2007-11-30 22:44:59 CET

2007-11-30 22:44:59 CET

Atlantic Airways P/F - Managers' transactions

- Date of transaction 28.11.2007

Auðkenni útgefanda/Trade ticker:                                                
| FO-AIR                                                                       |
Nafn útgefanda/Issuer:                                                          
| Atlantic Airways P/F                                                         |
Dagsetning tilkynningar/Date of announcement:                                   
| 30-11-2007                                                                   |
Nafn fruminnherja/Name primary insider:                                         
| Pétur J Eiriksson                                                            |
Tengsl fruminnherja við útgefanda/Insider's relation with the issuer:           
| Board member                                                                 |
Dagsetning viðskipta/Date of transaction:                                       
| 28-11-2007                                                                   |
Tímasetning viðskipta/Time of transaction:                                      
| 0:00                                                                         |
Tegund fjármálagernings/Type of financial instrument:                           
| Shares                                                                       |
Kaup eða sala/Buy or Sell:                                                      
| Buy                                                                          |

Fjöldi hluta/Number of shares:                                                  
| 2003                                                                         |
Verð pr. Hlut/Price per share:                                                  
| 261 DKK                                                                      |
Fjöldi hluta í eigu fruminnherja eftir viðskipti/Primary insider's holdings     
after the transaction:                                                          
| 2003                                                                         |
Fjöldi hluta sem fruminnherji á kauprétt að/Primary insider's option holdings   
after the transaction:                                                          
| 0                                                                            |
Fjöldi hluta fjárhagslega tengdra aðila eftir viðskipti/Related parties'        
holdings after the transaction:                                                 
| 0                                                                            |
Dagsetning lokauppgjörs*/Date of settlement*:                                   
| 0                                                                            |
|  Included in the above number of shares is 3 shares which have been awarded  |
| by Atlantic Airways P/F to all its employees including the board.            |