                                              23       9

A. Net cash from operating activities                       -1,099  -1,010

Cash flow from investing activities

Increases in held-to-maturity financial assets                        -170

Decreases in held-to-maturity financial assets                 110     155

Acquisition of subsidiaries and associates, net
of cash acquired                                                 0       0

Disposal of subsidiaries and associates, net
of cash disposed                                                         2

Proceeds from sale of investment securities                      2

Purchase of PPE and intangible assets                          -10     -13

Proceeds from sale of PPE and intangible assets                  0       0

B. Net cash used in investing activities                       101     -26

Cash flow from financing activities

Increases in subordinated liabilities                           77     146

Decreases in subordinated liabilities                          -60    -168

Increases in debt securities issued to the public           33,933  38,672

Decreases in debt securities issued to the public          -34,678 -39,049

Increases in invested unrestricted equity                              298

Dividends paid                                                -107     -45

C. Net cash used in financing activities                      -835    -147

Net increase/decrease in cash and cash
equivalents (A+B+C)                                         -1,833  -1,183

Cash and cash equivalents at period-start                    3,250   2,435

Cash and cash equivalents at period-end                      1,417   1,252

Interest received                                            1,196   1,582

Interest paid                                                 -896  -1,495

Adjustments to profit for the period

  Non-cash transactions

   Impairments of receivables                                   89      97

   Unrealised net earnings in Non-life Insurance               151     143

   Change in fair value for trading                            419     103

   Unrealised net gains on foreign exchange operations        -336     -39

   Change in fair value of investment property                           7

   Planned amortisation /depreciation                           57      50

   Share of associates' profits                                  0       0

   Other                                                       -78      41

  Items presented outside cash flow from
operating activities

   Capital gains, share of cash flow from
investing activities                                             0       0

Total adjustments                                              301     402

Cash and cash equivalents

Liquid assets *                                                974     884

Receivables from credit institutions payable on demand         444     368

Total                                                        1,417   1,252

*Of which EUR 6 million (6) consists of Non-life Insurance cash and cash

Segment information
|                                 |         |    Non-life     |                |
|Q3 earnings                      | Banking |    Insurance    |Asset Management|
|                                 |         |                 |                |
|EUR million                      |2010 2009|2010         2009|2010        2009|
|Net interest income              |         |                 |                |
|                                 |         |                 |                |
|  From Corporate Banking         |  43   36|                 |                |
|                                 |         |                 |                |
|  From Markets                   |   3    2|                 |                |
|                                 |         |                 |                |
|  From other operations          |         |  -2            0|   0           0|
|                                 |         |                 |                |
|  Total                          |  46   37|  -2            0|   0           0|
|                                 |         |                 |                |
|Net commissions and fees         |  21   22|   5            5|  12          11|
|                                 |         |                 |                |
|Net trading income               |  21   27|                0|   0           0|
|                                 |         |                 |                |
|Net investment income            |        0|                 |                |
|                                 |         |                 |                |
|Net income from Non-life         |         |                 |                |
|Insurance                        |         |                 |                |
|                                 |         |                 |                |
|  From insurance operations      |         | 106          107|                |
|                                 |         |                 |                |
|  From investment operations     |         |  23           19|                |
|                                 |         |                 |                |
|  From other items               |         | -11          -11|                |
|                                 |         |                 |                |
|  Total                          |         | 118          115|                |
|                                 |         |                 |                |
|Other operating income           |   8    8|   1            1|   0           0|
|                                 |         |                 |                |
|Total income                     |  97   93| 122          119|  13          11|
|                                 |         |                 |                |
|Personnel costs                  |  12   13|  24           27|   4           4|
|                                 |         |                 |                |
|IT expenses                      |   5    5|  10           11|   1           1|
|                                 |         |                 |                |
|Amortisation on intangible assets|         |                 |                |
|related to company acquisitions  |         |   7            8|   1           1|
|                                 |         |                 |                |
|Other depreciation/amortisation  |         |                 |                |
|and impairments                  |   6    7|   8            1|   0           0|
|                                 |         |                 |                |
|Other expenses                   |   7    6|  30           29|   2           2|
|                                 |         |                 |                |
|Total expenses                   |  31   30|  80           76|   7           7|
|                                 |         |                 |                |
|Earnings/loss before             |         |                 |                |
|impairment of receivables        |  65   63|  42           43|   6           4|
|                                 |         |                 |                |
| Impairments of receivables      |  28   39|                 |                |
|                                 |         |                 |                |
|Earnings before tax              |  38   24|  42           43|   6           4|
|                                 |         |                 |                |
|Change in fair value reserve     |   0    1|  52           83|   0            |
|                                 |         |                 |                |
|Earnings/loss before tax         |         |                 |                |
|at fair value                    |  38   25|  94          126|   6           4|

