2014-04-30 08:00:03 CEST

2014-04-30 08:00:13 CEST


Enska Finnska
Digia Oyj - Interim report (Q1 and Q3)


Helsinki, 2014-04-30 08:00 CEST (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- DIGIA PLC INTERIM REPORT 30
APRIL 2014, 09:00 A.M. 




- Consolidated net sales: EUR 24.0 (23.5) million, up 1.9 per cent
- Operating profit: EUR -0.3 (-0.5) million
- Profitability (EBIT%): −1.2 (-2.0) per cent
- Product business accounted for 40.6 (37.5) per cent
- Earnings per share: EUR −0.02 (-0.02)

The consolidated net sales and the result for the period improved slightly from
the previous year's comparison figures. 

The growth in net sales was due to the Qt business, whose net sales increased
by 20.8 per cent compared to the same period in the previous year. As expected,
however, the Qt business made a loss during the period; this was due to
significant, target-oriented investments aimed at developing the business. 

Net sales from domestic operations fell slightly from the comparison period.
The profitability of the operations was also lower than hoped for. The domestic
business also saw investments aiming to increase sales in the future, which had
a negative impact on the review period's net sales and profitability. 

The company expects demand to remain generally good in all domestic business
areas, and that income from operations and operational profitability will
improve as the year progresses. 

The company estimates that net sales from the Qt business will grow markedly in
2014 compared to 2013. Significant investments will continue in developing the
Qt business and Qt technology, while the company will reinforce its sales
network, especially in Asia. Investments aimed at securing growth will continue
to burden profitability. 

Overall, the company predicts its consolidated net sales for 2014 to grow
organically at a rate exceeding that of the general market. Further investments
in growing the Qt business will continue to hold back the whole company's


                                             Q1/2014  Q1/2013  Change,%
Net sales                                     23,958   23,513      1.9%
Operating profit before extraordinary items     -280     -473     40.7%
- % of net sales                               -1.2%    -2.0%          
Operating profit                                -280     -473     40.7%
- % of net sales                               -1.2%    -2.0%          
Net profit                                      -331     -472     29.9%
- % of net sales                               -1.4%    -2.0%          
Return on equity, %                            -3.8%    -9.8%          
Return on capital invested, %                  -1.6%    -2.7%          
Interest-bearing liabilities                  16,873   19,114    -11.7%
Cash and cash equivalents                      2,652    6,617    -59.9%
Net gearing                                    42.4%    31.3%          
Equity ratio (%)                               48.7%    50.3%          
Earnings per share, undiluted, EUR             -0.02    -0.02          
Earnings per share, diluted, EUR               -0.02    -0.02          


Domestic Segment

There was a strong focus on growth in the business comprising integration,
analytics and workforce management. Demand for services was good in the period,
but the profitability of the business was negatively affected by growth
investments and, to some extent, increasing price competition. 

Demand for ERP systems was also good in the review period, although there were
significant sector-specific differences. Sales cycles remained long, but the
order book and bid volumes were healthy. 

Market uncertainty was most clearly reflected in the business for tailored
solutions and services, where the cost pressure endured by customers
significantly hamper the profitability of the business. However, demand for
services has remained relatively good, even though customers' decision-making
processes have lengthened and many projects have been broken down into smaller
orders. Again, there were clear sector-specific differences in demand. 

Qt Segment

The Qt business progressed well and its like-for-like net sales grew strongly
compared to the same period in the previous year. Demand and bid volumes were
both good. There were no individual deals with a significant impact on net
sales in the period. 

The Qt business made a loss during the period; this was due to significant,
target-oriented investments aimed at developing the business. 

The focus of Qt operations was primarily on licence sales, which meant that the
product business accounted for significantly more than the target level of 75
per cent of net sales. 

During the period, the company continued fulfilling previously reported plans
related to Qt product development and areas of focus. The network of
distributors expanded to Korea during the period, and efforts were made to
strengthen sales to the large enterprises customer segment and European sales. 


Digia's consolidated net sales for the reporting period were EUR 24.0 (23.5)
million, up 1.9 per cent on the same period in 2013. 

Net sales from the domestic segment for the review period totalled EUR 19.2
(19.6) million, which was down 1.9 per cent.Net sales from the Qt segment for
the review period totalled EUR 4.8 (4.0) million, up 20.8 per cent. 

