2009-12-18 08:00:00 CET

2009-12-18 08:00:02 CET


Englanti Liettua
Invalda AB - Notification on material event

Tiltra Group acquired 71 per cent stake in Poland road construction company Poldim

Tiltra Group AB subsidiary in Poland Silentio Investments on the 17th of
December 2009 completed acquisition of 71.1 per cent stake in Poland road and
bridge construction company Poldim S.A. Value of the deal is not disclosed. 

The Poldim group consists of 6 road and bridge construction companies. In
2008-2009 financial year, which ended on the 31th of March 2009, consolidated
turnover of Poldim group amounted to 600 million PLN (at current exchange rate
- 492.3 million LTL or 142.6 million EUR). Poldim group employs more 
than 700 people.

AB Invalda controls 44.8 per cent of Tiltra Group shares.

Darius Sulnis
Tel. +370 5273 4876