2016-10-26 07:31:07 CEST

2016-10-26 07:31:07 CEST


English Finnish
Tokmanni Group Oyj - Interim report (Q1 and Q3)


TOKMANNI GROUP CORPORATION                Business Review January-September
2016      Unaudited


Numbers in brackets refer to the corresponding period previous year if nothing
else is mentioned.


  * Revenue at last year's level, EUR 187.0 million (187.8), -0.4%
  * Like-for-Like revenue decreased by 3.2% due to the bankruptcy clearance sale
    of department store Anttila and the exceptionally warm autumn which
    postponed the autumn season affecting particularly clothing sales
  * Four new stores to be opened in 2016 in store space released by Anttila.
    Discussions continue for approximately ten additional Anttila stores, with
    the target to open several additional new stores in store space released by
    Anttila in 2017
  * Adjusted gross profit improved to EUR 64.8 million (63.2), an adjusted gross
    margin of 34.7% (33.6%)
  * Adjusted EBITDA totaled EUR 18.1 million (17.3), 9.7% of revenue (9.2%)
  * Adjusted EBIT totaled EUR 14.4 million (13.7), 7.7% of revenue (7.3%)
  * Cash flow from operating activities totaled  EUR 6.7 million (-1.7)
  * Earnings per Share totaled 0.18 euros (0.27)

  * Revenue grew 2.7% to EUR 537.6 million (523.6)
  * Like-for-Like revenue at last year's level, -0,2%
  * Adjusted gross profit totaled EUR 184.4 million (177.6), an adjusted gross
    margin of 34.3% (33.9%)
  * Adjusted EBITDA totaled EUR 35.5 million (32.1), 6.6% of revenue (6.1%)
  * Adjusted EBIT totaled EUR 24.1 million (21.2), 4.5% of revenue (4.0%)
  * Cash flow from operating activities totaled  EUR 15.0 million (-7.0)
  * Earnings per share totaled 0.18 euros (0.05)

Tokmanni estimates its revenue to grow based on the revenue from new and
relocated stores opened in 2015 and 2016, and on revenue of like-for-like
stores, which is expected to remain at the level of the previous year.


"During the third quarter our profitability developed well which was mainly
attributable to a better gross margin and good cost control. The favorable gross
margin development was a result of our focused efforts to increase the share of
direct import and better campaign management in accordance with our strategy.

As expected, Anttila's bankruptcy clearance sale caused market turbulence as the
price competition increased in the third quarter. We made a conscious decision
not to participate in this price competition which was the most significant
reason for weak like-for-like sales development. Another reason was the
exceptionally warm autumn, which postponed the autumn season and affected
Tokmanni's third quarter clothing sales. The market disruption created by
Anttila is temporary and we maintain our full-year guidance unchanged.

Anttila's market pullout also creates many opportunities for Tokmanni both when
it comes to the redistribution of the customer base as well as to store space
released by Anttila.  We have signed four leases for new stores to be opened in
2016 in store space released by Anttila and negotiations are on-going for
approximately ten additional stores, with the target to open several additional
new stores in store space released by Anttila in 2017. These stores would bring
a good addition to Tokmanni's 2017 new store plan which, without the Anttila
stores includes ten new or relocated stores, corresponding to approximately
20,000 square meters of new store space. Opening new stores is one of the main
drivers for Tokmanni's market shares, revenue and earnings growth."


