2017-07-28 15:00:04 CEST

2017-07-28 15:00:04 CEST


Nurminen Logistics Oyj - Major shareholder announcements

Disclosure under Chapter 9 Section 5 of the Securities Markets Act

Nurminen Logistics Plc                       Stock Exchange Release       28
July 2017 at 4.00 p.m. Finnish time

Nurminen Logistics Plc (Nasdaq Helsinki: NLG1V) (“Nurminen Logistics”, the
“Company”) has 28 July 2017 received a notification in accordance with Chapter
9, Section 5 of the Securities Markets Act (“SMA”) from Risto Käkelä.

According to the notification, the total number of Nurminen Logistics shares and
voting rights owned by Avant Tecno Oy was 7.85 per cent of Nurminen Logistics’
total number of shares and voting rights on 28 July 2017. Avant Tecno Oy is an
entity controlled by Risto Käkelä. According to the notification, in accordance
with the SMA and the guidelines issued by the Finnish Financial Supervisory
Authority, the notified ownership percentages presented in the notification have
been calculated against the current total number of shares and votes published
by Nurminen Logistics being 43 904 174 including the treasury shares held by
Nurminen Logistics.

Total position of Risto Käkelä (through Avant Tecno Oy, an entity controlled by
Risto Käkelä) subject to the notification:

|                |% of      |% of shares and voting rights       |Total of |
|                |shares and|through financial instruments (total|both in %|
|                |voting    |of B)                               |(A+B)    |
|                |rights    |                                    |         |
|                |(total    |                                    |         |
|                |of A)     |                                    |         |
|Resulting       |7.85      |-                                   |7.85     |
|situation on the|          |                                    |         |
|date on         |          |                                    |         |
|which threshold |          |                                    |         |
|was crossed or  |          |                                    |         |
|reached         |          |                                    |         |
|Position of     |-         |-                                   |-        |
|previous        |          |                                    |         |
|notification    |          |                                    |         |
|(if applicable) |          |                                    |         |

Notified details of the resulting situation on the date on which the threshold
was crossed or reached:

A: Shares and voting rights

|Class/type of      |Number            |% of shares and voting rights|
|sharesISIN code (if|of                |                             |
|possible)          |shares            |                             |
|                   |and               |                             |
|                   |voting            |                             |
|                   |rights            |                             |
|Direct             |Indirect|Direct   |Indirect        |
|(SMA 9:5)          |(SMA 9:6|(SMA 9:5)|(SMA 9:6 ja 9:7)|
|                   |ja 9:7) |         |                |
|FI0009900187       |-       |3 446 392|-               |7.85        |
|SUBTOTAL A         |3 446             |7.85                         |
|                   |392               |                             |

Nurminen Logistics Plc

Marko Tuunainen
President and CEO
tel. +10 545 7011

Nasdaq Helsinki
Main Media
Finnish Financial Supervisory Authority
