2011-04-28 14:00:00 CEST

2011-04-28 14:01:49 CEST


Ahlstrom - Interim report (Q1 and Q3)

Ahlstrom interim report January-March 2011: Profitability improved in a challenging cost environment

Ahlstrom Corporation STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE 28.4.2011 at 15.00

January-March 2011 compared with January-March 2010:

  * Net sales EUR 491.6 million (EUR 441.0 million), an increase of 11.5% year-

  * Operating profit EUR 20.8 million (EUR 14.0 million) and operating profit
    excluding non-recurring items EUR 21.3 million (EUR 13.7 million).

  * Operating margin excluding non-recurring items 4.3% (3.1%).

  * Profit before taxes EUR 15.5 million (EUR 7.4 million).

  * Earnings per share EUR 0.17 (EUR 0.09).

  * Net cash flow from operating activities EUR 18.5 million (EUR 32.1

Highlights in January-March 2011

  * Encouraging net sales development with 11.5% year-on-year growth.

  * Ahlstrom launched its renewed brand and brand identity.

  * Production at the Louveira filtration plant in Brazil was fully resumed
    within a month after flooding in January.

Outlook for 2011

  * Ahlstrom maintains its outlook for 2011. Net sales for the current year are
    estimated to amount to EUR 1,920-2,080 million. Operating profit excluding
    non-recurring items is estimated to be EUR 90-110 million.

Jan Lång, President & CEO:

- Our development continued to be positive in the first quarter despite of the
persisting raw material cost inflation. Nevertheless, we managed to improve our
profitability. Active management of the supply chain cost base, notably in
manufacturing and sourcing, improved our competitiveness. Going forward, active
pricing management remains among our top priorities in safeguarding our
profitability, especially against the increasing chemical and synthetic fiber
costs this year.

- We launched a new brand identity in February reflecting the company's refined
strategy, values and new operating model, as well as a new corporate image.

- Our employees at the Louveira filtration plant in Brazil did an excellent job
in cleaning up the site after the flood and limiting the damages incurred to a

Key figures

                                       Q1/           Q1/      Change,
Million EUR                           2011          2010            %       2010

Net sales                            491.6         441.0         11.5    1,894.2

Operating profit                      20.8          14.0         48.3       53.7

Operating profit excl. NRI            21.3          13.7         55.0       74.2

     % of net sales                    4.3           3.1                     3.9

Profit before taxes                   15.5           7.4        110.5       25.5

Profit for the period                  9.6           5.5         74.8       17.9

Earnings per share                    0.17          0.09            -       0.26

Return on capital employed
(ROCE), %                              8.2           5.2            -        5.0

Equity ratio, %                       42.3          43.1            -       45.6

Gearing ratio, %                      48.4          55.3            -       46.9

Interest-bearing net
liabilities                          315.2         375.9        -16.1      330.1

Capital expenditure
(excluding acquisitions)               6.0           6.5         -7.2       51.1

Net cash flow from
operating activities                  18.5          32.1        -42.2      167.5

Number of personnel, at the
end of the period                    5,719         5,787         -1.2      5,688

Operating environment

The demand for Ahlstrom's products continued to grow in the first quarter 2011,
with the exception of specialty papers. Growth was particularly strong in
wallcover, building and food packaging materials. The demand for wipes turned
positive after a decline in the fourth quarter 2010. Geographically, the Asia-
Pacific region showed again the strongest growth in net sales. Europe and North
America reported solid growth as well.

Cost inflation related to the main raw materials used by Ahlstrom continued in
the review period. Prices of synthetic fibers, such as polymers and chemicals,
increased significantly during the first quarter, driven by increasing demand in
Asia, tight availability and higher oil prices. Pulp prices in the first quarter
2011 remained at the high levels of the fourth quarter 2010. Increased raw
material costs were partly compensated by higher selling prices in the quarter.

Development of net sales

Net sales by business area          Q1/   Q1/ Change,          2010
                                   2011  2010       %

Building and Energy                78.6  62.1    26.7         268.9

Filtration                         82.3  79.0     4.2         339.8

Food and Medical                   93.4  82.0    13.9         354.7

Home and Personal                  79.0  66.0    19.5         290.8

Label and Processing              181.7 172.0     5.6         724.3

Other functions* and eliminations -23.3 -20.1       -         -84.4

Total net sales                   491.6 441.0    11.5       1,894.2

* Other functions include financing and taxation-related items, as well as
earnings and costs belonging to holding and sales companies.

Net sales in January-March 2011

Ahlstrom's first-quarter 2011 net sales increased 11.5% to EUR 491.6 million,
compared with EUR 441.0 million in the first quarter 2010.

On a comparable basis, about 10% of the net sales increase was driven by price
increases and product mix. Currency effect increased net sales by about 1.5% and
higher volumes by about 3%. Divestments of the Dust Filtration business and the
Altenkirchen plant announced at the end of 2010 reduced net sales by about 3%.

The Asia-Pacific region (+28.3%) and Europe (+10.7%) reported the fastest year-
on-year growth. Net sales in South America grew by 9.6% and 8.9% in North

Volumes rose in all but one Business Area from the first quarter 2010. Building
and Energy (+15.2%), Home and Personal (+10.9%), Food and Medical (+9.0%), and
Filtration (+1.5%) increased their volumes, while Label and Processing (-5.1%)
reported a decline.  Divestments of the Dust Filtration business, part of
Filtration, in the U.S. and the Altenkirchen plant, part of Label and
Processing, in Germany had a total negative impact of about 2% on volumes.

Building and Energy

Building and Energy net sales rose 26.7% to EUR 78.6 million (EUR 62.1 million).
The increase resulted from higher selling prices and the continued growth in the
wallcover, building and flooring material markets.  Positive development in the
wind power markets using Ahlstrom's fiberglass products continued in Europe.