|Q3 earnings                       |Group Functions|Eliminations|Group total|
|                                  |               |            |           |
|EUR million                       |2010       2009|2010    2009|2010   2009|
|Net interest income               |               |            |           |
|                                  |               |            |           |
|  From Corporate Banking          |               |            |  43     36|
|                                  |               |            |           |
|  From Markets                    |               |            |   3      2|
|                                  |               |            |           |
|  From other operations           |  17         21|   0       1|  16     21|
|                                  |               |            |           |
|  Total                           |  17         21|   0       1|  62     58|
|                                  |               |            |           |
|Net commissions and fees          |   0          0|  -1      -1|  37     36|
|                                  |               |            |           |
|Net trading income                |   0          0|  -2       0|  18     27|
|                                  |               |            |           |
|Net investment income             |   6          1|            |   6      1|
|                                  |               |            |           |
|Net income from Non-life Insurance|               |            |           |
|                                  |               |            |           |
|  From insurance operations       |               |            | 106    107|
|                                  |               |            |           |
|  From investment operations      |               |   3       0|  26     19|
|                                  |               |            |           |
|  From other items                |               |            | -11    -11|
|                                  |               |            |           |
|  Total                           |               |   3       0| 120    114|
|                                  |               |            |           |
|Other operating income            |   2          3|  -1      -1|  11     11|
|                                  |               |            |           |
|Total income                      |  25         25|  -1      -2| 255    247|
|                                  |               |            |           |
|Personnel costs                   |   4          3|            |  44     47|
|                                  |               |            |           |
|IT expenses                       |   2          2|   0       0|  18     19|
|                                  |               |            |           |
|Amortisation on intangible assets |               |            |           |
|related to company acquisitions   |               |            |   8      8|
|                                  |               |            |           |
|Other depreciation/amortisation   |               |            |           |
|and impairments                   |   0          0|            |  15      9|
|                                  |               |            |           |
|Other expenses                    |   2          2|  -1      -2|  40     36|
|                                  |               |            |           |
|Total expenses                    |   8          7|  -1      -2| 125    119|
|                                  |               |            |           |
|Earnings/loss before              |               |            |           |
|impairment of receivables         |  17         18|   0       0| 130    128|
|                                  |               |            |           |
| Impairments of receivables       |  -1          2|            |  27     41|
|                                  |               |            |           |
|Earnings before tax               |  18         16|   0       0| 103     87|
|                                  |               |            |           |
|Change in fair value reserve      |  10         25|   0        |  62    109|
|                                  |               |            |           |
|Earnings/loss before tax          |               |            |           |
|at fair value                     |  28         41|   0        | 165    196|

|                                 |         |    Non-life     |                |
|Q 1-3 earnings                   | Banking |    Insurance    |Asset Management|
|                                 |         |                 |                |
|EUR million                      |2010 2009|2010         2009|2010        2009|
|Net interest income              |         |                 |                |
|                                 |         |                 |                |
|  From Corporate Banking         | 128  101|                 |                |
|                                 |         |                 |                |
|  From Markets                   |  13   24|                 |                |
|                                 |         |                 |                |
|  From other operations          |         |  -4           -1|   1           1|
|                                 |         |                 |                |
|  Total                          | 141  125|  -4           -1|   1           1|
|                                 |         |                 |                |
|Net commissions and fees         |  69   65|  14           13|  39          29|
|                                 |         |                 |                |
|Net trading income               |  45   64|                 |   0           0|
|                                 |         |                 |                |
|Net investment income            |   0    0|                 |   0           0|
|                                 |         |                 |                |
|Net income from Non-life         |         |                 |                |
|Insurance                        |         |                 |                |
|                                 |         |                 |                |
|  From insurance operations      |         | 279          291|                |
|                                 |         |                 |                |
|  From investment operations     |         |  65           48|                |
|                                 |         |                 |                |
|  From other items               |         | -34          -32|                |
|                                 |         |                 |                |
|  Total                          |         | 310          306|                |
|                                 |         |                 |                |
|Other operating income           |  22   22|   2            2|   1           1|
|                                 |         |                 |                |
|Total income                     | 277  276| 321          319|  41          32|
|                                 |         |                 |                |
|Personnel costs                  |  39   39|  81           81|  14          12|
|                                 |         |                 |                |
|IT expenses                      |  17   16|  32           32|   2           2|
|                                 |         |                 |                |
|Amortisation on intangible assets|         |                 |                |
|related to company acquisitions  |         |  22           23|   2           2|
|                                 |         |                 |                |
|Other depreciation/amortisation  |         |                 |                |
|and impairments                  |  19   20|  11            4|   1           1|
|                                 |         |                 |                |
|Other expenses                   |  20   19|  91           91|   5           5|
|                                 |         |                 |                |
|Total expenses                   |  95   94| 237          230|  24          21|
|                                 |         |                 |                |
|Earnings/loss before             |         |                 |                |
|impairment of receivables        | 182  183|  84           89|  18          11|
|                                 |         |                 |                |
| Impairments of receivables      |  89   84|   0             |                |
|                                 |         |                 |                |
|Earnings before tax              |  93   99|  84           89|  18          11|
|                                 |         |                 |                |
|Change in fair value reserve     |   0    2|  80          157|   0            |
|                                 |         |                 |                |
|Earnings/loss before tax         |         |                 |                |
|at fair value                    |  92  101| 164          247|  18          11|

|Q 1-3 earnings                    |Group Functions|Eliminations|Group total|
|                                  |               |            |           |
|EUR million                       |2010       2009|2010    2009|2010   2009|
|Net interest income               |               |            |           |
|                                  |               |            |           |
|  From Corporate Banking          |               |            | 128    101|
|                                  |               |            |           |
|  From Markets                    |               |            |  13     24|
|                                  |               |            |           |
|  From other operations           |  51         51|   1       2|  48     53|
|                                  |               |            |           |
|  Total                           |  51         51|   1       2| 189    177|
|                                  |               |            |           |
|Net commissions and fees          |  -1         -1|  -3      -5| 118    102|
|                                  |               |            |           |
|Net trading income                |  -9         -4|  -2       0|  34     60|
|                                  |               |            |           |
|Net investment income             |  21         -8|            |  21     -8|
|                                  |               |            |           |
|Net income from Non-life Insurance|               |            |           |
|                                  |               |            |           |
|  From insurance operations       |               |            | 279    291|
|                                  |               |            |           |
|  From investment operations      |               |   4       0|  69     48|
|                                  |               |            |           |
|  From other items                |               |            | -34    -32|
|                                  |               |            |           |
|  Total                           |               |   4       0| 314    307|
|                                  |               |            |           |
|Other operating income            |  10         11|  -3      -3|  32     33|
|                                  |               |            |           |
|Total income                      |  72         49|  -4      -6| 708    671|