The consolidated net sales for the period improved slightly from the previous
year's comparison figures.The rise was due to growth in the Qt business.The
slight decline in domestic net sales was partly due to the lack of income from
local operations in Russia, which were shut down in 2013.The domestic business
also saw investments that aimed to increase sales in the future, which had a
negative impact on the billing rate and consequently the net sales. 

During the reporting period, the product business accounted for EUR 9.7
(Q1/2013: 8.8) million or 40.6 (37.5) per cent of consolidated net sales. 

International operations accounted for EUR 4.8 (Q1/2013: 4.4) million or 19.9
(18.6) per cent of consolidated net sales. 


Digia's consolidated operating profit for the reporting period was EUR −0.3
(-0.5) million. Profitability (EBIT%) was -1.2 (-2.0) per cent. 

Operating profit from domestic operations for the reporting period totalled EUR
0.6 (0.4) million, up 44.5 per cent, and the segment's profitability (EBIT%)
was 3.4 (2.3) per cent. 

Operating profit from Qt operations for the reporting period was EUR -0.9
(-0.9) million. The segment's profitability (EBIT%) was -19.4 (-23.3) per cent. 

The domestic operating profit fell short of targets during the period. It was
negatively affected by investments aimed at future growth. 

In the Qt business growth investments affected operational profitability, as

Consolidated earnings before tax for the period totalled EUR -0.4 (-0.7)
million, and net profit was EUR -0.3 (-0.5) million. 

Earnings per share were EUR -0.02 (-0.02).

The Group's net financial expenses were EUR 0.2 (0.3) million.


At the end of the reporting period, the Digia Group's consolidated balance
sheet total stood at EUR 79.6 million (12/2013: EUR 83.3 million), and the
equity ratio was 48.7 (12/2013: 49.9) per cent. Net gearing was 42.4 (12/2013:
28.9) per cent. Period-end cash and cash equivalents totalled EUR 2.7 (12/2013:
6.5) million. 

Interest-bearing liabilities amounted to EUR 16.9 (12/2013: 16.9) million at
the period end. These consisted of EUR 15.0 million in loans from financial
institutions, EUR 0.6 in a used overdraft facility and EUR 1.3 million in
financial leasing liabilities. 

Consolidated net cash flow from operating activities was negative by EUR 1.7
million during the period (Q1/2013: positive by EUR 0.9 million). Cash flow
from investments for the review period was negative by EUR 0.3 (0.0) million.
Cash flow from finance for the review period was negative by EUR 1.7 (2.6)
million. Cash flow from finance was negatively affected by a repayment of
capital totalling EUR 1.8 million and by the repayment of loans totalling EUR
0.5 million during the reporting period. 

The Group's investments in fixed assets during the review period totalled EUR
0.3 (0.0) million. 

Return on investment (ROI) for the period was -1.6 (-2.7) per cent, and return
on equity (ROE) was -3.8 (-9.8) per cent. 

The Group carries out quarterly impairment testing on goodwill and intangible
assets with an indefinite useful life.The tables below shows the distribution
of goodwill and values subject to testing at the end of the reporting period: 

 EUR 1,000      Specified       Amortisations     Goodwi   Other   Total value  
               intangible         during the        ll     items    subject to  
                 assets       reporting period                       testing    
Digia,                1,191                  122  37,987   5,746          44,925

 EUR 1,000     Specified    Amortisations during  Goodwi   Other   Total value  
              intangible    the reporting period    ll     items    subject to  
                assets                                               testing    
Digia, Qt            6,625                   218   6,562   1,891          15,079

  EUR       Specified     Amortisations during  Goodwi   Other     Total value  
 1,000     intangible     the reporting period    ll     items      subject to  
             assets                                                  testing    
Group             7,816                    341  44,550    7,637           60,003

Present values for domestic operations were calculated for the five-year
forecast period based on the following assumptions: Net sales and operating
profit for the first quarter of the forecast period according to the confirmed
figures for the latest quarter, and for the following three quarters according
to budget; after this, annual growth in net sales of 3.0 per cent and in
operating profit of 8.0 per cent, and a pre-tax discount rate of 8.9 per cent.
Post-forecast-period cash flows were extrapolated using the same assumptions as
for the forecast period. 