|              |7-9/2016|7-9/2015|Change|1-9/2016|  1-9/2015|Change|  1-12/2015|
|Revenue, MEUR |   187.0|   187.8| -0.4%|   537.6|     523.6|  2.7%|      755.3|
|Like-for-Like |   -3.2%|   -0.2%|      |   -0.2%|     -1.7%|      |      -0.6%|
|growth, %     |        |        |      |        |          |      |           |
|Number of     |    11.1|    11.0|  1.2%|    31.9|      30.9|  3.4%|       43.3|
|baskets, M    |        |        |      |        |          |      |           |
|Gross profit, |    64.7|    63.3|  2.3%|   184.2|     176.8|  4.2%|      257.5|
|MEUR          |        |        |      |        |          |      |           |
|Gross margin, |    34.6|    33.7|   0.9|    34.3|      33.8|   0.5|       34.1|
|%             |        |        |      |        |          |      |           |
|Adjusted*     |    64.8|    63.2|  2.6%|   184.4|     177.6|  3.8%|      258.1|
|gross profit, |        |        |      |        |          |      |           |
|(MEUR)        |        |        |      |        |          |      |           |
|Adjusted*     |    34.7|    33.6|   1.0|    34.3|      33.9|   0.4|       34.2|
|gross margin, |        |        |      |        |          |      |           |
|%             |        |        |      |        |          |      |           |
|OPEX          |   -47.1|   -48.0| -2.0%|  -150.6|    -151.7| -0.7%|     -207.7|
|Adjusted* OPEX|   -47.5|   -46.9|  1.4%|  -151.3|    -148.3|  2.0%|     -203.7|
|EBITDA, MEUR  |    18.4|    16.4| 12.7%|    36.0|      27.9| 29.1%|       53.9|
|EBITDA%       |     9.9|     8.7|   1.1|     6.7|       5.3|   1.4|        7.1|
|Adjusted*     |    18.1|    17.3|  4.2%|    35.5|      32.1| 10.5%|       58.5|
|EBITDA, MEUR  |        |        |      |        |          |      |           |
|Adjusted*     |     9.7|     9.2|   0.4|     6.6|       6.1|   0.5|        7.7|
|EBITDA, %     |        |        |      |        |          |      |           |
|EBIT, MEUR    |    14.8|    12.8| 15.7%|    24.6|      16.9| 45.6%|       39.1|
|EBIT, %       |     7.9|     6.8|   1.1|     4.6|       3.2|   1.4|        5.2|
|Adjusted*     |    14.4|    13.7|  4.7%|    24.1|      21.2| 14.1%|       43.7|
|EBIT, MEUR    |        |        |      |        |          |      |           |
|Adjusted*     |     7.7|     7.3|   0.4|     4.5|       4.0|   0.4|        5.8|
|EBIT, %       |        |        |      |        |          |      |           |
|Net financial |    -1.5|    -5.3|-71.6%|   -13.8|     -15.8|-12.7%|      -20.9|
|costs, MEUR   |        |        |      |        |          |      |           |
|Capital       |     2.4|  -3.9**|      |     5.3|       3.9|      |        9.0|
|expenditure,  |        |        |      |        |          |      |           |
|MEUR          |        |        |      |        |          |      |           |
|Net debt /    |     2.5|     3.4|      |     2.5|       3.4|      |        2.7|
|adjusted      |        |        |      |        |          |      |           |
|EBITDA        |        |        |      |        |          |      |           |
|Net cash from |     6.7|    -1.7|      |    15.0|      -7.0|      |       35.0|
|operating     |        |        |      |        |          |      |           |
|activities,   |        |        |      |        |          |      |           |
|MEUR          |        |        |      |        |          |      |           |
|Average nr. of|  58 869|  22 274|      |  47 554|    22 274|      |     22 274|
|shares        |        |        |      |        |          |      |           |
|during the    |        |        |      |        |          |      |           |
|period (1 000)|        |        |      |        |          |      |           |
|Earnings Per  |    0.18|    0.27|      |    0.18|      0.05|      |       0.67|
|Share, EUR    |        |        |      |        |          |      |           |
|Personnel at  |   3 133| 3. 164 |      |    3133|      3164|      |      3 293|
|the           |        |        |      |        |          |      |           |
|end of the    |        |        |      |        |          |      |           |
|quarter       |        |        |      |        |          |      |           |
*Adjustments affecting comparability are presented at the end of this review
** In the third quarter of 2015 the construction projects financed by Tokmanni
were sold which affected capital expenditure by EUR -6,6 million.

The total sales of the Finnish Grocery Trade Association's FTGA (www.pty.fi)
member department stores and hypermarket chains increased by 4.5% in the third
quarter of 2016 and 2.2% during the January-September 2016 period.  The non-
grocery market, the market closest comparable to Tokmanni, grew 6.0% during the
third quarter and 1.2% in January-September 2016. The strong growth in the third
quarter was mainly attributable to Anttila's clearance sale.

The liberalization of opening hours has had a slight positive effect on larger
store sales and especially hypermarkets have taken market shares from smaller
actors. Price competition has remained strong in the grocery retail market.


