2008-02-08 17:40:36 CET

2008-02-08 17:41:34 CET


Glitnir banki hf. - Company Announcement

Annual General Meeting of Glitnir banki hf.

The Annual General Meeting of Glitnir  banki hf. will be held at  the
Hotel Saga, Sulnasalur, on Wednesday 20 February 2008, starting at  2


 1. Report of the Board of Directors on the Bank's activities in
 2. Audited financial statement of the Bank for 2007.
 3. Decision on payment of dividends and disposal of the Bank's
    earnings in 2007.
 4. Proposed amendments to the Company's Articles of Association.[1]
 5. Board of Directors' proposal concerning the compensation policy
    of Glitnir banki hf.
 6. Elections to the Board of Directors.
 7. Election of an auditing firm.
 8. Decision on the remuneration of the Board of Directors for the
    coming electoral term.
 9. Proposal for allocation to the Glitnir Cultural Fund.
10. Proposal for authorisation to the Board of Directors to purchase
    treasury shares in Glitnir banki hf.
11. Any other business.

Ballots and admission tickets  for the meeting  will be available  to
shareholders at the place of the meeting from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. on the
day of the meeting.  Ballots and tickets cannot be collected after  2

The deadline  to  declare candidacy  for  election to  the  Board  of
Directors  expires  on  Wednesday  13  February  2008  at  2  p.m.
Declarations of candidacy should be submitted in writing to the Chief
Executive Officer at Kirkjusandur.[2]

The agenda of  the meeting, finalised  motions, the Annual  Accounts,
the Annual Report of the Board of Directors and the Auditors'  Report
will be submitted on display  to shareholders at Kirkjusandur 2,  5th
floor, at least one  week before the Annual  General Meeting.   These
documents will also be accessible at www.glitnir.is.

Board of Directors of Glitnir banki hf.

[1] A  motion that  the  Annual General  Meeting resolves  to  change
Article 4  of the  Company's Articles  of Association  regarding  the
authority of the  Board of  Directors to increase  the nominal  share
capital of the Company.
[2] In accordance  with second  paragraph of  Article 63a  of Act  No
2/1995 representing    Public  Limited  Companies,  as  amended,    a
notification about candidature for the Board of Directors there shall
be quoted, in addition to a candidate's name, an Identity Number  and
address, information  about  main  occupation,  other  Directorships,
education, experience and holdings of  share capital in the  Company.
There shall  also  be disclosed  interest  links with  the  principal
business parties  and competitors  of  the Company  as well  as  with
shareholders holding over 10% shares in the Company.  A form that the
candidates can use as a prefiguration for the submission of the above
mentioned information will be provided  by the Assistant to the  CEO,
upon request.