2011-08-04 07:30:00 CEST

2011-08-04 07:30:05 CEST


Anglų Suomių
Martela Oyj - Interim report (Q1 and Q3)


MARTELA CORPORATION        INTERIM REPORT         4.8.2011 at 8.30 a.m.


Consolidated revenue increased, operating result at previous year's level

Key figures:

                               4-6    4-6    1-6    1-6   1-12
EUR mill.                     2011   2010   2011   2010   2010
- Revenue                     30.5   25.7   57.9   48.3  108.4
- Change in revenue, %        18.6   21.0   19.9    6.6   13.7
- Operating result            -0.9   -0.5   -1.6   -1.6    1.3
- Operating result %          -2.8   -2.0   -2.8   -3.3    1.2
- Earnings / share, EUR      -0.21  -0.13  -0.43  -0.38   0.16
- Return on investment, %    -12.0   -5.2  -10.4   -8.1    3.7
- Return on equity, %        -11.9   -7.0  -11.9  -10.0    2.0
- Equity-to-assets ratio, %                 54.2   54.4   55.6
- Gearing, %                                -4.2  -19.7  -14.1

Outlook for 2011

Martela Corporation's revenue is estimated to grow and operating profit to be
at previous year's level or to improve in 2011. 


Demand for office furniture increased in Finland and Sweden during the first
half of the year. No significant change was noticed yet on the other main

There have been signs of office construction recovering - especially the number
of building permits granted. However, the number of completed and commenced
office buildings remains significantly lower than in the comparison year.
Statistics on office construction are available for the first quarter of 2011,
and according to these, 48 per cent less office space was built in Finland in
terms of square metres in the first quarter of 2011 than in the previous year.
However, significantly more (+51%) building permits were granted in this period
than in the previous year. Considerably fewer office building construction
projects were commenced compared with the previous year (-49%). 

Consolidated revenue and profit

Consolidated revenue for the second quarter was EUR 30.5 million (25.7), an
increase of 18.6 per cent on the previous year. Revenue for January-June
increased to EUR 57.9 million (48.3), representing growth of 19.9 per cent. The
positive performance of the traditional sales channels in Finland, Sweden and
Poland increased revenue. Factors increasing revenue also included the Martela
Outlet sales channel that was acquired and launched in June 2010 and the Danish
importer acquired in November. The comparable revenue growth without
acquisitions was 15.0 per cent in the second quarter and 15.6 per cent in the
first half of the year. 

Operating result for the second quarter declined and was EUR -0.9 million
(-0.5). Operating result for January-June remained at the previous year's level
and was EUR -1.6 million (-1.6). The group has invested significantly in the
development and growth of its operations by hiring new personnel and opening
new sales offices. The investments focused in particular on strengthening the
Group's service business and sales channels. The investments have not yet
generated enough revenue to correspond to the rise in costs. Result was also
reduced by poor business performance in Denmark. 

Profit before taxes for January-June was EUR -2.0 million (-1.7), and profit
after taxes was EUR -1.7 million 

Martela's full interim report for January-June 2011 is included in PDF format
as an attachment to this release. The interim report is also available on the
company's website at www.martela.fi. 

Martela Corporation
Board of Directors
Heikki Martela

ATTACHMENT: Martela's interim report January-June 2011

Additional information
Heikki Martela, CEO, tel. +358 50 502 4711
Markku Pirskanen, CFO, tel. +358 40 517 4606