2008-02-29 08:57:12 CET

2008-02-29 08:58:12 CET


Englanti Liettua
Lietuvos Elektrine AB - Interim information

Lietuvos Elektrinė AB: Performance for the twelve months of 2007

The result of operation of Lietuvos elektrine AB (company code 110780933) for
the twelve months of 2007 is a pre-audited profit before taxes of LTL 42.47
million (EUR 12.30 million) (LTL 31.17 million (EUR 9.03 million) at the twelve
months of 2006). 
The income for the twelve months of 2007 amounted to LTL 305.06 million (EUR
88.35 million)(LTL 264.09 million (EUR 76.48 million) for the twelve months of

Rolandas Jankauskas
tel. +370 528 33743