According to a completed sensitivity analysis, the goodwill related to domestic
operations requires either net sales to remain at the current level with
profitability of 4.6 per cent, or a 3.0 per cent growth in net sales with
profitability of 2.6 per cent. The management sees no risk of goodwill
impairment associated with domestic operations. 

Present values for the Qt business were calculated for the five-year forecast
period based on the following assumptions: Net sales and operating profit for
the first quarter of the forecast period according to the confirmed figures for
the latest quarter, and for the following three quarters according to budget;
after this, annual growth in net sales of 6.5 per cent and in operating profit
of 5.3 per cent, and a pre-tax discount rate of 8.9 per cent.
Post-forecast-period cash flows were extrapolated using the same assumptions as
for the forecast period. 

According to a completed sensitivity analysis, the goodwill of the Qt business
requires either net sales to remain at the current level with profitability of
4.2 per cent, or a 5.0 per cent growth in net sales with profitability of 1.2
per cent. The management sees no risk of goodwill impairment associated with Qt


At the end of the period, the total number of Group personnel was 938, which
was the same as at the end of 2013 (938). The average number of personnel
during the review period was 934, which was 5 persons of 0.5 per cent less than
the average for the 2013 fiscal year (939). 

Employees by function at the end of the period

Domestic Operations            75%
Qt Operations                  20%
Administration and management   5%

As of the end of the period, 154 (12/2013: 170) employees were working abroad.

The Digia Plc Annual General Meeting of 11 March 2014 re-elected Päivi
Hokkanen, Robert Ingman, Kari Karvinen, Pertti Kyttälä, Seppo Ruotsalainen,
Leena Saarinen and Tommi Uhari as members of the Board.At the organisation
meeting of the Board, Pertti Kyttälä was elected Chairman of the Board and
Robert Ingman, Vice Chairman. 

Juha Varelius has been Digia Plc's President and CEO since 1 January 2008.

Ernst & Young Oy, Authorised Public Accountants, are the Group's auditors, with
Authorised Public Accountant Heikki Ilkka as the principal auditor. 


The company's short-term business risks and uncertainties were described in the
2013 Financial Statements. These are unchanged. 

Risks and their management are described on the company's website at


The objective for the company's domestic operations is to raise profitability
to a good level, and to achieve organic growth at least equivalent to general
market development. Besides organic growth, the company will actively pursue
opportunities to make carefully considered business acquisitions that support
its strategy. 

Within the Qt business, the emphasis is clearly on creating the necessary
conditions for growth. Besides investing in growth, the company will pay
attention to improving profitability. The aim is that the income from the Qt
business should cover its expenses. 

The company expects the Finnish IT market to remain at roughly the previous
year's level in 2014. 

Efforts will continue in order to develop the company's customer understanding
and sales and service portfolio, to ensure that it can offer increasingly
competitive services and solutions for boosting its customers' business
efficiency. On the other hand, there will also be an emphasis on improving
operational efficiency. 

The company expects demand to remain generally good in all domestic business
areas, and that income from operations and operational profitability will
improve as the year progresses. The general market uncertainty may, however, be
reflected in the company's order book and bid volumes. 

The Qt order book is healthy, considering the time of year and general market
situation, and the company expects demand to continue growing even in the large
customer segment. Contract lead times are very long in this market, however -
typically 6-18 months - which can cause significant fluctuations between
quarters in terms of net sales and, particularly, profitability. 

The company estimates that net sales from the Qt business will grow markedly in
2014 compared to 2013. Significant investments will continue in developing the
Qt business and Qt technology, while the company will reinforce its sales
network, especially in Asia. Investments aimed at securing growth will continue
to burden profitability. 

Overall, the company predicts its consolidated net sales for 2014 to grow
organically at a rate exceeding that of the general market. Further investments
in growing the Qt business will continue to hold back the whole company's


Convening on 11 March 2014, Digia Plc's Annual General Meeting (AGM) adopted
the financial statements for 2013, released the Board members and the CEO from
liability, determined Board emoluments, resolved to raise the number of Board
members to seven (7), and elected the company's Board of Directors for a new

With regard to profit distribution for 2013, the AGM approved the Board's
proposal to make a repayment of capital of EUR 0.10 per share to all
shareholders listed on the shareholder list maintained by Euroclear Finland Ltd
on the reconciliation date of 14 March 2014. The date for the repayment of
capital was set as 21 March 2014. 