Filtration net sales increased 4.2% to EUR 82.3 million (EUR 79.0 million).
Growth was supported by the improved demand in the transportation industry
globally as well as increased selling prices to cover higher chemicals and
specialty pulp costs.

Food and Medical

Food and Medical net sales rose 13.9% to EUR 93.4 million (EUR 82.0 million).
The increase was due to the higher volumes of food packaging materials and
medical drapes applications as well as increased selling prices. Further price
increases have been announced to cover increased raw materials costs.

Home and Personal

Home and Personal net sales increased 19.5% to EUR 79.0 million (EUR 66.0
million). The increase was driven by higher volumes, particularly in Europe, as
well as increased selling prices. Further price increases have been announced to
cover increased raw material costs.

Label and Processing

Label and Processing net sales rose 5.6% to EUR 181.7 million (EUR 172.0
million). The increase was due to higher selling prices to cover increased raw
material costs. Volumes, however, declined, partly due to the divestment of the
Altenkirchen plant in 2010.

Result and profitability

Financial result                   Q1/  Q1/ Change, 2010
by business area                  2011 2010    MEUR

Building and Energy

  Operating profit excl. NRI       2.3 -1.8     4.1  1.3

           % of net sales          3.0 -2.8       -  0.5

  Operating profit/loss            2.3 -1.8     4.1  1.3


  Operating profit excl. NRI       8.2  7.5     0.8 27.8

           % of net sales         10.0  9.4       -  8.2

  Operating profit/loss            7.1  7.5    -0.4  3.1

Food and Medical

  Operating profit excl. NRI       3.0  4.0    -1.0 14.0

           % of net sales          3.2  4.8       -  4.0

  Operating profit/loss            3.0  4.0    -1.0 13.0

Home and Personal

  Operating profit excl. NRI       2.5  0.4     2.0  6.3

            % of net sales         3.1  0.7       -  2.2

   Operating profit/loss           2.2  0.4     1.8  6.1

Label and Processing

  Operating profit excl. NRI       6.2  5.3     0.9 30.6

           % of net sales          3.4  3.1       -  4.2

  Operating profit/loss            6.2  5.3     0.9 32.2

Other functions* and eliminations

  Operating profit/Loss            0.0 -1.4     1.4 -2.0

Ahlstrom Group total

  Operating profit excl. NRI      21.3 13.7     7.5 74.2

           % of net sales          4.3  3.1       -  3.9

  Operating profit/loss           20.8 14.0     6.8 53.7

  ROCE, %                          8.2  5.2       -  5.0

* Other functions include financing and taxation-related items, as well as
earnings and costs belonging to holding and sales companies.

Result and profitability in January-March 2011

Ahlstrom's first-quarter 2011 operating profit was EUR 20.8 million (EUR 14.0
million) including non-recurring items of EUR -0.4 million (EUR 0.3 million).
Operating profit excluding non-recurring items was EUR 21.3 million (EUR 13.7

The most significant non-recurring items in the first quarter 2011 were the

  * Filtration booked a loss of EUR 1.1 million due to the flooding at Louveira
    and is related to insurance policy deductibles and additional freight costs.

  * In other functions, Ahlstrom booked a gain of EUR 1.0 million related to the
    sale of the Wuxi plant in China.

There were no significant non-recurring items in the first quarter 2010.

The operating profit was positively impacted by higher volumes and improved
efficiency, offsetting a poorer product mix in some Business Areas. Supply chain
cost management, particularly in manufacturing and sourcing, had a positive
impact on profitability. The challenges in the ramp-up and commercialization of
the new production lines continued to have a negative impact on profitability.

Increased raw material costs were partly compensated by higher selling prices in
the quarter. Further selling price increases have been announced for the second
quarter in order to compensate for the cost inflation incurred in the first

Ahlstrom's market related downtime in production was 6.6% in the first quarter
2011 compared with 10.8% in the comparison period.

Building and Energy

Building and Energy operating profit excluding non-recurring items increased to
EUR 2.3 million from a loss of EUR 1.8 million in the first quarter 2010,
boosted by the improved utilization rate levels. This was partially offset by
the ramp-up costs of the hybrid wallcover line in Turin, Italy. No non-recurring
items were booked.


Filtration operating profit excluding non-recurring items was EUR 8.2 million
(EUR 7.5 million). The result was helped by increased volumes and better
efficiency. Operating profit amounted to EUR 7.1 million (EUR 7.5 million) and
was adversely impacted by the non-recurring costs related to the flood at the
Louveira plant.

Food and Medical

Food and Medical operating profit excluding non-recurring items decreased to EUR
3.0 million (EUR 4.0 million). The result was burdened by the poor product mix
and higher raw material costs. The medical nonwovens plant in Mundra, India, and
the teabag material line in Chirnside, U.K., continued to weaken profitability.
No non-recurring items were booked.

Home and Personal

Home and Personal operating profit excluding non-recurring items rose to EUR
2.5 million (EUR 0.4 million). The result was supported by improved material
efficiency, such as lower production waste, and higher volumes. Operating profit
amounted to EUR 2.2 million (EUR 0.4 million).

Label and Processing

Label and Processing operating profit excluding non-recurring items increased to
EUR 6.2 million (EUR 5.3 million), helped by better manufacturing efficiencies.
La Gere improved profitability albeit still burdening the result. No non-
recurring items were booked.

Net financial expenses were EUR 5.3 million (EUR 6.7 million). Net financial
expenses include net interest expenses of EUR 3.8 million (EUR 5.7 million),
financing exchange rate losses of EUR 0.4 million (EUR 0.4 million gain), and
other financial expenses of EUR 1.2 million (EUR 1.4 million).

Profit before taxes was EUR 15.5 million (EUR 7.4 million).

Income taxes amounted to EUR 5.9 million (EUR 1.9 million).

Profit for the period was EUR 9.6 million (EUR 5.5 million). Earnings per share
were EUR 0.17 (EUR 0.09).

