2010-04-09 09:00:00 CEST

2010-04-09 09:00:02 CEST


Anglų Suomių
Vaahto Group Plc Oyj - Interim report (Q1 and Q3)


VAAHTO GROUP PLC OYJ INTERIM REPORT 9.4.2010 at 10.00                           


Vaahto Group's turnover for September 1, 2009, to February 28, 2010, was 18.2   
million euros (compared with 32.3 million euros for the corresponding period in 
the previous fiscal year), with an operating loss of 3.7 million euros          
(comparative: operating loss of 2.8 million euros). The turnover saw a decrease 
of 44% from that of the reference period, undermining the result. Vaahto Group's
order book decreased by 30% during the period under review; it was 17.1 million 
euros at the beginning of the period and 12.0 million euros at the end.         

Pulp & Paper Machinery                                                          

The Pulp & Paper Machinery division's turnover for the period under review was  
12.1 million euros (18.7 million euros), with an operating loss of 3.5 million  
euros (operating loss of 3.5 million euros). The turnover decreased by 35% from 
that of the reference period, and the division's result was unprofitable.       

The market for the Pulp & Paper Machinery division's Projects unit picked up    
during the period, and the number of significant projects in the offer phase has
been on the increase. After the end of the period under review, the division    
received a headbox order from the Chinese Taishan Gypsum Co. Ltd.               

The market situation has improved for this division's Vaahto Service unit, and  
the period saw its order book increase. The product selection for paper machine 
servicing expanded in line with objectives during the period under review,      
contributing to the increase in Vaahto Service's order book.                    
During the period under review, the Board of Directors of the parent company    
decided to establish a production unit for the Pulp & Paper Machinery division  
in China. According to the objective set, this production unit is to start      
operations during the 2010-2011 fiscal year.                                    

Process Machinery                                                               

The Process Machinery division's turnover for the period under review was 6.2   
million euros (14.2 million euros), with an operating loss of 0.3 million euros 
(operating profit of 0.7 million euros). The turnover decreased by 56% from that
of the reference period, and the division's result was unprofitable.            

During the period under review, Vaahto Ltd. has entered into an agreement with  
Kavika Oy to sell the HVAC-business of Process Machinery division. The          
transaction has not a material impact on Process Machinery division's net sales 
for the period 2009 - 2010. During the period under review Vaahto Ltd. booked a 
light profit from the sale.                                                     

The Process Machinery division's market situation is still weak. However, slight
improvement was detected in the market during the period under review, and the  
division's order book increased slightly for both tanks and agitators. The      
upturn in the order book in the face of the poor market situation was           
facilitated by the division's strong competitiveness in the energy and          
environmental sectors.                                                          

Research and development                                                        

The Group's research and development activities during the period under review  
concentrated for the most part on improving the competitiveness of the Pulp &
Paper Machinery division's key components for paper and board machines, and on  
expansion of the roll servicing product selection. The scope of the Group's R&D 
activities remained the same as in the previous fiscal period.                  


The Group's capital expenditure for the period came to 0.3 million euros (2.4   
million euros). The investments consisted mainly of smaller machinery and       
equipment acquisitions and of investments in information systems.               


The decrease in debt, including interest, was 3.1 million euros. The total of   
the consolidated balance sheet was 36.9 million euros (50.1 million euros at the
end of previous fiscal period). The Group's equity ratio decreased to 22.3%     
(compared with 23.2% at the end of the previous fiscal year).                   

The decrease of the balance sheet during the period under review is mostly      
because of a payment received at the end of the previous fiscal year for        
delivery of a significant project, but payments for to suppliers have been made,
for the most part, during the current fiscal year. This is also reflected in the
operating cash flow in the cash flow calculation and key figures.               


The number of the Group's personnel averaged 376 over the period (410 in the    
previous fiscal year).                                                          

Share issue authorizations                                                      

The Board of Directors has no authority to issue new shares, convertible bonds, 
or bonds with warrants, nor the authorization to obtain or surrender shares.    

International financial reporting standards                                     

The interim report was drawn up in accordance with the International Financial  
Reporting Standards (IFRS) standard IAS 34 (“Interim Financial Reporting”).     