|Personnel costs                  | 10 10| 0   |144 142|
|                                 |      |     |       |
|IT expenses                      |  5  7| 0  0| 56  56|
|                                 |      |     |       |
|Amortisation on intangible assets|      |     |       |
|related to company acquisitions  |      |     | 24  25|
|                                 |      |     |       |
|Other depreciation/amortisation  |      |     |       |
|and impairments                  |  1  1|     | 32  26|
|                                 |      |     |       |
|Other expenses                   |  8 10|-4 -6|121 118|
|                                 |      |     |       |
|Total expenses                   | 25 27|-4 -6|378 366|
|                                 |      |     |       |
|Earnings/loss before             |      |     |       |
|impairment of receivables        | 47 22| 0  0|330 305|
|                                 |      |     |       |
| Impairments of receivables      | -1 11|     | 88  95|
|                                 |      |     |       |
|Earnings before tax              | 48 11| 0  0|242 211|
|                                 |      |     |       |
|Change in fair value reserve     |-49 54|-1   | 31 213|
|                                 |      |     |       |
|Earnings/loss before tax         |      |     |       |
|at fair value                    | -1 66|-1   |273 424|

|Balance sheet              |   Banking    |Non-life Insurance|Asset Management|
|                           |              |                  |                |
|                           |30 Sept 31 Dec|30 Sept     31 Dec|30 Sept   31 Dec|
|EUR million                |   2010   2009|   2010       2009|   2010     2009|
|Receivables from customers | 11,523 10,880|                  |                |
|                           |              |                  |                |
|Receivables from credit    |              |                  |                |
|institutions               |    184    278|      2           |      7        5|
|                           |              |                  |                |
|Financial assets at fair   |              |                  |                |
|value                      |              |                  |                |
|through profit or loss     |    581    932|                  |                |
|                           |              |                  |                |
|Non-life Insurance assets  |              |  3,578      3,202|                |
|                           |              |                  |                |
|Investment assets          |     62     18|     16          0|     17       17|
|                           |              |                  |                |
|Investments in associates  |              |      2          2|                |
|                           |              |                  |                |
|Other assets               |  2,797  2,012|    800        829|    124      131|
|                           |              |                  |                |
|Total assets               | 15,147 14,119|  4,399      4,033|    148      153|
|                           |              |                  |                |
|Liabilities to customers   |  1,288  1,263|                  |                |
|                           |              |                  |                |
|Liabilities to credit      |              |                  |                |
|institutions               |  1,017    747|                  |                |
|                           |              |                  |                |
|Non-life Insurance         |              |                  |                |
|liabilities                |              |  2,518      2,279|                |
|                           |              |                  |                |
|Debt securities issued to  |              |                  |                |
|the public                 |              |                  |                |
|                           |              |                  |                |
|Subordinated liabilities   |              |     50         50|                |
|                           |              |                  |                |
|Other liabilities          |  3,355  1,872|    134        108|     15       15|
|                           |              |                  |                |
|Total liabilities          |  5,659  3,882|  2,703      2,437|     15       15|
|                           |              |                  |                |
|Shareholders' equity       |              |                  |                |
|                           |              |                  |                |
|Average personnel          |    654    607|  2,059      2,070|    168      162|
|                           |              |                  |                |
|Capital expenditure, EUR   |              |                  |                |
|million                    |      4      7|      6          9|      0        1|

|Balance sheet                  |Group Functions| Eliminations  | Group total  |
|                               |               |               |              |
|                               |30 Sept  31 Dec|30 Sept  31 Dec|30 Sept 31 Dec|
|EUR million                    |   2010    2009|   2010    2009|   2010   2009|
|Receivables from customers     |    334     527|    -87     -84| 11,771 11,323|
|                               |               |               |              |
|Receivables from credit        |               |               |              |
|institutions                   |  8,519  10,468|    -22     -20|  8,691 10,732|
|                               |               |               |              |
|Financial assets at fair value |               |               |              |
|through profit or loss         |    402     347|               |    984  1,279|
|                               |               |               |              |
|Non-life Insurance assets      |               |   -263     -47|  3,316  3,156|
|                               |               |               |              |
|Investment assets              |  6,396   5,387|    -11      -6|  6,481  5,415|
|                               |               |               |              |
|Investments in associates      |               |               |      2      2|
|                               |               |               |              |
|Other assets                   |  1,033     691|    -87     -58|  4,667  3,604|
|                               |               |               |              |
|Total assets                   | 16,685  17,421|   -469    -215| 35,910 35,510|
|                               |               |               |              |
|Liabilities to customers       |  3,170   2,915|    -28     -45|  4,430  4,133|
|                               |               |               |              |
|Liabilities to credit          |               |               |              |
|institutions                   |  3,083   4,320|    -87     -84|  4,013  4,984|
|                               |               |               |              |
|Non-life Insurance liabilities |               |               |  2,518  2,279|
|                               |               |               |              |
|Debt securities issued to the  |               |               |              |
|public                         | 16,781  17,323|   -183     -28| 16,598 17,295|
|                               |               |               |              |
|Subordinated liabilities       |  1,265   1,250|               |  1,315  1,300|
|                               |               |               |              |
|Other liabilities              |  1,341   1,318|   -171     -59|  4,674  3,253|
|                               |               |               |              |
|Total liabilities              | 25,641  27,126|   -469    -216| 33,549 33,244|
|                               |               |               |              |
|Shareholders' equity           |               |               |  2,361  2,267|
|                               |               |               |              |
|Average personnel              |    121     136|               |  3,002  2,975|
|                               |               |               |              |
|Capital expenditure, EUR       |               |               |              |
|million                        |      0       1|               |     11     18|

|                 |         |Earnings/loss|           |Earnings/loss|
|Banking          | Income  | before tax  |  Income   | before tax  |
|                 | Q3/| Q3/| Q3/|     Q3/|Q1-3/|Q1-3/|Q1-3/|  Q1-3/|
|                 |2010|2009|2010|    2009| 2010| 2009| 2010|   2009|
|Corporate Banking|  66   64|  20        7|  196   178|   50      42|
|                 |         |             |           |             |
|Markets          |  29   28|  19       18|   77    95|   46      65|
|                 |         |             |           |             |
|Baltic Banking   |   2    1|  -1       -2|    4     3|   -4      -7|
|Total            |  97   93|  38       24|  277   276|   93      99|