Return on capital employed (ROCE) amounted to 8.2% (5.2%), and return on equity
(ROE) was 5.7% (3.2%).


Net cash flow from operating activities amounted to EUR 18.5 million in the
first quarter 2011 (EUR 32.1 million), and cash flow after investments was EUR
13.1 million (EUR 25.1 million).

During the first quarter 2011, operative working capital increased by EUR 16.1
million to EUR 210.4 million from the end of 2010. Its turnover rose by two days
and was 39 days at the end of the review period.

Ahlstrom's interest-bearing net liabilities decreased by EUR 14.8 million from
the end of 2010 to EUR 315.2 million (December 31, 2010: EUR 330.1 million).
Ahlstrom's interest bearing liabilities amounted to EUR 340.1 million. The
duration of the loan portfolio (average interest rate fixing period) was 25
months and the capital weighted average interest rate was 4.36%. The average
maturity of the loan portfolio was 37 months.

The company's liquidity is good. At the end of the review period, its total
liquidity, including cash, unused committed credit facilities and cash pool
limits was about EUR 418 million. In addition, the company had uncommitted
credit facilities of about EUR 76 million available.

The gearing ratio increased to 48.4% (December 31, 2010: 46.9%). The equity
ratio was 42.3% (December 31, 2010: 45.6%).

Capital expenditure

Ahlstrom's capital expenditure excluding acquisitions totaled EUR 6.0 million in
January-March 2011 (EUR 6.5 million).

Changes in Executive Management Team

In March 2011, Luc Rousselet was appointed Executive Vice President, Supply
Chain, and member of the Executive Management Team as of June 15, 2011.

In April 2011, Paul H. Stenson was appointed Executive Vice President, Business
Development, and member of the Executive Management Team as of May 30, 2011.

Both Rousselet and Stenson will report to Jan Lång, the President & CEO.

Implementation of the new operating model

In conjunction with the reorganization last year, Ahlstrom started the
implementation of its new operating model. By strengthening and harmonizing
global processes the company aims to increase its customer focus and enhance the
management of the entire product and supply chain. During the first quarter
2011, development programs aimed at enhancing planning and harmonization of
processes continued.

Ahlstrom plans to spend EUR 12 million in 2011 on the development programs to
harmonize global processes and for significant training activities.

Waste management program

The project to reduce material waste in manufacturing launched in 2010 has
progressed as planned. Ahlstrom aims to reduce production waste volume by 15
percent, which equals to annual savings of approximately EUR 20 million as of
2012. By the end of the first quarter 2011, the project had been launched at 22
plants out of the total of 37, and the intention is to expand it to all
production units by the end of this year.


Ahlstrom employed on average 5,729 people[1] in the first quarter 2011 (5,773),
and 5,719 people (5,787) at the end of the period. The number of personnel
increased through an acquisition in China and the hiring of new employees in
India. The number of personnel has decreased due to the earlier announced unit
divestments. At the end of the period, the highest numbers of employees were in
the United States (22.2%), France (21.3%), Italy (12.4%), Finland (11.1%),
Brazil (7.2%) and Germany (6.8%).

Annual General Meeting

Ahlstrom Corporation's Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGM) was held on
March 30, 2011.

The AGM resolved to distribute a dividend of EUR 0.88 per share for the fiscal
year that ended on December 31, 2010 from the retained earnings in accordance
with the proposal of the Board of Directors. In addition, the AGM resolved to
reserve EUR 100,000 to be used for donations at the discretion of the Board of

The AGM approved the financial statements and discharged the members of the
Board of Directors and the President & CEO from liability for the fiscal year
January 1-December 31, 2010.

The AGM confirmed the number of Board members to be seven. Thomas Ahlström,
Sebastian Bondestam, Lori J. Cross, Anders Moberg and Peter Seligson were re-
elected as members of the Board of Directors. Esa Ikäheimonen and Pertti
Korhonen were elected as new members. The term of the Board of Directors will
expire at the close of the next Annual General Meeting.

PricewaterhouseCoopers Oy was re-elected as Ahlstrom's auditor as recommended by
the Audit Committee. PricewaterhouseCoopers Oy has designated Authorized Public
Accountant Eero Suomela as the Responsible Auditor.

Authorizations to repurchase and distribute the company's own shares as well as
to accept them as pledge

The AGM authorized the Board of Directors to repurchase and distribute the
company's own shares as well as to accept them as pledge as proposed by the
Board of Directors. The number of shares to be repurchased or accepted as pledge
by virtue of the authorization shall not exceed 4,000,000 shares in the company,
yet always taking into account the limitations set forth in the Companies' Act
as regards the maximum number of shares owned by or pledged to the company or
its subsidiaries. The shares may be repurchased only through public trading at
the prevailing market price by using unrestricted shareholders' equity. The
rules and guidelines of NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Oy and Euroclear Finland Ltd shall
be followed in the repurchase.

The authorization includes the right for the Board of Directors to decide upon
all other terms and conditions for the repurchase of the company's own shares,
or their acceptance as pledge, including the right to decide on the repurchase
of the company's own shares otherwise than in proportion to the shareholders'
holdings in the company.

By virtue of the authorization, the Board of Directors has the right to resolve
to distribute a maximum of 4,000,000 own shares held by the company. The Board
of Directors was authorized to decide to whom and in which order the own shares
will be distributed. The Board of Directors may decide on the distribution of
the company's own shares otherwise than in proportion to the existing pre-
emptive right of shareholders to purchase the company's own shares. The shares
may be used e.g. as consideration in acquisitions and in other arrangements as
well as to implement the Company's share-based incentive plans in the manner and
to the extent decided by the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors has also
the right to decide on the distribution of the shares in public trading for the
purpose of financing possible acquisitions. The authorization also includes the
right for the Board of Directors to resolve on the sale of the shares accepted
as a pledge. The authorization includes the right for the Board of Directors to
resolve upon all other terms and conditions for the distribution of the shares
held by the Company.

