2008-03-28 15:35:31 CET

2008-03-28 15:36:31 CET


Islandų Anglų
Clearwater Finance Inc. - Ársreikningur

- Clearwater Reports Annual 2007 Results

Attention Business/Financial Editors                                            

CLEARWATER REPORTS ANNUAL 2007 RESULTS                                          

/Not for release over US newswire services/                                     

HALIFAX,  March 28/CNW/ - (TSX:CLR.UN):                                         

Sales for 2007 were $302.7 million with a gross profit of $65.9 million compared
to $315.7 million and $87.3 million respectively in 2006.                       

2007 distributable cash generated was $13.1 million, $18.4 million less than    
distributions paid.                                                             

Trustees continue work on strategic review.                                     

Expectations for 2008 include an improved market for scallops and higher clam   
earnings with the delivery of the converted Arctic Endurance.                   

Clearwater Seafoods Income Fund (the “Fund”) today reported fourth quarter and  
annual 2007 results that demonstrate improved earnings for the second half of   
2007 compared to the first half of the year.  The quarterly and annual results, 
however, were lower than the strong 2006 results due to a number of factors     
including vessel disruptions and foreign exchange.                              

The results for the second half of 2007 demonstrated a continued improvement in 
profit margin over the first half of the year, however distributable cash was   
weaker than 2006 and managements expectations for 2007.  A number of factors had
significant impacts on Clearwater's 2007 performance.                           

First, the significant depreciation of the US dollar during the year and        
especially in the last two quarters, negatively impacted margins by $18.1       
million when current effective rates are compared to those of 2006. The         
fluctuating exchange rates also resulted in realized foreign exchange income of 
$0.9 million in 2007 on Clearwater's economic hedging program, a reduction of   
$12.1 million compared to 2006.  While the Fund maintains a currency management 
program to mitigate the risk of exchange fluctuations, during the year foreign  
exchange had a  $30.2 million impact on sales and distributable cash when       
compared to 2006.                                                               

More than 80% of Clearwater's sales are denominated in currencies other than the
Canadian dollar, whereas the majority of its expenses and all of its cash       
distributions are in Canadian dollars.  As a result, foreign exchange           
fluctuations can have a material impact on Clearwater's financial results and   
the amount of cash available for distribution to unit holders.                  

Second, Clearwater's ability to harvest clams was limited by the loss of two    
clam vessels, the Atlantic Pursuit in December 2006 and the Seahunter in July of
2007.   There was also the need to perform maintenance on the vessels in        
operation throughout the year. Clearwater is currently investing approximately  
$16 million to convert a vessel from its shrimp fleet into a clam vessel, with  
delivery expected in the second quarter of 2008.  Once the vessel becomes       
operational in the third quarter of 2008, this investment in new harvesting     
capacity will result in growth in sales volumes and greater harvesting          
efficiencies, which will serve to boost the profitability of the clam business. 
The re-assignment of the vessel from the shrimp fleet is not expected to have   
any material impact on the shrimp business, as Clearwater  anticipates that the 
quota will be included in a new joint venture.                                  

And third, the scallop market in 2007 was weaker than anticipated. Clearwater   
was able to partially mitigate the impacts of the softer market by increasing   
its sales volumes by 18%, however the margins did not reflect this increased    
volume. The scallop market rebounded in the second half of the year as compared 
to the first half with increased sales volumes, however its growth was slower   
than had been expected and there was no increase in selling prices when         
converted to Canadian dollars.  Nevertheless, Clearwater was able to decrease   
its level of inventory, as the volume of scallops sold in the fourth quarter    
increased significantly compared to the earlier quarters of 2007.               

The factors listed above led to distributable cash generated in 2007 of $13.1   
million, versus distributions declared of $31.5 million, an $18.4 million       
shortfall.    On January 21, 2008 the Trustees of the Fund decided to suspended 
monthly distributions due to the financial results. “The Trustees will continue 
to monitor the distribution policy with distributions to be determined quarterly
and paid in arrears after considering the traditional criteria in determining   
the distribution policy.” said Tom Traves, Chairman of the Trustees.            

Strategic Review                                                                

“The Trustees recognize the importance of ensuring the Fund offers the best     
return for our investors.  As a result, in the third quarter of 2007 we         
initiated a strategic review to examine various opportunities that might exist  
to improve unit holder value, from strategic partnerships to alternative        
structures for the company.  We are continuing to work together with our        
financial advisor, BMO Nesbitt Burns, to determine the opportunities available  
to Clearwater given the Company's 2007 performance and the Canadian government  
income trust legislation that will impose a tax on all income trusts beginning  
in 2011. There is, of course, no certainty that any transactions or fundamental 
changes to Clearwater's business will result from this strategic review.        
However, the Trustees and Directors felt that such a detailed review was        
warranted given the challenges the Company faced in 2007.  Regardless of the    
direction in which this review may take us, our primary goal will remain, as    
always, to maximize unit holder value,” stated Tom Traves.                      