Store network development
Based on efficient roll-out and short ramp up, opening new stores is one of the
drivers for Tokmanni's revenue and earnings growth. Tokmanni has 158 stores
across Finland and has identified several additional locations suitable for new
stores across Finland.

During the third quarter 2016, Tokmanni opened a new store in Ruoholahti in
Helsinki and its Kirkkonummi store moved to new and bigger premises. In
addition, Tokmanni has agreed to open four new stores in store space released by
Anttila. In 2016, Tokmanni's selling space will increase by approximately 8,000
square meters, slightly lower than the target for 2016. The number includes the
selling space reduction of the Tammisto store, which is currently undergoing
renovations and where the selling space will decrease by 2,500 square meters.
During 2017, Tokmanni plans to open approximately ten new or relocated stores,
corresponding to approximately 20,000 square meters of additional selling space.
In addition, Tokmanni is in negotiations regarding approximately ten stores
released by Anttila with the target to open several additional new stores. These
stores would bring a good addition to Tokmanni's 2017 new store plan and would
speed up the plan to grow the store network to approximately 200 stores.


Revenue at last year's level
Tokmanni's revenue for the third quarter 2016 was at last year's level, EUR
187.0 million (187.8). Tokmanni continues to see good results of the strategic
measures taken with the target to improve like-for-like revenue. However, third
quarter conditions were exceptional due to the market disruption caused by the
Anttila clearance sale, as well as the exceptionally warm autumn which postponed
the autumn season affecting clothing sales all over the Nordics. According to
Tokmanni's calculations, Anttila's impact on like-for-like revenue was
approximately -2% and the weather impact on clothing sales was more than -1%. As
a consequence Tokmanni's like-for-like revenue decreased by 3.2%. The price
competition in groceries remained strong.

Tokmanni's revenue for January-September 2016 totaled EUR 537.6 million (523.6),
a growth of 2.7%. Growth was driven by growth from new and relocated stores
opened in 2015 and 2016. Like-for-like revenue remained at last year's level,

Profitability developed favorably
The third quarter 2016 gross profit improved to EUR 64.7 million (63.3), 34.6%
(33.7%) of revenue. Adjusted gross profit totaled EUR 64.8 million (63.7),
corresponding to a gross margin of 34.7% (33.6%). The favorable development of
the gross margin was attributable to the increase in direct imports and better
campaign management, which Tokmanni is developing in line with its focused

January-September 2016 gross profit totaled EUR 184.2 million (176.8), 34.3%
(33.8%). Adjusted gross profit totaled EUR 184.4 million (177.6), corresponding
to a 34.3% gross margin (33.9%). When looking at the development of the adjusted
gross margin one must take into account the impact of the results of the 2015
and 2016 realized currency hedges. In the second quarter 2015, the result of the
hedges was exceptionally high due to the sharp EUR-USD exchange rate development
and the impact on the January-September margin comparison is + 0.3 percentage
points in favor of 2015.

Third quarter operating costs totaled EUR 47.1 million (48.0). Adjusted
operating costs totaled EUR 47.5 million (46.9). January-September operating
costs totaled EUR 150.6 million (151.7). Adjusted operating costs totaled EUR
151.3 million (148.3). The slight increase in costs was mainly attributable to
new stores and the extended opening hours. Tokmanni's third quarter and January-
September 2016 marketing expenses were at a lower level than in the
corresponding periods 2015, when some broader marketing campaigning was
conducted to support the brand harmonization. In the fourth quarter Tokmanni has
launched its new marketing program and full-year marketing expenses are expected
to be at last year's level in relative terms. Tokmanni has renegotiated some of
its rental agreements, which has a sustainable positive effect on operating

Third quarter 2016 EBITDA totaled EUR 18.4 million (16.4) and the EBITDA margin
was 9.9% (8.7%). Third quarter adjusted EBITDA amounted to EUR 18.1 million
(17.3), 9.7% of revenue (9.2%). January-September 2016 EBITDA totaled EUR 36.0
million (27.9), 6.7% of revenue (5.3%). Adjusted EBITDA totaled EUR 35.5 million
(32.1), 6.6% of revenue (6.1%)

The main reasons for Tokmanni's improved profitability were the improved gross
profit and good cost management. Third quarter operating profit (EBIT) totaled
EUR 14.8 million (12.8), corresponding to an EBIT% of 7.9% (6.8%). Adjusted EBIT
totaled EUR 14.4 million (13.7), 7.7% of revenue (7.3%). January -September
2016 EBIT was EUR 24.6 million (16.9), 4.6% of revenue (3.2%). Adjusted EBIT
totaled EUR 24.1 million (21.2), 4.5% of revenue (4.0%).