The authorizations for the Board of Directors to repurchase the Company's own
shares, to distribute them as well as to accept them as pledge are valid for 18
months from the close of the Annual General Meeting but will, however, expire at
the close of the next Annual General Meeting, at the latest.

Decisions taken by the Board of Directors

After the AGM, the organization meeting of the Board of Directors elected Peter
Seligson as Chairman and Pertti Korhonen as Vice Chairman of the Board.

The Board of Directors appointed three permanent committees. The members of the
Audit Committee are Esa Ikäheimonen (Chairman), Thomas Ahlström and Sebastian
Bondestam. The members of the Compensation Committee are Peter Seligson
(Chairman), Lori J. Cross and Anders Moberg. Five persons were appointed as
members of the Nomination Committee: Peter Seligson (Chairman), Pertti Korhonen
and Anders Moberg as well as the non-board members Carl Ahlström and Risto
Murto. The composition of the Nomination Committee aims at increasing
shareholder influence in nomination matters.

Other events in January-March 2011

The Louveira plant in Brazil resumed full production after the facility was hit
by floods in January. During the shutdown Ahlstrom was able to supply its
customers from Louveira's inventory, which was not damaged in the flooding.
Ahlstrom also started to import filtration material from its plants in North
America and Europe to ensure the most urgent deliveries to its South American

In February, Ahlstrom launched its renewed brand and brand identity to better
reflect the company's refined strategy, new operating model and values.

In March, the company agreed to sell the buildings, land and assets of its
Ascoli plant in Italy to Eurocomet. The value of the transaction is
approximately EUR 4.0 million, of which the land and buildings comprise EUR 2.5
million. Ahlstrom will book a non-recurring gain of approximately EUR 2.0
million in its second-quarter financial results.

In March, Ahlstrom completed the divestment of the Wuxi plant in China to Andrew
Industries. The sale was announced in December 2010.

Shares and share capital

Ahlstrom's shares are listed on the NASDAQ OMX Helsinki. Ahlstrom has one series
of shares. The share is classified under NASDAQ OMX's Materials sector and the
trading code is AHL1V.

During January-March 2011, a total of 3.48 million Ahlstrom shares were traded
for a total of EUR 58.6 million. The lowest trading price was EUR 14.75 and the
highest EUR 18.23. The closing price on March 31, 2011 was EUR 17.38. The market
capitalization at the end of the review period was EUR 805.6 million, excluding
the shares owned by the parent company and Ahlcorp Oy, which is a management
ownership company.

Ahlstrom Group's equity per share was EUR 12.30 at the end of the review period
(December 31, 2010: EUR 13.48).


Ahlstrom's outlook remains unchanged. The demand for most of Ahlstrom's products
is anticipated to increase this year, backed by global economic growth. The
growth rate is expected to stabilize from 2010.

Ahlstrom estimates net sales for the current year to amount to EUR 1,920-2,080
million. Operating profit excluding non-recurring items is estimated to be EUR
90-110 million. In 2010, Ahlstrom's net sales were EUR 1,894.2 million and
operating profit excluding non-recurring items was EUR 74.2 million.

The cost inflation of raw materials continues to be a challenge. The company
will continue to increase selling prices in order to cover the recent and
possible future increases in raw material costs.

In 2011, investments excluding acquisitions are estimated to be approximately
EUR 105 million (EUR 51.1 million in 2010). The figure includes investments that
have already been announced such as the filtration material capacity increase in
Turin and the crepe paper plant investment together with a joint venture partner
in China.

Short-term risks

Economic growth in Asia and other emerging markets has continued to be strong.
Growth in Europe and North America has also reached a more sustainable basis.
However, the development still varies from area to area.  It is still difficult
to assess the possible impacts of the earthquake in Japan and the unrest in the
Middle East and northern Africa on global economic growth.

Global inflation has accelerated at a faster pace than earlier anticipated, led
by higher oil and commodity prices. This may impact disposable incomes adversely
and slow down economic growth, and thus the demand for products manufactured by
Ahlstrom might be affected accordingly. In addition, cuts in public expenditure
due to the debt crisis and tax increases in Europe pose a risk to a sustained
growth. If global economic growth slows down, the planned price increases may
not materialize and even the risk of reductions in selling prices might grow.

Ahlstrom's main raw materials are natural fibers, mainly pulp, synthetic fibers
and chemicals. The company is one of the world's largest buyers of market pulp.
The prices of synthetic fibers are expected to continue rising in the second
quarter, while the price level of some chemicals has stabilized.

If the prices of raw materials remain at a high level or continue to rise, and
the increased raw material costs cannot be passed onto selling prices,
maintaining the current profitability level might be compromised.

The general risks of Ahlstrom's business operations are described in greater
detail on the company website at www.ahlstrom.com and in the report by the Board
of Directors in the company's Annual Report 2010. The risk management process is
also described in the Corporate Governance Statement available on the company

                                   *   *   *

This interim report has been prepared in accordance with the International
Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). Comparable figures refer to the same
period last year unless otherwise stated.

This report contains certain forward-looking statements that reflect the present
views of the company's management. The statements contain uncertainties and
risks and are thus subject to changes in the general economic situation and in
the company's business.

Helsinki, April 28, 2011

Ahlstrom Corporation
Board of Directors

Additional information

Jan Lång, President & CEO, tel. +358 (0)10 888 4700
Seppo Parvi, CFO, tel. +358 (0)10 888 4768

Ahlstrom's President & CEO Jan Lång and CFO Seppo Parvi will hold a conference
call in English for analysts, investors and representatives of the media today,
April 28, 2011 at 5:00 p.m. (CET+1). To participate in the conference call,
please dial (09) 2319 4349 in Finland or +44 (0)20 7806 1950 outside Finland a
few minutes before the conference begins. The access code is 9434510.

