2010-05-17 15:09:08 CEST

2010-05-17 15:10:05 CEST


English Lithuanian
Vilniaus Baldai AB - Notification on material event

Vilniaus baldai AB, sales and result for activity during period of January - March 2010

Turnover of Vilniaus Baldai AB during period 2010 January - March was 43 193
thousand LTL (12 510 thousand EUR), same period year 2009 - 34 827 thousand LTL
(10 087 thousand EUR). 

Net profit of Vilniaus Baldai AB during period 2010 January - March was 6 972
thousand LTL (2 019 thousand EUR), same period year 2009 net profit was 89
thousand LTL (26 thousand EUR). 

EBITDA was 9 754 thousand LTL (2 825 thousand EUR). Year ago it was 1 955
thousand LTL (566 thousand EUR). 

Additional information:
Chief Financial Officer
Ausra Kibirkstiene
Phone No: +370 5 2525720