|                 |  Insurance   |  Balance on  |               |  Balance on  |
|Non-life         |   premium    |  technical   |   Insurance   |  technical   |
|Insurance        |   revenue    |   account    |premium revenue|   account    |
|                 +----+---------+----+---------+-----+---------+-----+--------+
|                 | Q3/|      Q3/| Q3/|      Q3/|Q1-3/|    Q1-3/|Q1-3/|   Q1-3/|
|                 |2010|     2009|2010|     2009| 2010|     2009| 2010|    2009|
|Private Customers| 125       113|  31        16|  355       320|   62       42|
|                 |              |              |               |              |
|Corporate        |              |              |               |              |
|Customers        | 111       113|  15        25|  331       347|   22       49|
|                 |              |              |               |              |
|Baltic States    |  13        14|  -3         0|   37        44|   -1        3|
|                 |              |              |               |              |
|Amortisation     |              |              |               |              |
|adjustment       |              |              |               |              |
|of intangible    |              |              |               |              |
|assets           |              | -12        -6|               |  -25      -19|
|Total            | 250       241|  30        34|  723       712|   58       76|

|                                         |    Q3/|   Q3/|Q1-3/|Q1-3/|
|Group Functions                          |   2010|  2009| 2010| 2009|
|Central Banking earnings                 |              |           |
|before tax, EUR million                  |      2      3|    9    14|
|                                         +-------+------+-----------+
|                                         |30 Sept|31 Dec|
|                                         |   2010|  2009|
|                                         +-------+------+
|Receivables from OP-Pohjola Group        |              |
|entities, EUR million                    |  6,958  6,314|
|                                         |              |
|Liabilities to OP-Pohjola Group entities,|              |
|EUR million                              |  3,238  3,412|


Return on equity (ROE) at fair value, %
Profit for the period + Change in fair value reserve after tax /
Shareholders' equity (average of the beginning and end of period) x 100

Earnings/share (EPS)
Profit for the period attributable to owners of the Parent / Average share-issue
adjusted number of shares during the period

Earnings/share (EPS) at fair value
(Profit for the period attributable to owners of the Parent + Change in fair
value reserve) /
Average share-issue adjusted number of shares during the period

Shareholders' equity / Share-issue adjusted number of shares on the balance
sheet date

Dividend per share (DPS)
Dividends paid for the financial year/ Share-issue adjusted number of shares on
the balance sheet date

Market capitalisation
Number of shares x closing price on the balance sheet date

Capital adequacy ratio under the Act on the Supervision of Financial and
Insurance Conglomerates

Conglomerate's total capital / Conglomerate's total minimum capital requirement

Capital adequacy ratio, %
Total capital / Total minimum capital requirement x 8

Tier 1 ratio, %
Total Tier 1 capital / Total minimum capital requirement x 8


The key ratio formulas for Non-life Insurance are based on regulations issued by
the Finnish Financial Supervisory Authority, using the corresponding IFRS
sections to the extent applicable. The ratios are calculated using expenses by
function applied by non-life insurance companies, which are not presented on the
same principle as in the Consolidated Income Statement.

Loss ratio
Claims and loss adjustment expenses / Net insurance premium revenue x 100

Expense ratio
Operating expenses + Amortisation/adjustment of intangible assets related to
company acquisition /
Net insurance premium revenue x 100

Risk ratio
Claims excl. loss adjustment expenses / Net insurance premium revenue x 100

Cost ratio
Operating expenses and loss adjustment expenses / Net insurance premium revenue
x 100

Combined ratio (excl. unwinding of discount)
Loss ratio + expense ratio
Risk ratio + cost ratio

Solvency ratio
(+ Non-life Insurance net assets
+ Subordinated loans
+ Net tax liability for the period
- Deferred tax to be realised in the near future and other items deducted from
the solvency margin
- Intangible assets)/
Insurance premium revenue x 100


Operating cost/income ratio
(+ Personnel costs
+ Other administrative expenses
+ Other operating expenses excl. amortisation on intangible assets and goodwill
related to Pohjola acquisition) /
(+ Net interest income
+ Net income from Non-life Insurance
+ Net commissions and fees
+ Net trading income
+ Net investment income
+ Other operating income) x 100

Operating loss ratio, %
Claims incurred, excl. changes in reserving bases/
Insurance premium revenue, excl. net changes in reserving bases x 100

Operating expense ratio
Operating expenses / Net insurance premium revenue x 100

Operating combined ratio, %
Operating loss ratio + Operating expense ratio

Values used in calculating the ratios

(€ million)                                              30 Sep 2010 31 Dec 2009
Non-life Insurance

Net tax liabilities for the period                       -24         -14

Own subordinated loans                                   50          50

Deferred tax to be realised in the near future and other 7           6
deducted from the solvency margin of the companies

Intangible assets                                        772         800


Note 1. Accounting policies

The Interim Report for 1 January-30 September 2010 has been prepared in
accordance with IAS 34 (Interim Financial Reporting), as approved by the EU.

In the preparation of its Interim Report, Pohjola Group applied the same
accounting policies as in the preparation of its Financial Statements 2009.
During the current period, the Group has also applied cash flow hedging when
hedging future cash flows from variable-rate debt or other variable-rate assets
and liabilities. Interest rate swaps are used as hedging instruments. Derivative
contracts documented as cash flow hedges and provide effective hedges are
measured at fair value. The portion of the gain or loss on the hedging
instrument that is determined to be an effective hedge is recognised in other
comprehensive income.  Fair value changes recognised in shareholders' equity are
included in the income statement in the period when hedged items affect net

The Interim Report is based on unaudited information. Since all figures in the
Report have been rounded off, the sum of single figures may differ from the
presented sum total.