Forecast of developments                                                        

The international market situation has remained weak for the most part, although
significant improvement has been detected lately. During the period under       
review, Vaahto Group took extensive measures to improve its competitiveness, and
these measures, along with the improved market situation, are expected to result
in growth in the Group's order book.                                            

Vaahto Group's order book decreased significantly in the previous fiscal year,  
and the starting point for the current fiscal year therefore was highly         
challenging. In spite of the cost-adjustment procedures performed, the first    
half of the fiscal year showed a clearly negative result. Although the Group's  
profitability is expected to increase toward the end of the financial year, the 
full-year result will still be clearly negative.                                

Interim management statement                                                    

In the second half of the September 1, 2009, to August 31, 2010, financial year,
Vaahto Group Plc Oyj will publish an interim management statement instead of an 
interim report on operations during a nine-month period. The interim management 
statement will be published on July 2, 2010.                                    

| CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF      |      Interim |      Interim |        Annual |
| COMPREHENSIVE INCOME, IFRS     |       Report |       Report |        Report |
| 1000 EUR                       |    1.9.2009- |    1.9.2008- |     1.9.2008- |
|                                |    28.2.2010 |    28.2.2009 |     31.8.2009 |
|                                |     6 months |     6 months |     12 months |
| Net sales                      |       18 234 |       32 280 |        75 694 |
| Change in finished             |          927 |       -1 085 |        -3 109 |
| goods and work                 |              |              |               |
| in progress                    |              |              |               |
| Production for own use         |          244 |          566 |           834 |
| Other operating income         |          524 |           35 |           401 |
| Share of profits of affiliated |            9 |           25 |            13 |
| companies                      |              |              |               |
| Material and services          |       -9 417 |      -17 369 |       -43 503 |
| Employee benefit expenses      |       -8 570 |      -10 962 |       -19 708 |
| Depreciations                  |       -1 246 |       -1 467 |        -2 423 |
| Other operating expenses       |       -4 423 |       -4 781 |       -10 520 |
| Operating profit               |       -3 717 |       -2 758 |        -2 320 |
| Financing income               |           10 |           54 |            86 |
| Financing expenses             |         -379 |         -540 |         -1001 |
| Profit or loss before taxes    |       -4 086 |       -3 244 |        -3 235 |
| Tax on income from operations  |          899 |          843 |           857 |
| Profit or loss for the period  |       -3 187 |       -2 401 |        -2 378 |
| Other comprehensive income:    |              |              |               |
| Translation differences        |           -5 |           25 |            21 |
| Cash flow hedging              |           23 |         -292 |          -223 |
| Income tax relating to         |           -6 |           76 |            58 |
| components of other            |              |              |               |
| comprehensive income           |              |              |               |
| Other comprehensive            |           12 |         -191 |          -144 |
| income, net of tax             |              |              |               |
| Total comprehensive income     |       -3 176 |       -2 592 |        -2 522 |
| Net profit or loss             |              |              |               |
| attributable:                  |              |              |               |
| To equity holders              |       -3 016 |       -2 372 |        -2 316 |
| of the parent                  |              |              |               |
| To minority interest           |         -171 |          -28 |           -62 |
| Total                          |       -3 187 |       -2 401 |        -2 378 |
| Total comprehensive income     |              |              |               |
| attributable:                  |              |              |               |
| To equity holders              |       -3 004 |       -2 564 |        -2 460 |
| of the parent                  |              |              |               |
| To minority interest           |         -171 |          -28 |           -62 |
| Total                          |       -3 176 |       -2 592 |        -2 522 |
| Earnings per share calculated  |              |              |               |
| on profit attributable to      |              |              |               |
| equity holders of the parent:  |              |              |               |
| EPS undiluted,                 |        -1,05 |        -0,83 |         -0,81 |
| euros/share                    |              |              |               |
| EPS diluted,                   |        -1,05 |        -0,83 |         -0,81 |
| euros/share                    |              |              |               |
| Average number                 |        2 872 |        2 872 |         2 872 |
| of shares                      |              |              |               |
| CONSOLIDATED                   |      Interim |      Interim |        Annual |
| BALANCE SHEET, IFRS            |       Report |       Report |        Report |
| 1000 EUR                       |    28.2.2010 |    28.2.2009 |     31.8.2009 |
| Assets                         |              |              |               |
| Intangible assets              |        2 086 |        2 441 |         2 495 |
| Goodwill                       |        1 702 |        1 702 |         1 702 |
| Tangible assets                |       15 431 |       15 803 |        16 012 |
| Shares in affiliated companies |           54 |           62 |            50 |
| Non-current trade and other    |           12 |           13 |            12 |
