2008-02-05 08:35:14 CET

2008-02-05 08:35:27 CET


Vilkyskiu Pienine AB - Notification on material event

Notice of the extraordinary general meeting of shareholders

By the initiative and decision of the Board of  Vilkyskiu pienine AB
(Reg.No.277160980) the extraordinary general meeting of shareholders to be held
on March 7, 2008 at 11:00 in the head-office of the company (Vilkyskiai,
Pagegiai municipality) is convened. The registration of shareholders starts at
10:00 till 10:50. 

On the Agenda:
1. Increase of share capital by issuing new shares.
2. Recalling priority of current shareholders to buy new issue.
3. Increase of management board to 5 members.
4. Change of Company's articles of association.
5. Deputation of authority.

The registration day of the extraordinary general meeting is February 29, 2008.
Shareholders must present personal identification document, authorized persons
- the Power of Attorney. 
Additional information about the material event can be obtained from the
authorised person - Economist - Analyst  Mrs. Vilija Milaseviciute, tel +370
441 55102.