Summary of presentation of income statement:

|Net interest income     |Received and paid interest on fixed-income           |
|                        |instruments, the                                     |
|                        |recognised difference between the nominal value and  |
|                        |acquisition value, interest on interest-rate         |
|                        |derivatives                                          |
|                        |and fair value change in fair value hedging          |
|Net income from         |Premiums written, claims paid, change in provision   |
|Non-life Insurance      |for                                                  |
|                        |unearned premiums and for unpaid claims, investment  |
|                        |income, expenses (interest, dividends, realised      |
|                        |capital                                              |
|                        |gains and losses) and impairments                    |
|Net commissions and fees|Commission income and expenses, and the recognition  |
|                        |of                                                   |
|                        |Day 1 profit related to illiquid derivatives         |
|Net trading income      |Fair value changes in financial instruments at fair  |
|                        |value                                                |
|                        |through profit or loss, excluding accrued interest,  |
|                        |and capital gains and losses, as well as dividends   |
|Net investment income   |Realised capital gains and losses on available-for-  |
|                        |sale                                                 |
|                        |financial assets, impairments, dividends as well as  |
|                        |fair value changes in investment property, capital   |
|                        |gains                                                |
|                        |and losses, rents and other property-related expenses|
|Other operating income  |Other operating income, central banking service fee  |
|Personnel costs         |Wages and salaries, pension costs, social expenses   |
|Other administrative    |Office expenses, IT costs, other administrative      |
|expenses                |expenses                                             |
|Other operating expenses|Depreciation/amortisation, other Non-life Insurance  |
|                        |expenses, rents                                      |

Notes to the income statement and balance sheet

Note 2. Net interest income

EUR million                                                 Q3/  Q3/ Q1-3/ Q1-3/

                                                           2010 2009  2010  2009

Loans and other receivables                                  75   86   221   341

Receivables from credit institutions and
central banks                                                29   43    93   165

Notes and bonds                                              67   70   300   170

Derivatives held for trading (net)                           32   24    29    25

Liabilities to credit institutions                          -13  -11   -40   -47

Liabilities to customers                                     -4   -4   -10   -28

Debt securities issued to the public                        -49  -82  -211  -299

Subordinated debt                                            -8   -9   -24   -28

Hybrid capital                                               -1   -2    -6   -12

Financial liabilities held for trading                        0   -1    -1    -4

Other (net)                                                   0    0    -2     0

Net interest income, excluding derivatives for hedging
purposes                                                    127  114   349   282

Derivatives under hedge accounting (net)                    -64  -56  -160  -105

Total net interest income                                    62   58   189   177

Note 3. Impairments of receivables

EUR million                                         Q3/  Q3/ Q1-3/ Q1-3/

                                                   2010 2009  2010  2009

Receivables eliminated as loan or guarantee losses    2   14    41    15

Recoveries from receivables eliminated as loan
or guarantee losses                                   0   -1     0    -2

Increase in impairment provisions                    29   50    98   111

Decrease in impairment provisions                    -4  -22   -50   -29

Total impairments of receivables                     27   41    88    95

Note 4. Net income from Non-life Insurance

EUR million                                   Q3/  Q3/ Q1-3/ Q1-3/

                                             2010 2009  2010  2009

Net insurance premium revenue

  Premiums written                            186  160   850   839

  Insurance premiums ceded to reinsurers       -4    2   -38   -42

  Change in provision for unearned premiums    75   87   -94   -91

  Reinsurers' share                            -7   -8     4     6

Total                                         250  241   723   712

Net Non-life Insurance claims

  Claims paid                                 153  140   477   443

  Insurance claims recovered from reinsurers   -2   -5   -19    -9

  Change in provision for unpaid claims         9   -8   -19   -17

  Reinsurers' share                           -17    6     4     4

Total                                         144  134   443   421

Net investment income, Non-life Insurance

  Interest income                              16   17    48    54

  Dividend income                               1    1    19     7

  Investment property                           2    1     4     3

  Realised fair value gains and losses

   Notes and bonds                             18    3    53    -5

   Shares and participations                  -11   16   -16    19

   Loans and receivables                        0         -1     0

   Investment property                          0          2     0

   Derivatives                                  2  -18   -22   -17

  Unrealised fair value gains and losses

   Notes and bonds                              0    1     0     1

   Shares and participations                   -7    4   -23   -10

   Loans and receivables                       -1   -2    -3    -3

   Investment property                          1   -1     1     1

   Derivatives                                  4   -5     4    -3

  Other                                         1    2     3     2

Total                                          26   19    69    48

Unwinding of discount                         -11  -11   -34   -32

Other                                           0    0    -1    -1

Total net income from Non-life Insurance      120  114   314   307

Note 5. Net commissions and fees

EUR million                            Q3/  Q3/ Q1-3/ Q1-3/

                                      2010 2009  2010  2009

Commission income

  Lending                                8   10    26    32

  Payment transfers                      4    3    10     9

  Securities brokerage                   6    6    21    16

  Securities issuance                    1    1     8     3

  Asset management and legal services   14   12    44    32

  Insurance operations                   5    5    14    13

  Guarantees                             4    4    12    12

  Other                                  1    1     4     6

Total commission income                 43   42   139   124

Commission expenses

  Payment transfers                      0    1     2     2

  Securities brokerage                   2    2     8     6

  Securities issuance                    2    1     4     7

  Asset management and legal services    0    2     5     5

  Other                                  1    1     2     2

Total commission expenses                6    6    21    21

Total net commissions and fees          37   36   118   102

Note 6. Net trading income

EUR million                                        Q3/  Q3/ Q1-3/ Q1-3/

                                                  2010 2009  2010  2009

Financial assets and liabilities held for trading

  Realised changes in fair value

   Notes and bonds                                   7    6    19    35

   Shares and participations                         0    0     0     0

   Derivatives                                       4   19   -13   115

  Unrealised changes in fair value

   Notes and bonds                                  -1    6     2   -15

   Shares and participations                         0    0     0     0

   Derivatives                                       3   -9    10   -84

Financial assets and liabilities at fair value
through profit or loss  Realised changes in fair value