| receivables                    |              |              |               |
| Other long-term investments    |           44 |           44 |            44 |
| Deferred tax asset             |        2 233 |        1 446 |         1 225 |
| Non-current assets             |       21 562 |       21 510 |        21 540 |
| Inventories                    |        4 850 |        7 993 |         4 627 |
| Trade receivables and other    |       10 224 |       15 724 |        11 519 |
| receivables                    |              |              |               |
| Tax receivable, income tax     |            0 |        1 017 |             0 |
| Cash and bank                  |          217 |          440 |        12 400 |
| Current assets                 |       15 291 |       25 174 |        28 546 |
| Total assets                   |       36 853 |       46 684 |        50 086 |
| Equity and liabilities         |              |              |               |
| Share capital                  |        2 872 |        2 872 |         2 872 |
| Share premium account          |            6 |            6 |             6 |
| Other reserves                 |        1 849 |        1 787 |         1 835 |
| Translation differences        |           20 |           40 |            20 |
| Retained earnings              |        1 923 |        4 865 |         4 941 |
| Equity attributable            |        6 669 |        9 570 |         9 673 |
| to equity holders              |              |              |               |
| of the parent                  |              |              |               |
| Minority share                 |        1 057 |        1 262 |         1 229 |
| Shareholders' equity           |        7 726 |       10 832 |        10 902 |
| Deferred tax liability         |          580 |          725 |           528 |
| Long-term liabilities,         |        5 760 |        7 429 |         6 928 |
| interest-bearing               |              |              |               |
| Non-current provisions         |          268 |          271 |           355 |
| Non-current liabilities        |        6 607 |        8 425 |         7 812 |
| Short-term liabilities,        |        9 716 |       11 164 |         6 679 |
| interest-bearing               |              |              |               |
| Trade payables and other       |       12 672 |       16 197 |        24 628 |
| liabilities                    |              |              |               |
| Tax liability                  |          132 |           67 |            65 |
| Current liabilities            |       22 520 |       27 427 |        31 372 |
| Liabilities                    |       29 127 |       35 852 |        39 184 |
| Total equity and liabilities   |       36 853 |       46 684 |        50 086 |
| KEY FIGURES, IFRS              |      Interim |      Interim |        Annual |
|                                |       Report |       Report |        Report |
|                                |    1.9.2009- |    1.9.2008- |     1.9.2008- |
|                                |    28.2.2010 |    28.2.2009 |     31.8.2009 |
| Operating profit or loss       |       -3 717 |       -2 758 |        -2 320 |
| 1000 EUR                       |              |              |               |
| Operating profit or loss % of  |        -20,4 |         -8,5 |          -3,1 |
| turnover                       |              |              |               |
| Return on equity %             |        -34,2 |        -19,5 |         -19,3 |
| Return on investment %         |        -15,6 |         -9,4 |          -8,5 |
| Earnings per share EUR         |        -1,05 |        -0,83 |         -0,81 |
| Shareholders'                  |         2,32 |         3,33 |          3,37 |
| equity per share EUR           |              |              |               |
| Solidity %                     |         22,3 |         25,1 |          23,2 |
| Gearing                        |        197,5 |        167,6 |          11,1 |
| Order backlog 1000 EUR         |       12 015 |       43 194 |        17 098 |
| Gross investments              |          258 |        2 385 |         3 656 |
| 1000 EUR                       |              |              |               |
| Total average number           |          376 |          417 |           410 |
| of personnel                   |              |              |               |
| CONSOLIDATED FLOW OF           |      Interim |      Interim |        Annual |
| FUNDS                          |       Report |       Report |        Report |
| STATEMENT, IFRS                |    1.9.2009- |    1.9.2008- |     1.9.2008- |
| 1000 EUR                       |    28.2.2010 |    28.2.2009 |     31.8.2009 |
|                                |     6 months |     6 months |     12 months |
| Profit or loss before taxes    |       -4 086 |       -3 244 |        -3 235 |
| Adjustments                    |        1 065 |        1 947 |         3 422 |
| Change in working capital      |      -10 794 |          142 |        17 229 |
| Financial income and expenses  |         -434 |         -553 |          -961 |
| and taxes                      |              |              |               |
| Flow of funds from operations  |      -14 249 |       -1 707 |        16 456 |
| Investments in tangible and    |         -258 |       -2 385 |        -3 656 |
| intangible assets              |              |              |               |
| Income from sales of tangible  |          457 |            7 |            61 |
| and intangible assets          |              |              |               |
| Repayments of loans            |            0 |            0 |             1 |
| Flow of funds from investments |          198 |       -2 378 |        -3 595 |
| Increase of the interest-      |        3 199 |        6 135 |         7 349 |
| bearing liabilities            |              |              |               |
| Decrease of the interest-      |       -1 331 |       -2 007 |        -8 207 |
| bearing liabilities            |              |              |               |
| Dividends                      |            0 |         -333 |          -333 |
| Flow of funds from             |        1 868 |        3 795 |        -1 191 |
| financial items                |              |              |               |
| Change of liquid funds         |      -12 183 |         -290 |        11 670 |