The conference call can also be listened to live on the Internet. The link to
the English-language presentation (an audio webcast) including slides is
available on the company website at www.ahlstrom.com. Questions may also be
submitted in writing via the Internet. Listening to the conference call requires

An on-demand webcast including slides is available for viewing and listening on
the company website for one year after the conference call.

Presentation material will be available on April 28, 2011 after the Interim
Report is published, at www.ahlstrom.com > Investors > Reports and presentations> 2011. Material in Finnish will be available at www.ahlstrom.fi > Sijoittajat >
Katsaukset ja presentaatiot > 2011.

In addition, President & CEO Lång and CFO Parvi will present the January-March
2011 interim report in a Finnish-language press and analyst conference in
Helsinki tomorrow,  April 29, 2011, at 9:00 a.m. (CET+1). The conference will
take place at Event Arena Bank, address Unioninkatu 20, 2nd floor. The meeting
room will be announced on the display board in the lobby.

Ahlstrom's financial information in 2011

Ahlstrom will publish financial information in 2011 as follows:

|Report                          |Date of publication |Silent period   |
|Interim Report January-June     |Wednesday, August 10|July 1-August 10|
|Interim Report January-September|Monday, October 24  |October 1-24    |
During the silent period, Ahlstrom will not communicate with capital market

Ahlstrom in brief

Ahlstrom is a high performance materials company, partnering with leading
businesses around the world to help them stay ahead. Our products are used in a
large variety of everyday applications, such as filters, wallcovers, wipes,
flooring, labels and food packaging. We have a leading market position in the
businesses in which we operate. Our 5,700 employees serve customers in 26
countries on six continents. In 2010, Ahlstrom's net sales amounted to EUR 1.9
billion. The company's share is quoted on the NASDAQ OMX Helsinki. More
information available at www.ahlstrom.com.


Consolidated financial statements


Financial statements are unaudited.

INCOME STATEMENT                                    Q1     Q1    Q1-Q4

EUR million                                       2011   2010     2010

Net sales                                        491.6  441.0  1,894.2

Cost of goods sold                              -427.3 -385.3 -1,647.7
Gross profit                                      64.4   55.7    246.5

Sales and marketing expenses                     -14.7  -13.3    -52.6

R&D expenses                                      -5.2   -4.6    -20.3

Administrative expenses                          -24.5  -25.0   -108.8

Other operating income                             1.8    2.1     17.1

Other operating expense                           -0.9   -0.8    -28.1
Operating profit / loss                           20.8   14.0     53.7

Net financial expenses                            -5.3   -6.7    -26.8

Share of profit / loss of associated companies    -0.0   -0.0     -1.4
Profit / loss before taxes                        15.5    7.4     25.5

Income taxes                                      -5.9   -1.9     -7.6
Profit / loss for the period                       9.6    5.5     17.9
Attributable to

Owners of the parent                               9.4    5.5     17.9

Non-controlling interest                           0.2      -      0.0
Earnings per share, EUR

- Basic and diluted *                             0.17   0.09     0.26

* With the effect of interest on hybrid bond for the period, net of tax


EUR million                                       2011 2010  2010

Profit / loss for the period                       9.6  5.5  17.9

Other comprehensive income, net of tax

Translation differences                          -16.6 23.0  39.2

Hedges of net investments in foreign operations      - -2.0  -2.8

Cash flow hedges                                   0.2 -0.3   0.8
Other comprehensive income, net of tax           -16.4 20.7  37.3
Total comprehensive income for the period         -6.8 26.2  55.2
Attributable to

Owners of the parent                              -7.0 26.2  55.2

Non-controlling interest                           0.2    -   0.0

BALANCE SHEET                                Mar 31, Mar 31, Dec 31,

EUR million                                     2011    2010    2010


Non-current assets

Property, plant and equipment                  666.9   724.0   704.9

Goodwill                                       150.4   158.5   156.2

Other intangible assets                         47.3    53.2    49.5

Investments in associated companies             10.6    12.0    10.7

Other investments                                0.4     0.2     0.4

Other receivables                               37.5    23.4    35.8

Deferred tax assets                             55.4    59.3    54.9
Total non-current assets                       968.5 1,030.7 1,012.4

Current assets

Inventories                                    208.1   181.3   198.0

Trade and other receivables                    337.0   332.2   305.8

Income tax receivables                           1.8     3.6     2.4

Other investments                                  -       -       -

Cash and cash equivalents                       24.8    27.2    24.6
Total current assets                           571.7   544.3   530.8

Total assets                                 1,540.2 1,575.0 1,543.2


Equity attributable to owners of the parent    570.2   599.3   623.0

Hybrid bond                                     80.0    80.0    80.0

Non-controlling interest                         1.0       -     0.9
Total equity                                   651.2   679.3   703.8

Non-current liabilities

Interest-bearing loans and borrowings          251.9   183.6   261.7

Employee benefit obligations                    75.8    78.9    76.2

Provisions                                       3.0     5.0     3.1

Other liabilities                                3.2     0.7     4.4

Deferred tax liabilities                        28.3    27.9    27.7
Total non-current liabilities                  362.1   296.1   373.1

Current liabilities

Interest-bearing loans and borrowings           88.2   219.4    93.0

Trade and other payables                       425.3   366.1   361.1

Income tax liabilities                           5.9     3.5     4.4

Provisions                                       7.5    10.6     7.8
Total current liabilities                      526.8   599.6   466.2

Total liabilities                              889.0   895.7   839.3

Total equity and liabilities                 1,540.2 1,575.0 1,543.2

Statement of changes in equity

1) Issued capital
2) Share premium
3) Non-restricted equity reserve
4) Hedging reserve
5) Translation reserve
6) Own shares
7) Retained earnings
8) Total attributable to owners of the parent
9) Non-controlling interest
10) Hybrid bond
11) Total equity

EUR million              1)    2)  3)   4)    5)   6)    7)    8)  9)  10)   11)