In summary, Clearwater's 2007 gross profit was significantly impacted by a soft 
scallop market, sudden and considerable depreciation in the US dollar, and      
vessel disruptions in the clam business.  The stronger earnings in the lobster  
and shrimp businesses helped mitigate the impacts of restricted harvesting      
capacity in the clam business and the negative impact from foreign exchange.    

“Clearwater has built its reputation over more than three decades on its ability
to deliver a high quality product to its customers, regardless of what external 
challenges might come its way from time to time,” said Colin MacDonald, Chief   
Executive Officer of Clearwater.  “Our performance in mitigating the impacts of 
these factors, and continuing to supply our customers despite them, shows that  
we are well-equipped to return our business to the level of performance we and  
our customers and investors  expect. We have leading-edge technology, strong    
quota ownership, and the industry's most committed employees  and we look       
forward to working to deliver continuing improvements in performance for 2008.” 


Clearwater weathered a very challenging year and experienced a number of        
negative external factors that impacted the business.  Foreign exchange         
negatively impacted sales and earnings by approximately $30.2 million. The clam 
business was impacted by the loss of two vessels and the maintenance issues with
maintaining two older vessels.  Finally, we experienced a slower scallop market 
compared to the prior year.  However, Clearwater remains  well-positioned to    
build on our three decades as a Canadian leader in the global seafood business. 

Having suspended monthly distributions in January 2008 due to lower             
distributable cash generated in 2007 and the strategic review in progress,      
Clearwater will continue to monitor its financial position on a monthly basis.  
At the same time, the Trustees and special committee are committed to thoroughly
examining all the options available, to maximize unit holder value and foster   
long-term growth, through the strategic review that we announced in the fourth  
quarter of 2007.                                                                

We hold significant quotas in our key species, we have leading-edge, innovative 
harvesting and processing technologies and we are vertically integrated. Our    
business strategies to deliver long-term value are sound. Management continues  
to believe there is strong potential for growth in the clam business.  With the 
delivery of the new clam vessel in 2008, combined with the ocean bottom mapping 
technology, the clam business will begin to realize the returns of these        
investments in 2008 and beyond.  In addition, in 2008 we anticipate a higher    
Canadian scallop total allowable catch, improved profit in the lobster business 
and reduced overhead costs.  All of this provides the opportunity for improved  
results in 2008.                                                                
We have an outstanding and dedicated workforce, excellent quota positioning,    
global customer relationships that span decades and we look forward to taking up
the opportunities that 2008 will bring.                                         

Colin MacDonald                                                                 
Chief Executive Officer                                                         
Clearwater Seafoods Limited Partnership                                         
March 28, 2008                                                                  

2007 Fourth Quarter Conference Call and Webcast                                 

Clearwater will review its fourth quarter financial results via conference call 
on Friday, March 28, 2007 at 4:00 p.m. Eastern Time (5:00 p.m. Atlantic).  The  
call will be chaired by Colin MacDonald, Clearwater's Chief Executive Officer,  
and he will be joined by Robert Wight, the Chief Financial Officer. You can     
access the call by dialing 866-250-4877 or 416-646-3097.   A replay will be     
available through April 28, 2008 at 877-289-8525 or 416-640-1917 using pass code
21250964 (pound key).  To listen to the web cast of this event, please enter    
http://www.newswire.ca/en/webcast/viewEvent.cgi?eventID=2194280 in your web     

Financial Statements and Management's Discussion and Analysis Documents         

For an analysis of Clearwater and Clearwater Seafoods Income Fund's quarter and 
annual results, please see management's discussion and analysis and annual 2007 
financial statements.  These documents can be found in the disclosure documents 
filed by Clearwater Seafoods Income Fund with the securities regulatory         
authorities available at www.sedar.com or at its website (www.clearwater.ca).   
Financial Highlights and Significant Items                                      
Key Financial Figures: 
See attachment                                                         
1. Please refer to the Distributable Cash definition in the MD&A for detailed 
   reconciliations of these amounts.  The Fund receives distributions from 
   Clearwater and in turn distributes them to its unitholders.  As such, 
   distributable cash for the Fund is equal to the distributions received and

2. The Fund does not consolidate the results of Clearwater's operations but
   rather accounts for the investment using the equity method.  Due to the
   limited amount of information that this would provide on the underlying
   operations of Clearwater, the financial highlights of Clearwater are
   included above. 

About Clearwater                                                                

Clearwater is recognized for its consistent quality, wide diversity and reliable
delivery of premium seafood, including scallops, lobster, clams, coldwater      
shrimp, crab and ground fish.                                                   

Since it's founding in 1976, Clearwater has invested in science, people,        
technology, resource ownership and resource management to preserve and grow its 
seafood resource. This commitment has allowed it to remain a leader in the      
global seafood market.                                                          

For further information: Robert Wight, Chief Financial Officer, Clearwater,     
(902) 457-2369; Tyrone Cotie, Director of Corporate Finance and Investor        
Relations, Clearwater, (902) 457-8181.