2015-12-03 16:00:00 CET

2015-12-03 16:00:00 CET


Englanti Liettua
LESTO - Notification on material event

Regarding suspension of trade in shares of AB LESTO

Regarding the 3 December 2015 decision of the Board of AB LESTO (company code
302577612; registered office 26 Aguonų str., LT-03212 Vilnius), the company
submitted an application to AB NASDAQ Vilnius Stock Exchange for suspension of
trade in shares of AB LESTO in the Baltic Main list of AB NASDAQ Vilnius Stock
Exchange from the end of the trade in shares session of 10 December, 2015 until
deregistration of AB LESTO from the Register of Legal Entities of the Republic
of Lithuania and close down of AB LESTO share account in the Lithuanian Central
Securities Depository (ISIN code: LT0000128449). 

This notice is deemed non-confidential.

         Representative for Public Relations Martynas Burba, Tel. No (8~5) 251