Third quarter financial items totaled EUR -1.5 million (-5.3), reflecting
Tokmanni's current finance structure. In January-September 2016 financial items
amounted to EUR -13.8 million (-15.8), which include a one-off financial cost of
EUR 4.4 million, which relates to accrued, capitalized emission fees from
previous loans, which have been released in conjunction with the refinancing.

Third quarter profit before taxes totaled EUR 13.3 million (7.5). Taxes amounted
to EUR -2.7 million (-1.4). The net result for the period amounted to EUR 10.6
million (6.1). Earnings per share were 0.18 euros (0.27).

Balance sheet, financing and cash flow
At the end of September 2016, Tokmanni had interest bearing debt totaling EUR
198.8 million (299.2). In connection with its Initial Public Offering Tokmanni
repaid its shareholder loans with accrued interest totally amounting to EUR
96.0 million and renegotiated its bank loans with better terms. Net
debt/adjusted EBITDA improved to 2.5 at the end of September and it decreased
from 2.6 at the end of June. Tokmanni's long-term target is to achieve a net
debt/EBITDA ratio of below 2.0. The change in working capital was at a good
level and Tokmanni's third quarter 2016 cash flow from operating activities
totaled EUR 6.7 million (-1.7). January-September 2016 cash flow from operating
activities amounted to EUR 15.0 million (-7.0). At the end of September 2016,
cash and cash equivalents amounted to EUR 41.5 million (21.2).

Capital expenditure
Capital expenditure for the period January-September 2016 totaled EUR 5.3
million (3.9), which includes EUR 1.7 million of unfinished construction work
relating to the Närpiö store, and which by nature is not capital expenditure but
temporary financing. Tokmanni's capital expenditure, excluding unfinished
construction work is expected to be at last year's level, approximately EUR 8-9
million. Capital expenditure for 2017 is expected to be in line with previous
years, dependent on the number of new stores opened. Opening a middle sized new
store requires approximately EUR 0.5 million in capital expenditure.

Organizational changes
Executive Group member, Sales Director, Panu Porkka has decided to pursue his
career outside Tokmanni and leaves Tokmanni by the year-end 2016.

During the third quarter 2016 the dispatch function of Tokmanni's logistics
center in Mäntsälä was outsourced to Barona Logistics. The aim of the
cooperation is to ensure the accuracy of delivery times and lead times, while at
the same time optimizing the use of resources in accordance with company needs.
All 35 employees were transferred to Barona at old terms. Tokmanni is a
significant employer in Finland and the company had 3 133 (3 164) employees at
the end of September 2016.

Risks and business uncertainties
Tokmanni's risks and uncertainties have been discussed in detail in the Group's
prospectus published in connection with its Initial Public Offering in April
2016. No major changes to these risks have occurred during the quarter.

Tokmanni expects the weak economic conditions to continue or to improve slightly
in 2016. This will continue to have an effect on the retail market in Finland
where the competition is expected to remain high. Especially department stores
have been impacted by the weak economic situation and have faced challenges
among others due to the increase in popularity of online stores. The latest sign
of these challenges were seen in the bankruptcy of the Finnish retail chain
Anttila in July 2016. The bankruptcy has disrupted the market during the third
quarter but the effects will be smaller in the fourth quarter when the majority
of the Anttila stores have been closed. In the longer term, Anttila's market
pullout creates opportunities for companies like Tokmanni in regard to new store
space, and benefits from the redistribution of Anttila's customer base.

Tokmanni estimates its revenue to grow based on the revenue from new and
relocated stores opened in 2015 and 2016, and on revenue of like-for-like
stores, which is expected to remain at the level of the previous year.