   Notes and bonds                                              0    -9

  Unrealised changes in fair value

   Notes and bonds                                   0    1     2     9

Net income from foreign exchange operations          5    3    14     9

Total net trading income                            18   27    34    60

Note 7. Net investment income

EUR million                          Q3/  Q3/ Q1-3/ Q1-3/

                                    2010 2009  2010  2009

Available-for-sale financial assets

  Capital gains and losses

   Notes and bonds                     5    0    22     0

   Shares and participations           0    1     1     0

  Dividend income                      0    0     3     2

  Impairments                          0         -4    -4

Carried at amortised cost

  Capital gains and losses

   Loans and other receivables         1          0

Total                                  6    1    21    -1

Investment property                    0    0     0    -7

Total net investment income            6    1    21    -8

Note 8. Other operating income

EUR million                             Q3/  Q3/ Q1-3/ Q1-3/

                                       2010 2009  2010  2009

Central banking service fees              2    2     7     7

Realisation of repossessed items          0    0     1     0

Rental income from assets rented under
operating lease                           6    6    18    19

Other                                     2    2     6     7

Total                                    11   11    32    33

Note 9. Classification of financial instruments
                                            At fair
                           Loans            through
                             and  Held to profit or Available     Hedging
                     receivables maturity     loss*  for sale derivatives  Total

Assets, EUR million

Cash and balances
central banks                968                                             968

Receivables from
institutions and
banks                      7,723                                           7,723

Derivative contracts                          1,995                   125  2,120

Receivables from
customers                 11,771                                          11,771

Non-life Insurance
assets**                     706                 88     2,521              3,316

Notes and bonds***                    982       984     5,392              7,357

Shares and
participations                                             83                 83

Other receivables          2,549                 24                        2,573

Total 30 September
2010                      23,716      982     3,092     7,996         125 35,910

Total 31 December
2009                      24,986    1,086     2,767     6,613          59 35,510

                                         At fair
                                       profit or       Other     Hedging
                                            loss liabilities derivatives  Total

Liabilities, EUR million

Liabilities to credit institutions                     4,013              4,013

Financial liabilities held for trading
(excl. derivatives)                            0                              0

Derivative conctracts                      2,205                     278  2,483

Liabilities to customers                               4,430              4,430

Non-life Insurance liabilities                 1       2,517              2,518

Debt instruments issued to the public                 16,598             16,598

Subordinated liabilities                               1,315              1,315

Other liabilities                                      2,191              2,191

Total 30 September
2010                                       2,206      31,064         278 33,549

Total 31 December
2009                                       1,377      31,716         150 33,244

*Assets at fair value through profit or loss include financial assets held for
trading, financial assets at fair value through profit or loss at inception and
investment property.
** Non-life Insurance assets are specified in Note 10.
*** On 30 September 2010, notes and bonds included EUR 12 million (55) in notes
and bonds recognised using the fair value option.

Debt securities issued to the public are carried at amortised cost. On 30
September 2010, the fair value of these debt instruments was EUR 76 million
higher than their carrying amount, based on information available in markets and
employing commonly used valuation techniques. Subordinated liabilities are
carried at amortised cost. Their fair value are substantially lower than their
carrying amount, but determining fair values reliably is difficult in the
current market situation.

Note 10. Non-life Insurance assets

                                   30 Sept 31 Dec
EUR million                           2010   2009


  Loans and other receivables          270    424

  Shares and participations            362    387

  Property                              75     78

  Notes and bonds                    1,544  1,392

  Derivatives                            5      1

  Other participations                 623    530

Total                                2,880  2,811

Other assets

  Prepayments and accrued income        33     37


   From direct insurance               251    214

   From reinsurance                     87     89

   Cash in hand and at bank              6      4

   Other receivables                    58     44

Total                                  436    389

Total Non-life insurance assets      3,316  3,200

Note 11. Intangible assets

                           30 Sept 31 Dec
EUR million                   2010   2009

Goodwill                       516    516

Brands                         173    173

Customer relationships         185    203

Other                           55     68

Total                          930    960

Note 12. Non-life Insurance liabilities

                                            30 Sept 31 Dec
EUR million                                    2010   2009

Provision for unpaid claims

  Provision for unpaid claims for annuities   1,066  1,058

  Other provision for unpaid claims             732    726

Total                                         1,798  1,784

Provision for unearned premiums                 457    361

Derivatives                                       1      0

Other liabilities                               263    134

Total                                         2,518  2,279

Note 13. Debt securities issued to the public

                                              30 Sept 31 Dec
EUR million                                      2010   2009

Bonds                                           6,858  6,549

Certificates of deposit, commercial papers
and ECPs                                        9,487 10,519

Other                                             252    227

Total                                          16,598 17,295

Note 14. Fair value reserve after income tax

                                             30 Sept 31 Dec
EUR million                                     2010   2009

Loans and other receivables

  Reclassified notes and bonds                   -10    -17

Available-for-sale financial assets

  Notes and bonds                                 -6     53

  Equities and mutual funds with equity risk      44    -35

  Other funds                                     -4      0

Other                                             -1

Total                                             23      0

The negative fair value reserve may recover by means of asset appreciation and
recognised impairments. Only the value changes in the fair value reserve are
recognised which the management deem to fulfil the relevant requirements.

The fair value reserve before tax totalled EUR 30 million (-0) and the related
deferred tax liability amounted to EUR 8 million (0). On 30 September, positive
mark-to-market valuations of equity instruments before tax in the fair value
reserve totalled EUR 73 million and negative mark-to-market valuations EUR 22
million. In Q1-3, impairments recognised from the fair value reserve in the
income statement totalled EUR 33 million.