The AGM granted the following authorisations to the Board

Authorisation for the Board of Directors to decide on buying back own shares
and/or accepting them as collateral 

The AGM authorised the Board to decide on the buyback and/or acceptance as
collateral of a maximum of 2,000,000 shares in the company. This buyback can
only be executed by means of the company's unrestricted equity. The Board shall
decide on how these shares are to be bought. Own shares may be bought back in
disproportion to the holdings of the shareholders. The authorisation also
includes acquisition of shares through public trading organised by NASDAQ OMX
Helsinki Oy in accordance with the rules and instructions of NASDAQ OMX
Helsinki and Euroclear Finland Ltd, or through offers made to shareholders.
Shares may be acquired in order to improve the company's capital structure, to
fund acquisitions or other business transactions, for offering share-based
incentive schemes, to sell on, or to be annulled. The shares must be acquired
at the market price in public trading. This authorisation supersedes that
granted by the AGM of 12 March 2013 and is valid for 18 months - i.e. until 11
September 2015. 

Authorisation for the Board of Directors to decide on a share issue and
granting of special rights 

The AGM authorised the Board to decide on an ordinary or bonus issue of shares
and the granting of special rights (as defined in Section 1, Chapter 10 of the
Limited Liability Companies Act) in one or more instalments, as follows. The
issue may total a maximum of 4,000,000 shares. The authorisation applies both
to new shares and to treasury shares held by the company. By virtue of the
authorisation, the Board has the right to decide on share issues and the
granting of special rights, in deviation from the pre-emptive subscription
rights of the shareholders (a directed issue). The authorisation may be used to
fund or complete acquisitions or other business transactions, for offering
share-based incentive schemes, to develop the company's capital structure, or
for other purposes. The Board was authorised to decide on all terms related to
the share issue or special rights, including the subscription price, its
payment in cash or (partly or wholly) in capital contributed in kind or its
being written off against the subscriber's receivables, and its recognition in
the company's balance sheet. This authorisation supersedes that granted by the
AGM of 12 March 2013 and is valid for 18 months - i.e. until 11 September 2015. 


On 31 March 2014, the number of Digia Plc shares totalled 20,875,645.

At the end of the period, according to Finnish Central Securities Depository
Ltd, Digia had 4,886 shareholders. 

The 10 biggest shareholders were

Shareholder                                   Shares and votes
Ingman Group Oy Ab                                       20.1%
Ilmarinen Mutual Pension Insurance Company               11.5%
Jyrki Hallikainen                                        10.2%
Kari Karvinen                                             6.0%
Matti Savolainen                                          5.8%
Varma Mutual Pension Insurance Company                    4.6%
Evli Finnish Small Cap investment fund                    1.5%
Nordea Finnish Small Cap investment fund                  1.4%
Nordea Bank Finland Plc (nominee-registered)              1.3%
Etola                                                     1.0%

Distribution of holdings by number of shares held on 31 March 2014

Number of shares       Shareholders  Shares and votes
1 - 100                       23.5%              0.4%
101 - 1,000                   58.6%              6.1%
1,001 - 10,000                16.2%             10.2%
10,001 - 100,000               1.3%              9.8%
100,001 - 1,000,000            0.4%             19.8%
1,000,001 - 4,000,000          0.1%             53.8%

Shareholding by sector on 31 March 2014

                                                Shareholders  Shares
Non-financial corporations                              4.3%   25.1%
Financial and insurance corporations                    0.2%    4.9%
General government                                      0.1%   16.2%
Not-for-profit institutions serving households          0.3%    1.2%
Households                                             94.6%   50.1%
Rest of the world                                       0.5%    2.6%

Adjusted for share issues, the weighted average number of shares during the
reporting period totalled 20,795,340. The number of outstanding shares came to
20,775,273 in total at the end of the review period. 