Helsinki, 25.10.2016

Tokmanni Group Corporation

Board of Directors

For further information:

Heikki Väänänen, CEO: +358 20 728 6044 heikki.vaananen@tokmanni.fi
Sixten Hjort, CFO: +358 20 728 6043 sixten.hjort@tokmanni.fi
Joséphine Mickwitz, IR: +358 20 728 6535 josephine.mickwitz@tokmanni.fi

Tokmanni's CEO Heikki Väänänen and CFO Sixten Hjort will present the review to
analyst, investors and media representatives on the publication day in Finnish
at 10.00 am EEST (9.00 CET) and in English at 11.15 am EEST (10.15 CET).

The live webcasts can be accessed via Tokmanni's website at ir.tokmanni.fi or
through the link http://www.goodmood.fi/webcaster/accounts/tokmanni/live.

The participants can also join a telephone conference that will be arranged in
conjunction with the live webcasts. The participants are asked to dial in 5-10
minutes prior to starting time using the participant passcode.

Phone Number and Participant Passcodes below:

0800 770 349 (Finnish callers)
+44 (0)203 043 2014 (UK callers)
+1 719-325-2340 (US callers)
Participant code: 452494

On-demand versions of both webcasts will be available at ir.tokmanni.fi later
during the same day.

Adjustments affecting comparability
Tokmanni has used the non-IFRS measure EBITDA and made adjustments to improve
comparability and give a better view of Tokmanni's operational performance.
EBITDA represents operating profit before depreciation and amortization.
Adjusted EBITDA represents EBITDA adjusted to exclude items that Tokmanni's
management considers to be exceptional and non-trading items, including costs
incurred from the IPO, brand harmonization costs, which are not expected to be
incurred from 2016 onwards and annual changes in the fair value of electricity
and currency derivatives, which are adjusted for by Tokmanni as they are
unrealized gains or losses related to Tokmanni's open cash flow hedge positions,
and hence not related to Tokmanni's operational performance during the periods
under review. Tokmanni's management uses adjusted EBITDA and other measures
mentioned below as key performance indicators to assess Tokmanni's underlying
operational performance.

|MEUR                            |7-9/2016|7-9/2015|1-9/2016|1-9/2015|1-12/2015|
|Gross profit                    |    64.7|    63.3|   184.2|   176.8|    257.5|
|Changes in fair value of        |     0.1|    -0.1|     0.2|     0.8|      0.6|
|currency derivatives            |        |        |        |        |         |
|Adjusted gross profit           |    64.8|    63.2|   184.4|   177.6|    258.1|
|                                |        |        |        |        |         |
|Operating expenses              |   -47.1|   -48.0|  -150.6|  -151.7|   -207.7|
|Changes in fair value of        |    -0.5|     0.3|    -0.7|     0.5|      0.3|
|electricity derivatives         |        |        |        |        |         |
|Brand harmonization costs       |       -|     0.8|       -|     2.9|      3.5|
|IPO costs*                      |       -|       -|       -|       -|      0.2|
|Adjusted operating expenses     |   -47.5|   -46.9|  -151.3|  -148.3|   -203.7|
|                                |        |        |        |        |         |
|EBITDA                          |    18.4|    16.4|    36.0|    27.9|     53.9|
|Operating profit (EBIT)         |    14.8|    12.8|    24.6|    16.9|     39.1|
|Changes in fair value of        |     0.1|    -0.1|     0.2|     0.8|      0.6|
|currency derivatives            |        |        |        |        |         |
|Changes in fair value of        |    -0.5|     0.3|    -0.7|     0.5|      0.3|
|electricity derivatives         |        |        |        |        |         |
|Brand harmonization costs       |       -|     0.8|       -|     2.9|      3.5|
|IPO costs*                      |       -|       -|       -|       -|      0.2|
|Adjusted EBITDA                 |    18.1|    17.3|    35.5|    32.1|     58.5|
|Adjusted operating profit (adj. |    14.4|    13.7|    24.1|    21.2|     43.7|
|EBIT)                           |        |        |        |        |         |
*as of January 1st 2016, IPO costs are recorded in the balance sheet

Tokmanni in brief
Tokmanni is the largest general discount retailer in Finland measured by number
of stores and revenue. In 2015, Tokmanni's revenue was EUR 755 million and on
average it had approximately 3,200 employees. Tokmanni is the only nationwide
general discount retailer in Finland, with 156 stores across Finland as at 31
December 2015.

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