2010-01-18 10:00:00 CET

2010-01-18 10:01:25 CET


Kesko Oyj - Company Announcement

Kesko's sales in December 2009


The Kesko Group's sales from continuing operations, excluding VAT, totalled
€771.1 million in December 2009, which is down by 4.0% compared with the
previous year. In January-December the sales, excluding VAT, totalled €8,572.9
million, which is down by 11.9%.

In the food trade, sales in December were €354.6 million, a decrease of 0.4%.
Sales to the K-food store chains were up by 1.3%.

In the home and speciality goods trade, sales in December were €223.1 million,
an increase of 4.4% thanks to successful Christmas trading. The sales of
clothing and sports goods developed especially well.

In the building and home improvement trade, sales in December were €154.1
million, a decrease of 6.3%. Sales in Finland were down by 2.0%. In foreign
countries, sales decreased by 9.3% in terms of euros, and by 15.1% in terms of
local currencies. In the Baltic countries, sales were down by 40.2%. In Russia,
sales dropped by 23.2% in terms of euros, and by 10.7% in terms of local

In the car and machinery trade, VV-Auto's sales in December were €34.5 million,
down 22.3%. The sales performance was affected by the car tax act which came
into force in April, because of which car tax levied on cars after 1 April 2009
is not included in sales figures. The passenger cars imported by VV-Auto
accounted for 18.6% (20.0%) of new registrations. Konekesko's sales in December
were €20.8 million, down 50.2%. Sales decreased by 39.0% in Finland and by
56.7% in foreign countries, as a result of the weakened machinery market and the
downsizing of the Baltic agricultural trade.

Kesko Group sales in euros, excluding VAT, in December 2009:

                                         December  2009       1.1. - 31.12.2009

                                        € million Change,% € million   Change,%

 Food trade, total                          354.6     -0.4   3,845.6        2.2

 Home and speciality goods trade,
 Finland                                    221.2      5.0   1,550.0       -2.0

 Home and speciality goods trade, other
 countries                                    2.0    -34.5      27.6      -39.6

 Home and speciality goods trade, total     223.1      4.4   1,577.6       -3.1

 Building and home improvement trade,
 Finland                                     67.4     -2.0   1,071.7      -21.0

 Building and home improvement trade,
 other countries                             86.7     -9.3   1 279.7      -23.3

 Building and home improvement trade,
 total                                      154.1     -6.3   2 351.4      -22.3

 Car and machinery trade, Finland            43.4    -26.5     790.4      -31.6

 Car and machinery trade, other
 countries                                   11.9    -56.3     177.1      -48.7

 Car and machinery trade, total              55.3    -35.9     967.5      -35.5

 Common operations and eliminations         -16.0             -169.2

 Finland, total                             669.8     -1.0   7,081.5       -7.6

 Other countries, total                     101.4    -20.0   1 491.4      -27.9

 Grand total                                771.1     -4.0   8 572.9      -11.9

With effect from 1 January 2009, the Kesko Group's reportable segments are the
food trade, the home and speciality goods trade, the building and home
improvement trade, and the car and machinery trade (stock exchange release on
12 December 2008).

Change, % indicates the change over the corresponding period of the previous

In December 2009, the number of selling days in Kesko's wholesale was 21, which
is one more than in December 2008. The total number of selling days in
January-December was two less than in the previous year. The number of retail
selling days in December was 27, which is the same as in the previous year. The
total number of retail selling days in January-December was four less than in
the previous year.

Kesko publishes advance information about the K-Group's retail sales quarterly,
in connection with the interim financial reports.

Further information is available from Vice President, Corporate Controller Jukka
Erlund, tel. +358 1053 22338.

Kesko Corporation

Paavo Moilanen
Senior Vice President, Corporate Communications and Responsibility

Main news media
www.kesko.fi <http://www.kesko.fi/>
