2017-11-02 07:35:00 CET

2017-11-02 07:35:23 CET


English Finnish
Sponda - Other information disclosed according to the rules of the Exchange

Sponda will redeem the EUR 95 million hybrid bond

Sponda   Plc                     Stock  Exchange  Release
November 2, 2017 at 08:35 a.m.

Sponda will redeem the EUR 95 million hybrid bond

Sponda  Plc ("Sponda") will redeem the  EUR 95 million capital securities (ISIN:
FI4000052113)  (the  "Hybrid  Bond")  issued  by Sponda on December 5, 2012. The
redemption  will be  made on  December 5, 2017 in  accordance with the terms and
conditions  of the Hybrid Bond. The holders  of the Hybrid Bond are not required
to take any action in respect to the redemption.

The  notice of redemption to the calculation agent and the holders of the Hybrid
Bond is attached hereto.

Sponda Plc

Board of Directors

Further information: Niklas Nylander, CFO, tel. +358 40 754 5961

Sponda in brief:

Sponda is a property investment company specializing in commercial properties in
the  largest cities in Finland.  Sponda's business concept is  to own, lease and
develop retail and office properties and shopping centers into environments that
promote  the business success of its clients. As at September 30, 2017, the fair
value  of Sponda's investment  properties was approximately  EUR 3.9 billion and
the leasable area was approximately 1.2 million square meters.

Annex 1:

From:      Sponda Plc (the "Issuer")

To:          Holders of the Capital Securities; and

Nordea  Bank AB (publ), Finnish Branch (formerly Nordea Bank Finland Plc) in its
capacity as the Calculation Agent

Dated:     November 2, 2017

Dear Sirs/Madams,

Sponda  Plc - Terms  and Conditions of  EUR 95,000,000 Capital Securities (ISIN:
FI4000052113) (the "Terms and Conditions")

This  notice  (this  "Notice")  is  addressed  to  the Calculation Agent and the
Holders under the Terms and Conditions.

Save  as otherwise defined in this Notice,  words and expressions defined in the
Terms  and Conditions shall have the same  meanings when used in this Notice and
references  to a  "Clause" or  "Clauses" in  this Notice  are references to that
clause or those clauses in the Terms and Conditions.

1. Redemption of the Capital Securities

We  refer to  Clause 7.4 (Redemption  at the  option of  the Issuer)  and hereby
notify  the Calculation Agent  and the Holders  that we will  redeem the Capital
Securities  in whole  on December  5, 2017 at an  amount equal  to the principal
amount, together with any Accrued Interest.

2. Other provisions

The  provisions of Clauses  19.1 and 19.2 shall be  deemed to be incorporated in
this  Notice mutatis mutandis as if fully set forth herein, save that references
to  "these  Terms  and  Conditions"  shall  be  construed as references to "this

Yours faithfully,

For and on behalf of

Sponda Plc

as the Issuer

By:                /S/ NIKLAS NYLANDER

Name:          Niklas Nylander

Title:            Authorized Signatory
