2014-12-18 14:30:00 CET

2014-12-18 14:30:56 CET


Cargotec - Company Announcement

Share subscriptions with Cargotec 2010 stock options in 2015


Share subscriptions with Cargotec 2010 stock options in 2015

The shares subscribed for under Cargotec 2010A and 2010B stock options during
2015 will be registered in the Trade Register and listed on NASDAQ OMX Helsinki
Ltd on the following target dates:

|Share subscription deadline|Estimated registration date|Estimated listing date|
|30 April 2015              |18 May 2015                |19 May 2015           |
|15 July 2015               |31 July 2015               |3 August 2015         |
|15 October 2015            |3 November 2015            |4 November 2015       |
|11 December 2015           |29 December 2015           |30 December 2015      |

The shares subscribed with the options entitle holders to dividends and other
shareholder rights after the shares have been registered. Cargotec reserves the
right to change any of the Trade Register entry dates indicated above, if
necessary. Also, Cargotec does not assume any liability for non-registrations
occurring on any of the above-mentioned dates.

Evli Bank Plc will act as the share subscription agent.

Each stock option 2010A entitles its holder to subscribe for one (1) new class B
share at a subscription price of EUR 18.60 by 30 April 2015. Each stock option
2010B entitles its holder to subscribe for one (1) new class B share at a
subscription price of EUR 29.09 by 30 April 2016. The amount of the dividend
decided before share subscription will be deducted from the share subscription
price as per each dividend record date.

The terms and conditions of the stock options are available on Cargotec's
website www.cargotec.com.

For further information, please contact:
Eeva Sipilä, Executive Vice President and CFO, tel. +358 20 777 4104
Paula Liimatta, Director, Investor Relations, tel. +358 20 777 4084

Cargotec shapes the cargo handling industry for the benefit of its customers and
shareholders. Cargotec's business areas MacGregor, Kalmar and Hiab are
recognised leaders in cargo and load handling solutions around the world. Their
global network is positioned close to customers and offers extensive services
that ensure a continuous, reliable and sustainable performance according to
customers' needs. Cargotec's sales totalled approximately EUR 3.2 billion in
2013 and it employs approximately 11,000 people. Cargotec's class B shares are
quoted on NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Ltd under symbol CGCBV. www.cargotec.com