| STATEMENT OF    |   Share |   Hedg- |   Other |  Retai- |   Mino- |    Total |
| CHANGES IN      | capital |     ing |reserves |     ned |    rity |          |
| SHAREHOLDERS'   |     and | reserve |         |   earn- |   inte- |          |
| EQUITY,         |   share |         |         |    ings |    rest |          |
| IFRS            | premium |         |         |         |         |          |
| 1000 EUR        | account |         |         |         |         |          |
| Interim         |         |         |         |         |         |          |
| Report          |         |         |         |         |         |          |
| 1.9.2009 -      |         |         |         |         |         |          |
| 28.2.2010       |         |         |         |         |         |          |
| Shareholders'   |    2878 |    -258 |    2093 |    4960 |    1229 |    10902 |
| equity 1.9.2009 |         |         |         |         |         |          |
| Cash flow       |         |      23 |         |         |         |       23 |
| hedging:        |         |         |         |         |         |          |
| increase/       |         |         |         |         |         |          |
| decrease        |         |         |         |         |         |          |
| (hedging        |         |         |         |         |         |          |
| reserve)        |         |         |         |         |         |          |
| Deferred        |         |      -6 |         |         |         |       -6 |
| taxes' share    |         |         |         |         |         |          |
| of period       |         |         |         |         |         |          |
| movement        |         |         |         |         |         |          |
| Change in       |         |         |         |      -5 |         |       -5 |
| translation     |         |         |         |         |         |          |
| difference      |         |         |         |         |         |          |
| Reclassifi-     |         |         |      -3 |       3 |         |        0 |
| cations         |         |         |         |         |         |          |
| between items   |         |         |         |         |         |          |
| Net             |       0 |      17 |      -3 |      -2 |       0 |       12 |
| profits/losses  |         |         |         |         |         |          |
| recognized      |         |         |         |         |         |          |
| directly to     |         |         |         |         |         |          |
| shareholders'   |         |         |         |         |         |          |
| equity          |         |         |         |         |         |          |
| Profit/loss for |         |         |         |   -3016 |    -171 |    -3187 |
| the period      |         |         |         |         |         |          |
| Total profits   |       0 |      17 |      -3 |   -3018 |    -171 |    -3175 |
| and losses      |         |         |         |         |         |          |
| Dividend        |         |         |         |         |         |        0 |
| distribution    |         |         |         |         |         |          |
| Shareholders'   |    2878 |    -242 |    2090 |    1942 |    1057 |     7726 |
| equity          |         |         |         |         |         |          |
| 28.2.2010       |         |         |         |         |         |          |
| STATEMENT OF    |   Share |   Hedg- |   Other |  Retai- |   Mino- |    Total |
| CHANGES IN      | capital |     ing | reserve |     ned |    rity |          |
| SHAREHOLDERS'   |     and |reserves |         |   earn- |   inte- |          |
| EQUITY,         |   share |         |         |   ings  |    rest |          |
| IFRS            | premium |         |         |         |         |          |
| 1000 EUR        | account |         |         |         |         |          |
| Interim         |         |         |         |         |         |          |
| Report          |         |         |         |         |         |          |
| 1.9.2008 -      |         |         |         |         |         |          |
| 28.2.2009       |         |         |         |         |         |          |
| Shareholders'   |    2878 |     -93 |    2100 |    7537 |    1336 |    13757 |
| equity 1.9.2008 |         |         |         |         |         |          |
| Cash flow       |         |    -292 |         |         |         |     -292 |
| hedging:        |         |         |         |         |         |          |
| increase/       |         |         |         |         |         |          |
| decrease        |         |         |         |         |         |          |
| (hedging        |         |         |         |         |         |          |
| reserve)        |         |         |         |         |         |          |
| Deferred        |         |      76 |         |         |         |       76 |
| taxes' share    |         |         |         |         |         |          |
| of period       |         |         |         |         |         |          |
| movement        |         |         |         |         |         |          |