The company held a total of 100,372 treasury shares at the end of the reporting
period. The accounting counter value of these treasury shares is EUR 0.10 per
share. The company held about 0.5 per cent of the capital stock as of 31 March


Digia Plc shares are listed on the NASDAQ OMX Nordic Exchange under IT, IT
Consulting & Other Services. The company's short name is DIG1V. The lowest
reported share quotation was EUR 3.90 and the highest was EUR 4.59. The share
officially closed at EUR 4.06 on the last trading day. The trade-weighted
average was EUR 4.19. The Group's market capitalisation totalled EUR 84,755,119
at the end of the period. 

The company received the following flagging notifications during the reporting

-    Ilmarinen Mutual Pension Insurance Company announced on 18 February 2014
that its holding in the company had risen above the 10% flagging threshold to
10.05% of all shares and votes in the company. 

-    The Ingman Group announced on 25 March 2014 that its holding in the
company had risen above the 20% flagging threshold to 20.12% of all shares and


Digia Plc had no outstanding options.

Helsinki, 30 April 2014

Digia Plc

Board of Directors


Digia will hold a briefing on its Interim Report for analysts on Wednesday 30
April 2014 at 11 am, in the Tapiola cabinet of Hotel Scandic Simonkenttä,
Simonkatu 9, 00100 Helsinki, Finland. All are welcome. 


Juha Varelius, President and CEO, mobile: +358 400 855 849, email:

The Interim Report and the CEO's presentation will be available on
www.digia.com, in the ‘Investors' section, from 11 am on 30 April 2014. 


Key media


Consolidated Income Statement
Consolidated Balance Sheet
Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
Changes in Shareholders' Equity
Notes to the Accounts

The interim report has been prepared in compliance with IFRS and the IAS 34
This interim report is based on unaudited figures.


EUR 1,000                                       Q1/2014  Q1/20  Change      2013
                                                            13      ,%          
NET SALES                                       23,957.  23,51    1.9%  99,740.5
                                                      9    2.9                  
Other operating income                            400.8  291.7   37.4%   1,542.7
Materials and services                          -2,378.  -2,31    2.9%  -11,989.
                                                      0    1.8                 4
Depreciation, amortisation and impairment        -702.8  -731.   -3.9%  -9,977.0
Other operating expenses                        -21,558  -21,2    1.5%  -82,138.
                                                     .3   34.0                 8
Operating profit                                 -280.4  -472.   40.7%  -2,822.0
Financial expenses (net)                         -150.8  -267.  -43.6%    -784.0
Earnings before tax                              -431.2  -740.   41.7%  -3,605.9
Income taxes                                      100.4  268.6  -62.6%    -461.2
NET PROFIT                                       -330.8  -471.   29.9%  -4,067.1
Other comprehensive income:                                                     
Items which may be reclassified subsequently                                    
 to profit or loss:                                                             
Exchange differences on translation of foreign    -44.1  -116.  -62.1%     -36.2
 operations                                                  4                  
TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME                       -375.0  -588.   36.2%  -4,103.3
Distribution of net profit:                                                     
Parent-company shareholders                      -330.8  -471.   29.9%  -4,067.1
Minority interest                                   0.0    0.0               0.0
Distribution of total comprehensive income:                                     
Parent-company shareholders                      -375.0  -588.   36.2%  -4,103.3
Minority interest                                       0.0        0.0    0.0
Earnings per share, EUR                               -0.02      -0.02  -0.02
Earnings per share (diluted), EUR                     -0.02      -0.02  -0.02