Equity at January
1, 2010                70.0 209.3 8.3 -0.8 -17.7    - 336.6 605.6   - 80.0 685.6

Profit / loss for the
period                    -     -   -    -     -    -   5.5   5.5   -    -   5.5

Other comprehensive
net of tax

differences               -     -   -    -  23.0    -     -  23.0   -    -  23.0

    Hedges of net
   in foreign
operations                -     -   -    -  -2.0    -     -  -2.0   -    -  -2.0

    Cash flow hedges      -     -   - -0.3     -    -     -  -0.3   -    -  -0.3

Dividends paid and
other                     -     -   -    -     -    - -26.0 -26.0   -    - -26.0

Hybrid bond               -     -   -    -     -    -     -     -   -    -     -

Interest on hybrid
bond                      -     -   -    -     -    -  -5.6  -5.6   -    -  -5.6

Purchases of own
shares                    -     -   -    -     - -0.9     -  -0.9   -    -  -0.9

Share ownership plan
for EMT                   -     -   -    -     -    -     -     -   -    -     -

Change in non-
interests                 -     -   -    -     -    -     -     -   -    -     -

Share-based incentive
plan                      -     -   -    -     -    -   0.0   0.0   -    -   0.0
Equity at March
31, 2010               70.0 209.3 8.3 -1.2   3.3 -0.9 310.5 599.3   - 80.0 679.3

Equity at January
1, 2011                70.0 209.3 8.3  0.0  18.8 -6.4 323.0 623.0 0.9 80.0 703.8

Profit / loss for the
period                    -     -   -    -     -    -   9.4   9.4 0.2    -   9.6

Other comprehensive
net of tax

differences               -     -   -    - -16.6    -     - -16.6   -    - -16.6

    Hedges of net
   in foreign
operations                -     -   -    -     -    -     -     -   -    -     -

    Cash flow hedges      -     -   -  0.2     -    -     -   0.2   -    -   0.2

Dividends paid and
other                     -     -   -    -     -    - -41.1 -41.1   -    - -41.1

Hybrid bond               -     -   -    -     -    -     -     -   -    -     -

Interest on hybrid
bond                      -     -   -    -     -    -  -5.6  -5.6   -    -  -5.6

Purchases of own
shares                    -     -   -    -     -    -     -     -   -    -     -

Share ownership plan
for EMT                   -     -   -    -     -    -     -     -   -    -     -

Change in non-
interests                 -     -   -    -     -    -     -     -   -    -     -

Share-based incentive
plan                      -     -   -    -     -  2.0  -1.1   1.0   -    -   1.0
Equity at March
31, 2011               70.0 209.3 8.3  0.2   2.2 -4.3 284.6 570.2 1.0 80.0 651.2

STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS                                          Q1    Q1  Q1-Q4

EUR million                                                    2011  2010   2010

Cash flow from operating activities

Profit / loss for the period                                    9.6   5.5   17.9

Adjustments, total                                             35.2  33.5  145.2

Changes in net working capital                                -32.4  12.7   69.2

Change in provisions                                           -0.2  -2.2   -4.9

Financial items                                                 7.1 -16.2  -53.2

Income taxes paid / received                                   -0.7  -1.3   -6.8
Net cash from operating activities                             18.5  32.1  167.5

Cash flow from investing activities

Acquisition of Group companies                                    -     -  -11.2

Purchases of intangible and tangible assets                    -7.5  -7.5  -48.7

Other investing activities                                      2.0   0.5   11.3
Net cash from investing activities                             -5.5  -7.0  -48.7

Cash flow from financing activities

Dividends paid and other                                       -0.3     -  -25.9

Repurchase of own shares                                          -  -0.9   -2.0

Investment to Ahlstrom Corporation shares related to share
ownership plan for EMT                                            -     -   -3.5

Payments received on hybrid bond                                  -     -      -

Interest on hybrid bond                                           -     -   -7.6

Changes in loans and other financing activities               -11.9 -17.5  -76.9
Net cash from financing activities                            -12.2 -18.4 -115.8

Net change in cash and cash equivalents                         0.8   6.6    2.9

Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the period       24.6  19.9   19.9

Foreign exchange adjustment                                    -0.6   0.6    1.7
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period             24.8  27.2   24.6

KEY FIGURES                                                 Q1      Q1   Q1-Q4

                                                          2011    2010    2010

Personnel costs                                          -87.4   -84.1  -350.0

Depreciation and amortization                            -25.2   -25.5  -104.8

Impairment charges                                           -    -0.0    -0.2

Operating profit, %                                        4.2     3.2     2.8

Return on capital employed (ROCE), %                       8.2     5.2     5.0

Return on equity (ROE), %                                  5.7     3.2     2.6

Interest-bearing net liabilities, EUR million            315.2   375.9   330.1

Equity ratio, %                                           42.3    43.1    45.6

Gearing ratio, %                                          48.4    55.3    46.9

Basic earnings per share *, EUR                           0.17    0.09    0.26

Equity per share, EUR                                    12.30   12.86   13.48

Average number of shares during the period, 1000's      46,248  46,642  46,514

Number of shares at the end of the period, 1000's       46,349  46,596  46,224

Capital expenditure, EUR million                           6.0     6.5    51.1

Capital employed at the end of the period, EUR million   991.3 1,082.4 1,058.5

Number of employees, average                             5,729   5,773   5,823

* With the effect of interest on hybrid bond for the period, net of tax

Accounting principles

This interim report has been prepared in accordance with IAS 34, Interim
Financial reporting, as adopted by EU and the accounting principles set out in
the Group's Financial Statements for 2010 except for the changes below.