| Change in       |         |         |         |      25 |         |       25 |
| translation     |         |         |         |         |         |          |
| difference      |         |         |         |         |         |          |
| Reclassifi-     |         |         |      -3 |       3 |         |        0 |
| cations         |         |         |         |         |         |          |
| between         |         |         |         |         |         |          |
| items           |         |         |         |         |         |          |
| Net             |         |    -216 |      -3 |      28 |         |     -191 |
| profits/losses  |         |         |         |         |         |          |
| recognized      |         |         |         |         |         |          |
| directly to     |         |         |         |         |         |          |
| shareholders'   |         |         |         |         |         |          |
| equity          |         |         |         |         |         |          |
| Profit/loss for |         |         |         |   -2372 |     -28 |    -2401 |
| the period      |         |         |         |         |         |          |
| Total profits   |         |    -216 |      -3 |   -2344 |     -28 |    -2592 |
| and losses      |         |         |         |         |         |          |
| Dividend        |         |         |         |    -287 |     -46 |     -333 |
| distribution    |         |         |         |         |         |          |
| Shareholders'   |    2878 |    -310 |    2097 |    4905 |    1262 |    10832 |
| equity          |         |         |         |         |         |          |
| 28.2.2009       |         |         |         |         |         |          |
| STATEMENT OF    |   Share |   Hedg- |   Other |  Retai- |   Mino- |    Total |
| CHANGES IN      | capital |     ing |reserves |     ned |    rity |          |
| SHAREHOLDERS'   |     and | reserve |         |   earn- |   inte- |          |
| EQUITY,         |   share |         |         |    ings |    rest |          |
| IFRS            | premium |         |         |         |         |          |
| 1000 EUR        | account |         |         |         |         |          |
| Annual          |         |         |         |         |         |          |
| Report          |         |         |         |         |         |          |
| 1.9.2008-       |         |         |         |         |         |          |
| 31.8.2009       |         |         |         |         |         |          |
| Shareholders'   |    2878 |     -93 |    2100 |    7537 |    1336 |    13757 |
| equity 1.9.2008 |         |         |         |         |         |          |
| Cash flow       |         |    -223 |         |         |         |     -223 |
| hedging:        |         |         |         |         |         |          |
| increase/       |         |         |         |         |         |          |
| decrease        |         |         |         |         |         |          |
| (hedging        |         |         |         |         |         |          |
| reserve)        |         |         |         |         |         |          |
| Deferred        |         |      58 |         |         |         |       58 |
| taxes' share    |         |         |         |         |         |          |
| of period       |         |         |         |         |         |          |
| movement        |         |         |         |         |         |          |
| Change in       |         |         |         |      21 |         |       21 |
| translation     |         |         |         |         |         |          |
| difference      |         |         |         |         |         |          |
| Reclassifi-     |         |         |      -6 |       6 |         |        0 |
| cations         |         |         |         |         |         |          |
| between items   |         |         |         |         |         |          |
| Net             |         |    -165 |      -6 |      27 |         |     -144 |
| profits/losses  |         |         |         |         |         |          |
| recognized      |         |         |         |         |         |          |
| directly to     |         |         |         |         |         |          |
| shareholders'   |         |         |         |         |         |          |
| equity          |         |         |         |         |         |          |
| Profit/loss for |         |         |         |   -2316 |     -62 |    -2378 |
| the period      |         |         |         |         |         |          |
| Total profits   |         |    -165 |      -6 |   -2289 |     -62 |    -2522 |
| and losses      |         |         |         |         |         |          |
| Dividend        |         |         |         |    -287 |     -46 |     -333 |
| distribution    |         |         |         |         |         |          |
| Shareholders'   |    2878 |    -258 |    2093 |    4960 |    1229 |    10902 |
| equity          |         |         |         |         |         |          |
| 31.8.2009       |         |         |         |         |         |          |

