2009-04-30 11:19:31 CEST

2009-04-30 11:20:40 CEST


Englanti Liettua
Pramprojektas AB - Notification on material event

Resolutions of the annual general meeting of Pramprojektas AB that was held on 29.04.2009.

It is resolved in the annual general meeting of  Pramprojektas AB of 29.04.2009:

1. The Company‘s annual report of year 2008 (see: Annex) is debriefed.

2. To approve the auditor‘s opinion on Company‘s annual account of year 2008
and on annual report‘s conformity with the annual account of year 2008. 

3. To approve the annual account of year 2008 of Pramprojektas AB.

4. To approve profit/loss appropriation of the year 2008 of Pramprojektas AB:
4.1. the unappropriated profit/loss of the preceding year at the end of the
accounting financial year - LTL 2 471 204 (EUR 715 710); 
4.2. the net profit/loss of the financial year - LTL 257 802 (EUR 74 665);
4.3. the profit/loss of the accounting financial year not recognised in the 
profit/loss account - 0 ; 
4.4. the transfers from the reserves - LTL 4 000 000 (EUR 1 158 480);
4.5. the shareholders contributions to cover the losses of the company - 0;
4.6. Profit/loss to be appropriated, in total - LTL 6 729 006 (EUR 1 948 855);
4.7. the share of profit allocated to the legal reserve - 0;
4.8. the share of profit of a public limited liability company allocated to the
reserve for  acquiring own shares - 0; 
4.9. the share of profit allocated to other reserves - LTL 200 000 (EUR 57 924);
4.10. the share of profit for the payment of dividends - 0;
4.11. the share of profit for the payment of annual bonuses to Board and
Supervisory Board members, payment of incentives to workers and other
allocations - 0; 
4.12. the unappropriated profit/loss at the end of the financial year - LTL 6
529 006 (EUR 1 890 931). 

5. To elect the audit company Auditoriu biuras UAB and to pay for audit reports
of year 2009 remuneration in amount of 25 000 LTL and VAT. 

Audrone Vaiciulyte
Specialist of securities
+370 37 404151