Changes in accounting principles

The following new or amended standards and interpretations which the Group has
adopted as of January 1, 2011 have not had impact on the consolidated financial

- IAS 32 Financial Instruments: Presentation (amendment) - Classification of
Rights Issues

- IAS 24 Related Party Disclosures (revised)

- IFRIC 14 Prepayments of a Minimum Funding Requirement (amendment)

- IFRIC 19 Extinguishing Financial Liabilities with Equity Instruments

Disposals of businesses in 2011

On December 7, 2010 Ahlstrom signed an agreement to sell Wuxi plant in China and
three production lines in Bethune in the USA to Andrew Industries. Ahlstrom
completed the sales of production lines in Bethune on December 22, 2010 and the
sales of Wuxi on March 31, 2011. The value of the Wuxi transaction is EUR 1.1

DISPOSALS OF BUSINESSES           Book values of assets

EUR million                                 disposed of

Property, plant and equipment                         -

Intangible assets                                     -

Inventories                                         0.1

Trade and other receivables                         0.2

Cash and cash equivalents                           0.2

Financial liabilities                                 -

Trade and other payables                            0.3
Net assets                                          0.3

Total transaction value                             1.1

Consideration received (in cash)                    0.4

Cash (disposed of)                                  0.2
Net cash inflow                                     0.2

SEGMENT INFORMATION                      Q1      Q1   Q1-Q4

EUR million                            2011    2010    2010

Building and Energy                    78.6    62.1   268.9

Filtration                             82.3    79.0   339.8

Food and Medical                       93.4    82.0   354.7

Home and Personal                      79.0    66.0   290.8

Label and Processing                  181.7   172.0   724.3

Other operations                       15.4     9.5    44.4

Internal sales                        -38.7   -29.6  -128.8
Total net sales                       491.6   441.0 1 894.2

Building and Energy                     4.2     3.5    14.3

Filtration                              2.1     1.9     7.3

Food and Medical                        9.6     7.0    34.5

Home and Personal                       6.2     5.3    24.4

Label and Processing                    7.6     7.7    30.5

Other operations                        9.1     4.2    17.7
Total internal sales                   38.7    29.6   128.8

Building and Energy                     2.3    -1.8     1.3

Filtration                              7.1     7.5     3.1

Food and Medical                        3.0     4.0    13.0

Home and Personal                       2.2     0.4     6.1

Label and Processing                    6.2     5.3    32.2

Other operations                        0.2    -1.4    -2.0

Eliminations                           -0.2    -0.0     0.1
Operating profit / loss                20.8    14.0    53.7

Return on capital employed (RONA), %

Building and Energy                     6.3    -4.4     0.9

Filtration                             17.2    16.7     1.8

Food and Medical                        5.7     7.7     6.3

Home and Personal                       4.7     0.9     3.1

Label and Processing                    8.9     6.9    10.9

Group (ROCE), %                         8.2     5.2     5.0

Building and Energy                   149.9   161.0   147.7

Filtration                            163.1   183.7   166.1

Food and Medical                      202.8   211.2   213.0

Home and Personal                     186.3   202.9   190.1

Label and Processing                  278.7   300.9   277.9

Other operations                      -51.0   -37.3    -1.1

Eliminations                           -0.5    -0.4    -0.3
Total net assets                      929.4 1 022.0   993.3

Building and Energy                     1.2     0.4     6.0

Filtration                              0.8     0.3     6.8

Food and Medical                        1.8     4.4    13.0

Home and Personal                       1.3     0.0     3.8

Label and Processing                    0.1     1.0    19.4

Other operations                        0.8     0.3     2.1
Total capital expenditure               6.0     6.5    51.1

Building and Energy                    -4.7    -4.4   -18.1

Filtration                             -4.1    -4.7   -19.1

Food and Medical                       -4.8    -4.4   -20.2

Home and Personal                      -4.0    -4.2   -16.6

Label and Processing                   -7.1    -7.2   -28.4

Other operations                       -0.6    -0.6    -2.3
Total depreciation and amortization   -25.2   -25.5  -104.8

Building and Energy                       -       -       -

Filtration                                -       -       -

Food and Medical                          -       -       -

Home and Personal                         -       -    -0.0

Label and Processing                      -    -0.0    -0.1

Other operations                          -       -       -
Total impairment charges                  -    -0.0    -0.2

Building and Energy                       -       -       -

Filtration                             -1.1       -   -24.7

Food and Medical                          -       -    -1.0

Home and Personal                      -0.2       -    -0.3

Label and Processing                      -     0.0     1.6

Other operations                        1.0     0.3     3.8
Total non-recurring items              -0.4     0.3   -20.5


EUR million           2011  2010    2010

Building and Energy   33.8  29.3   121.1

Filtration            28.4  28.0   115.1

Food and Medical      33.7  30.9   125.4

Home and Personal     27.6  24.9   104.1

Label and Processing 148.2 156.2   601.0

Other operations       2.1   1.7     8.2

Eliminations         -15.9 -15.8   -63.0
Total sales tons     257.9 255.2 1,011.9

   Segment information is presented according to the IFRS standards.

NET SALES BY REGION     Q1    Q1   Q1-Q4

EUR million           2011  2010    2010

Europe               267,3 241,5   987,3

North America        112,0 102,9   455,9

South America         52,0  47,4   214,1

Asia-Pacific          51,2  39,9   197,5

Rest of the world      9,1   9,3    39,4
Total net sales      491,6 441,0 1 894,2


EQUIPMENT                                   Q1-Q1 Q1-Q1 Q1-Q4

EUR million                                  2011  2010  2010

Book value at Jan 1                         704.9 717.6 717.6

Acquisitions through business combinations      -     -  12.2

Additions                                     5.2   6.5  49.9

Disposals                                    -0.0  -0.1 -10.2

Depreciations and impairment charges        -24.0 -24.1 -99.2

Translation differences and other changes   -19.2  24.2  34.6

Book value at the end of the period         666.9 724.0 704.9


EUR million                              2011  2010  2010

Transactions with associated companies

Sales and interest income                 0.1   0.1   0.5

Purchases of goods and services          -0.8  -0.5  -2.8

Trade and other receivables               0.1   0.0   0.1

Trade and other payables                  0.1   0.3   0.2

Market prices have been used in transactions with associated companies.