SEGMENT INFORMATION, IFRS                                                       

In the 2009-2010 fiscal year, the Group has start applying the IFRS 8 “Operating
segments“ standard. The operating segments have been defined according to the   
new standard. The business of Vaahto Group is reported as two operating         
segments: Pulp & Paper Machinery and Process Machinery. The operating segments  
are corresponding to the business segments defined according to the previous    
standard IAS 14 “Segment information”.                                          

| NET SALES BY OPERATING        |      Interim |       Interim |        Annual |
| SEGMENTS, IFRS                |       Report |        Report |        Report |
| 1000 EUR                      |    1.9.2009- |     1.9.2008- |     1.9.2008- |
|                               |    28.2.2010 |     28.2.2009 |     31.8.2009 |
|                               |     6 months |      6 months |     12 months |
| Pulp & Paper Machinery        |       12 148 |        18 748 |        52 092 |
| Process Machinery             |        6 183 |        14 155 |        24 655 |
| Net sales                     |          -96 |          -623 |        -1 053 |
| between segments              |              |               |               |
| Group total                   |       18 234 |        32 280 |        75 694 |
| OPERATING PROFIT OR           |      Interim |       Interim |        Annual |
| LOSS BY OPERATING             |       Report |        Report |        Report |
| SEGMENTS, IFRS                |    1.9.2009- |     1.9.2008- |     1.9.2008- |
| 1000 EUR                      |    28.2.2010 |    28.2.2009  |     31.8.2009 |
|                               |     6 months |      6 months |     12 months |
| Pulp & Paper Machinery        |       -3 464 |        -3 450 |        -2 369 |
| Process Machinery             |         -255 |           684 |            50 |
| Other                         |            0 |            -1 |            -1 |
| Operating profit or           |            2 |             9 |            -1 |
| loss between segments         |              |               |               |
| Group total                   |       -3 717 |        -2 758 |        -2 320 |
| TOTAL AVERAGE NUMBER OF       |      Interim |       Interim |        Annual |
| PERSONNEL BY OPERATING        |       Report |        Report |        Report |
| SEGMENTS                      |    1.9.2009- |     1.9.2008- |     1.9.2008- |
|                               |    28.2.2010 |     28.2.2009 |     31.8.2009 |
|                               |     6 months |      6 months |     12 months |
| Pulp & Paper Machinery        |          241 |           269 |           263 |
| Process Machinery             |          135 |           148 |           147 |
| Group total                   |          376 |           417 |           410 |
| NET SALES BY MARKET AREAS,    |      Interim |       Interim |        Annual |
| IFRS                          |       Report |        Report |        Report |
| 1000 EUR                      |    1.9.2009- |     1.9.2008- |     1.9.2008- |
|                               |    28.2.2010 |     28.2.2009 |     31.8.2009 |
|                               |     6 months |      6 months |     12 months |
| Finland                       |        9 051 |        12 012 |        22 267 |
| Other Europe                  |        7 628 |        16 170 |        45 208 |
| North America                 |           92 |           252 |           299 |
| Asia                          |          982 |         3 839 |         6 513 |
| Africa                        |          128 |             0 |             0 |
| Other                         |          353 |             7 |         1 407 |
| Group total                   |       18 234 |        32 280 |        75 694 |

Figures are in thousand euros unless stated otherwise. Figures are unaudited.   

NOTES REQUIRED BY IAS 34                                                        

Accounting principles                                                           

The Interim Report was drawn up according to the same accounting principles and 
calculation methods as the previous financial statement, for the fiscal period  
that ended on August 31, 2009.                                                  

Dividends paid                                                                  

In the period under review, Vaahto Group Plc Oyj paid no dividends              

Lahti, April 9, 2010                                                            

VAAHTO GROUP PLC OYJ                                                            

Board of Directors                                                              

Anssi Klinga                                                                    
Vaahto Group Plc Oyj                                                            
tel. +358 50 4661470