2017-01-05 13:00:01 CET

2017-01-05 13:00:01 CET


TEO LT, AB - Notification on material event

Appetite for 4G data has been unstoppably growing in Lithuania

According to data of 2016, appetite for mobile data has rapidly increased in
Lithuania – the share of transmitted 4G data in the network of TEO LT, AB
subsidiary Omnitel alone accounted for 77 percent in December, and increased by
a third during the year. The trend is also confirmed by data of the
international telecommunications market research company Tefficient – Lithuania
is among the leaders in the global telecommunications map. 

According to Tefficient statistics, in terms of the growing use of 4G data, the
Lithuanian market can be distinguished in the world, and along with customers
of Turkey, Austria and the South Korea it increased the most in 2016. This fact
can also be confirmed by behaviour of customers of Omnitel, which has the
fastest and broadest 4G network in Lithuania according to official data of the
Communications Regulatory Authority (RRT). Last year they used the most 4G data
throughout the entire history of development of this technology in Lithuania.
The number of active 4G customers increased by 42 percent to 280 thousand
customers during the year, while the average amount of actually used 4G data
per month per customer increased by almost a fifth to 6.06 gigabytes (GB). 

Omnitel mobile connection plans updated in October of last year with the
average data price having dropped by up to 40 percent affected the increased 4G
data consumption in Omnitel network. Also unlimited Internet plans for laptops
and tablets were introduced, while the sales of smart phones in the month of
December alone increased by 25 percent. 

         Audrius Stasiulaitis,
         tel. +370 5 236 7019