OPERATING LEASES     Mar 31, Mar 31, Dec 31,

EUR million             2011    2010    2010

Current portion          6,5     6,7     7,1

Non-current portion     19,5    19,6    20,3
Total                   25,9    26,3    27,4

COLLATERALS AND COMMITMENTS         Mar 31, Mar 31, Dec 31,

EUR million                            2011    2010    2010

Mortgages                              73.0    73.0    73.0

Pledges                                 0.2     0.3     0.2


Guarantees given on behalf of group
       companies                       18.7    20.1    19.8

Guarantees given on behalf of
      associated companies             15.0     1.0       -

Capital expenditure commitments        14.0     7.7     3.6

Other commitments                       1.6     3.0     2.6

QUARTERLY DATA                            Q1     Q4     Q3     Q2     Q1

EUR million                             2011   2010   2010   2010   2010

Net sales                              491.6  481.4  482.4  489.4  441.0

Cost of goods sold                    -427.3 -425.6 -420.5 -416.3 -385.3
Gross profit                            64.4   55.8   61.9   73.1   55.7

Sales and marketing expenses           -14.7  -12.5  -12.7  -14.1  -13.3

R&D expenses                            -5.2   -5.4   -5.2   -5.1   -4.6

Administrative expenses                -24.5  -28.4  -25.9  -29.5  -25.0

Other operating income                   1.8    8.3    0.9    5.9    2.1

Other operating expense                 -0.9  -24.6   -2.1   -0.6   -0.8
Operating profit / loss                 20.8   -7.0   16.9   29.8   14.0

Net financial expenses                  -5.3   -5.4   -7.9   -6.9   -6.7

Share of profit / loss of associated
companies                               -0.0   -0.2   -0.7   -0.4   -0.0
Profit / loss before taxes              15.5  -12.6    8.3   22.5    7.4

Income taxes                            -5.9    5.8   -4.2   -7.4   -1.9
Profit / loss for the period             9.6   -6.8    4.1   15.1    5.5

Attributable to

Owners of the parent                     9.4   -6.8    4.1   15.1    5.5

Non-controlling interest                 0.2   -0.0    0.0      -      -

QUARTERLY DATA BY SEGMENT             Q1    Q4    Q3    Q2    Q1

EUR million                         2011  2010  2010  2010  2010

Net sales

Building and Energy                 78.6  72.2  66.3  68.3  62.1

Filtration                          82.3  84.9  87.4  88.5  79.0

Food and Medical                    93.4  92.3  88.7  91.7  82.0

Home and Personal                   79.0  75.2  78.3  71.3  66.0

Label and Processing               181.7 181.9 182.2 188.1 172.0

Other operations and eliminations  -23.3 -25.2 -20.5 -18.6 -20.1
Group total                        491.6 481.4 482.4 489.4 441.0

Operating profit / loss

Building and Energy                  2.3   1.2   0.5   1.4  -1.8

Filtration                           7.1 -20.7   7.0   9.4   7.5

Food and Medical                     3.0   2.1   1.6   5.3   4.0

Home and Personal                    2.2   1.7   2.6   1.3   0.4

Label and Processing                 6.2   5.0   7.7  14.2   5.3

Other operations and eliminations    0.0   3.8  -2.6  -1.8  -1.4
Group total                         20.8  -7.0  16.9  29.8  14.0

Sales tons, thousands of tons

Building and Energy                 33.8  31.8  28.8  31.2  29.3

Filtration                          28.4  28.5  28.9  29.7  28.0

Food and Medical                    33.7  32.1  30.1  32.3  30.9

Home and Personal                   27.6  26.5  27.5  25.2  24.9

Label and Processing               148.2 143.3 144.5 156.9 156.2

Other operations and eliminations  -13.8 -14.8 -12.8 -13.2 -14.1
Group total                        257.9 247.4 247.1 262.1 255.2

KEY FIGURES QUARTERLY                             Q1     Q4     Q3     Q2     Q1

EUR million                                     2011   2010   2010   2010   2010

Net sales                                      491.6  481.4  482.4  489.4  441.0

Operating profit / loss                         20.8   -7.0   16.9   29.8   14.0

Profit / loss before taxes                      15.5  -12.6    8.3   22.5    7.4

Profit / loss for the period                     9.6   -6.8    4.1   15.1    5.5

Gearing ratio, %                                48.4   46.9   47.7   50.3   55.3

Return on capital employed (ROCE), %             8.2   -2.5    6.0   10.9    5.2

Basic earnings per share *, EUR                 0.17  -0.18   0.06   0.29   0.09

Average number of shares during the period,   46,248 46,305 46,517 46,596 46,642
* With the effect of interest on hybrid bond for the period, net of tax

Calculation of key figures

Interest-bearing net

Interest-bearing loans and borrowings - Cash and cash equivalents - Other
investments (current)

Equity ratio, %

Total equity/
                   x 100

Total assets - Advances

Gearing ratio, %

Interest-bearing net liabilities/
            x 100

Total equity

Return on equity (ROE), %

Profit (loss) for the period/
            x 100

Total equity (annual average)

Return on capital employed
(ROCE), %

Profit (loss) before taxes + Financing expenses/
                       x 100

Total assets (annual average) - Non-interest bearing
liabilities (annual average)

Basic earnings per share, EUR

Profit (loss) for the period - Non-controlling interest - Interest on hybrid
bond for the period, net of tax/

Average number of shares
during the period

Diluted earnings per share,

Profit (loss) for the period - Non-controlling interest - Interest on hybrid
bond for the period, net of tax/

Average diluted number of
shares during the period

Equity per share, EUR

Equity attributable to owners
of the parent/

Number of outstanding shares
at the end of the period