Assets                                          31/3/2014  31/12/2013  Change, %
Non-current assets                                                              
Intangible assets                                53,037.0    53,327.2      -0.5%
Tangible assets                                   1,888.2     1,986.0      -4.9%
Financial assets                                    627.0       627.0       0.0%
Inventories                                           0.0         0.6    -100.0%
Long-term receivables                                64.6        64.6       0.0%
Deferred tax assets                                 442.2       370.9      19.2%
Total non-current assets                         56,059.0    56,376.2      -0.6%
Current assets                                                                  
Current receivables                              20,928.0    20,447.8       2.3%
Available-for-sale financial assets                 325.4       324.0       0.4%
Cash and cash equivalents                         2,326.8     6,129.8     -62.0%
Total current assets                             23,580.2    26,901.7     -12.3%
Total assets                                     79,639.3    83,277.9      -4.4%
Shareholders' equity and liabilities            31/3/2014  31/12/2013  Change, %
Share capital                                     2,087.6     2,087.6       0.0%
Rights issue                                          0.0         0.0           
Issue premium fund                                7,899.5     7,899.5       0.0%
Other reserves                                    5,203.8     5,203.8       0.0%
Unrestricted invested shareholders' equity       31,370.3    33,447.8      -6.2%
Translation difference                              473.5       517.6      -8.5%
Retained earnings                               -13,181.2    -9,028.6     -46.0%
Net profit                                         -330.8    -4,067.1      91.9%
Equity attributable to parent-company            33,522.5    36,060.6      -7.0%
Minority interest                                     0.0         0.0           
Total shareholders' equity                       33,522.5    36,060.6      -7.0%
Long-term interest-bearing liabilities           13,301.1    12,741.9       4.4%
Received long-term advances                       2,187.7     2,876.5     -23.9%
Other long-term liabilities                           0.0         0.0           
Deferred tax liabilities                            396.3       461.0     -14.0%
Total long-term liabilities                      15,885.2    16,079.4      -1.2%
Short-term interest-bearing liabilities           3,571.7     4,140.9     -13.7%
Other short-term liabilities                     26,659.8    26,996.9      -1.2%
Total short-term liabilities                     30,231.6    31,137.8      -2.9%
Total liabilities                                46,116.7    47,217.3      -2.3%
Shareholders' equity and liabilities             79,639.3    83,277.9      -4.4%


                                          1/1/2014-31/3/2014  1/1/2013-31/3/2013
Cash flow from operations:                                                      
Net profit                                              -331                -472
Adjustments to net profit                                166                 179
Change in working capital                             -1,328               1,402
Interest paid                                            -82                -141
Interest income                                            0                   0
Taxes paid                                              -168                 -28
Net cash flow from operations                         -1,742                 941
Cash flow from investments:                                                     
Purchases of tangible and intangible                    -315                 -25
Cash flow from investments                              -315                 -25
Cash flow from financing:                                                       
Proceeds from share issue                                  0                   0
Acquisition of own shares                                  0                   0
Repayment of current loans                              -500                -500
Repayments of non-current loans                            0                   0
Withdrawals of current loans                               0                   0
Withdrawals of non-current loans                         560                   0
Dividends paid and other profit                       -1,804              -2,082
Cash flow from financing                              -1,744              -2,582
Change in liquid assets                               -3,802              -1,666
Liquid assets at beginning of period                   6,454               8,283
Change in fair value                                                            
Change in liquid assets                               -3,802              -1,666
Liquid assets at end of period                         2,652               6,617


                                 a  b      c       d      e    f       g       h
Shareholders' equity, 1      2,088  0  7,899  33,448  5,204  554  -7,129  42,063
 January 2013                                                                   
Net profit                                                          -472    -472
Other comprehensive income                                   116             116
Dividends                                                         -2,082  -2,082
Share-based payments                                                 274     274
 recognised against equity                                                      
Other items                                                                     
Shareholders' equity, 31     2,088  0  7,899  33,448  5,204  670  -9,409  39,900
 December 2013                                                                  
                                 a  b      c       d      e    f       g       h
Shareholders' equity, 1      2,088  0  7,899  33,448  5,204  518  -13,09  36,061
 January 2014                                                          6        
Net profit                                                          -331    -331
Other comprehensive income                                   -44             -44
Repayment of capital                          -2,078                      -2,078
Share-based payments                                                 -86     -86
 recognised against equity                                                      
Shareholders' equity, 31     2,088  0  7,899  31,370  5,204  473  -13,51  33,523
 March 2013                                                            2        

a = share capital
b = rights issue
c = share premium
d = unrestricted invested shareholders' equity
e = other reserves
f = currency translation differences
g = retained earnings
h = total shareholders' equity


Accounting principles
The interim report has been drafted in line with IFRS. In other respects, the
same accounting principles have been applied as in the 2013 Financial
Statements. The accounting principles and formulas for the calculation of key
figures and ratios are unchanged and are presented in the 2013 Financial

Seasonal nature of business
The Group's business is affected by the number of workdays each month, as well
as by holiday seasons. 

Dividends paid
Dividends paid in the form of capital repayments during the reporting period
totalled EUR 2,081,827.30. 

