2023-04-04 15:00:00 CEST

2023-04-04 15:01:58 CEST


Telia Lietuva, AB - Notification on material event

The Board approved financial statements for the year 2022 and proposes to pay 0.06 euro dividend per share for the year 2022

On 3 April 2023, the Board of Telia Lietuva, AB (hereinafter “Telia Lietuva” or “the Company”) decided:

- To approve the audited annual financial statements of the Company for the year 2022, prepared according to the International Financial Reporting Standards, and to submit them to the Company’s Annual General Meeting of Shareholders.

The audited Telia Lietuva results for the year 2022 were the same as the results for the 12 months of 2022 that were announced on 26 January 2023: revenue amounted to EUR 444.6 million (EUR 420.8 million in 2021), EBITDA amounted to EUR 147.5 million (EUR 138.6 million), and profit for the period was EUR 56.4 million (EUR 56.8 million).

- To approve the Company’s Annual and Sustainability Report for the year 2022, prepared by the Company and assessed by the auditors, and to present it to the Company’s Annual General Meeting of Shareholders.

- To approve the draft of the Company’s profit allocation for the year 2022 and to propose for the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders to allocate the profit according to the draft of profit allocation: from the Company’s distributable profit of EUR 142,336 thousand to allocate EUR 34,957 thousand for the payment of dividends for the year 2022, i.e. EUR 0.06 dividend per share, and carry forward to the next financial year an amount of EUR 107,379 thousand as retained earnings (undistributed profit).

The comment by the Board: Following the year of a record high capital investments marked with the launch of 5G communication and taking into consideration current economic environment, the Board decided to take a prudent approach and proposed to the forthcoming Annual General Meeting of Shareholders to approve a pay-out of EUR 0.06 dividend per share (in total EUR 34.9 million) for the year 2022.

- To allocate EUR 25,000 for tantiems for the year 2022 to two independent members of the Board: Dovilė Grigienė (resigned from the Board on 15 December 2022) – EUR 7,500 and Mindaugas Glodas – EUR 17,500.

- To convoke the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders in a headquarters of Telia Lietuva, Saltoniškių str. 7A, Vilnius, Lithuania, at 13.00 on 27 April 2023, and to propose to the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders the following draft agenda:

1. Presentation by the Company’s auditor.
2. Approval of the Company’s annual financial statements for the year 2022 and presentation of the Company’s annual report for the year 2022.
3. Allocation of the Company’s profit for the year 2022.
4. Approval of the Company’s Remuneration Report for the year 2022.
5. Election of the Company’s auditor.
6. Election of the Company’s Board members.
7. Regarding the implementation of decisions.

ENCL.: Telia Lietuva, AB Annual and Sustainability Report, Financial Statements and Independent Auditor’s Report for the year ended 31 December 2022.

Darius Džiaugys,
Head of Investor Relations,
tel. +370 5 236 7878,
e-mail: darius.dziaugys@telia.lt
