2010-01-25 12:32:09 CET

2010-01-25 12:33:09 CET


Lietuvos Juru Laivininkyste AB - Notification on material event

AB”Lietuvos juru laivininkyste” preliminary results of 2009 year.

The preliminary results of 2009 year published in the press are not correct.    
At the present time the AB Lietuvos juru laivininkyste results of 2009 year are 
being collected and checked. At the same time the auditors are engaged in the   
The preliminary calculated loss before tax is LTL-28.772.267(EUR- 8.333.024). 
The loss is as a result of the global financial crisis and  very low freight    

  Arvydas Stropus                                                               
  Chief accountant                                                              
  Ph.:(+370 46)393126