Notes to risk management

Note 15. Risk exposure by Banking

Total exposure by rating category*, EUR billion

Rating    30 Sept 31 Dec
category     2010   2009                  Change

1-2           2.6    2.2                     0.5

3-5          11.3   10.9                     0.4

6-7           4.1    4.2                    -0.1

8-9           2.2    2.4                    -0.2

10            0.1    0.1                     0.0

11-12         0.4    0.3                     0.0

Non-rated     0.2    0.2                     0.0

Total        20.8   20.3                     0.5

*) excl. private customers

Sensitivity analysis of market risk

                                           30 Sept 2010         31 Dec 2009

                                                  Effect on           Effect on
                                                     share-              share-
Banking,               Risk             Effect on  holders' Effect on  holders'
EUR million       parameter      Change   results    equity   results    equity

Interest-rate                 1 percen-
risk               Interest  tage point         5                   5

Currency             Market  20 percen-
risk                  value tage points         1                   1

Volatility risk

  Interest-rate              20 percen-
volatility       Volatility tage points         6                   4

  Currency                   10 percen-
volatility       Volatility tage points         0                   0

Credit risk          Credit 0.5 percen-
premium *)           spread tage points         9         1        12

Sensitivity figures have been calculated as the sum of the currencies' intrinsic
*) The credit risk premium has been calculated on notes and bonds at fair value
through profit or loss and available for sale, included in liquidity reserves.

Note 16. Risk exposure by Non-life Insurance

                                  Total                                Effect on
                                 amount                                   share-
                                30 Sept     Change         Effect on    holders'
                                  2010,    in risk          combined     equity,
Risk parameter              EUR million  parameter             ratio EUR million

Insurance portfolio or
insurance                                                     Up 0.9
premium revenue*)                   954      Up 1%  percentage point          10

                                                            Down 0.7
Claims incurred*)                   641      Up 1% percentage points          -6

Major loss of over EUR 5                                    Down 0.5
million                                     1 loss percentage points          -5

                                                            Down 0.9
Personnel costs*)                   106      Up 8% percentage points          -9

                                                            Down 1.1
Expenses by function*) **)          267      Up 4% percentage points         -11

                                           Up 0.25
Inflation for collective                percentage          Down 0.3
liability                           492     points percentage points          -3

Life expectancy for
insurance contract                                          Down 3.2
liability                         1,337  Up 1 year percentage points         -31

Discount rate for
discounted                                Down 0.1
insurance contract                      percentage          Down 1.7
liability                         1,337      point percentage points         -16

*) Moving 12-month
**) Expenses by function in Non-life Insurance excluding expenses for investment
management and expenses for other services rendered

Non-life Insurance investment portfolio by allocation

EUR million

                        Fair value       Fair value
                           30 Sept           31 Dec
Portfolio allocation          2010     %       2009     %

Money market
instruments                     81   3 %        101   4 %

Bonds and bond funds         2,221  75 %      2,067  72 %

Equities                       284  10 %        364  13 %

Alternative investments        199   7 %        155   5 %

Real property                  186   6 %        164   6 %

Total                        2,971 100 %      2,851 100 %

Non-life Insurance fixed-income portfolio by maturity and credit rating on 30
September 2010*

EUR million

Year(s)          0-1 1-3 3-5 5-7 7-10 10- Total     %

Aaa               20 121 208  73   56  73   551  24 %

Aa1−Aa3           51 117 137  44   47  33   429  19 %

A1−A3             83 212 211  71   74  58   708  31 %

Baa1−Baa3         24 104  90  37   53   0   308  14 %

Ba1 or lower      58  59  59  29    6  13   225  10 %

Internally rated   5   4  12   1    0   7    28   1 %

Total            242 618 716 255  235 184 2,250 100 %

* Excludes credit derivatives.

The table below shows the sensitivity of investment risks and their effect on
shareholders' equity:

                                                                Effect on
                                Risk                shareholders' equity,
Non-life Insurance         parameter         Change           EUR million

                                                    30 Sept        31 Dec
                                                       2010          2009

                            Interest   1 percentage
Bonds and bond funds1)          rate          point      92            73

                              Market  20 percentage
Equities 2)                    value         points      55            73

Venture capital funds         Market  20 percentage
and unquoted equities          value         points      16            14

                              Market  20 percentage
Commodities                    value         points       5             5

                              Market  10 percentage
Real property                  value         points      19            16

                            Value of  20 percentage
Currency                    currency         points      48            21

                                     0.5 percentage
Credit risk premium 3) Credit spread         points      47            39

                                      10 percentage
Derivatives 4)            Volatility         points       1             0

1) Include money-market investments, convertible bonds and interest-rate
2) Include hedge funds and equity derivatives
3) Includes bonds and money-market investments, including government bonds and
interest-rate derivatives issued by developed countries
4) 20 percentage points for equity derivatives, 10 percentage points for
interest-rate derivatives and 5 percentage points for currency derivatives.

Note 17. Risk exposure by Group Function

Total exposure by rating category*, EUR billion

Rating    30 Sept 31 Dec
category     2010   2009                  Change

1-2          12.5   13.6                    -1.1

3-5           4.8    4.6                     0.2

6-7           0.1    0.0                     0.1

8-9           0.0    0.0                     0.0

10            0.0    0.0                     0.0


Non-rated     0.0    0.0                     0.0

Total        17.4   18.3                    -0.8

Sensitivity analysis of market risk

                                            30 Sept 2010         31 Dec 2009

                                                   Effect on           Effect on
Group                                                 share-              share-
Functions,                               Effect on  holders' Effect on  holders'
EUR million    Risk parameter     Change   results    equity   results    equity

Interest-rate        Interest  1 percen-
risk                     rate tage point        18         0         2         3

                              20 percen-
Interest-rate                       tage
volatility         Volatility     points         0                   1

Credit risk            Credit       tage
premium *)             spread     points         0       115         0        68

Price risk

                              20 percen-
  Equity               Market       tage
portfolio               value     points                   2                   2

                              20 percen-
  Private              Market       tage
equity funds            value     points                   6                   6

                              10 percen-
  Property             Market       tage
risk                    value     points         3                   3

Sensitivity figures have been calculated as the sum of the currencies' intrinsic
*) The credit risk premium has been calculated on notes and bonds at fair value
through profit or loss and available for sale, included in liquidity reserves.