Related-party transactions
The Digia Group's related parties include the members of the Board of
Directors, the CEO and Group Management Team. Digia Group had no significant
transactions with related parties during the reporting period. 

Segment information
Digia's business operations are divided into two main business segments:
Domestic and Qt. 

NET SALES, EUR 1,000  Q1/2014  Q1/2013  Change,%    2013
Domestic Operations    19,181   19,557     -1.9%  79,850
Qt Operations           4,777    3,955     20.8%  19,891
Digia Group            23,958   23,513      1.9%  99,740

 EUR 1,000                                                                      
Domestic Operations                                646      447     44.5%  5,395
Qt Operations                                     -926     -920     -0.7%   -846
Digia Group                                       -280     -473     40.7%  4,549

OPERATING PROFIT, EUR 1,000  Q1/2014  Q1/2013  Change,%    2013
Domestic Operations              646      447     44.5%  -1,976
Qt Operations                   -926     -920     -0.7%    -846
Digia Group                     -280     -473     40.7%  -2,822

ASSETS, EUR 1,000    31/3/2014  31/12/2013
Domestic Operations     51,064      53,336
Qt Operations           17,128      16,884
Unallocated             11,487      13,058
Digia Group             79,679      83,278

 Consolidated income statement by quarter

EUR 1,000                         Q1/2014   Q4/2013   Q3/2013  Q2/2013   Q1/2013
Net sales                        23,957.9  26,781.8  21,435.2  28,010.  23,512.9
Other operating income              400.8     504.2     305.9    441.0     291.7
Materials and services           -2,378.0  -3,033.5  -1,871.3  -4,772.  -2,311.8
Depreciation, amortisation and     -702.8  -7,761.9    -708.5   -775.0    -731.5
Other operating expenses         -21,558.  -21,768.  -18,163.  -20,972  -21,234.
                                        3         2         8       .8         0
Operating profit                   -280.4  -5,277.6     997.4  1,931.0    -472.8
Financial expenses (net)           -150.8    -247.3    -264.9     -4.3    -267.5
Earnings before tax                -431.2  -5,524.9     732.5  1,926.8    -740.2
Income taxes                        100.4     128.6    -278.2   -580.2     268.6
Net profit                         -330.8  -5,396.3     454.3  1,346.5    -471.7
Parent-company shareholders        -330.8  -5,396.3     454.3  1,346.5    -471.7
Minority interest                     0.0       0.0       0.0      0.0       0.0
Earnings per share, EUR             -0.02     -0.26      0.02     0.04     -0.02
Earnings per share (diluted),       -0.02     -0.26      0.02     0.04     -0.02

Group key figures and ratios

EUR 1,000                                                   Q1/2014  Q1/2013
Extent of business:                                                         
Net sales                                                    23,958   23,513
- change from previous year                                    1.9%    -9.8%
Average capital invested                                     51,669   60,463
Personnel at period end                                         938      943
Average number of personnel                                     934      947
Operating profit before extraordinary items and impairment     -280     -473
- % of net sales                                              -1.2%    -2.0%
Operating profit                                               -280     -473
- % of net sales                                              -1.2%    -2.0%
Earnings before tax                                            -431     -740
- % of net sales                                              -1.8%    -3.1%
Net profit                                                     -331     -472
- % of net sales                                              -1.4%    -2.0%
Return on equity, %                                           -3.8%    -9.8%
Return on investment, %                                       -1.6%    -2.7%
Financing and financial standing:                                           
Interest-bearing liabilities                                 16,873   19,114
Short-term investments & cash and bank receivables        2,652    6,617
Net gearing                                                   42.4%    31.3%
Equity ratio                                                  48.7%    50.3%
Net cash flow from operations                                -1,742      941
Earnings per share, undiluted, EUR                            -0.02    -0.02
Earnings per share, diluted, EUR                              -0.02    -0.02
Equity/share, EUR                                              1.61     1.91
Lowest share trading price, EUR                                3.90     2.65
Highest share trading price, EUR                               4.59     3.18
Average share price, EUR                                       4.19     3.00
Market capitalisation                                        84,755   61,583

Formulae for key figures and ratios are presented in the 2013 financial
statements. These remained unchanged during the reporting period.