Financial assets included in liquidity reserve by maturity and credit rating on
30 September 2010

EUR million

Year               0-1   1-3   3-5   5-7 7-10 10- Total     %

Aaa              1,162   948 1,973   853  663  11 5,609  58 %

Aa1−Aa3            635 1,094   599   132  124 105 2,689  28 %

A1−A3              100   650   222    18    2   0   991  10 %

Baa1−Baa3           55    61    48     5    4       171   2 %

Ba1 or lower         0    20    27    27    5        80   1 %

Internally rated    88    51    42    26            208   2 %

Total            2,039 2,824 2,911 1,060  798 116 9,748 100 %

The residual maturity of liquidity reserves averages 3.7 years.

Other notes

Note 18. Collateral given

                                                   30 Sept 31 Dec
EUR million                                           2010   2009

Given on behalf of own liabilities and commitments

  Mortgages                                              1      1

  Pledges                                            5,987  5,839

  Other                                                512    308

Total collateral given                               6,500  6,147

Total collateralised liabilities                       662  1,023

Note 19. Off-balance-sheet commitments

                                                     30 Sept 31 Dec
EUR million                                             2010   2009

Guarantees                                             1,165  1,296

Other guarantee liabilities                            1,335  1,283

Loan commitments                                       3,654  4,140

Commitments related to short-term trade transactions     116     98

Other                                                    465    447

Total off-balance-sheet commitments                    6,735  7,264

Note 20. Derivative contracts

                         Nominal values/residual term
30 Sept 2010                     to maturity            Total    Fair values

EUR million              <1 year 1-5 years   >5 years         Assets Liabilities

Interest rate
derivatives               47,553    62,720     24,751 135,023  1,832       1,952

Currency derivatives      13,475     1,797        499  15,771    268         592

Equity and index
derivatives                  156       919         27   1,101    116           0

Credit derivatives                     157        100     257      4           3

Other derivatives          3,836       343              4,179      8          21

Total derivatives         65,020    65,935     25,376 156,331  2,228       2,569

                         Nominal values/residual term
31 Dec 2009                      to maturity            Total    Fair values

EUR million              <1 year 1-5 years   >5 years         Assets Liabilities

Interest rate
derivatives               44,063    51,231     13,013 108,307  1,167       1,235

Currency derivatives      11,513     1,959        489  13,962    243         338

Equity and index
derivatives                  177       814         41   1,032     87

Credit derivatives            56       178                234      4           2

Other derivatives          3,850       252              4,102      3          24

Total derivatives         59,660    54,435     13,543 127,638  1,505       1,599

Note 21. Other contingent liabilities and commitments

On 30 September 2010, Banking commitments to venture capital funds amounted to
EUR 14 million and Non-Life Insurance commitments to EUR 115 million. They are
included in the section 'Off-balance-sheet commitments'.

Note 22. Related-party transactions

Pohjola Group's related parties comprise its parent company OP-Pohjola Group
Central Cooperative, subsidiaries consolidated into the Group, associates and
administrative personnel and other related-party entities. Pohjola Group's
administrative personnel comprises Pohjola Bank plc's President and CEO, members
of the Board of Directors and their close family members. Related parties also
include companies over which a person among administrative personnel or his
close family member exercises significant influence. Other related-party
entities include OP Pension Fund, OP Pension Foundation and sister companies
within OP-Pohjola Group Central Cooperative Consolidated.

Normal loan terms and conditions apply to loans granted to related parties.
These loans are tied to generally used reference rates.

Related-party transactions have not undergone any substantial changes since 31
December 2009.

Helsinki, 3 November 2010

Pohjola Bank plc

Board of Directors

This Interim Report is available at www.pohjola.fi/english > Media. Background
information on the Report can also be found at the same address.

Analyst meeting, conference call and live webcast

As an exception to our previous practice, we will hold a collective briefing in
English for analysts and investors on Pohjola Asset Management Ltd premises on
November 3 starting at 3.00 pm Finnish time, EET (2.00 pm CET, 1.00 pm UK time,
8am US EST). The briefing is a combined analyst meeting, conference call and
live webcast.

Analysts and investors may attend the briefing in one of the following two ways:

1) By viewing the briefing as live webcast via the internet. The link will be
available on the IR website before the briefing begins. Questions on the
internet are welcome via a question button available in the webcast window. An
on-demand webcast of the briefing can be viewed via the IR website afterwards.

2) By dialling one of the regional conference call numbers shown below.
Questions are welcome by telephone in the Q&A session according to instructions.
To participate via a conference call, please dial in 5-10 minutes before the
beginning of the event:

UK, International +44 203 043 24 36
US +1 866 458 40 87
FIN +358 923 101 527
Password: Pohjola

Press conference

Mikael Silvennoinen, Pohjola Bank plc's President and CEO, will present the
financial results in a press conference, Teollisuuskatu 1 b, Vallila, Helsinki,
on 3 November, starting at noon.

Financial reporting in 2011

Schedule for Financial Statements Bulletin for 2010 and Interim Reports in 2011:

Financial Statements Bulletin 2010  9 February 2011

Interim Report Q1/2011              4 May 2011

Interim Report H1/2011              3 August 2011

Interim Report Q1−3/2011            2 November 2011


NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Ltd

London Stock Exchange

Major media

www.pohjola.fi, www.op.fi

For additional information, please contact

Mikael Silvennoinen, President and CEO,
tel. +358 (0)10 252 2549

Jouko Pölönen, CFO,
tel. +358 (0)10 252 3405

Tarja Ollilainen, Senior Vice President, Investor Relations, tel. +358 (0)10
252 4494
